1. #26721
    I interpret "scattered elven tribes" as "all the elves", grand factions and smaller cohorts alike. At least those with Thalassian origins, though I think night elves and nightborne will take part in the events too. Would be weird for Bob's wife to sit this one out.
    Now you see it. Now you don't.

    But was where Dalaran?

  2. #26722
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zuben View Post
    I interpret "scattered elven tribes" as "all the elves", grand factions and smaller cohorts alike. At least those with Thalassian origins, though I think night elves and nightborne will take part in the events too. Would be weird for Bob's wife to sit this one out.
    Yea I think so to. It could be a subgroup or group what ever the case me be. Tribes feel like a broad term to me.

  3. #26723
    Quote Originally Posted by Zuben View Post
    I interpret "scattered elven tribes" as "all the elves", grand factions and smaller cohorts alike. At least those with Thalassian origins, though I think night elves and nightborne will take part in the events too. Would be weird for Bob's wife to sit this one out.
    I would love for a new High Elf and Blood Elf tribe, where Void Elves have more High Elf specific features and Blood Elves get Felblood features.

    Alliance and Horde specific questlines should be upheld...especially for both factions to go back to old school High Elf and Blood Elf Arcana lore.

  4. #26724
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    My point still stands.

    Could be more tribes.

    See my above comment. Could be a Quel'dorei group in the mountains of North Eastern Quel'Thalas, led by Alleria's Magistrix cousin. (Join the Alliance)
    A group of Felblood Elves to the South, in hiding in the unused area of Quel'Thalas, lead by a Grand Warlock, joins the Horde.

    Tribes is a very broad term, so of course this warrants more tribes of potential High Elves and Blood Elves specifically.
    I would LOVE to see Mountain High elves !
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  5. #26725
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    I would LOVE to see Mountain High elves !
    Expand the mountains of Quel'Thalas to the North East, above ZA. Can easily be done.

    Then open up the unused Quel'Thalas area to the South West for the Felblood Elves.

    That way, both Alliance and Horde could even have their own separate bases, with both camps going back to that old school High Elf Mage and Blood Elf Spellcaster TBC vibe.
    So many of us want a joined experience, yet their is beauty in faction specific content within Quel'Thalas. More High Elves for the Alliance and the recruitment of the scattered Felblood Elves for the Horde, is a perfect way to go and a beautiful Easter Egg to TBC.
    Last edited by Tanaria; 2024-04-10 at 06:17 PM.

  6. #26726
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    My point still stands.

    Could be more tribes.
    Yes, it could include more tribes. No one has really argued against that point.

    The point is they are being indicated to unite together, regardless of faction. At the very least, in the lore. How that is represented in the gameplay, we won't know till we get there.

    I have my doubts on Blizzard keeping Red and Blue lines drawn in the sand. Since SL, customizations and new playable races/allied races are becoming increasingly faction neutral. If they really cared so much about the lore representation, High Elves wouldn't have been made a Blood Elf customization option.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2024-04-11 at 12:54 AM.

  7. #26727
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    I'd love to see the Alliance/Void Elves work to secure an allegiance with a lost group of mountainous High Elves, in a Quel'Thalas expanded. A group lead by a high ranked High Elf First Magistrix, where they later join the Alliance. Perhaps the sister of Zendarin Windrunner, Alleria's cousin.

    Likewise, the Horde/Blood Elves work to secure an allegiance with a rebel group of Felblood Elves, in the unused area of Quel'Thalas. Lead by Felblood Grand Warlock and later, join the Horde.
    That way, Alliance and Horde can bare witness to Thalassian Arcana and why Blood Elves and High Elves separated prior to TBC and both factions get a Thalassian based questline, which is in line with the old ways of both Quel'dorei and Sin'dorei.
    We don't need more random made up stuff just to "justify" making something already playable more playable.
    Felbloods haven't mattered in forever too.

    Can we just focus on and expand what we already have playable? Blood / Void Elves both need massive customization updates to be on par with other races before they give us another random elf races and one that's literally already playable but "wrong faction".

  8. #26728
    Quote Originally Posted by Schwert View Post
    We don't need more random made up stuff just to "justify" making something already playable more playable.
    Felbloods haven't mattered in forever too.

    Can we just focus on and expand what we already have playable? Blood / Void Elves both need massive customization updates to be on par with other races before they give us another random elf races and one that's literally already playable but "wrong faction".
    New features have to be meaningful. The new separate questlines for the Mountain High Elves and Felblood Elves are about generating new features for Void Elves and Blood Elves.

    High Elven ragged looks, blue and purple war paint etc
    Felblood features, like fel skin.

    Man'ari Eredar haven't mattered since Legion, but we got them. So, let's have more High Elf stuff for the Alliance and Felblood Elf stuff for the Horde

  9. #26729
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    New features have to be meaningful. The new separate questlines for the Mountain High Elves and Felblood Elves are about generating new features for Void Elves and Blood Elves.

    High Elven ragged looks, blue and purple war paint etc
    Felblood features, like fel skin.

    Man'ari Eredar haven't mattered since Legion, but we got them. So, let's have more High Elf stuff for the Alliance and Felblood Elf stuff for the Horde
    Altho its cool, I do understand some would just like to see more focus on void and blood elves, they are defo in need of some own stuff.. High elves options could simply be given in between for both as well.

    Void elves are so empty in that sense, more high elf stuff doesnt help the void elves as of their own theme. They are in dire need for some more void specific options. Xal'atah has a few feautures that could be used for example if you see the model up close.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2024-04-11 at 11:48 AM.

  10. #26730
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Altho its cool, I do understand some would just like to see more focus on void and blood elves, they are defo in need of some own stuff.. High elves options could simply be given in between for both as well.

    Void elves are so empty in that sense, more high elf stuff doesnt help the void elves as of their own theme. They are in dire need for some more void specific options. Xal'atah has a few feautures that could be used for example if you see the model up close.

    That being said, felblood elf options would be neat, so yes I understand that the alliance would need something there as well. If you had to think about something else instead of high elves for the alliance what could that be, if they decide high options for both?
    The issue is Void Elves are just 1 tribe, so it's hard to come up with something for the Alliance, which isn't "High Elf" based but where they also get their own independent questline, just for the Alliance. I don't think Blizzard should force Alliance players to go through a questline to unlock more void features for void elves, when the race is called "VOID Elf" anyway.

    It's why I think, to try and put this to rest, more High Elf features SHOULD go to Void Elves, to indicate that only a handful may have returned to Sin'dorei society, whereas the main bulk of High Elves are part of the Alliance, with the Void Elves.
    The Horde do have it easier because Felblood Elves can add some much needed controversy to the Sin'dorei. That way, both TBC races - Draenei and Blood Elves, have their Fel counterparts.

  11. #26731
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    The issue is Void Elves are just 1 tribe, so it's hard to come up with something for the Alliance, which isn't "High Elf" based but where they also get their own independent questline, just for the Alliance. I don't think Blizzard should force Alliance players to go through a questline to unlock more void features for void elves, when the race is called "VOID Elf" anyway.

    It's why I think, to try and put this to rest, more High Elf features SHOULD go to Void Elves, to indicate that only a handful may have returned to Sin'dorei society, whereas the main bulk of High Elves are part of the Alliance, with the Void Elves.
    The Horde do have it easier because Felblood Elves can add some much needed controversy to the Sin'dorei. That way, both TBC races - Draenei and Blood Elves, have their Fel counterparts.
    I dont think there is anything bad with unlocking Xal'atah costomization for void elves (for example). But they could simply add more without any unlock type of thing. Void elves are in need in void specific things. High elf options comes after that imo. Its calld void elf for a reason right? More purple and gold to fit their theme would be cool imo. Ita a nice color scheme vs the red/gold.

    Sure horde has it easier, with options like that. So ye I understand your idea. I dont care for more high elf options myself, besides some feathers and some other hairstylesN there isnt much there anyway. It has always been about the eyes anyway. In order for horde to get something, alliance need something and ye the options are sparse for them.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2024-04-11 at 12:06 PM.

  12. #26732

  13. #26733
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    I dont think there is anything bad with unlocking Xal'atah costomization for void elves (for example). But they could simply add more without any unlock type of thing. Void elves are in need in void specific things. High elf options comes after that imo. Its calld void elf for a reason right? More purple and gold to fit their theme would be cool imo. Ita a nice color scheme vs the red/gold.

    Sure horde has it easier, with options like that. So ye I understand your idea. I dont care for more high elf options myself, besides some feathers and some other hairstylesN there isnt much there anyway. It has always been about the eyes anyway. In order for horde to get something, alliance need something and ye the options are sparse for them.
    But surely those features should come in TWW, where it is basically Xal'atath vs Alleria.

    For Midnight, it should be something that relates closely to Quel'Thalas, Quel'dorei and Sin'dorei.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    And Suramar is also updated for Horde players. The Gardens of the Nighthold

    Perhaps it's possible Telogrus and Suramar are expected to play bigger roles in the future?

  14. #26734
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    More blood elves working with the void elves

    Also that Dalaran banner what is that ?
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  15. #26735
    Actually, it makes sense for the Kirin Tor to set up shop in Telogrus Rift and cooperate with the Ren'dorei, since the Kirin Tor is interested in studying all forms of Magic.

    Why wouldn't they be interested in learning more about the Void, which remains a big unknown to anyone besides the Ren'dorei themselves?

    Also, Alleria and Khadgar are old friends so it makes sense for the Ren'dorei and Kirin Tor to cooperate. I expect to see more of the Silver Covenant too.

  16. #26736
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    More blood elves working with the void elves
    Not what I can see.

    It's more like High Elves, Kirin and Void Elves working with them, which is fair.

    Suramar is expanded for Horde players - Nighthold Gardens and Thalyssra's Estate.
    Telogrus is expanded for Alliance players - more Void portals, plus Kirin Tor involvement.
    @Vaedan - could have been right about the potential for more Suramar and Telogrus stuff...potential for Midnight.

  17. #26737
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Not what I can see.

    It's more like High Elves, Kirin and Void Elves working with them, which is fair.

    Suramar is expanded for Horde players - Nighthold Gardens and Thalyssra's Estate.
    Telogrus is expanded for Alliance players - more Void portals, plus Kirin Tor involvement.
    @Vaedan - could have been right about the potential for more Suramar and Telogrus stuff...potential for Midnight.
    You know that there has always been a group of Blood Elves in Telogrus Rift, Yes? (even back during the Fourth War that the Horde started)

    If anything, I expect the Sunreavers to also start cooperating more closely with the Silver Covenant and the Ren'dorei. The beginning of Aethas Sunreaver's atonement, in a way.
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2024-04-11 at 01:43 PM.

  18. #26738
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    But surely those features should come in TWW, where it is basically Xal'atath vs Alleria.

    For Midnight, it should be something that relates closely to Quel'Thalas, Quel'dorei and Sin'dorei.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And Suramar is also updated for Horde players. The Gardens of the Nighthold

    Perhaps it's possible Telogrus and Suramar are expected to play bigger roles in the future?

    It is possible that Suramar and Telogrus are part of Midnight and see some more updates in those areas

  19. #26739
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    You know that there has always been a group of Blood Elves in Telogrus Rift, Yes? (even back during the Fourth War that the Horde started)
    And your also aware that Suramar is Horde and it's joined in marriage with Silvermoon, yes? So, Blood Elves for both Void Elves and Nightborne..?

    Besides, all we can see for both are Void Elf and Nightborne NPC's. Now I know you'll be raging about Suramar being updated for Horde players only because everything should just be for the Alliance players because Alliance player = victim, but...Suramar/Horde content should also be updated as well, so I'm glad that both are getting updates and this can revert back to my idea that Suramar and Telogrus can easily be involved with the events of Midnight...it's clear both aren't forgotten.

  20. #26740
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    You know that there has always been a group of Blood Elves in Telogrus Rift, Yes? (even back during the Fourth War that the Horde started)

    If anything, I expect the Sunreavers to also start cooperating more closely with the Silver Covenant and the Ren'dorei. The beginning of Aethas Sunreaver's atonement, in a way.
    Yes, Silvermoon scholars.

    I didn't see new from them, a couple more? The tents are new

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    And your also aware that Suramar is Horde and it's joined in marriage with Silvermoon, yes? So, Blood Elves for both Void Elves and Nightborne..?

    Besides, all we can see for both are Void Elf and Nightborne NPC's. Now I know you'll be raging about Suramar being updated for Horde players only because everything should just be for the Alliance players because Alliance player = victim, but...Suramar/Horde content should also be updated as well, so I'm glad that both are getting updates and this can revert back to my idea that Suramar and Telogrus can easily be involved with the events of Midnight...it's clear both aren't forgotten.

    That is why I always believed that green eyes can be Void Elf customization, and that blood elves should have more light customization . To differentiate more void elves and light (Blood) elves

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