1. #26761
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    I know right.
    For now I am happy with what Blizz is doing. I hope they learn from the mistake that was Teldrassil and give the players what they want.

  2. #26762
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    For now I am happy with what Blizz is doing. I hope they learn from the mistake that was Teldrassil and give the players what they want.
    Its interesting that things are finally moving!

    Tww and ofc midnight will have large focus on elves, I am hopefull for development for all. The added suramar bit is already very cool imo!
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    The Silver Covenant have officially returned to Dalaran:

    Wait.. were is the official bit? Or just very excited?

    Did they ever left lorewise? Besides a few nps i mean.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2024-04-11 at 04:02 PM.

  3. #26763
    Need to have pavilions in Telogrus in case it starts to rain.
    Now you see it. Now you don't.

    But was where Dalaran?

  4. #26764
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Wait.. were is the official bit? Or just very excited?

    Did they ever left lorewise? Besides a few nps i mean.
    Vereesa was hardly seen in Dalaran, during the Legion expansion.
    We just don't know what happened to the Silver Covenant; all we do know is that Vereesa's two children would have been in Dalaran, but they're Kirin Tor - not Silver Covenant.

    We know the Covenant Rangers joined the Unseen Path. Confirmed. We know Covenant Mages joined the Suramar Assault. Confirmed. We don't know where the main bulk of the Covenant were, during the Legion expansion, barring two - a High Elf Warrior and High Elf Priestess; the class trainers.

    It seems, after Genn set up his forces in their quarter - Vereesa and her retinue moved to Stormwind. A group of High Elf Magi, who she knew, were in Stormwind at the time.
    The Sunreavers being in Dalaran isn't a shock at all, considering Legion confirmed their readmittance which Modera also championed.
    Last edited by Tanaria; 2024-04-11 at 04:32 PM.

  5. #26765
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Vereesa was never seen in Dalaran, during the Legion expansion.
    We just don't know what happened to the Silver Covenant; all we do know is that Vereesa's two children would have been in Dalaran, but they're Kirin Tor - not Silver Covenant.

    It seems, after Genn set up his forces in their quarter - Vereesa and her retinue moved to Stormwind. A group of High Elf Magi, who she knew, were in Stormwind at the time.
    The Sunreavers being in Dalaran isn't a shock at all, considering Legion confirmed their readmittance which Modera also championed.
    It seems she joined up with the Farstriders to look for her sister and later joined the unseen path because world ending threat.

    Vereesa then led her rangers to Trueshot Lodge, where she reunited with Halduron and informed him of the mission's events. Representing the Silver Covenant among the Unseen Path's union of all hunters on Azeroth

    So they just left for 'reasons', is how I read that. Idk why she wasn't added afterwards. I think in between and after Shadowlands situation with Sylvanas (lorewise) she would just be in Dalaran. I don't see much about Stormwind, but I could be wrong.

    Anyway, just using google answered my own question.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2024-04-11 at 04:42 PM.

  6. #26766
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    It seems she joined up with the Farstriders to look for her sister and later joined the unseen path because world ending threat.

    Vereesa then led her rangers to Trueshot Lodge, where she reunited with Halduron and informed him of the mission's events. Representing the Silver Covenant among the Unseen Path's union of all hunters on Azeroth

    So they just left for 'reasons', is how I read that. Idk why she wasn't added afterwards. I think in between and after Shadowlands situation with Sylvanas (lorewise) she would just be in Dalaran.

    Anyway, just using google answered my own question.
    Lorewise - she could have left as she wasn't happy that Modera, a member of the Kirin Tor Council, was championing for the Sunreavers to return. Khadgar and Kalec being extremely inclined to welcoming the Horde back could have also been a straw that broke Vereesa's back.

  7. #26767
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Lorewise - she could have left as she wasn't happy that Modera, a member of the Kirin Tor Council, was championing for the Sunreavers to return. Khadgar and Kalec being extremely inclined to welcoming the Horde back could have also been a straw that broke Vereesa's back.
    While she was away she did kinda befriend Halduron a bit with the unseen path and I believe a few other mentions. Knowing now Sunreavers and silver covenant coming back in that sense, maybe this could be used as a story tool to ease her grudge towards the blood elves a bit.

    With that it could make more sense for her to be in Dalaran, if she even is now I have no idea.

  8. #26768

  9. #26769
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    Before Rommath damn poor guy.

  10. #26770
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Before Rommath damn poor guy.
    Rommath updates won't come until Midnight.

    I doubt he will appear in TWW to be honest.

  11. #26771
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Before Rommath damn poor guy.
    Rommath does not really need one, he is one of the most iconic blood elves around. The only thing they need to do with him is to convert his looks to higher res skin.

    Umbric, on the other hand, have rather generic model (like Lor'themar did), so his update is more reasonable, especially considering new datamined info about Telogrus.

  12. #26772
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Someone said Umbric is gonna be the member of the council of 6. I really like this idea.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  13. #26773
    Actually, Magister Umbric as the new Council member makes perfect sense.

    1) As I mentioned earlier, the Void Elves and the Kirin Tor need each other, the Void Elves for resources, the Kirin Tor for scholars well-versed in the Void. Umbric as a Council member is a perfect mediator between the Void Elves and the Kirin Tor.

    That is also why we see Kirin Tor banners in Telogrus Rift. The Kirin Tor recognzie the value of the Void Elves as the most well-versed and most knowledgeable Void scholars in the entire Universe.

    2) As I also mentioned earlier, if for whatever reason Alleria will be incapable of continuing to lead the Void Elves, it is time to mold and shape Umbric into a proper successor. Right now, "generic mage with generic Mage set from WoD" isn't going to cut it.

    3) The last time a Sunreaver was on the Council, a genocidal evil warchief manipulated the Kirin Tor to exploit a W.M.D., so I don't see why anyone should want or need Aethas again on that Council.

    Aethas is a disaster that shouldn't be allowed anywhere near an actual position of power.

    4) New models coincide with new story development. Since Umbric is getting a new model, it also makes sense for him to feature in a new story wherein he becomes a Council member of the Kirin Tor.
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2024-04-12 at 09:29 AM.

  14. #26774
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    I also saw, Maryl firestorm as an possible candidate, that could work out as well. Lets see who jumps out of that blue/white box!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    Rommath does not really need one, he is one of the most iconic blood elves around. The only thing they need to do with him is to convert his looks to higher res skin.
    Well, its true he is the last guy I think with this iconic robe. This robe was also used underneath kael'thas cloak. It was never made available. Some high ress could work I guess.

    That being said, we have many who deserve a model update. Gazlowe, tess etc etc.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2024-04-12 at 10:17 AM.

  15. #26775
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Someone said Umbric is gonna be the member of the council of 6. I really like this idea.
    It does make some sort of sense, considering Kalec is standing down and the Kirin Tor Banners are on Telogrus.

    I think I'd rather have Silvermoon have a stronger union with Suramar, so Telogrus and Dalaran can build a relationship.
    Sin'dorei and Shal'dorei are so good together and tell a forward-thinking story for both Elves, with their more "Highborne" mindsets.

    Telogrus tells a story of the old Alliance union between Thalassians and Humanity; so Telogrus and Dalaran works.

    I'd even go as far to say that Dalaran SHOULD be Alliance only and make Suramar the Horde equivalent to Dalaran. It gives independence to the Horde Mages.
    I know Mace will come here and say Dalaran hinders the Highborne; but...do we care..or do we care about the High Elves, Void Elves and Humans more?
    Last edited by Tanaria; 2024-04-12 at 11:39 AM.

  16. #26776
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    I'd even go as far to say that Dalaran SHOULD be Alliance only and make Suramar the Horde equivalent to Dalaran. It gives independence to the Horde Mages.
    I know Mace will come here and say Dalaran hinders the Highborne; but...do we care..or do we care about the High Elves, Void Elves and Humans more?
    I would say let them have Dalaran.

    Let the blood elves and Nightborne focus on their own thing. I never cared for dalaran myself, always saw it beneath the libraries of Silvermoon and Suramar anyway. I wont miss Dalaran. Never did. There is outside the sunreavers, not much there for the horde anyway.

  17. #26777
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    It does make some sort of sense, considering Kalec is standing down and the Kirin Tor Banners are on Telogrus.

    I think I'd rather have Silvermoon have a stronger union with Suramar, so Telogrus and Dalaran can build a relationship.
    Sin'dorei and Shal'dorei are so good together and tell a forward-thinking story for both Elves, with their more "Highborne" mindsets.

    Telogrus tells a story of the old Alliance union between Thalassians and Humanity; so Telogrus and Dalaran works.

    I'd even go as far to say that Dalaran SHOULD be Alliance only and make Suramar the Horde equivalent to Dalaran. It gives independence to the Horde Mages.
    I know Mace will come here and say Dalaran hinders the Highborne; but...do we care..or do we care about the High Elves, Void Elves and Humans more?
    I am not gonna lie, Umbric as new Council member came to my mind as well, considering he is getting new model... but considering Sunreavers are comming back to Dalaran, Aethas is actually pretty likely candidate.

  18. #26778
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    I am not gonna lie, Umbric as new Council member came to my mind as well, considering he is getting new model... but considering Sunreavers are comming back to Dalaran, Aethas is actually pretty likely candidate.
    The Alliance renewing its bond with the Kirin Tor with Umbric would be really awesome.

    The Sunreavers could go to Suramar it would be interesting too.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  19. #26779
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    I am not gonna lie, Umbric as new Council member came to my mind as well, considering he is getting new model... but considering Sunreavers are comming back to Dalaran, Aethas is actually pretty likely candidate.
    Aethas and Ryanna serve better as Archmages of the Tirisgarde. A neutral branch of the Kirin Tor.
    The Sunreaver branch of Dalaran are better suited to being the bulk of the Tirisgarde Lead Magi, along with Ryanna - a Shal'dorei envoy.

    Umbric being on the Council of Six is actually good development for that old Thalassian/Human Alliance. Umbric can be what Kael'thas was not.
    I trust Umbric can actually perform duties between Dalaran and Telogrus, unlike Kael'thas who was only able to dedicate his time to Dalaran and not the Quel'dorei.

    Also, unlike Kael'thas - Umbric won't dictate to Alleria who she can have within her Ren'dorei Farstrider ranks, from afar. The nerve of Kael'thas to do that to Sylvanas, whilst he spent most of his time in Dalaran, chasing Jaina...I'm glad Sylvanas blanked him completely.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    The Alliance renewing its bond with the Kirin Tor with Umbric would be really awesome.

    The Sunreavers could go to Suramar it would be interesting too.
    Umbric has the potential to serve and conduct his role between Telogrus and Dalaran, where Kael'thas could not do so between Quel'Thalas and Dalaran.

    It's no wonder the Sin'dorei did not welcome him warmly when he returned to Quel'Thalas, eventually.
    Last edited by Tanaria; 2024-04-12 at 01:08 PM.

  20. #26780
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanaria View Post
    Umbric has the potential to serve and conduct his role between Telogrus and Dalaran, where Kael'thas could not do so between Quel'Thalas and Dalaran
    And how much they can go with all that modern stuff. We have 1 female wizard in ranks, so I beleive that instead of Kalec will be Jaina.

    Also it depends of how far that neutrality can go. We can see another members in Council of Six be replaced as well.
    Archmage Vargoth can be replaced with Meryl(dead), Ansirem Runeweaver - with Aethas(pussy).
    Last edited by Pyrophax; 2024-04-12 at 01:25 PM.

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