Originally Posted by
Aldo Hawk
I'm gonna repeat myself:
I don't care if Alliance get's them or not, but what i care is that Ion simply told facts that have been debunked in the past.
Population numbers - Debunked (Goblin, Draenei, Darkspear, Blood elves, Mulgore Tauren, Gnomes, all of those are a small portion of survivors by how the lore presents them to us, and then there is the Void Elves, who are the lesser populated race in the whole Warcraft universe).
Aesthetic - Debunked (Don't come up with the carbon copy crap, playable characters can (and should) be tweaked to look different, look at current allied races).
Lore - Debunked (There are even Blood Elves (Blood elves, litterally) who are not Horde and do not live in Silvermoon, and there are High Elves who didn't even were in Silvermoon when the events of the Scourge and the Pilgrimage to Outland happened and refuse to go horde).
And again, i'm a horde diehard player, but i totally understand why alliance players want something like the silver covenant to be playable, and i know that i prefer to fight against my philosophical rival than fight against traitors that infuse themselves with void energy and are edgy and cringy as fuck (There's not a mixture in the void elf population, they all are blood elves exiled from Silvermoon).
This is not over, Ion stated at the final of the answer that anything is posibble in the future and that there's no plans in the near future. Void elves were a way to give the alliance a thalassian character taking advantage of the storyline of argus and the returning of Alleria and Turalyon as a couple that uses Light and Void powers, linking it to the Alleria desire of retaking Silvermoon for the alliance and the incompatibility of the void magic with the sunwell. Void Elves were not what Alliance wanted, Blizzard just came out with that, and while some liked them, some others didn't accept them as the final response because that were not what they asked for in the first place (even the fact that all void elves are blood elves just point this out more).
And friggin' again, i'm not an alliance player by any means, i never leveled an alliance character more than 20 levels, is not something about me wanting to play them, i just understand alliance wanting them because looks and lore, and i prefer high elves than void elves to fight against, and i wanted them in the alliance since i knew there were more thalassians than blood elves back then when i started playing wow in 2009.
Ion didn't stated anything in stone again, he just reminded us that blood elves exists for whoever wants to play that kind of elf, he didn't said no, he just apologised for not having a positive response on the matter and said that it can change over time.