You missed my point. I didn't say that game developers have to implement everything that the fans want. My point was that game developers should look into the biggest topics that are being discussed, no matter if they are interested in them or nor, or if they plan to implement them or not. This is a simple feedback collection, it doesn't mean you have to react on it, but you have to collect it.
Think whatever you like, it's still a meaningless prospect lmao
Which they do. I didn't say that Ornyx wasn't doing that. I was saying that making it known to the pro-helfers and adding emojis and shit is pure placation. After Ornyx did it, tons of them rejoiced, thinking it meant something. They even took Talesins video as a step forward, and they don't even work for Blizzard.
Blizzard knows what they're doing here. These people are being baited, even now.
Last edited by Goldielocks; 2018-04-27 at 09:01 PM.
Hey, I AM A HORDE PLAYER (I only have 2 alliance toons I play vs 12 Horde). I am not arguing Pro-Helf Alliance ... I am arguing that the reason for Blizzard to not allow it is bullshit. I am fine with Blizzard not allowing it, but I would like their reason to be better than "too bad. We don't want to."
Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
–The Sith Code
Projection. Non-sequitor. Just because you want to hear it doesn't mean it isn't piss poor.
I am Horde, not Alliance. And their "legitimate" lore reasons are ignore for other races. It can't be "legitimate" if they ignore it for other races.Looks like we just have a difference of opinion. Honestly? It's a perfectly fine answer. Blizzard has been spammed and berated for over a decade about this race. They're no doubt tired of hearing the whining and complaining. They gave the race to the Horde for legitimate lore reasons and you special Alliance people can't accept it, or play Horde. It is everything to do with authority. They're telling you you can't have it, and you're still stomping your foot like a child.
I am beginning to think you don't understand what the term bullshit means.Either way, it isn't bullshit to me. Campaigning for a race the other faction has (well after it has been established as a Horde race) is bullshit, to me. Matter of perspective.
Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
–The Sith Code
You seem to keep changing the argument to focus on something else other than the point which is their reasons are bullshit. They are welcome to their reasons, but it doesn't seem that their "values" have any real meaning other than what they choose to do arbitrarily apply whenever they feel like it.
Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
–The Sith Code
Well then imo they should make it f2p..
Briefed? He is a game director, he shouldn't be briefed about one of the biggest debates in the community for the last half a year before doing a Q&A. And he surely was aware about how big the issue was, and his reluctance to answer the question and a seeming apology at the end clearly indicated that. What his answer also clearly indicated is that Ion didn't actually know what that issue contained beyond "many people want High Elves".
Honestly, faction identity starting going out the window in Burning Crusade. Hell, Blizzard had chances to make to make Blood Elves a neutral race and chose not to. It has been diminished as far as would be required to allow High Elves on the Alliance ... Blizzard doesn't wish to accept that truth of their creation. And yes, creators can be wrong about their creation.
Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
–The Sith Code
And I am saying that not reading feedback about one of the biggest issues for the last month is bad no matter what the issue is. And Ornyx might have collected the feedback but it certainly didn't reach Ion, most likely because Ion wasn't interested in it because he already made up his mind. Which is fine but not an excuse to ignore said feedback.
This is what I replied to, then said, and then what you first responded with:
I still fail to see your point here. I mentioned that Dev pride was the reason why they never did these things, and then eventually got over it. You mentioned that blurring the line would occur there, and I said that it wasn't actually the same eventually in some reply. The argument was being used incorrectly.
Still don't follow ya.
You're making feedback out to be more important than it actually is. Just because Ion would see that a group of people want high elves, that means he'll change his own POV and give in?
No, what it means is that Ion should read what these people want (or this information provided to him) as a useful information to know for the future at least. Again, I am NOT saying that Ion has to give in to everything he reads, and I've already said so to you in my previous post, so please follow. I am saying that he should read it in the first place, no matter if he gives in or not.
I mentioned that it was the people against those things whose arguments were that it would blur the line or damage the game, not that it was mine. The reason your argument was bad is because the same justification would be brought out if the devs decide to reverse this one. The arguments weren't made over pride at the time, they had a different vision and idea. That's what I was saying.
If their reason was, "Too bad, we don't want to." I'd agree with you. Fortunately, this was not the reason they provided. Ion articulately and adequately described why they won't be adding them in the foreseeable future. I don't care if you play Horde or Alliance or Final Fantasy. You've chosen to believe that their reason isn't good enough for you, nothing more. It's perfectly fine for those of us that understand logic, authority, and business.
It was never a possibility that the Alliance would see a race identical to a Horde race. Pandaren isn't a precedent. Pandaren were added to both factions simultaneously, and Blizzard subsequently expressed regret about that implementation. Therefore, adding Blood Elves to the Alliance at this point would not be the same thing. Horde has had them since TBC for over a decade now. Honestly, their answer was perfectly fine. I suppose it takes an above average IQ to realize that Void Elves are what the Alliance are going to get. If you, or any of these posters, deluded themselves to the point where they can't see that as both a business model and a resolution to the screeching, you're really not as bright as you may have yourself convinced.
The model belongs to the Horde. It will remain that way, thank goodness. And if there's something wrong with taking pride in keeping what belongs to us, I'm okay with being wrong. You guys should practice caution when you wish for something. Because you got exactly what you deserve.
And honestly dude, if you think the word "bullshit" has some defined meaning that isn't subjective to your feelings, I don't feel like you're on the same level as me. You actually sit here and pretend that calling their reason is bullshit isn't just your opinion? Yikes, you have deeper seated issues. Maybe you should start playing the Alliance more heavily, I hear they need faction balance and you'd fit right in.
Last edited by Enkrypt; 2018-04-27 at 09:20 PM.