1. #3341
    Pandaren Monk Melsiren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    "the fact that the beautiful model thallassian model was originally given to the horde, frustrate me

    that type of style belongs to the alliance"

    oh boy, why they didn't a discord before, this is top lvl kek, nice to see they showing their true colors, and how the "lore" is just a bullshit explanation.
    I actually appreciate the honesty.

    The closer we get to "fuck you, I want High elves." And the further away we get from <insert one of the 500 rehashed arguments here> the better.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrashi View Post
    High elf fans are basically flat-earth society of warcraft lore.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Alleria Windrunner View Post
    I AM the victim.

  2. #3342
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralqadar View Post
    I actually appreciate the honesty.

    The closer we get to "fuck you, I want High elves." And the further away we get from <insert one of the 500 rehashed arguments here> the better.
    same, is better to have honesty so we just don't get going in circles explaining the headcanon of their argumments

    "i want He because i want to be legolas" ok thats fine its your opinion

    " i want high elf because <insert fanfic here>" come on boy
    Last edited by Syegfryed; 2018-04-29 at 12:10 AM.

  3. #3343
    Quote Originally Posted by Ren-dorei View Post
    High Elves would shatter the population of Void Elves
    Aint that the point? That they're a small elite force? But really, Blizz has to open up that origin story fast, though I'm not sure how given that it was an accident nobody actually wants to repeat, feels like they're written into a corner. The sooner Void Elves can move beyond being a limited ragtag group of exiled Blood Elves into a sustainable growing population (relatively) the better, stop shoving High Elves into Alliance battles and explain it away as them going Void somehow. I'm looking forward to seeing them 'grow' and hoping they aren't just unceremoniously dumped once they play their role in the void lord business. Which they almost certainly will be. From what I've heard, outside the UC siege they don't really play much of a role in BFA so far, while Nightborne are everywhere Horde side. Though I could be misinformed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ren-dorei View Post
    High Elves would shatter the population of Blood Elves
    Some would celebrate that. Isn't the Horde swamped with too many elves ruining the aesthetic?

    I kid, I kid.

  4. #3344
    Quote Originally Posted by lightspark View Post
    Do they not realise that even if Blizz were to add Helves to the Alliance they'd have to tweak their appearance in some way, so they wouldn't be literally Belves w/ blue eyes? Blizz REALLY don't want to turn Belves into Pandaren2.0.
    That's literally what the vast majority of High Elf requests say?

  5. #3345
    Quote Originally Posted by Ddi View Post
    You can look back at my posts and you'll see I am not requesting them now. In fact, if you actually do it, you'll find me claiming that High Elves would only be added as a tool to keep WoW alive when the number of subs will be in critical condition. So you are telling that High Elves won't be added now or soon to a wrong person.

    Look, I don't care about your background and about your stance about High Elves. You've just said to me to create my own game if I don't like WoW. That's akin to saying "manufacture your own car if you don't like this one" or "build your own house if you don't want to live in this one". This is extremely ridiculous advice and one would say it only in 2 conditions: a person is not thinking what he is writing or he is trolling. I gave you a benefit of the doubt and assumed that you was trolling, but if you weren't, then congratulations, your advice was extremely dumb.
    The heck are you even talking about? If you think that I was either trolling you or giving you an actual advise to go and develop your own game, and there was absolutely nothing inbetween those two interpretations that I could've been referring to, you are certainly thinking inside some tight box. Do you remember how it started – with you stating that you want to get a certain product (Alliance High Elves). Upon being told that they offered you that product (Void Elves), you simply discarded the option. Because there are some differences between how Blizzard envisioned implementing Alliance High Elves to be and the way you do. As you don't agree that Void Elves are your High Elves. They do not meet your criteria. You want them done in a certain way.

    And who is to say that if they add another batch of Alliance High Elves again later, the race will be to your liking? The same appearance, theme, lore and general fantasy that you want, exactly the way you want it? How do you imagine them? What if another High Elves fan wants them implemented differently? What if they disagree with your notion? I saw some extremely varying concepts in the past weeks.

    I was merely referring to the fact that if you want a certain content done exactly the way you want it done, then yes, the only way to make sure it meets all of your criteria is to create it yourself. Or make a customized order to a third party and pay them to do so. Otherwise, you will have to accept your next best option, which would inevitably deviate from your exact wish to a certain degree. Your examples above are hilarious, but even they follow the same principle. If you are looking for a house with specific layout you desire, and nothing but that layout, as you stated yourself, yet there is nothing for sale that happens to match your criteria – yes, you'll again have to hire contractors to build it per your individual specifications.

    So congrats, you just went ahead and blew that out of proportion.

    I am not sure why we are having such dumb discussion. It is neither productive, nor positive. If you want, play the game as it is. If not, don't and wait for it to better suit your preferences. You gave your feedback to Blizzard, we all did. They certainly have it in mind.

    Take care.

  6. #3346
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheraz View Post
    But blizzard hates the alliance. Deal with it already. They love ugly things like the horde.
    Can this just stop?

    The only actual time Blizz showed outright favoritism was during Cataclysm, and that was because they wanted to give more content to the Horde since their vanilla content was pretty shit.

    Other than that, both sides get plenty of content. Everything else is just your own personal take on the quality of the content. Horde questing feels better? Well I have an Alliance and Horde toon, and I find Alliance questing to be significantly better in quality. That's my opinion. Should I now proclaim that Blizz is biased towards the Alliance?
    Horde races are getting more customization? Well, Alliance is getting the coolest Allied Race so far in the form of the Dark Iron Dwarves. Is this Alliance favoritism?

    Blizz not wanting to implement High Elves is not a sign that they hate the Alliance. It's a sign that they want to maintain their artistic integrity. They don't want to give the Alliance a ctrl c & ctrl v of an existing race. They may likely find another solution to cater to the demand of traditional Tolkien Elves in the future, but giving blue eyed blood elves is not going to be their solution.

    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    I really think Nathanos style Undead is way too big of an ask of Blizzard no matter how it could be done.
    Exactly. It's inline with their approach to High Elves. They aren't a fan of copy/pasting a model from 1 faction, editing the color palette , and then packaging it to the other faction. Not without putting, what they might feel as, their own unique touch to it. If it's the same faction, they're fine with it, since it maintains factional identity.
    Last edited by Syferite; 2018-04-29 at 12:21 AM.

  7. #3347
    Why are people being giant babies about a race that hasn't been added lol. This thread is ridiculous.

  8. #3348
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheraz View Post
    I really love the idea of high elves.
    But blizzard hates the alliance. Deal with it already. They love ugly things like the horde.
    So let's give up my alliance brothers and sisters and let's faith that we are the hated faction. For whatever reason.

    "The tribal wisdom of the Dakota Indians, passed on from generation to generation, says that when you discover that you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount."
    But the alliance got void elves, the race with by far the most effort put into them of all the current allied races.
    There's a very fine line between not listening, and not caring. I like to think that I walk that line every day of my life. ~ Private Leonard Church

  9. #3349
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post
    Have you ONLY played wow by chance? Do you only know of wows highelves?

    Because they do have a history before.

    And we want what the high elves represebt the lore the story and more not "blue eyed be" we want he. Their is a difference culturally and historically in the warcraft series.
    highvale elves comic Legends Volume 2

    they are normal thalassian elves

  10. #3350
    Mechagnome Kemsa's Avatar
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    Blizzard doesnt love Horde and doesnt hate alliance, and one of the biggest evidence of that is the beautifull title of

    "conqueror of Orgrimmar" like yeah..... alliance have the pride to show how beautifull was sack the main city.... at least i can have my conqueror of stormw....oh wait no...

    So dont pull that people, Blizzard its not going to give alliance a horde race, High Elves are just Blood Elves its just an adjective. Its the same race but with diferent idealogy and therefore its not like Tauren with HM tauren, wich the second one have a intrincated Lore related to the War of the Ancients and diferent customizations from tatoos, horns and special forms for druids, nightborne are not the Suramar people this are supposed to be the ones that eat from the Arcandor, they supposed to be Whittered.

    Void elves are yet to be developed, because they are from BfA not from Legion, right now you can play one because its a pre-ordered bonus and you can experience every featured of Legion with that race. Do NOT expect much from them because they are nonexistan "on the lore" yes you can see them now, because Blizzard is giving you the option.

    Warcraft was always depicted as the "ANTI TOLKIEN" style of game, and for that it gain hundreds of followers and after WC2 the introduction of a more intricated story related to the Horde as a group of warriors wanting to survive, made the Warcraft Universe the most related fantasy story that people could found. Just look at some of the Horde races depict people from diferent cultures united for one goal, survive. And for that Helves joined the Horde, all of that happened between WC3 the Frozen Throne and the events of the Burning Crusade.

  11. #3351
    This entire shitshow makes me feel bad for all the people who actually play and enjoy the Void Elves. Their aesthetic is one that, at least I, sought transmog out for that wouldn't have worked on any other race.

    I also feel bad for Nightborne fans. Despite having the largest presence, story, and showtime in Legion among all Allied Races, their player equivilant was clearly either very rushed, or worked on first and paused to work on other things.
    "High Elves....honestly? Spoilers, guys, Blood Elves are pretty much High Elves."
    -Ion, Blizzcon 11/4/17

    "So...basically? Blood Elves kind of are High Elves."
    - Ion, Blizzard Q&A 4/26/18

  12. #3352
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    "the fact that the beautiful model thallassian model was originally given to the horde, frustrate me

    that type of style belongs to the alliance"

    oh boy, why they didn't a discord before, this is top lvl kek, nice to see they showing their true colors, and how the "lore" is just a bullshit explanation.
    at least someone like this screens

  13. #3353
    Quote Originally Posted by LowestFormOfWit View Post
    This entire shitshow makes me feel bad for all the people who actually play and enjoy the Void Elves. Their aesthetic is one that, at least I, sought transmog out for that wouldn't have worked on any other race.

    I also feel bad for Nightborne fans. Despite having the largest presence, story, and showtime in Legion among all Allied Races, their player equivilant was clearly either very rushed, or worked on first and paused to work on other things.
    Im enjoying my Void Elf; they got the best hair styles by FAR of any race. Im disappointed that they didnt use the opportunity to expand their barebones presence by including "normal" skin tones as an option, to reflect the Blood and High elf wayfarers that are joining the fraction. Now they're implying that the player Void Elf is one of Umbric's followers, meaning the Void Elves are literally 2 dozen strong.

    Im not a High Elf fan, but damn, Id rather have the Silver Covenant, a long time and active allied fraction, than the Dark Irons, who havnt don't shit except squat in Ironforge for a decade.

  14. #3354
    Gonna give an official warning at this point that, while dissenting opinions are obviously welcome, y'all need to chill it with the overbearing condescension and rudeness to each other. Insulting people on either side is not okay. Coming into the thread just to mock it is not okay.

    If you see this type of behavior, please report it, and it will be handled. Thank you!

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  15. #3355
    I think I've figured out why Horde players are more invested in the Faction Wall, while Alliance players (especially human players) aren't. The Horde quests from what I remember, have you fighting the other things or races early on. Sure you sometimes fight one of your own species here and then in the first few zones, but for the most part its animals, non-playable races, or Alliance races you are killing. Even the Forsaken kill some Scourge and than go on to killing Scarlet Crusaders, Human mages, and later Worgen. "For the Horde" as a faction is more drummed into the players early on.

    For the Alliance, especially human characters, we are mostly killing other humans. I've killing a metric ton and more humans in this game than probably anything else. From the Defias, to the Syndicate, to the Southshore Pirates, to the Cult of the Damned, to the Scarlet Crusade, to the Twilights Hammer Cultist, to various servants of the Old God, Legion allied Warlocks, to traitorous Houses on Kul'Tiras. I've killed a lot of humans. The Dwarves kill a lot of dwarves (Dark Iron ones at that). Gnomes fight Leper Gnomes as well as troggs, but Gnomes have little presence in the world. Only the Night Elves, Draenei, and Worgen actually fight the Horde races a bit early on. After Northshire and the Dark Horde, the Human players don't see them again until Redridge, and even after that, its mostly humans you are killing. The Alliance doesn't do much for its own identity until much later in leveling.

    So to me, having someone of my species on the other faction as playable is no big deal. I'd just try to kill them too like the rest in game.
    Last edited by Ithekro; 2018-04-29 at 05:02 AM.

  16. #3356
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ithekro View Post
    I think I've figured out why Horde players are more invested in the Faction Wall, while Alliance players (especially human players) aren't. The Horde quests from what I remember, have you fighting the other things or races early on. Sure you sometimes fight one of your own species here and then in the first few zones, but for the most part its animals, non-playable races, or Alliance races you are killing. Even the Forsaken kill some Scourge and than go on to killing Scarlet Crusaders, Human mages, and later Worgen. "For the Horde" as a faction is more drummed into the players early on.

    For the Alliance, especially human characters, we are mostly killing other humans. I've killing a metric ton and more humans in this game than probably anything else. From the Defias, to the Syndicate, to the Southshore Pirates, to the Cult of the Damned, to the Scarlet Crusade, to the Twilights Hammer Cultist, to various servants of the Old God, Legion allied Warlocks, to traitorous Houses on Kul'Tiras. I've killed a lot of humans. The Dwarves kill a lot of dwarves (Dark Iron ones at that). Gnomes fight Leper Gnomes as well as troggs, but Gnomes have little presence in the world. Only the Night Elves, Draenei, and Worgen actually fight the Horde races a bit early on. After Northshire and the Dark Horde, the Human players don't see them again until Redridge, and even after that, its mostly humans you are killing. The Alliance doesn't do much for its own identity until much later in leveling.

    So to me, having someone of my species on the other faction as playable is no big deal. I'd just try to kill them too like the rest in game.
    your argument is flawless when we, and with WE i talk both factions, spend most of wow lifetime killing orcs, trolls undeads and elves

    the most recent expansion was about killing orcs, and shitting on orc story

    TBC we prob kill more elves and orcs than actually "demon" i guess

    undeads are the main kill loot in WtlK, with one dungeon now and then

    and of course trolls, the most loot pinata of all races, one troll raid per expansion was not just a meme afterall.

    So, your argument is invalid. For alliance they don't have problem with the "faction wall" because they have no eminent danger of one of their races going to horde, this problem is only for the horde and then alone, screw then

    And of course they( only the ones who want HE prob) don't care about the faction wall if this mean getting what they desire, selfish? maybe, i bet alliance players would not want lose dwarfs and humans to the horde in the trade.

  17. #3357
    Titan Sorrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    your argument is flawless when we, and with WE i talk both factions, spend most of wow lifetime killing orcs, trolls undeads and elves

    the most recent expansion was about killing orcs, and shitting on orc story

    TBC we prob kill more elves and orcs than actually "demon" i guess

    undeads are the main kill loot in WtlK, with one dungeon now and then

    and of course trolls, the most loot pinata of all races, one troll raid per expansion was not just a meme afterall.

    So, your argument is invalid. For alliance they don't have problem with the "faction wall" because they have no eminent danger of one of their races going to horde, this problem is only for the horde and then alone, screw then

    And of course they( only the ones who want HE prob) don't care about the faction wall if this mean getting what they desire, selfish? maybe, i bet alliance players would not want lose dwarfs and humans to the horde in the trade.
    Why would humans or dwarves on horde be bad? Hell why not put dark iron on horde? Given how much we fight them as alliance makes sense to me.

  18. #3358
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post
    Why would humans or dwarves on horde be bad? Hell why not put dark iron on horde? Given how much we fight them as alliance makes sense to me.
    like i said any trade is worth if people get the elf

    obviously would be bad because blur the faction and damage faction identity

  19. #3359
    Just let this thread die and come back when you people can actually think straight without being emotional
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  20. #3360
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    like i said any trade is worth if people get the elf

    obviously would be bad because blur the faction and damage faction identity
    Seriously, they try to play it cool then show their hand by saying. "You can have ANYTHING you want if you give us elves! We care about lore btw"

    Yeah, I'd trade a nickel for a dollar too. I am much more transparent on that front. I only want high elves on Alliance because the rest of their races are ugly.

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