1. #3401
    Quote Originally Posted by Andoras View Post
    But blood elves already have blue eyes?
    They aren't available to players though. Lorewise, yeah, they have them, some NPCs have them as well.
    Last edited by ls-; 2018-04-29 at 09:36 AM.

  2. #3402
    What's so difficult to understand a reality in which Ion read your feedback, it was brought to his attention, and it didn't even register with him? Or a reality where the CMs took all your feedback, and discarded what they felt wasn't worth passing along to the devs? Because that is exactly what happened.

    There has to come a point where you realize all your cumulative time spent as a community discussing ideas and putting forth effort amounted to nothing in the eyes of Blizzard, the arguments you made were not in line, not enough to sway their opinion, not even budge it, for 7 months. For 2 years. For 10 years. For 14 years.

  3. #3403
    Quote Originally Posted by Iconja View Post
    Relax man this movement was always grasping at straws especially after Void Elves were introduced, people were being naive if they ever thought the ideas in this thread were, some of them questionable, others more sound, would actually appear in game.

    What has- and continues to surprise me though is the Horde's insistency on not sharing their toys.

    Like what I'll never understand that.
    Read what i wrote...not just about high elves. High elves are not the main problem. They are straw that broke the camels back.

    And we are not that naive. We know we never stood a change to get them. The boss of WoW says no...then we know enough. Does not mean we need to give up on our hopes and dreams.

  4. #3404
    Titan Sorrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andoras View Post
    not to mention straight backs, cool zandalari, golden eyes as a BE customization, while draenei must be separate race to have golden eyes, even if it makes sense, that your draenei can become lightforged...
    Ya know a cool way to go with lightforged would have been to let us choose our species. Say a dwarf a human or a draenei maybe even a ne.

    Would have made them special.

  5. #3405
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post
    Honestly i would say no to lock but a MAYBE to druid(nature mage) but agreed no to shaman. I likely would say no to mnk as wepl honestly
    if it were up to me monk would be as exclusive as paladins or shamans, but alas, it is not.
    eh, id rather they not get druid. its not their culture tbh, and we'd need asspull lore for that, which i think we have seen enough of so far. also alliance already has night elves for that elfdruid itch. i wont rage on the forums if they get it though, wont care much at all tbh, would be more bothered about high elf shamans frankly.

  6. #3406
    Quote Originally Posted by lightspark View Post
    They aren't available to players though. Lorewise, yeah, they have them, some NPCs have them as well.
    they are, just roll blood elf DK or void elf.. You have so many options how to fulfill your blue eyed elf fantasy

  7. #3407
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gentlepenguin View Post
    What's so difficult to understand a reality in which Ion read your feedback, it was brought to his attention, and it didn't even register with him? Or a reality where the CMs took all your feedback, and discarded what they felt wasn't worth passing along to the devs? Because that is exactly what happened.

    There has to come a point where you realize all your cumulative time spent as a community discussing ideas and putting forth effort amounted to nothing in the eyes of Blizzard, the arguments you made were not in line, not enough to sway their opinion, not even budge it, for 7 months. For 2 years. For 10 years. For 14 years.
    It is difficult to understand because what you suggest is anything but logical, you just want to make a picture of requesters as them not being aware of reality or something.
    Last edited by Aldo Hawk; 2018-04-29 at 09:46 AM.

  8. #3408
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    Quote Originally Posted by bloodmoth13 View Post
    In their defense, its not a big ask. nobody was asking for fanfic elves (voidelves) meanwhile threads for high elves have been around for an eternity. blizz fucked up tbh, its kind of undeniable that void elves just havent fulfilled the high elf fantasy, they are twice removed from their high elven base and are the most pure example of asspull blizz has ever achieved.

    people have asked for vanilla elves, not blood elves, not void elves, not special hotsauce elves, just plain jane vanilla elves, the same exact type that were in the alliance in warcraft II and III. blood elves only joined the horde in wow's second expansion, they are not a horde mainstay for anyone old enough to enjoy the classics. its honestly not a big ask imo, its about the same as horde asking for amani trolls or ogres, both of which were a part of the horde in warcraft II.
    players will ask for basic high elves for as long as they dont have them. once they are added the forums will die down and everything will carry on as normal.
    Honestly i also want Forest Trolls and Ogres(isn't the new race Forest trolls? I mean not amani but clearly the same type of troll)

    Again all that is missing for horde is ogres and you get a full whose who of classic horde and horde requests

  9. #3409
    Quote Originally Posted by Andoras View Post
    they are, just roll blood elf DK or void elf.. You have so many options how to fulfill your blue eyed elf fantasy
    Well, soz, my main is forsaken DK

    Yeah, that's the only way to get blue eyes on belves atm. Doesn't change the fact that lorewise they're an option for Belves, but the same goes for Helves of SC, they don't have only blue eyes in the lore.

  10. #3410
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post
    Wellll druid forms i would give to Kul tirans but that is just my taste.

    Overall i completely agree though. I had hoped we would get undercity and it could be redone as a worgen base or give ys gilneas for deities sake.

    Kul tirans...yeah i kinda do not like them. I get why people do like them. But story wise i would like to have seen them have wolf forms. Seeing as they decent from Gilnean people. And you could add druids of the fang as reasons why humans have druid forms.

    And just do not like the looks so far. ( hope they make them better). The bear form looks weird. It looks like a rubber suit on a normal bear. Both cat and bear have pretty much the same skin. One is just a fatter version of the other. the legs, torso and heads all do not match. ( cat is slight worse in this) . Lore wise they do not make ANY sense. Pretty everything druid has always been based on animals or old treants.
    And....its a weak copy of a current druid artifact appearance we already have.

    I would have rather seen this as our forms:
    Cat: Wolf ( druid of the fang style)
    Bear: A big black bear if they want a bear. Otherwise a big native Kul tiran creature like a turtle, wild boar or porcupine.
    travel cat form: rat. Sea + harbor + water = rats. so rat form.
    travel big form: stag ( just like always) or a big horse
    flight form: Crow, raven, parrot
    Swim form: shark, dolphin etc.
    Moonkin: the only one they could used a wicker form for.

    It would feel more new then. Just a skin copy like they have done so far.

  11. #3411
    Quote Originally Posted by lightspark View Post
    They tweaked blood elves to give you a playable flavour of high elves, people didn't like and now ask for another one.

    That's why I why the second half of my quote reads as

    So image that they gave in and added yet another flavour of high elves that doesn't look like just paler blood elves w/ blue eyes which once against doesn't meet your expectations. What are you going to do next? Ask for yet another one?
    Nah, I just want High Elves and I don't care what models they would have, the models could be based on Night Elves for all I care.

  12. #3412
    Quote Originally Posted by Andoras View Post
    Lol i am on your side, i am saying that blood elves have already blue eyes, because ion and his minions are saying that high elves = blood elves = void elves.. so naturally if someone demands blue eyes on blood elves, he already have them, because blood elves are void elves are high elves
    Lol my bad :P

    But yeah if you look at it like that...they sadly have .

    But does not make them high elves. Ohh wait it does...because blizzards loves to retcon stuff they just said in a previous expansion

  13. #3413
    Titan Sorrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andoras View Post
    they are, just roll blood elf DK or void elf.. You have so many options how to fulfill your blue eyed elf fantasy
    How often do we have to explain it is not about the look. But the past and history

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by bloodmoth13 View Post
    if it were up to me monk would be as exclusive as paladins or shamans, but alas, it is not.
    eh, id rather they not get druid. its not their culture tbh, and we'd need asspull lore for that, which i think we have seen enough of so far. also alliance already has night elves for that elfdruid itch. i wont rage on the forums if they get it though, wont care much at all tbh, would be more bothered about high elf shamans frankly.
    Honestly i would also say Shaman is a definite no go. And warlocks are very stretching it to me.

    Druids too buut i can see it only so far as a nature mage similar to tauren paladins being sun druids. Buut pushing it i admit.

  14. #3414
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post
    How often do we have to explain it is not about the look. But the past and history
    Dont mind me, just another sarcastic response,
    that was just my interpretation what would Ion probably say.

  15. #3415
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    Quote Originally Posted by baskev View Post

    Kul tirans...yeah i kinda do not like them. I get why people do like them. But story wise i would like to have seen them have wolf forms. Seeing as they decent from Gilnean people. And you could add druids of the fang as reasons why humans have druid forms.

    And just do not like the looks so far. ( hope they make them better). The bear form looks weird. It looks like a rubber suit on a normal bear. Both cat and bear have pretty much the same skin. One is just a fatter version of the other. the legs, torso and heads all do not match. ( cat is slight worse in this) . Lore wise they do not make ANY sense. Pretty everything druid has always been based on animals or old treants.
    And....its a weak copy of a current druid artifact appearance we already have.

    I would have rather seen this as our forms:
    Cat: Wolf ( druid of the fang style)
    Bear: A big black bear if they want a bear. Otherwise a big native Kul tiran creature like a turtle, wild boar or porcupine.
    travel cat form: rat. Sea + harbor + water = rats. so rat form.
    travel big form: stag ( just like always) or a big horse
    flight form: Crow, raven, parrot
    Swim form: shark, dolphin etc.
    Moonkin: the only one they could used a wicker form for.

    It would feel more new then. Just a skin copy like they have done so far.
    Oh i totally understand why i said my style.

    But were gilneans so wolf connected before they became worgen?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Andoras View Post
    Dont mind me, just another sarcastic response,
    that was just my interpretation what would Ion probably say.
    Ahhh my apologies then. Seen genuine replies like what you said so i misunderstood

  16. #3416
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post
    Oh i totally understand why i said my style.

    But were gilneans so wolf connected before they became worgen?

    But long ago druids of the fang went away. So mabye they hooked up with the gilneas. ( not real lore. But could make for some nice lore)

  17. #3417
    The Horde is the Horde. Its drilled into the players since Vanilla.

    The Alliance is a group of races that are usually uninterested in what the others are doing until Wrath content, and even after that its mostly still just humans with the High Elves being the other race that is usually represented. The Night Elves rarely represent the Alliance or even deal with the Alliance at all in game, with few exceptions until Legion with Suramar. They have a tiny representation in MoP working with the Alliance, but otherwise do their own thing. The Dwarves are mostly doing their own things as well, with little cross over with any other Alliance races. Gnomes have almost nothing going on with them outside of Gnomeregan. Their other activities have little to do with other races.

    The Draenei and Worgen have some interactions with the Night Elves a little bit in their own stories, but not in the Night Elf stories. The Worgen got something to do finally in Legion and BfA, before that the most lore heavy Worgen storylines were told for Forsaken players. The Draenei finally got some of their own material, but it had nothing to do with the other Alliance races at all.

    And the Humans? Most of our clear and present threats in Vanilla were other humans early on. When did the Human and Dwarf players first run into the actually Horde in Vanilla while leveling? Stranglethorn and probably Hillsbrad. Level 30 zones (for Alliance) from what I remember. You don't run into anyone in Arathi because it was boring and big. (Remember the comment about trolls killing trolls...where was the first place you would do a lot of that back then? Stranglethorn....ganking capital of the World of Warcraft).

    So of course the Alliance doesn't have anywhere near as large a faction complex as the Horde. We aren't trained to care on bit about it until recent content. Before that....it was just the place you were that wasn't on The Horde. It wasn't its own thing, but a group of random races that didn't really do anything together in game until recently. BfA is probably the first time I've seen the majority of the main Alliance races actually working together to do anything. With Night Elf mages, Dwarven gunners, Human soldiers, draenei paladins (both flavors), and a Worgen king fighting side by side. With the void elves and gnomes coming late to the party (together...the void elves severing as transportation and someone for Lorthamar to sneer at, the Gnomish toys take center stage). If there were any Pandaren I think they were back at camp tending to wounded or cooking up meals for the army. But before that? The Alliance wasn't that big of a deal in an of itself. And when it was brought up in game, it was usually because it was losing.

  18. #3418
    Quote Originally Posted by baskev View Post
    Read what i wrote...not just about high elves. High elves are not the main problem. They are straw that broke the camels back.

    And we are not that naive. We know we never stood a change to get them. The boss of WoW says no...then we know enough. Does not mean we need to give up on our hopes and dreams.
    I did read what you wrote and you're being ridiculous, friend.

    There is no Horde favoritism.
    Last edited by mmocb78b2e29a3; 2018-04-29 at 10:10 AM.

  19. #3419
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ithekro View Post
    The Horde is the Horde. Its drilled into the players since Vanilla.

    The Alliance is a group of races that are usually uninterested in what the others are doing until Wrath content, and even after that its mostly still just humans with the High Elves being the other race that is usually represented. The Night Elves rarely represent the Alliance or even deal with the Alliance at all in game, with few exceptions until Legion with Suramar. They have a tiny representation in MoP working with the Alliance, but otherwise do their own thing. The Dwarves are mostly doing their own things as well, with little cross over with any other Alliance races. Gnomes have almost nothing going on with them outside of Gnomeregan. Their other activities have little to do with other races.

    The Draenei and Worgen have some interactions with the Night Elves a little bit in their own stories, but not in the Night Elf stories. The Worgen got something to do finally in Legion and BfA, before that the most lore heavy Worgen storylines were told for Forsaken players. The Draenei finally got some of their own material, but it had nothing to do with the other Alliance races at all.

    And the Humans? Most of our clear and present threats in Vanilla were other humans early on. When did the Human and Dwarf players first run into the actually Horde in Vanilla while leveling? Stranglethorn and probably Hillsbrad. Level 30 zones (for Alliance) from what I remember. You don't run into anyone in Arathi because it was boring and big. (Remember the comment about trolls killing trolls...where was the first place you would do a lot of that back then? Stranglethorn....ganking capital of the World of Warcraft).

    So of course the Alliance doesn't have anywhere near as large a faction complex as the Horde. We aren't trained to care on bit about it until recent content. Before that....it was just the place you were that wasn't on The Horde. It wasn't its own thing, but a group of random races that didn't really do anything together in game until recently. BfA is probably the first time I've seen the majority of the main Alliance races actually working together to do anything. With Night Elf mages, Dwarven gunners, Human soldiers, draenei paladins (both flavors), and a Worgen king fighting side by side. With the void elves and gnomes coming late to the party (together...the void elves severing as transportation and someone for Lorthamar to sneer at, the Gnomish toys take center stage). If there were any Pandaren I think they were back at camp tending to wounded or cooking up meals for the army. But before that? The Alliance wasn't that big of a deal in an of itself. And when it was brought up in game, it was usually because it was losing.
    Ya know maybe this is also why HE are so requested.. in a weird way they are just as if not MORE sybolic of the alliance then any other race pissibly even humans

    Plus for rts players the alliance has high elves that simple.

  20. #3420
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post
    Ya know maybe this is also why HE are so requested.. in a weird way they are just as if not MORE sybolic of the alliance then any other race pissibly even humans

    Plus for rts players the alliance has high elves that simple.
    A race that was barely interested in the Alliance, was one of the last to join, sent only a minor force to help said Alliance, and was one of the first to bail out when it was time to share the burden, is considered more symbolic of the Alliance than even the humans
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