See, the fun thing is: I HAVE talked to people in real life about the choice of high elves and I explained to them why that didn't work.
But yeah, you know what? I think it would be hilarious if all of us just had a huge group conversation and see how long it took before someone walked out the door.
The problem is that even after we were right that they weren't going to be a thing, your crowd continues to argue against it. And since there are way more anti-HE, let's be real here - there are obviously going to be way more people responding to one anti-high elf than the amount of pro-high elves responding to one anti high-elf.
At least, that's my opinion.
All Void Elves are resistant to the whispers. We know this because they haven't gone mad and been put down yet. That will be after WoW ends.
Regardless, the whispers happen because they are infused with Void magic. The skin tone changes occurred whilst they were being infused with void magic. The former is a consequence, the later is a by-product. There is no correlation between the two.
My initial instinct was that the thread should be closed as the issue has now been resolved.
But seeing as how people still keep posting here it's probably better to keep it in one spot rather than spamming up the forums like they do on the official servers.
I guess they can't do any sort of megathread there because it would be taken as the false hope of 'Blizzard is changing their minds!'
Yes, and as soon as someone can figure out to make a High Elf that isn't fair skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed and majestic that person might be in with a shot.
But of course, that's not going to happen. Any High Elf that wasn't any of those things wouldn't be a High Elf. The reasons he gave for them not being added are in other words insuperable.
In fact looking at his words, Void Elves are neither fair skinned, blonde haired or majestic and their eye glow is more silver than blue. His statement during the Q and A sounds like the design brief they began with, a thalassian race that is distinguishable from a Blood/High Elf.
Saying anything is possible in the future is a statement of fact that does not impact on the probabilities of them being added. The probability is now vanishingly small.
Man, if this thread is any indication, blizzcon is probably gonna be a skip this year.
I feel sorry for Ion, the amount of flack he is gonna cop over that "horde is there for you" statement is gonna be pretty nasty, even if it was a very stupid thing to say.
Sylvanas is what you get when you cross Joffrey Baratheon with a mary sue. Change my mind. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We got them in 2007, but sometimes for ease of convenience we refer to Alliance High Elves, usually in the context of how they aren't happening.
And definitely not in BFA.
- - - Updated - - -
But I want to see what Allied races they reveal at Blizzcon 2018 (There has to be a pair of new ones unveiled). He can't skip it.
Ion's logic - Alliance is forbidden to have fair skinned elves because its damages faction uniqueness. Meanwhile Horde is allowed to have dark skinned elves (Nightborne) that belong to Alliance theme (Night Elves / VELF). What a hypocrite.
If they wanted they could make HELF the same way they did Nightborne - edit BELF skeleton/model like they edited NELF's for Nightborne. But its means Alliance getting actual time and effort for Allied Race that is forbidden. Because Horde BIAS.
And DON'T tell me about Kul Tiran - we all know this fatso were made only because they will be great base for creating another LONG TIME ASKED Horde Allied Race - Ogres/Mok'nathal.
"Horde waiting for you". Yea Ion. I guess I will answer you with same attitude - FFIX is waiting for my money. Not you.
But yeah, I don't get how people still want high elves as their own race. We've got an overload of elves that are playable at this stage and it's only now races are getting a 2nd option (Dwarves get dark iron dwarves, tauren get highmountain tauren, etc). Now Blood Elves had theirs - Void Elves, and Night Elves kinda-sorta had theirs - Nightborne.
And there are still more races. Undead? I'm waiting for some skeleton race. Undead has a huge variety of things! Gnomes? I'm sure some of those Mecha Gnomes in Northrend can be put into good use. And the list goes on.