1. #3701
    Titan Sorrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by General Zanjin View Post
    if high elves had markings in WC2, why did they suddenly disappear in WC3 and WoW for both high and blood elves?
    Alleria still has hers and was mpstly rangers who were upgraded archersn soll could be seen as a graduation type of thing maybe. Like you are now a ranger not just an archer.

  2. #3702
    Quote Originally Posted by Chief Bennett View Post
    How is this thread not dead yet?
    Because pro HElfers are trying to convince themselves, each other and everyone else to attribute being told no as objectively wrong, thereby they have a chance of fighting back.

  3. #3703
    Titan Sorrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goldielocks View Post
    Because pro HElfers are trying to convince themselves, each other and everyone else to attribute being told no as objectively wrong, thereby they have a chance of fighting back.
    I see more anti he posters keeping it up honestly

    Oh and should add if alleria has the marks but be do not it could indeed be a cultural thing BE abandoned

  4. #3704
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post
    I see more anti he posters keeping it up honestly
    I'm not saying it's any better when the opposition replies, but they are replying to something.

  5. #3705
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post
    A very common theme amongst all variants seems to be surviving with less magic. The degree to which that is the case varies and i would say willpower and an unwillingness to give in fits EVERY version so far pretty well.
    I can see why that's appealing, but I don't think simply having more willpower than the Blood Elves is going to make for the kind of story Blizzard wants to tell. At face value, paints the Blood Elves as weak by comparison, and doesn't really offer any flavor. If they had some external force that helped them, it ends up being more reasonable. Just having them decide to overcome their addiction comes across as shallow, unless in the process they give up something important enough that Blood Elves would make a different choice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Goldielocks View Post
    I'm not saying it's any better when the opposition replies, but they are replying to something.
    I won't speak for anyone else, but I just enjoy the discussion.

  6. #3706
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post

    Oh and should add if alleria has the marks but be do not it could indeed be a cultural thing BE abandoned
    The thing is the blood elves didn't abandon their old culture, they merely added to it, they never tossed anything of their heritage away.

  7. #3707
    Banned Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andoras View Post
    fixed that for you.. You surely have paranoia, that we want better blood elves.
    no, you want better, you said yourself, like people need to stop bitching if you get a prettier version

    like i said, skinny and more pale wou still look like elves but different, but that route you guys don't want to take cause think they will be ugly

  8. #3708
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post
    The elves we see in game(withered nightfallen and so on) have never actually tried to quit mana(or rather wean themselves off/find a substitute) instead they always are looking for more still much like a drug addict.

    Lorewise high vale elves don't focus on magic ad much if at all and are in game using be models right now(they used to use tweaked ne models in vanilla) they have done it moved beyond the addiction.

    Or not seen an elf who never withers because they fed their mana addiction but learned to curtail and require less.

    In short we are comparing a full on drug addict who never stops looking and takes whatever they can get to a person who overcame said addiction.
    i still see this "mana addiction" not as "druguser" but rather "nessesary part of their bodies". Let's not forget how elves came to existance. they are magical creatures from the start (even Night elves using well on Hyjal, but filter it's power through tree). And i think Thalyssra and Oculeth have enough "willpower" to overcome addiction by it, if it's really wasn't so big.

    Plus - let's take highvale content with a little grain of salt (cause it was Vanila time, where lore was BIG mess). Plus as mentioned in this thread - who said that highvale elves stopped CONSUMING magic? Yes they MAYBE stopped wasting it on spells, but this "meditations" can be actuall mana siphon for mana in the air, wich they then store in their bodies. This can be enough to supply their bodies from degradation, but still affect them.

  9. #3709
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    no, you want better, you said yourself, like people need to stop bitching if you get a prettier version

    like i said, skinny and more pale wou still look like elves but different, but that route you guys don't want to take cause think they will be ugly
    where did i say i want better version of your toy?

  10. #3710
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post
    Yeah i have tried to be balanced myself. I just don't understand what the big deal is about even thinkimg up fan ideas(do they hate fantasy or something?)

    Or how he would irrelerably destroy the horde.

    I just think easier for blizz to give us HE then keep up the bad arguments. Or at least give us a decent reason.
    Well, a lot of people like to come into things to try and look superior, which is easy to do when your argument boils down to "developers said so" and you can repeat that constantly. I don't get it really, this is the High Elf thread to discuss High Elves. Why come in if all you want to do is stop people from talking about it? I could understand saying that when people post about it outside of this thread, but this is supposed to be the containment for it.

    For me, I think the best argument against the inclusion of High Elves (which I think was said by Obelisk Kai earlier? Maybe) was that they would take away from the narrative of the Blood Elves as the legacy of the Quel'Thalas. The Silver Covenant exists as part of that legacy as well, but as a playable race the Blood Elves take that mantle far more often in the story. The worry is that by making the remaining High Elves playable, they would intrude on that space or muddy the waters of it. Not totally how I would see it, but I can understand that if you are a Blood Elf fan.

  11. #3711
    Banned Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andoras View Post

    i live by these words, everyday in my life
    im mean you tried to do a little gag here, you win points for that, but i didn't said calling people crybabies was an insult, i said it was hypocrite

    and you know the rest

    Quote Originally Posted by Andoras View Post
    where did i say i want better version of your toy?
    Quote Originally Posted by Andoras View Post
    so stop bitching and for once let others have prettier things than you have

  12. #3712
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by protip View Post
    I can see why that's appealing, but I don't think simply having more willpower than the Blood Elves is going to make for the kind of story Blizzard wants to tell. At face value, paints the Blood Elves as weak by comparison, and doesn't really offer any flavor. If they had some external force that helped them, it ends up being more reasonable. Just having them decide to overcome their addiction comes across as shallow, unless in the process they give up something important enough that Blood Elves would make a different choice.
    I see it akin to mages and warlocks y'know? Mages learn to control magic and not get swept up by its power completely. Whereas Warlocks are like yeah fuck all that restraint gimme the power I desire.

    So kinda similar to that. High Elves that didn't do the Fel were like "nah we can rise above this" and the ones who went Blood Elf were like "lmao @ Those guys, fel makes it way easier"

  13. #3713
    Quote Originally Posted by FlubberPuddy View Post

    So kinda similar to that. High Elves that didn't do the Fel were like "nah we can rise above this" and the ones who went Blood Elf were like "lmao @ Those guys, fel makes it way easier"
    Except that this never happened

  14. #3714
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goldielocks View Post
    Of course they do nothing to the faction wall. The aesthetic is what matters here. Why did they add VE and yet refuse to add HE? What's the difference between them? Why are people asking for Blizzard to make fairer customizaion options for VE?

    This isn't hard.

    What is Blizzard going to do? Remove them? Obviously not. All they can do now is not make the same mistake again. And before you get pissy, yes, the "mistake" is in their eyes.

    That's exactly what I'm doing. The dev team says they don't want to do it, and you're going on about how they're objectively wrong, using the word "facts."

    That's not how opinions work.

    Which is your opinion.
    Ok ok right, so you are just directly not taking on account what i say and just say that my facts are not facts, but opinions.

    But then you are being so blatlantly dishonest that you say that of course VE and NB do not damage the faction wall because their aesthetic look different, and then, just before not taking into account that pandaren still counts even if developers didn't liked them you just don't consider HE being tweaked to look different enought from a BE, just nice, should i take you into account? come on, this isn't hard right?

    When someone is objectively wrong they are objectively wrong, and that are facts, you don't liking this statement doesn't make it less true, and calling them opinions doesn't make anything, again, speak for what you can proove, not for how you feel.

  15. #3715
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    im mean you tried to do a little gag here, you win points for that, but i didn't said calling people crybabies was an insult, i said it was hypocrite

    and you know the rest
    There is no indication i said i want prettier thing than you have, you are still saying they would be better and prettier in every way, even though we dont know how would they look, so i just said you have to deal with people having better things than you. we also have to deal with horde having straight backs and golden eyes just like customization options.
    Also if you remember, i like nightborne and you dont, so pretiness is pretty individual..

  16. #3716
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    Quote Originally Posted by protip View Post
    I can see why that's appealing, but I don't think simply having more willpower than the Blood Elves is going to make for the kind of story Blizzard wants to tell. At face value, paints the Blood Elves as weak by comparison, and doesn't really offer any flavor. If they had some external force that helped them, it ends up being more reasonable. Just having them decide to overcome their addiction comes across as shallow, unless in the process they give up something important enough that Blood Elves would make a different choice.

    I won't speak for anyone else, but I just enjoy the discussion.
    Humans and support from their allied the wildhammer dwarves is the difference.

    The BE would do anything to survive without overlybrelying on others

    The he would not give up their values of not harming others to feed themselves but would turn to others for help

    Two sides of the same coin and two real ways to live with/deal with an addiction .

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Zorish View Post
    i still see this "mana addiction" not as "druguser" but rather "nessesary part of their bodies". Let's not forget how elves came to existance. they are magical creatures from the start (even Night elves using well on Hyjal, but filter it's power through tree). And i think Thalyssra and Oculeth have enough "willpower" to overcome addiction by it, if it's really wasn't so big.

    Plus - let's take highvale content with a little grain of salt (cause it was Vanila time, where lore was BIG mess). Plus as mentioned in this thread - who said that highvale elves stopped CONSUMING magic? Yes they MAYBE stopped wasting it on spells, but this "meditations" can be actuall mana siphon for mana in the air, wich they then store in their bodies. This can be enough to supply their bodies from degradation, but still affect them.
    I never said they stopped but likely require far less

  17. #3717
    the entire point of high elf and blood elf lore is that they are the same race so they look the same. 20 years is not enough time for environment mutations to take affect to change DNA
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  18. #3718
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlubberPuddy View Post
    I see it akin to mages and warlocks y'know? Mages learn to control magic and not get swept up by its power completely. Whereas Warlocks are like yeah fuck all that restraint gimme the power I desire.

    So kinda similar to that. High Elves that didn't do the Fel were like "nah we can rise above this" and the ones who went Blood Elf were like "lmao @ Those guys, fel makes it way easier"
    This so much this also why i do mot see locks as a he class.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Combatbulter View Post
    Except that this never happened
    The green fel batterries in the be start zone says otherwise

  19. #3719
    Quote Originally Posted by Shinkishi View Post
    Well, a lot of people like to come into things to try and look superior, which is easy to do when your argument boils down to "developers said so" and you can repeat that constantly. I don't get it really, this is the High Elf thread to discuss High Elves. Why come in if all you want to do is stop people from talking about it? I could understand saying that when people post about it outside of this thread, but this is supposed to be the containment for it.
    You posted this:
    Quote Originally Posted by Shinkishi View Post
    I'm not a big fan of High Elves myself and I come to check this thread because I am a masochist for dumb internet arguments, but those guys always stick out the most to me.
    Yet you still ask why people would argue against them?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinkishi View Post
    For me, I think the best argument against the inclusion of High Elves (which I think was said by Obelisk Kai earlier? Maybe) was that they would take away from the narrative of the Blood Elves as the legacy of the Quel'Thalas. The Silver Covenant exists as part of that legacy as well, but as a playable race the Blood Elves take that mantle far more often in the story. The worry is that by making the remaining High Elves playable, they would intrude on that space or muddy the waters of it. Not totally how I would see it, but I can understand that if you are a Blood Elf fan.
    This is literally the "we don't want to blur faction lines" argument. All you've done is explain one of its many facets.

  20. #3720
    Banned Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andoras View Post
    There is no indication i said i want prettier thing than you have
    now we are living in denial?

    and again if you don't want, you would be fine with the "no magic" version of He, they being pretty or not

    but its not what you are showing

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