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blood elves are what we see ingame, exactly the same as high elves
its not me, its the HE crowd who suggest that, for then hairstyle and tattoos is enough
i suggest white eyes, the sign of no magic, but guess what? only blue eyes is ok
again this come up the argument of horde players wanting maghar orcs from outland, but with changing facial structure and another idle, thats just nonsense to back up your desire
it was exactly what i suggest, skinny( slightly changed in the body who could mean another idle) pale skin( not void elf like) and white eyes due to the withdraw of magic
but again, no, people want an enhanced model of BE/HE who don't make then different enough like many times i see in the topic
there is even the suggest of half-elves, so they would look bulkier than normal elves, due to human blood, but people don't want it, they only want pure elves
you don't need to prove yourself right when you didn't even try to be right
high elves and nightborne work in the same way, without a source of magic their body become weak, and could lead to sequelae, its the addiction their share since they were highborne. its jut like eating, if you don't eat enough or don't eat at all,you become weak, more fragile, skinny, not bulky
the frozen throne campaign kael stated his kin is becoming weak, fragile, with the hunger, their eyes become white cause they have no magic to feed, the exiled elves from lorthemar stated the same thing, and the relief they felt when Sunwell came back