1. #4061
    Also, again, we return to the fact that Highvale would steal Blood Elves' identity. Because, Ok, give them a 100% Ranger archetype, then what about the Farstriders? If you give Highvale Tattoos and war paints to represent their ranger traditions, then Blood Elves should also receive those same tattoos and war paints because they also have a ranger order who has a very close relationship to nature instead of the Arcane or the Light.

  2. #4062
    Quote Originally Posted by Andoras View Post
    Still better than 10 void elves living in two tents on an asteroid.
    Their numbers are endless...assuming it cant be 10 lets say a hundred+34 void elves .

  3. #4063
    Quote Originally Posted by Sigxy the Lemming View Post
    Saw your posts on WoWhead earlier. Aside from the fact that we already have too many elves, your solution adding a 5th elven race that is on Alliance side... is a 6th elven 'race', though undead, on Horde side.

    TOO. MANY. ELVES. x_x
    Well, I'm not against having more types of other races added to the game, by all means have more trolls, Forest Trolls, Wildhammer Dwarves, Half-ogre Half-orc Rexxar-likes, bring them all in; all fine with that, it's just what's more likely to happen in the near future and what makes more sense story-wise.

    You can't deny the fact though, that there are all these different types of Elves out there, they were once a major Empire on Azeroth, there was a lot of them, they split into different sections; just as trolls did split into different tribes too, though most of them are hostile (Amani, Gurubbashi, Drakkari), but by all means convince them into joining the Horde. It worked with Zandalari Trolls, were they hostile?

    High Elves are already a part of the Alliance, and Forsaken Elves are already a part of the Horde (Sylvanas herself, and a couple of her Dark Rangers), who's to say she wouldn't raise more of them if Alliance officially united all High Elf groups, led under Vereesa; especially now since in BFA both factions are raising armies and recruiting races.

  4. #4064
    The Void Elves have enough numbers to take part in the Battle for Lordaeron.

    Meanwhile, neither the Silver Covenant nor the Highvale were seen in that battle. I wonder why. Probably because their numbers are not high enough to take that risk.

  5. #4065
    Quote Originally Posted by Ren-dorei View Post
    Also, again, we return to the fact that Highvale would steal Blood Elves' identity. Because, Ok, give them a 100% Ranger archetype, then what about the Farstriders? If you give Highvale Tattoos and war paints to represent their ranger traditions, then Blood Elves should also receive those same tattoos and war paints because they also have a ranger order who has a very close relationship to nature instead of the Arcane or the Light.
    While it's true they're similar, the Blood elf Farstriders still use Arcane and Arcane tools. Furthermore.
    The main Blood elf archetype is a caster archetype. Hence why the mages aren't as muscular as say...Draenei or Human males who have warrior archetypes.

    Here's both a Farstrider and a High elf Ranger, the difference is very clear. The Blood elves are still very ornate, even in their outfits and uniforms. The High elves quite simply, aren't because they can't afford to be, nor do they have the magic to make such outfits anymore.

  6. #4066
    Quote Originally Posted by JustaRandomReindeer View Post
    If the alliance gets cooler blonde sexy elves then why would they play Horde?
    At least Horde are competent and chill in BG's.

    It does more favor to the Alliance identity, really.

    No amount of Stronghold Warfront building, and Lumber Gathering can come close to getting that "Historical Nostalgia Warcraft For the Alliance boner" goin', more than finally having the playable High Elves on your team. They're always teased at by Blizzard, but never implemented, instead giving silly Eggplant Elves, which are nice and all, but don't fulfill that core Alliance fantasy.

  7. #4067
    Quote Originally Posted by Gurluas View Post
    Dude, I protested and roleplayed a High elf since TBC came out. The people asking for High elves never stopped.
    And faction imbalance is irrelevant. If they don't want to add Blood elves with blue eyes, they just have to change High elves to be something more...While still retaining the High elf identity. The concept in this thread were all about doing that, making High elves different enough so Ion's stupid arguments would be torn apart.
    They can't do that because then people playing Blood Elves just because they are pretty would have no reason to play them any longer and will just join the Alliance. Faction balance is not irrelevant - it's what keeps the game alive. Factions are crucial to WoW right now and giving the most popular Horde race to the Alliance would just mean the end of factions as we know them. So yeah, it is more likely that we will all become one faction and you will finally be able to play Blood Elves without calling yourself Horde before they add High Elves to the Alliance.

  8. #4068
    While it's true they're similar, the Blood elf Farstriders still use Arcane and Arcane tools
    And yet they also have a close relationship with Nature and live in lodges nestled in the forest like the Highvale.

    Oh, I see, if you wield the Arcane, you cannot have primal war paints and tattoos.

    The main Blood elf archetype is a caster archetype
    cough cough Farstriders/Blood Knights/Illidari cough cough

  9. #4069
    Quote Originally Posted by Gurluas View Post
    While it's true they're similar, the Blood elf Farstriders still use Arcane and Arcane tools. Furthermore.
    The main Blood elf archetype is a caster archetype. Hence why the mages aren't as muscular as say...Draenei or Human males who have warrior archetypes.

    Here's both a Farstrider and a High elf Ranger, the difference is very clear. The Blood elves are still very ornate, even in their outfits and uniforms. The High elves quite simply, aren't because they can't afford to be, nor do they have the magic to make such outfits anymore.

    Those 2 npcs are in quel'thalas, their homeland.

    Its as if Blooelves and Highelves are the same race or something.

  10. #4070
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gurluas View Post
    That's called retcons. Go back to Wc2 or even Wc3, and they were still closely aligned and tied to the Alliance.
    Blizzard rewrote the lore to make them be distant from the Alliance when they decided to add part of the race to the Horde.

    If you go back to a Wc2 fan and tell them the Elf rangers should belong to the Horde, they're gonna look at you as if you're crazy.
    No it's not a retcon. The plotting behind Warcraft 2 was pretty simplistic and without much of the texture and detail that have been provided since.

    It is now a FACT that the High Elves of the time were last in and first out of the Alliance and had to be compelled to sign up in the first place. They NEVER as a people believed in the Alliance, and to present them as an iconic Alliance race when the Gnomes, who literally lost everything in service of the Alliance and still pledged their loyalty, are denigrated in this thread as being inferior to a Horde race in terms of symbolism is ridiculous.

    The Gnomes are a far more iconic Alliance race than the High Elves could ever be.

  11. #4071
    Quote Originally Posted by protip View Post
    I recognize that High Elf fans want to see the Blood Elf model as something other than a High Elf with green eyes, but that's just not what it is. Blizzard doesn't want them to be elves that were corrupted by fel exposure and siphoning the magic out of other beings. They have explained both in dev interviews and in the lore that a Blood Elf is a High Elf with green eyes.
    Blizzard is pretty inconsistent, when they gave dark iron dwarves smoldering beards and hair, while we never saw that on them

    when they gave kul tiran nation the whole different look, even though we met kul tirans in wow, who looked like regular humans

    Then why not expect, that different eating habits would differentiate high elves from blood elves?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ren-dorei View Post
    The Void Elves have enough numbers to take part in the Battle for Lordaeron.

    Meanwhile, neither the Silver Covenant nor the Highvale were seen in that battle. I wonder why. Probably because their numbers are not high enough to take that risk.
    nice headcanon.. i guess there is not a big force of orcs, when they do not take part in destroying the legion on argus
    Last edited by mmoc09bcb5d61f; 2018-04-30 at 01:21 PM.

  12. #4072
    Quote Originally Posted by Ren-dorei View Post
    And yet they also have a close relationship with Nature and live in lodges nestled in the forest like the Highvale.

    Oh, I see, if you wield the Arcane, you cannot have primal war paints and tattoos.

    cough cough Farstriders/Blood Knights/Illidari cough cough
    That doesn't mean anything. The game only supports one bodytype, and the Blood elf bodytype is the caster one. A high elf race could have the ranger bodytype, and thus be more muscular.

    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    No it's not a retcon. The plotting behind Warcraft 2 was pretty simplistic and without much of the texture and detail that have been provided since.

    It is now a FACT that the High Elves of the time were last in and first out of the Alliance and had to be compelled to sign up in the first place. They NEVER as a people believed in the Alliance, and to present them as an iconic Alliance race when the Gnomes, who literally lost everything in service of the Alliance and still pledged their loyalty, are denigrated in this thread as being inferior to a Horde race in terms of symbolism is ridiculous.

    The Gnomes are a far more iconic Alliance race than the High Elves could ever be.
    yes...NOW it's a fact, because they rewrote that part of the lore to make it easier for them to add Blood elves to the Horde. That part of the lore being rewritten happened around late-vanilla-TBC.

    High elves were originally planned for the Alliance in Vanilla.


    This is the ID for the Belf language. 813 means it's one of the earliest spells added to the game.


    This is the Draenei language. As you can see it's much higher because Draenei were conceptualized in TBC.

    High elves were always considered an Alliance race until TBC when they rewrote the lore.
    Last edited by Gurluas; 2018-04-30 at 01:21 PM.

  13. #4073
    Pit Lord Sigxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buriedmastery View Post
    Well, I'm not against having more types of other races added to the game, by all means have more trolls, Forest Trolls, Wildhammer Dwarves, Half-ogre Half-orc Rexxar-likes, bring them all in; all fine with that, it's just what's more likely to happen in the near future and what makes more sense story-wise.

    You can't deny the fact though, that there are all these different types of Elves out there, they were once a major Empire on Azeroth, there was a lot of them, they split into different sections; just as trolls did split into different tribes too, though most of them are hostile (Amani, Gurubbashi, Drakkari), but by all means convince them into joining the Horde. It worked with Zandalari Trolls, were they hostile?

    High Elves are already a part of the Alliance, and Forsaken Elves are already a part of the Horde (Sylvanas herself, and a couple of her Dark Rangers), who's to say she wouldn't raise more of them if Alliance officially united all High Elf groups, led under Vereesa; especially now since in BFA both factions are raising armies and recruiting races.
    Uh, yeah, I actually can deny the fact that having even more playable elves is a good idea. I'm all up for having more types of races added to the game too - so let's do just that. Let's add in more races that ARE NOT Elves.

  14. #4074
    Quote Originally Posted by JustaRandomReindeer View Post
    They can't do that because then people playing Blood Elves just because they are pretty would have no reason to play them any longer and will just join the Alliance. Faction balance is not irrelevant - it's what keeps the game alive. Factions are crucial to WoW right now and giving the most popular Horde race to the Alliance would just mean the end of factions as we know them. So yeah, it is more likely that we will all become one faction and you will finally be able to play Blood Elves without calling yourself Horde before they add High Elves to the Alliance.
    Blood elves have guilds and friends on the Horde side, they're not just gonna plop out of that and go Alliance. Besides...An easy fix to that is to give Vulpera to the Horde.
    That'd solve any imbalance.

  15. #4075
    Quote Originally Posted by Gurluas View Post
    There was, they fully joined the Alliance following the Troll attack on Silvermoon, and didn't leave originally. They only became isolationist.
    In the retconned lore they outright left.
    If you mean the Troll Wars, Quel'thalas only formed a pact with the Arathor kingdom to defeat the trolls. It wasn't even the Alliance of Lordaeron from which the modern Alliance takes inspiration.

    Later on Quel'thalas joins the Alliance only because the Orcish Horde was starting to threaten its own lands. The High Elves were described as "reluctant allies at best" to the Alliance. The High Elves wanted to stay out of it as much as possible, only sending minimal help, and this is the source of why you can build the Elven units. Yet you misinterpret this and mistakenly believe this is proof that High Elves and human Alliance were BFFs since the dawn of time.
    When we looked at the relics of the precursors, we saw the height civilization can attain.
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  16. #4076
    Quote Originally Posted by corebit View Post
    If you mean the Troll Wars, Quel'thalas only formed a pact with the Arathor kingdom to defeat the trolls. It wasn't even the Alliance of Lordaeron from which the modern Alliance takes inspiration.

    Later on Quel'thalas joins the Alliance only because the Orcish Horde was starting to threaten its own lands. The High Elves were described as "reluctant allies at best" to the Alliance. The High Elves wanted to stay out of it as much as possible, only sending minimal help, and this is the source of why you can build the Elven units. Yet you misinterpret this and mistakenly believe this is proof that High Elves and human Alliance were BFFs since the dawn of time.
    No, I mean after the Second war.
    I'm talking about how the lore used to be back then. The elves were arrogant as all Elves but they didn't leave the Alliance and they definitely didn't start blaming humans, that's lore added later.

    Blizzard has a tendency to rewrite their lore to fit the current gameplay.

  17. #4077
    If Blizzard really wants to stop the high elf controversy without making high elves playable, it should focus on promoting the void elves, not on giving reasons why they can't give us high elves.

    Void elves are poorly-thought, badly developed copouts, but they do have potential (and nothing else). I can think of many ways to make them more palatable to the high elf crowd without giving them high elf skins. The problem here is that people will be way more unwilling to give them a chance now than they were before they were released (you can check it out: the high elf requests exploded after January 30th. Until then, most high elf fans were still hoping void elves would turn out to be good).

    The big problem is: everything points out to void elves being just a gimmick to allow players to be "Alleria-like elves" (while looking nothing like her). There's not a single interesting void elf interaction so far in BfA, all their cameos are just as some generic team of rangers following Alleria around. There's three void-related zones, plus a 4th one dealing with dark magic that may or may not be void, and yet you don't see a single void elf camp or interactable NPC. (I hear Umbric has a role in the Alliance campaign in Vol'dun and later becomes a follower, but I'm still waiting for details to judge it.)

    Void elves desperately need some depth. I say that Blizzard must:

    * Expand Telogrus Rift, putting events/gossip/interactions there that explain the basics of void elf lore (like the most obvious questions of them all: can new void elves be created? How are new ones transformed? Why are so many elves going there to become abominations tied to corruptive dark magic?)

    * Provide a proper core cast of void elf NPCs. At the very least, make a representative leader for each class. I'd take some known blood and high elf characters and turn them void elves. My choices would include Lyria Skystrider and Priest Ennas (the priests that try to preach against the Horde in Silvermoon), Summoner Nolric (only high elf warlock known), Taela Everstride (from Allerian Stronghold) and Theloria Shadecloak (from Allerian Post in Terokkar) as examples of elves I'd turn void to fulfill a core cast.

    * Make high and void elves have tied roles (much like Worgen/Gilnean are tied together, but only worgen are playable). Make the two races cooperate frequently, share camps, and sometimes buttheads among themselves. High and void elf lore would intermingle from now on, and be ultimately undivisible.

    * Put the void elves front and center of at least one major storyline in BfA. As the only Legion-related allied race that had no development in Legion, they really need immediate attention.

    Aside from all that, expanding void elf customization would be nice to try to draw in a wider range of personal tastes. I'm not talking normal skins here. Get some of the fan ideas behind high elf customization and apply to void elves. Personally, I think they need white-grey and white-purple (not bluish) skins. I'd give them more hair colors, like silver-blue, deep red, pitch black. And I'd give them warpaint, in colors such as red, blue and violet.

    These suggestions are the very same that have been circulating in forums since November 2017. If Blizzard had paid more attention to them, maybe all the high elf talk would have never gotten so out of hand.

  18. #4078
    Quote Originally Posted by Andoras View Post
    if blizz told you, that horde was never intended to be good and that if you want to be good, just roll alliance, yes that would also trigger big outcry
    Tolkien must stay Tolkien. Don't bring his cliche in Warcraft

  19. #4079
    Quote Originally Posted by Zorish View Post
    Tolkien must stay Tolkien. Don't bring his cliche in Warcraft
    Wat 10 chars

  20. #4080
    Quote Originally Posted by DeicideUH View Post
    If Blizzard really wants to stop the high elf controversy without making high elves playable, it should focus on promoting the void elves, not on giving reasons why they can't give us high elves.

    Void elves are poorly-thought, badly developed copouts, but they do have potential (and nothing else). I can think of many ways to make them more palatable to the high elf crowd without giving them high elf skins. The problem here is that people will be way more unwilling to give them a chance now than they were before they were released (you can check it out: the high elf requests exploded after January 30th. Until then, most high elf fans were still hoping void elves would turn out to be good).

    The big problem is: everything points out to void elves being just a gimmick to allow players to be "Alleria-like elves" (while looking nothing like her). There's not a single interesting void elf interaction so far in BfA, all their cameos are just as some generic team of rangers following Alleria around. There's three void-related zones, plus a 4th one dealing with dark magic that may or may not be void, and yet you don't see a single void elf camp or interactable NPC. (I hear Umbric has a role in the Alliance campaign in Vol'dun and later becomes a follower, but I'm still waiting for details to judge it.)

    Void elves desperately need some depth. I say that Blizzard must:

    * Expand Telogrus Rift, putting events/gossip/interactions there that explain the basics of void elf lore (like the most obvious questions of them all: can new void elves be created? How are new ones transformed? Why are so many elves going there to become abominations tied to corruptive dark magic?)

    * Provide a proper core cast of void elf NPCs. At the very least, make a representative leader for each class. I'd take some known blood and high elf characters and turn them void elves. My choices would include Lyria Skystrider and Priest Ennas (the priests that try to preach against the Horde in Silvermoon), Summoner Nolric (only high elf warlock known), Taela Everstride (from Allerian Stronghold) and Theloria Shadecloak (from Allerian Post in Terokkar) as examples of elves I'd turn void to fulfill a core cast.

    * Make high and void elves have tied roles (much like Worgen/Gilnean are tied together, but only worgen are playable). Make the two races cooperate frequently, share camps, and sometimes buttheads among themselves. High and void elf lore would intermingle from now on, and be ultimately undivisible.

    * Put the void elves front and center of at least one major storyline in BfA. As the only Legion-related allied race that had no development in Legion, they really need immediate attention.

    Aside from all that, expanding void elf customization would be nice to try to draw in a wider range of personal tastes. I'm not talking normal skins here. Get some of the fan ideas behind high elf customization and apply to void elves. Personally, I think they need white-grey and white-purple (not bluish) skins. I'd give them more hair colors, like silver-blue, deep red, pitch black. And I'd give them warpaint, in colors such as red, blue and violet.

    These suggestions are the very same that have been circulating in forums since November 2017. If Blizzard had paid more attention to them, maybe all the high elf talk would have never gotten so out of hand.
    I actually like some of these suggestions, if High elves and Void elves worked together, and could sympathize with each other's plights, with some Void elves seeking a cure, that'd make it much more stomach-able to play them.

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