1. #4101
    Quote Originally Posted by Ren-dorei View Post
    But it is your headcanon that these Highvale Elves would start dressing up like savage Forest Trolls, since such an idea has never been mentioned in the lore.
    where did i say that? dont force on me something i didnt say, just because you want to tell me back how i am headcanoning

  2. #4102
    Quote Originally Posted by Ren-dorei View Post
    But it is your headcanon that these Highvale Elves would start dressing up like savage Forest Trolls, since such an idea has never been mentioned in the lore.
    How is this dressing up like Forest trolls...what??
    Last edited by Gurluas; 2018-04-30 at 02:06 PM.

  3. #4103
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gurluas View Post

    And no, Blizzard confirmed High elves(Blood elves) were planned in the earliest stages of TBC to be in the Alliance, with Ogres in the Horde, and back then the lore had not been retconned.
    By the time the Blizzcon alpha came, Blood elves were put into the Horde, and Pandaren were planned for the Alliance instead.
    So it was 100% Alliance Blood elves Blizzard planned to add in Vanilla.
    Source please? The Pandaren I know about, but High Elves being in the Alliance in TBC.

  4. #4104
    Quote Originally Posted by Andoras View Post
    Wat 10 chars
    Horde was designed as "bad guys" only in WC-WC2 times. (because you know? that was Warhammer inspired). With the development of lore it's turned in other game, with other things. If they say that "horde was never intended to be good" then this will return to rails where "orcs, trolls, undead, goblins" are canonicaly bad races, supperior in numbers, but will be defeated by the bunch of hobbits, and "humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes" are good guys, who were losing, but with "Chosen" bunch of hobbits help they pulled and won.

    - - - Updated - - -

    to the funny topic - CM returned to "elf" discord. Interesting to see if fear of ban will stop them from calling other names, and wishing ion being fired.

  5. #4105
    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    There is petition for adding high elves to game: https://www.change.org/p/high-elven-..._share_initial

    And WoWhead article about high elves and Ion's response: http://www.wowhead.com/news=283929/t...an-allied-race
    355 such a huge majority!

  6. #4106
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Source please? The Pandaren I know about, but High Elves being in the Alliance in TBC.
    It's really hard to find stuff from back then since search engines brings the most up to date and relevant results and I can't remember when I read it. I think it was during a Blizzcon Q&A or an AMA somewhere.

  7. #4107
    High Overlord Gerron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ren-dorei View Post
    Perhaps, but then again, this counters the High Elf fanboys' argument that 'There are only 10 Void Elves in total', because I counted every Void Elf NPC in the Battle for Lordaeorn on the Beta, and there were more than 10 Void Elves. And those were just Umbral Rangers, they didn't even bring the various Void Warlocks and Researchers that are in Telogrus Rift. In addition, Void Elves have founded a new order called 'The Riftrunners' that has a presence in Boralus.
    In total I peg the number of Void Elves to be around 200 members. Usually in game numbers aren't and can't be literal. That being said there are a lot more High Elves and even more Blood Elves. Void Elves can expand though, Blizzard just needs to flesh that out. Also The Riftrunners aren't an order, they're an Island Expedition group. Basically those are the groups of Alliance NPCs that Horde characters can run into during an Island Expedition. I'll also point out "Jaina's Angels" has a Blood Elf member.

  8. #4108
    Quote Originally Posted by Zorish View Post
    Horde was designed as "bad guys" only in WC-WC2 times. (because you know? that was Warhammer inspired). With the development of lore it's turned in other game, with other things. If they say that "horde was never intended to be good" then this will return to rails where "orcs, trolls, undead, goblins" are canonicaly bad races, supperior in numbers, but will be defeated by the bunch of hobbits, and "humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes" are good guys, who were losing, but with "Chosen" bunch of hobbits help they pulled and won.

    - - - Updated - - -

    to the funny topic - CM returned to "elf" discord. Interesting to see if fear of ban will stop them from calling other names, and wishing ion being fired.
    Well of course they are going to be mad. He virtually bullpooped reasons why Void Elves are there instead of High Elves, and then told anyone whos pissed go play Horde. When he knows the Silver Covenant has been allied with the Alliance for 8 years in-game, and have been in major conflicts, not least the war within Dalaran when Jaina was in charge.

  9. #4109
    Pit Lord Sigxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gurluas View Post
    And no, Blizzard confirmed High elves(Blood elves) were planned in the earliest stages of TBC to be in the Alliance, with Ogres in the Horde, and back then the lore had not been retconned.
    By the time the Blizzcon alpha came, Blood elves were put into the Horde, and Pandaren were planned for the Alliance instead.
    So it was 100% Alliance Blood elves Blizzard planned to add in Vanilla.
    Could I get a link to that source, please? I googled around and found -nothing- about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andoras View Post
    He said no, they must be copy pasted blood elves with duckfaces, otherwise they cease to be high elves
    At least we are getting our blood elves fixed as their duck lips are changing to normal lips. ^^

    Quote Originally Posted by Zorish View Post
    to the funny topic - CM returned to "elf" discord. Interesting to see if fear of ban will stop them from calling other names, and wishing ion being fired.
    I wondered where that one went! "When the cat is gone the mice come out to play" as they say.

  10. #4110
    Quote Originally Posted by shinros View Post
    355 such a huge majority!
    Soo, would introduction of high elves destroy the horde's hardly maintained population that was saved with introduction of blood elves?

  11. #4111
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    so the Alliance just got void elves, already has night elves and now you want high elves? don't you think that's elf saturation? I think the main race plus an allied race is fine per creature type but that is it. By the end of BfA we will have 4 types of Elves, 2 Tauren, 2 Troll, 2 Orc, 2 Draenei, 2 Human and 2 Dwarf races. Piling on more of the same is just silly, I accept that they will probably do an allied race for Gnome, Worgen, Undead and Goblins but they should draw the line at adding other similar ones to the main game.

    High Elves are too similar to whats already in the game, there is no need for them. Blizzard should stick to their guns and just keep saying no

  12. #4112
    Quote Originally Posted by Strangewayes View Post
    Well of course they are going to be mad. He virtually bullpooped reasons why Void Elves are there instead of High Elves, and then told anyone whos pissed go play Horde. When he knows the Silver Covenant has been allied with the Alliance for 8 years in-game, and have been in major conflicts, not least the war within Dalaran when Jaina was in charge.
    and some people forget that wow actually bigger than we see, and this "big enough" numbers of "High elves" can be actually last ones of them existing withing the Aliance. And when people bring chronicles that "dalaran was evacuated", they pull some crazy numbers of "High elves" who live there, when actually they can be like 10-100 elves exiles in Aliance.

  13. #4113
    Field Marshal Suilea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigxy the Lemming View Post
    At least we are getting our blood elves fixed as their duck lips are changing to normal lips. ^^
    Which is a pretty great change, IMO.
    ... for all that comes to be deserves to perish wretchedly.

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  14. #4114
    Quote Originally Posted by Sigxy the Lemming View Post
    Could I get a link to that source, please? I googled around and found -nothing- about it.

    At least we are getting our blood elves fixed as their duck lips are changing to normal lips. ^^
    Sadly as I said, I can't find it either by googling. I basically read that during the earliest design phases of TBC, Horde were supposed to get Ogres and Alliance were supposed to get Blood elves, but they quickly decided to give them to the Horde instead to deal with faction imbalance. From the way it was said, I think it was before any ingame work had begun.

  15. #4115
    Just end this thread. Get it in your skulls. High elves isnt happening EVER.

  16. #4116
    Quote Originally Posted by suilea View Post
    Which is a pretty great change, IMO.
    but you cant just change appearance of race as you go, you no longer play blood elf, because he is altered../s
    Quote Originally Posted by Sanguiris View Post
    Just end this thread. Get it in your skulls. High elves isnt happening EVER.
    what to believe now? ion and his minions told me, that high elves are on the horde side and now you tell me they are never happening
    Last edited by mmoc09bcb5d61f; 2018-04-30 at 02:13 PM.

  17. #4117
    Pit Lord Sigxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLachyG View Post
    so the Alliance just got void elves, already has night elves and now you want high elves? don't you think that's elf saturation? I think the main race plus an allied race is fine per creature type but that is it. By the end of BfA we will have 4 types of Elves, 2 Tauren, 2 Troll, 2 Orc, 2 Draenei, 2 Human and 2 Dwarf races. Piling on more of the same is just silly, I accept that they will probably do an allied race for Gnome, Worgen, Undead and Goblins but they should draw the line at adding other similar ones to the main game.

    High Elves are too similar to whats already in the game, there is no need for them. Blizzard should stick to their guns and just keep saying no
    Pff, now you're just being too logical! The pro High Elves will deny you!

    Quote Originally Posted by suilea View Post
    Which is a pretty great change, IMO.
    I knooow, right?

  18. #4118
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post
    Honestly i would add chronicles giving over half the raid credit to horde with barely any credit to alliance or teamups. I mean more then a few i get but a few at least had alliance buildup but nope horde.

    So again i get why we will never get high elves...it just stinks for alliance players.

    Even when you realize that the horde get a race because of time travel.

  19. #4119
    Dreadlord Thalassian Bob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ren-dorei View Post
    Aside from the fact that High Elves are playable on both factions and so you are just being whiny at this point, give those tattoos and war paints to High Elves if you really want. But then Blood Elves shoudl also have them, since they also have an order linked closely to nature and that lives in lodges nestled in teh woods. And therefore there is once more the problem that High Elves won't stand out from Blood Elves.
    Not just tattoos my dude, arcane rune tattoos!

    I've wanted those as a blood elf customization option since seeing the box art for TBC. I always figured they helped the blood elves channel what little magic they could acquire during the post-Third War crisis in order to boost their combat prowess at a time when they most needed it. Like they were an arcane catalyst or imitated the leyline patterns of Azeroth.

  20. #4120
    Quote Originally Posted by Baiyn the Second View Post
    Not just tattoos my dude, arcane rune tattoos!

    I've wanted those as a blood elf customization option since seeing the box art for TBC. I always figured they helped the blood elves channel what little magic they could acquire during the post-Third War crisis in order to boost their combat prowess at a time when they most needed it. Like they were an arcane catalyst or imitated the leyline patterns of Azeroth.
    honestly tattoos as customization option must be added to almost every race. because every race (okay maybe not forsaken) have their own war paints/tattoos. This would solve Blood leves rangers look from WC2, Wildhammer look too (they are identical to ironforge!!! even little difference! only tattoos), orcs with their paints (skull mask), trolls, humans, etc. etc.

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