1. #4141
    Banned Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buriedmastery View Post
    All right, another case for High Elves.

    - - - Part [1/3] - - -

    ''Blood Elves are basically High Elves, [...].'' Are they?

    No, they are not. Blood Elves have been exposed to Fel energy
    just because they have been exposed to fel energy don't mean they become another race, stop this asinine headcanon and accept canon lore, that blood elves are high elves, this is stated both ingame, in warcraft encyclopedia, in chronciles, blue posts, and 2 times with ion, stop claiming up bullshit.

    Even high elves who left qule'thalas late get exposed to fel energy and their eyes could be green

    also, the fel reaction is already fading away

    and have been siphoning mana from living creatures. High Elves haven't,
    bullshit, don't matter from what or wherethey take mana, mana is mana, this don't make thena different race, high elves siphon magic trough magical objects
    and don't (they mostly use moon wells to satiate their addiction).
    there is no lore source about that

    Quote Originally Posted by Gurluas View Post
    It's like giving the Horde Fel orcs when they wanted Mag'har.
    you guys will win the championship of false analogies

  2. #4142
    Pit Lord Sigxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zorish View Post
    Honestly - sometimes i catch myself on thing, that this "High elves" woke up, because majority of them were upset after Nightborne gone horde. But then i scratch my head. Because if they play Aliance they clearly saw every phrase said by Tyrande (and used logic to see how Night elves "love" their spellcaster kin), then they won't be asking this questions, so...
    I don't know why but I can suddenly imagine High Elves getting framed for something and turned into slaves for the Nightelves. That'd be an interesting turn of events. o_o

  3. #4143
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gurluas View Post
    You misunderstand...In the earliest stages of TBC, the Blood elves were going to be Alliance. I'm talking long before the expansion was announced. This is before they even began work on the expansion ingame but were sorting out the design. Back then there wasn't really a divide between High and Blood elves, and people just called them Blood elves in general.
    But you have no proof of that assertion. I can't recall anyone ever saying that. Nor can I find any evidence in google or Wowpedia saying

    In fact I am looking the Scrolls of Lore forums, the oldest archived and ongoing forum of Warcraft debate on the web, and going back to mid 2005 I am seeing nothing on that (haven't been here for a long time and wouldn't you know it they have a High Elf thread too...poor buggers). If High Elves were going to be an Alliance race in TBC, then there should plenty of threads discussing it in the run up to Blizzcon.

    I am finding nothing.

    What we do know is that Pandaren were intended to be the Alliance race in TBC before they were scrapped for having no connection to Outland. Draenei were crafted in their stead...and everyone should be glad that happened.

    UPDATE: In fact, I have now found this.


    This thread was created in October 2005, weeks before the Blood Elves were revealed. It is based off a forum post made by Caydiem, a blue at the time who provided the first 'no' to playable High Elves, who stated that each faction would get one new race in the expansion.

    The admin of the site speculates on High Elves and Ogres because of the work he felt had been done on their models, NOT due a source that said High Elves were going to be the Alliance race. In hindsight, it is clear that the work he saw on High Elves was done as preparation for Blood Elves.

    Had ANY official source prior to Blizzcon confirmed that High Elves were intended to be an Alliance race, these guys would have known about it. They would have discussed it in that thread. They are just speculating, like everyone else was at the time, because nobody outside Blizzard knew.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gurluas View Post
    My whole point with that is that until TBC, Blood elves were an Alliance thing.

    Warcraft 3 the Frozen Throne was released on July 1st 2003. As part of that game's story, the second campaign 'Rise of the Blood Elves' details the moments the Blood Elves, who had rejoined the Alliance in desperation, finally cut ties with the faction and go forward towards their own destiny.

    Anyone playing World of Warcraft in vanilla would have been aware that the Blood Elves were no longer a part of the Alliance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gurluas View Post
    Sadly as I said, I can't find the source. I just remember it was Ogres for Horde and Blood elves for Alliance, but then they scrapped Ogres and put Blood elves in the Horde, and made Pandaren for Alliance.

    In 2006 when TBC was announced they were already Horde.
    Gurluas, TBC was announced in 2005.

    Look, I'm sorry. I know you are trying but all you are giving me is unsourced claims and statements that don't make sense given the timeframes involved.

    I reckon it is far likelier that the intervening years have coloured your memory, you are remembering things in a way that didn't occur. This is not to put you down, this happens to everyone on every topic.

    However, you are wrong about your recollections.
    Last edited by Obelisk Kai; 2018-04-30 at 03:05 PM.

  4. #4144
    Quote Originally Posted by Andoras View Post
    no, somehow i messed quotation, fixed
    well then sorry. my "toxin" are far less "dangerous" that what i see. I won't call people to kill themself, i won't call people be fired, because i don't like that decision, i won't be ultrasad if Zandalari won't get DK as playable race (still keep a glimmer of hope till reveal, but no high expectation), I WON'T SWARMPEROPT PEOPLE FOR HAVING DIFFERENT OPINION. You know why? because after seeing Aliance outrage over nightborne and whole development of them DURING WHOLE SURAMAR CAMPAING as 90% horde race... well - aliance players lost my trust.

  5. #4145
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Here's my personal take on the high elf fantasy along with a couple of haircuts and warpaint/tribal marking options.

    I always imagined them to be more like the elves in LOTR. I know this isn't the case, but isn't this entire thread just wishful thinking anyway?

  6. #4146
    Pit Lord Sigxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Here's my personal take on the high elf fantasy along with a couple of haircuts and warpaint/tribal marking options.

    I always imagined them to be more like the elves in LOTR. I know this isn't the case, but isn't this entire thread just wishful thinking anyway?
    So basically, make their hair curly?

    On a sidenote - I DO love that armour design, I really do. Would definitely want to see more of those things.

  7. #4147
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Here's my personal take on the high elf fantasy along with a couple of haircuts and warpaint/tribal marking options.

    Nope, not a high elf. He doesnt look like copy pasta of blood elf with duckface. /s
    One of the best concepts so far, congratz.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zorish View Post
    well then sorry. my "toxin" are far less "dangerous" that what i see. I won't call people to kill themself, i won't call people be fired, because i don't like that decision, i won't be ultrasad if Zandalari won't get DK as playable race (still keep a glimmer of hope till reveal, but no high expectation), I WON'T SWARMPEROPT PEOPLE FOR HAVING DIFFERENT OPINION. You know why? because after seeing Aliance outrage over nightborne and whole development of them DURING WHOLE SURAMAR CAMPAING as 90% horde race... well - aliance players lost my trust.
    your obsessive stalking of that discord and making fun of other people, is quite toxic.. Maybe reactions of some are over the top, but Ion's response was also dickish and uneducated.
    Last edited by mmoc09bcb5d61f; 2018-04-30 at 02:58 PM.

  8. #4148
    Quote Originally Posted by Sigxy the Lemming View Post
    I don't know why but I can suddenly imagine High Elves getting framed for something and turned into slaves for the Nightelves. That'd be an interesting turn of events. o_o
    you have strange taste for story but it's up to you.

  9. #4149
    Dreadlord Thalassian Bob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Here's my personal take on the high elf fantasy along with a couple of haircuts and warpaint/tribal marking options.


    I always imagined them to be more like the elves in LOTR. I know this isn't the case, but isn't this entire thread just wishful thinking anyway?
    I don't really want to see high elves playable (especially not after the addition of velves) but these are some really cool ideas. I love the face markings! Very "Pictish"!

  10. #4150
    Pit Lord Sigxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zorish View Post
    you have strange taste for story but it's up to you.
    At this point, anything to have the Silver Covenant gone because this fanbase is making me dislike high elves. And I actually used to like them a lot. :<

  11. #4151
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Here's my personal take on the high elf fantasy along with a couple of haircuts and warpaint/tribal marking options.

    I always imagined them to be more like the elves in LOTR. I know this isn't the case, but isn't this entire thread just wishful thinking anyway?
    and there we go. LOTR elves. *tooth pain*

    And for your note Warpaints DON'T make race different. Because it's elvish warpaint, used by Blood elves (when they "were High elves") during PAST - WC2).

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Sigxy the Lemming View Post
    At this point, anything to have the Silver Covenant gone because this fanbase is making me dislike high elves. And I actually used to like them a lot. :<
    man you can love whatever you want! nobody against your tastes. But if you love the LORE of the elves and not just look, you must embrace ALL lore of them.
    The part that ones who stayed with Aliance are traitors of their own kind
    The part that Veressa was exiled
    The part that even after stopping using magic, elves still take it for their bodies

    Elves in Wow are not "proud and beautifull" by lore, like in LotR. They are questionable race, with their own shadows of the past and the future.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Andoras View Post
    your obsessive stalking of that discord and making fun of other people, is quite toxic.. Maybe reactions of some are over the top, but Ion's response was also dickish and uneducated.
    Tell me how you react if someone continue bring same question for 12 years of your life. My "obsession" is because i want to laugh. And what i see in this discord is not something "healthy" but really some kind of cult. Cult wich sometimes agressive to people who AGAINST them. Isn't this funny?

    if some people want to dwell in the past it's okay, but if this people using past, and ignoring PART (WC3, BC) of it for purpose? well - sorry you will get opposition. Like really i am sad that @Traycor wasted his strenght on "High elves" by digging the past. If he would be guided to future (like few days ago idea of Storm elves), the opposition would be definetly weaker, because he didn't try to "steal the past" but rather develop the FUTURE for "High elves" of the Aliance, their reason to be different enough, their reason to exist aside of their arrogance. I would take this pill. It's taste will be bad, but i will take it.
    Last edited by Zorish; 2018-04-30 at 03:15 PM.

  12. #4152
    Quote Originally Posted by Darththeo View Post

    My argument has never GIVE HIGH ELVES but rather those that want High Elves deserve a BETTER explanation on why they won't be getting it ... again, logic isn't your strong suit. Faction Identity doesn't exist ... they claim it does ... I don't see it in game.
    TL;DR, blah, blah, blah semantics.

    The bolded part tells me all I really need to know about you. Because you don't see something, you think it doesn't exist. I guess oxygen doesn't exist to you, then? Because faction identity does exist, whether you see it or not. What's more is that Blizzard actually used faction identity as the reason HE's won't be given to the Alliance. YIKES. Must feel bad for something non-existent, non-bullshit, to be used to refute your entire stance. But since you don't care about any of this (obviously), no point in further discussion.
    Last edited by Enkrypt; 2018-04-30 at 03:13 PM.

  13. #4153
    Pit Lord Sigxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zorish View Post
    man you can love whatever you want! nobody against your tastes. But if you love the LORE of the elves and not just look, you must embrace ALL lore of them.
    The part that ones who stayed with Aliance are traitors of their own kind
    The part that Veressa was exiled
    The part that even after stopping using magic, elves still take it for their bodies

    Elves in Wow are not "proud and beautifull" by lore, like in LotR. They are questionable race, with their own shadows of the past and the future.
    The problem for me is that when it gets to things I like - I want to take in everything around them too into consideration. This includes fanbase.

    And at the moment I'm seeing far more unreasonable high elf fans than the reasonable ones and it just pushes me away from them. x_x

  14. #4154
    Quote Originally Posted by Sigxy the Lemming View Post
    At this point, anything to have the Silver Covenant gone because this fanbase is making me dislike high elves. And I actually used to like them a lot. :<
    What is wrong with the fanbase? Just because they get mocked and provocated to act like those who provoke them? If i was constantly spiteful about introduction of zandalari paladins, straight backs, ogres, then i wouldnt act surprised, that these people are more agressive

    Yaaaaay guys, we won, Ion said no to high elves, get rekt alliance

  15. #4155
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post
    Annd behold an immature and childish response what a surprise
    Says the guy that can't handle being told "No, you can't play that race on Alliance."

    Riiiight. Whatever helps you sleep at night in your Alliance pajamas, friend.

  16. #4156
    Quote Originally Posted by Gurluas View Post
    They fit much better in the Alliance than the Horde. In fact, back then, the Horde players didn't want em, and the Alliance players were mad because they wanted them in the alliance, and the few Blood elves in the game in Vanilla were Alliance...and why would the Alliance want High elves when they have Blood elves in the Alliance? Don't be silly.

    Well good thing they were smart enough to not listen to players and instead decided to pursue faction balance.

  17. #4157
    Quote Originally Posted by Baiyn the Second View Post
    Well, the not so subtly named "Adon", who stands in the Eastern Plaguelands near the Thalassian border, is actually a high elf, rather than a blood elf.
    This reasoning makes absolutely no sense. For starters your link is pulling the "High Elf" part out of thin air, this npc was only ever classified as a humanoid and never designed as a High Elf or Blood Elf. He was given a blood elf model as soon as said model began existing. Secondly, this npc is on the road to Quel'thalas, the home of the Blood Elves. If blizzard had given the Elves to Blizzard, then it would have either been those of Quel'thalas, therefore still the Blood Elves, in which case why would Adon have been a high elf? Or it would have been another group of High Elves from elsewhere, in which case, again, why would a High Elf have been standing in front of the path to the Blood Elven homeland?

    Even when this npc used the "High Elf" model everybody assumed that he was a Blood Elf. Why? Because before TBC came around the Green/Blue glowing eyes distinction between the two elves was not a thing. The only elves we'd seen with blue glowing eyes by that point were the Priests from Warcraft III. All the other elves had regular/white eyes. Back before TBC the only distinction between HE/BE did not even exist yet. That's why the "HE" in front of Quel'thalas was, rightfully, always assumed to be a blood elf.

  18. #4158
    Quote Originally Posted by Zorish View Post
    Elves in Wow are not "proud and beautifull" by lore, like in LotR. They are questionable race, with their own shadows of the past and the future.
    Warcraft takes more inspiration from Warhammer than it does from standard Tolkien fantasy anyways. It was even originally stated to be a Warhammer clone.

    The High Elves resemble the ones in Warhammer a lot. Prideful, isolationist, and slowly dying off as race. Meanwhile the Void Elves seem to be inspired by the Dark Elves. Even the VE Heritage armor seem straight ripped off from the Witch Elf units.
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  19. #4159
    Quote Originally Posted by Andoras View Post
    What is wrong with the fanbase? Just because they get mocked and provocated to act like those who provoke them? If i was constantly spiteful about introduction of zandalari paladins, straight backs, ogres, then i wouldnt act surprised, that these people are more agressive

    Yaaaaay guys, we won, Ion said no to high elves, get rekt alliance
    How is any of those things comparable to what you are asking for? You are asking for a race that already exists. You are asking for faction imbalance. How do straight back orcs and Zandalari Paladins compare to that?

  20. #4160
    Quote Originally Posted by Gurluas View Post
    They fit much better in the Alliance than the Horde. In fact, back then, the Horde players didn't want em, and the Alliance players were mad because they wanted them in the alliance, and the few Blood elves in the game in Vanilla were Alliance...and why would the Alliance want High elves when they have Blood elves in the Alliance? Don't be silly.

    I dunno man, it very well been a thing. I mean people are complaining that Nightborne aren't Ally when the got Night Elves. Wouldn't be in the realm of impossibility.

    Hell if the roles were reversed and Horde got Void Elves I can bet the response is very very similar to what we got today.
    Last edited by Paraka; 2018-04-30 at 03:28 PM.

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