The information I had was in hindsight, not from back then. I think it was around Cata or Mop where they discussed the process of how Blood elves ended up in the Horde design wise, and they talked about how they were originally conceptualized as Alliance during the earliest designs. I doubt I'd just create a memory like that out of nowhere.
TFT had Kael's Blood elves go Illidari, but Vanilla made it clear that the Alliance still had Blood elves among it, in fact, Nethergarde keep even had an Ambassador.
Especially since Vanilla made it clear the reorganized Alliance was not the Alliance of Lordaeron, but a Stormwind centric Alliance.
And...Well I stand corrected about the date, I thought it was in 2006. In any case, this discussion right now is about Blood elves.
High elves quite simply weren't a thing back then. Everyone assumed the entire High elf race had renamed itself to Blood elves in honor of their kin.
High elves only became a thing people asked for after the announcement Blood elves would go Horde, and when TBC introduced Alliance High elves.
When we looked at the relics of the precursors, we saw the height civilization can attain.
When we looked at their ruins, we marked the danger of that height.
- Keeper Annals
he just live in another world don't bother
claiming nightborne was a better version of night elves was one of the best pearls of this topic
- - - Updated - - -
blasphemy, even if this make sense, is blasphemy! only pure high elves are allowed! so we should make then bulky like humans or night elves with makes no sense!
I actually sort of agree. The model wasn't the best but frankly, I always disliked the Night elf model, and at least the Nightborne don't bounce...Plus they have an epic city and is one of the most advanced Arcane civilizations left...And they have eyebrows.
It can definitely be seen as an improvement.
Watch out, he's going to try to use Ion's statement "X faction is here for you" as a comeback to appear witty. He's being in salt-mode doing it all day.
I don't know about you, but the NE bounce is fucking epic. It's a major plus in my book.
Last edited by corebit; 2018-04-30 at 04:11 PM.
When we looked at the relics of the precursors, we saw the height civilization can attain.
When we looked at their ruins, we marked the danger of that height.
- Keeper Annals
i think this problem started with Allied races all together.
this is just speculation but i think planning for allied started with Patch 7.1 at the earliest
People saw the High mountain tauren and Nightborne and thought i want to play one of those.
now that the high mountain tauren were going horde thats a given if we use "we can't blur the lines between factions"
also blizzard tends to start planning the next expansion when the new one just lauched but were in patch 7.1 so i think they have some idea what its gonna be.
On to Nightborne, Now in patch 7.1 we get that that exchange between Tyrande and Thalysra. for the record i happen to agree with tyrande on the matter.
we also get the last Alliance High elves moments in game. with Elisant calling them mongrels for interbreeding with humans.
But with the hostile stance they gave to Tyrande towards the Nightborne blizzard decides to give the horde the Nightborne, this decision could have been made in patch 7.2 when they were working on argus.
However here is where the problem start. Blizzard had 2 choices for allied races for horde. and none for they alliance.
Patch 7.2 they eather start or are already working on patch 7.3 and they find a race they can give to they alliance. the light forged draenei being previously been used in the paladin and priest campaign( not shure on the priest part haven't done that one yet) this one counter balances the highmountain tauren. because tauren-tauren, draenei-draenei. that leaves nightborne what to counter balance that with. well nightborne use the Night elf rig. and most of they animations. so what does that leave the alliance.
and here is where blizzard went the wrong way.
i think blizzard wanted to use the duality angle for light and shadow/void. the problem was they didn't have any shadow races with redeemable qualities. because the most we ever see shadow wielding characters is, their eather tentacle faces monsters. or shadow casters/priests that have gone insane.
the character to reprisent the light was easy. Turalyon an over zealos priest turned paladin.
but who to use to the shadow/void character. blizzard decided here to shoehorn the shadow/void powers onto Alleria Windrunners Character eventho their was never any mention her character dabled in said power. the last time she was ingame in the warcraft universe was in 1996 in warcraft 2 beyond the dark portal.
now blizzard could have gone with the Broken Krokul making them sorta shadow/void shamans but seeing as the HD model still uses the tauren male rig that was very unlikely.
at they end of the patch 7.2 cicle blizzard decided to make the void elves taking the voidafied Alleria Windrunner as insparation.
while they could have just as easily have made a more militant version of the high elf that is more intune with the wilds. and forgoing Arcane overtime as a sort of echo of Night elves back in the day. giving up classes like the mage and the warlock. and yes im well aware of that most silver covenant high elves are mages. as for holy magic with priest and paladin, instead of drawing from the holy magic from the sunwell they instead draw from holy schrines in human or night elves settlements.
as for their aesthetic it could be a call back to the warcraft 2 rangerand alleria windrunners design
but blizzard decided to go with void elves instead because i think of the Light/Shadow duality angle. and if you read this intire post problely weren't a thing until planning of patch 7.3 during the time late patch 7.1 or early 7.2 were live. void elves were under developed at best, and an asspull at worst.
but because blizzard decided on void elves, and later realised they screwed the pouch. did they decided to ride this controversy wave out by sticking to their guns.
however High elves fans rightfully called bullshit because
1: the horde allied races are better developted and established in lore which is a real feat in one expansion.
2: void elves barely had any development at all if any. and feel like they came up with them 5 minutes before they were said to announce them.
3: High elves are a mutch better fit as an allied race, as countless people in this topic have stated.
and now we have blizzard trying to cover their asses by saying.
1: they blur the lines between factions. evetho void elves, nightborne and as mutch as blizzard hates pandaren also break that rule.
2: to little of them in number of them to be an allied races. again void elves break that rule. as well as lightforged.
so that leaves
3: Alliance already has Void elves so we can't give them High elves yet well then wait till same more allied races have been added then put them in.
and finally the only reason i care about and want them to admit to.
4 We don't want to because we can't right now.
i don't think the high elves fans found it necessary for Ion to twist the dagger by saying "if you want to play light skinned blonde haird elves the horde is there for you"
it was uncalled for and mean. and should IMHO apoligize for it.
When we looked at the relics of the precursors, we saw the height civilization can attain.
When we looked at their ruins, we marked the danger of that height.
- Keeper Annals