The only way Ion could be more definitive is if he straight up said “we’re never making high elves playable”
He didn’t because Blizzard doesn’t like saying never these days for obvious reasons, but at this point you’re just picking at the bones
The only way Ion could be more definitive is if he straight up said “we’re never making high elves playable”
He didn’t because Blizzard doesn’t like saying never these days for obvious reasons, but at this point you’re just picking at the bones
Ignoring the overwhelming amount of reasons he gave why it won't happen in the foreseeable future. We can be pretty sure it won't happen in BfA, but the stupidest thing anyone can say is never. He never said that would never happen(pun). Wich is the only hope the High Elf fans got left. So let them have that hope(or don't I guess)![]()
World of Warcraft stuff
I mean the guys that go by High Elves as their identification. Not the ones listed as Blood Elves or Void Elves, or Dark Rangers, and Undead Elves. The High Elves they keep pushing out when there are suppose to be too few to be playable...yet more keep showing up.
As I said its the "Here Look, a High Elf. Neat, huh. No you can't play as that." Its quite annoying.
Who though? The only recent “new” high elves I can think of were the guys hanging around the void elf camp looking to convert.
And to me that speaks more of how small the remaining high elf population is that the remaining ones are looking to merge with other groups to be part of something relevant, instead of doomed wanderers.
They've added more in BfA on top of those in the Void elf starting area. A group in the Warfronts. Plus some dude that works as part of the Island Expeditions. It seems like the group that was in Outlands is coming home to go back to work at bashing orc and troll skulls like they did back in their last major war (the Second War).
When we looked at the relics of the precursors, we saw the height civilization can attain.
When we looked at their ruins, we marked the danger of that height.
- Keeper Annals
Again, absolute deflection of my point. Only seeing what you want to see.
I define HE types as people who just can't, won't and will not see the truth of this situation. You meet that definition.
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I am willing to say Never. At least not as their basic, vanilla High Elf as they currently exist. And unless you guys get that this will never end.
Here is something to believe in!
Like I said, I don't care about them one way or another. I do hope they'll develop void elves and have the Silver Covenant suffer a major defeat somewhere, one that ultimately forces many of them to choose between going home, dispersing back into the greater Alliance, or turning to Alleria to master the void.
The Silver Covenant were a totally unnecessary addition to the story, and their presence always comes at the expense of what could be development and presence for other, actually playable races. So long as they keep showing up, people are going to want to keep playing as high elves on the Alliance. There was never any good reason to introduce them, and they've been an anchor on discussions about future Alliance races ever since they were.
It's going to be pretty funny if void elves end up joining the Silver Covenant and exist within it as a minority. They had many chances to kill the thing off already, and I suspect they still might, but until they do it shouldn't be any surprise people want playable Alliance high elves.
Last edited by Mutineer; 2018-05-05 at 02:53 AM.
So something in BC, the guest star of Vereesa/Alleria's quest, and the faction leader since BC.
If anything they got an appearance in MoP (finally) along with the long forgotten spellbreakers.... foiled by the High Elves...again...
Regardless, the BE wouldn't lose rangers. They'll just continue not being in the spotlight as they have always been. Blood Elves have been pushed into the "Light in the Horde" position, with the Sunwell/Blood Knights/Liadrin taking a disproportionate amount of screentime for the Blood Elves. They're also still big on the Fel thing between their approach to magic and Demon Hunters.
And that's fine. Better they focus on a couple of things well rather than underdevelop everything just for the sake of it.
Last edited by Lebanese Dude; 2018-05-05 at 02:55 AM.
That's just your own interpretation and part wishful thinking, since you keep hoping the ranger theme becomes something exclusive to the Helves. Nope, as long as Lor'themar remains faction leader, the Blood Elves will remain what they have always been, a multi-talented race.
Also judging the overall theme by a leader's screen time is just stupid. So if Lor'themar gets more screen time in BfA, then your argument falls apart completely.
Also how are the Blood Elves still big on the fel? Demon Hunters technically are their faction, they follow the Alliance and the Horde based on their own self interests, or are you implying the Night Elves have accepted demonic magic as well, solely based on DHs being available to them?
When we looked at the relics of the precursors, we saw the height civilization can attain.
When we looked at their ruins, we marked the danger of that height.
- Keeper Annals
World of Warcraft stuff
You are actually the one that fits that definition it is just you have deluded yourself into thinking your view is the only correct view.
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He will say never because he thinks you let people down gently by speaking in a way that permits false hope.
Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
–The Sith Code
My issue with high elves has always been faction bluring. To hear Ion say the same thing reinforced my belief in this. You can actually find quotes from me saying this in my post history long before Ion said it.
Though I won't be upset if it happens, I'll probably play one. I just don't think it should happen.
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So you do get it. Good for you!
Excuse me for having my own opinion and also believing that yours is wrong![]()
Here is something to believe in!
If i want another? i don't want another, i'm already playing what i want, BE, i'm here for having alliance players playing my counterpart, which i prefer over VE a thousand times, and most of them don't want to play a void elf over a high elf, but K.
And what's ironic is you saying that i'm the one not making sense.
And it is you who is crying for HE not being a thing, just look at how you communicate in this forum,`making fun of others and blaming them for wanting this while you skip their explanations and facts because you don't want to hear them.