1. #4941
    The strictly neutral starting zone doesn't function for Blood Elves/High Elves due to how the lore is setup presently. The only way to get that to work would be after a revamp and Silvermoon is in the mist of a civil war, where you start out as a Elf...probably a Blood Elf, but eventually have to pick a side, since not all the Blood Elves were happy with the idea of joining the Horde....they just would get mind controlled every time they spoke out against the ministers.

    But that's not the best way. The Allied Race setup is perfect for High Elves that are in no way neutral. They are For the Alliance types from their level 20 start. Set them up in Stormwind or Dalaran, or hey even Outland....the ones that decide to come home at last...Alleria's been found, her youngest sister has a core of your kin still fighting the Horde, while her other sister is undead and leading said Horde, which holds Silvermoon. The Sunwell has changed. Your people are not what they once were 25 or 30 years ago. You can't relate to them anymore. You stick with the Alliance because that is what you know now. It beings you more comfort that the idea of Silvermoon crawling with undead, orcs, and trolls in every street corner (that may not be how it is, but that would be good propaganda). Down with the Horde! For the Alliance!

  2. #4942
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    so saying someone is crying, when they are indeed crying, is being a troll, alright

    sorry what i read is just mimimimi, can you be more specific
    I can't even take you serious anymore...

  3. #4943
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Ofc it's datamined text so subject to change, but since anti-helfs were parading the whole "void elves are endless" line about before it got changed I figure I'd do the same


    Doesn't really look like Magister Umbric gives a shit about Alliance concerns lmao. It's the same as others speculated, a good amount of Void Elves just want to be left to research the Void. This must be why Alleria is leading the combative VE squad.

    Funny that Blizzard keeps preaching about wanting Faction pride but yet gives races and responses that conflict with that.

    EDIT: Also who knew "Magister Umbric" was actually a Shadow Priest lol

  4. #4944
    Why does this thread still exist? The subject has already been dealt with by several devs including the game director. I think that's about as definitive as it gets. Anything now is just conspiracy theory. I hope you people eventually realize how desperately pathetic you're beginning to sound and try to change your lives a bit. Good luck.

  5. #4945
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlubberPuddy View Post
    It's a shame that Wildhammer may be in the same boat as High Elves


    That's pretty much the same answer that was given for High Elves. Kind of sucks that Alliance allied races are by nature pretty similar so that's sort of a big clash to the AR system already if it is indeed made purely to get new races out to the factions.

    Means Alliance potentially will end up with lots of "new different races"
    "We don't have any immediate plans to include the Wildhammer clan." Well, there is a line of hope, since that is almost word for word what Blizzard said about demon hunters in the past.
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
    "You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  6. #4946
    Doesn't really look like Magister Umbric gives a shit about Alliance concerns lmao.
    Huh, where is it even remotely implied? The fact that Magister Umbric, vainglorious and proud, is disgusted by the backwater that is Vol'dun, doesn't mean that he doesn't care about the Alliance.

  7. #4947
    I put in some feedback for that quest. Mainly "Is there a reason for Umbric to even be out there other than to become a follower? There is no point in him being there, he does nothing in the story up to that point....he's just there."

  8. #4948
    Elemental Lord Darththeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TotalSyn View Post
    Mate, you are a lost cause.

    The context is literally in the post you are responding to. You're just not willing to acknowledge it. It's like you have blinkers on, and the words and meanings just don't exist for you.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Thanks for taking another stab at it mate, but Darth is just not going to get it. It's like he lives in an alternate reality.
    Lies don't prove your point. You can lie about the context and claim it is evidence, it doesn't make you right. Context is a clear not now. You state context states "Slams the door shut and nails it close." The farthest you can get with the context is "Not now, maybe never at all." You can't get what you are claiming from the context.

    And despite what Protip said, there is no evidence in context to support what you are saying. You have presented none, but think you have. You anti-helfers are twisting the words just as much as the Pro-helfers but refuse to admit it because you know that you are right and that is all that matters. Facts don't matter to you and yet you project that trait onto me because you don't wish to admit you are wrong on what he said.
    Last edited by Darththeo; 2018-05-06 at 09:28 AM.
    Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
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  9. #4949
    Titan Zulkhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post

    A) Tattoos and Hairstyles does not break any lore, in fact, those are pretty probable, the first the less probable and the later the most.

    B) Athletic builds: This is a way to say we would accept another type of body if that helps, we are not sugesting elves big like orcs, not even like humans, but even more or even less than BE, or by defect, another idle like Blizzard did with Nightborne.

    D) The Sunwell: Elves are pretty sensible to magic, you can even see that the HE does not even have glow in their eyes, just color, the new HE could have a different and even restricted palette of colors such as black hair, white hair, lightly blonde or grey, and pale and not-so-pale skin colors, idk, is not in my hand to decide and the last word in this is Blizzad's, but what is truth is that this is warcraft elves we are talking about, and magic plays an important role in how their bodies and looks work.


    'Headcanon' 'You ignore the meaning of the word'

    Right sir...

    You even cut my explanations from the quote, if that's not going around facts for others to just look at your answer without my reasoning is totally denigrant, for you and for anyone who want to discuss, not to flame as you are doing.

    And you calling me an ignorant for using a word that you don't believe i know while i'm using the word right is poor argumentation.
    I'm calling you ignorant for using a word you clearly dont know. None of your "explanations" have even the barest reflection in-game, which means said "assumptions" are as much headcanon as those of the next poster. Get over yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by Keyblader View Post
    It's a general rule though that if you play horde you are a bad person irl. It's just a scientific fact.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heladys View Post
    The game didn't give me any good reason to hate the horde. Forums did that.

  10. #4950
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    I can't even take you serious anymore...
    i dind't take you serious, long pages ago, when the cry started, so i call an accomplishment for you

  11. #4951
    This thread is so long and it should just end with Blood Elves are High Elves. They renamed themselves.
    And it's just proofs you just want Blood Elves with way more customization options and justify it by calling them "High Elves".
    You already have High Elves with purple skin. They are not going to add every race people created in their mind.

  12. #4952
    Officers Academy Prof. Byleth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darththeo View Post
    Lies don't prove your point. You can lie about the context and claim it is evidence, it doesn't make you right. Context is a clear not now. You state context states "Slams the door shut and nails it close." The farthest you can get with the context is "Not now, maybe never at all." You can't get what you are claiming from the context.

    And despite what Protip said, there is no evidence in context to support what you are saying. You have presented none, but think you have. You anti-helfers are twisting the words just as much as the Pro-helfers but refuse to admit it because you know that you are right and that is all that matters. Facts don't matter to you and yet you project that trait onto me because you don't wish to admit you are wrong on what he said.
    Dude, you've totally lost it.

    I was going to do a witty thing where I changed a few words in your sentence to make you sound like a rabid Donal Trump fan, but honestly, you're not worth the effort.

    For the record, I'm not an anti-helfer (I can't believe how big this nonsense has become that we now need labels... the mind boggles). I'm just not afraid to truly listen to all the OVERWHELMING evidence that we are not getting helfs, and I've moved on. Just like I'll be moving on from this conversation.

    I will happily open a dialogue again with you though, when you have reached a place where you can analyze and process exactly what Ion said, and what @protip clearly presented to you on a silver platter. You need to be looking at the whole picture, not just the throwaway nicety at the end.

    The door is nailed shut my dude, but maybe we can make something exciting and new happen outside the framework that Ion presented. That is the only way forward for helfs. At least that is what I believe based on the evidence.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by OldLady69 View Post
    This thread is so long and it should just end with Blood Elves are High Elves. They renamed themselves.
    You speak the universal truth my friend!

    And you know what, if High Elves can rename themselves once, they can do it again. Bring on the fancy new reformation of alliance High Elves, one that will put Blood Elves to shame.
    Here is something to believe in!

  13. #4953
    The Unstoppable Force Arrashi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    i dind't take you serious, long pages ago, when the cry started, so i call an accomplishment for you
    To be fair, i don't think most people were taking "high-elvers" seriously for past few years now.

  14. #4954
    to think about it...
    After WC3 events you know who was the biggest asspull race? Yes - "High elves" in the Aliance! because i clearly remember how they left it thanks to Garithos the Great! Like really. Why blizzard put "High elves" in the Aliance in Vanila after that?

  15. #4955
    Quote Originally Posted by Zorish View Post
    to think about it...
    After WC3 events you know who was the biggest asspull race? Yes - "High elves" in the Aliance! because i clearly remember how they left it thanks to Garithos the Great! Like really. Why blizzard put "High elves" in the Aliance in Vanila after that?
    I dont know, maybe because Garithos has nothing to do with Stormwind?

  16. #4956
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrashi View Post
    They should make high elves using pandaren male skeleton. That would make them diffrent enough. They would be High (blood pressure) elves.
    that would enrage alliance players to a high blood pressure level aswell
    Quote Originally Posted by Tennisace View Post
    In other countries like Canada the population has chosen to believe in hope, peace and tolerance. This we can see from the election of the Honourable Justin Trudeau who stood against the politics of hate and divisiveness.

  17. #4957
    Quote Originally Posted by FlubberPuddy View Post
    Ofc it's datamined text so subject to change, but since anti-helfs were parading the whole "void elves are endless" line about before it got changed I figure I'd do the same


    Doesn't really look like Magister Umbric gives a shit about Alliance concerns lmao. It's the same as others speculated, a good amount of Void Elves just want to be left to research the Void. This must be why Alleria is leading the combative VE squad.

    Funny that Blizzard keeps preaching about wanting Faction pride but yet gives races and responses that conflict with that.

    EDIT: Also who knew "Magister Umbric" was actually a Shadow Priest lol
    I suggest you read the text closely again.. slooowly this time. Nowhere does it say any such thing, nor is it implied. Or did you mean the "nothing of interest"? Something that is quite common when you're in the wrong place when you're doing a certain job?

    Nice try though!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Shibito View Post
    that would enrage alliance players to a high blood pressure level aswell
    Neh, that'll happen once they actually read the Q&A and see High Elves won't be coming. They're just deluding themselves into "Omg it might happen"!

  18. #4958
    Quote Originally Posted by Budong View Post
    Why does this thread still exist? The subject has already been dealt with by several devs including the game director. I think that's about as definitive as it gets. Anything now is just conspiracy theory. I hope you people eventually realize how desperately pathetic you're beginning to sound and try to change your lives a bit. Good luck.
    Unfortunately until WoW itself dies these threads will never stop.
    change can't wait.

  19. #4959
    Quote Originally Posted by Andoras View Post
    I dont know, maybe because Garithos has nothing to do with Stormwind?
    care to remind me what busines stormwind have with elves if they allied through Arathi leader? QT on north and SW almost on South. Like really what elves must do there in big numbers and not 10-20 emissaries?

  20. #4960
    Elemental Lord Darththeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TotalSyn View Post
    Dude, you've totally lost it.

    I was going to do a witty thing where I changed a few words in your sentence to make you sound like a rabid Donal Trump fan, but honestly, you're not worth the effort.
    Given your argument is closer to that of Donald Trump fans ... it just shows your lack of understanding.

    For the record, I'm not an anti-helfer (I can't believe how big this nonsense has become that we now need labels... the mind boggles). I'm just not afraid to truly listen to all the OVERWHELMING evidence that we are not getting helfs, and I've moved on. Just like I'll be moving on from this conversation.
    You are clearly anti-Helfer per your statement "The door was slammed shut and nailed closed." It wasn't.

    I will happily open a dialogue again with you though, when you have reached a place where you can analyze and process exactly what Ion said, and what @protip clearly presented to you on a silver platter. You need to be looking at the whole picture, not just the throwaway nicety at the end.
    Humorously, you haven't done this but think you have. You haven't analyzed shit. I have stated "THROW ALWAY THE PLATITUDE" and you still would arrive at the same answer: Not at this time. If you were capable of analyzing it that's all you can say. Anything else is pure assumption ... you are as correct as those saying it is a bait and switch, but have convinced yourself you are right.

    The door is nailed shut my dude, but maybe we can make something exciting and new happen outside the framework that Ion presented. That is the only way forward for helfs. At least that is what I believe based on the evidence.
    Ion states that Helfs are Blood Elves and at this time they do not wish to give that race to the alliance because of the story they are telling ... notice, he never implied never. They just aren't coming now and likely won't ... that's not nailing the door shut. I have analyzed it ... I understand what he is saying and NO ONE who implies he nailed the door shut has because you can't come to that conclusion with what was said without asserting a context that wasn't there.
    Last edited by Darththeo; 2018-05-06 at 01:17 PM.
    Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
    Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
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