Project Details
What - We currently record character names, races, classes, genders, levels, and guild memberships for all characters on every realm in the US and EU regions.
How - To get the list of characters for a realm, first we record all the characters who posted to the auction house. Then we fetch and record their guild rosters. This should cover the majority of characters on a realm.
To avoid getting listed, a character must never post to the auction house, and never belong to a guild where a guild member posts to the auction house.
Who - It's important to remember that we're simply counting the number of characters seen for each category. This does not mean the number of players, nor the number of actively played characters. We can't efficiently get activity data yet, so some characters may not have been played for a long time.
When - We constantly update players and guilds as they appear on the auction house. The goal is to find all characters, not necessarily to have up-to-date guild rosters. The reports that come from this data get updated about once a week.
Where - We use the API to get auction house, character, and guild information.