Originally Posted by
Well, from a belf player's perspective, I can tell you that Void Elves already makes me sad for the race I've been playing since BC. We've been asked for things like new, non-stupid facial hair and the removal of duckface for so, so long, and while thankfully we've gotten the latter, only Void Elves get the former. If High Elves were to be added, with all these awesome tribal tattoos, buff looks, feathers in their hair, why wouldn't I be annoyed? Look, more awesome customization for our model except oh, no, if you want to have that customization on your belf model you'd best be ready to abandon your story since BC, your guild, your faction, etc. Already we've been shown that we can be passed over for options many of us were dying to have, only to give them to the opposite faction. If this happened with some feature you cared about this much, you'd be pretty upset too.
On Alliance side, since Void Elves were introduces, I'd say that more than half the characters I run into are Void Elves. For one thing, I hate seeing a model I associate with Horde on Alliance, just as much as I hate seeing Nightborne on Horde. The idea that faction lines are undermined by these kind of races is entirely true, and despite some of you not much caring about faction identity, you don't speak for the entire playerbase. Some of us like how the Alliance and Horde look. Some of us don't want to trade races across faction.
It's called cost of opportunity. The implementation of something like a High Elf means that that customization is now barred to Blood Elves. We've already seen this with Void Elves, and I have to wonder if that race didn't exist if we'd maybe get some of those looks in the future. But now? Now we can't. There's a cost in adding High Elves as an Allied race in that it keeps the Alliance from getting something way more original. If it came down to High Elves vs. Sethrak, I'd be pissed if we got High Elves.
Yet another issue is the idea that there would ever be a "belf but better" race. Yes, I'm fully aware that better is subjective. I'm fully aware that some people would not see them as better. But as it is now, Blood Elves have looks that are low poly compared to Void Elves and so they look older already, and this problem would only get worse if High Elves were added. Further, Blood Elves are in a faction where NONE of the faction's identity matches with their cultural aesthetic, whereas Alliance gets very elegant looks that would entirely match Thalassian elves. This is especially true come BfA, where the Warfront sets are gorgeous, lovingly crafted, beautiful things, and the Horde gets, you guessed it, more spikes. So no, I don't want to see an improved, highly customized belf model sporting some of the most gorgeous armor I've ever seen, riding around on a beautiful updated horse. That IS the culture of Blood Elves. That IS their history.
Oh, and as an Allied race? You can bet they'd get to start at higher levels and have heritage armor. Great. A Thalassian heritage set. Only for High Elves. Cool. That would make two belf-looking races with leveling perks and race-specific armor. I suppose us belf players can stick with BC-quality belf-themed models for transmog, if we want race-based armor. Sure, that seems totally fair to us.
So this is why I, personally, don't want High Elves added. It's stepping on toes, it's insulting to the lore, it's an old, dead-end race. You have Alleria, you have her followers, including all those High Elves coming to the Rift to learn about the Void. Those ARE the ones that never left the Alliance. They ARE playable. So if you care about the lore, there. You have those exact High Elves. If you're only in this for the skin color and eyes, you may want to take a step back and evaluate exactly what you're asking for and how it would harm other players.
You can call me whatever names you want, I don't care. Think this is jealous and petty? Whatever. But the fact is, you can't dictate how these ideas make myself and many other Horde players feel, just as we can't tell you to care less about what you want. The people arguing on the other side from you are not robots, we play this game too, and our opinions on this game are worth exactly as much as yours. How we feel about races added and the future of the game are worth exactly as much as yours. Our desire to see High Elves remain unplayable is worth EXACTLY as much as your desire for them to be playable. And yes, we have real reasons for how we feel, just as you have real reasons for how you feel.