I read this message a lot:
"I can not understand why these people want Helfs so much"
Well, let me try to explain so we can understand each other without unnecessary fights, okay?
I will try to do this by setting some points and dictate about them, so that everything is as clear as possible.
Feel free to question these points or even improve them.
* "High Elves are Blood Elves."
It is true. Simply put, Blood Elfs are High elfs.
However not all High elf is blood elf.
It's easy to understand this as some examples: Alleria Windrunner, Verreesa Windrunner and Auric Sunchaser who obviously are not Blood Elves.
* "If you want to play with Helves, play in the Horde that has Belves."
Playing with Blood Elves is an option.
However, many players identify with the ideals of the Alliance. As well, like a group of High Elves who did not accept the idea of "Blood Elves" and stayed on Alliance
* "High Elves no longer exist." or "High Elves are very few, almost no more"
In fact, take a whole faction of them: Silver Covenant and "villages" Quel'Lithien, Quel'Danil and the Farstrider Lodge
And historically, together with Humans, High Elves are one of the most populous races in Dalaran, one of the most important cities in Azeroth.
In addition, Void Elves are a part of the High Elves. Therefore, if a small fraction of High Elves studying the emptiness can become an allied race, mathematically, we can say that the rest of the High Elves could as well.
The mere existence of the Void Elves ends up with the excuse of High Elves being few.
* "The two factions can not have two races with the 'skin' so similar"
This argument was valid. Arbitrary means, but valid.
However... well, this excuse ended the Void Elves' entry into the Alliance ...
Also, ideas like this one from Jokubas, are proof that good ideas can come up and be different from Belfs.
Alias, Congrats Jokubas. It was incredible!
* "That they did not want to give the Alliance a duplicate, so they gave the Alliance a variant they thought it would be cool in it's own way"
We understand. Thank you for your concern.
Our question here is "WHY NOT?". You see?
With so many arguments, it seems a bit of a berry or stubbornness on the part of Blizz not to implement this.
* "You have already won Velves, accept. You only want a copy / paste of Belves with blue eyes"
Just like Blood Elves, Void Elves are even High Elves! it is true.
But what players want (or at least most of them) is not just the cute "skin" of a blonde elf to play with.
People want to be able to play with a race that is EFFECTIVELY already part of the Alliance. We want "Historical Acuity".
High Elves are part of the Alliance before the Draenei, before the Night Elves!
Yes! High Elves actually has more identification with the Alliance than the Night Elves!
Human and High Elves fought together in previous wars, rised cities and have a fundamental historical relationship for the development of the Alliance, after all it was they who taught magic to the human!
* "I would hate another type of elf around"
If you do not like it, okay!
No problem! You will not be forced to play with it!
If they eventually include Vulneras in the game, I will not mind (even though I find it too oriental for WoW).
Soh I'll never make one for myself. Simple! Everybody happy!
The power of these Allied Races is this! They need to be unlocked so you'll have to play with a traditional faction race anyway!
* Identification with the Faction.
We all know that the Blood Elves went to alliance for a single reason: to give Paladins to the Horde.
However, let's look at the numbers:
Humans are the race with the most players in the Alliance. Right, because in fact humans are the "face" of the Alliance.
Blood Elves are the race with the most players in the Horde. For you, are they the "face" of the Horde?
Do you understand?
Still I see no problem in the existence of the Belves. On the contrary, I understand them and I also hate Garitos.
* Rivalry
Something crucial to the factions in Warcraft are the rivalries.
Humans and Orc have this rivalry.
Undead and Worgens have this rivalry.
Gnomeos and Goblins have this rivalry.
Including the High Elves to rival the Blood Elves (perhaps even justify Silvermoon's Warfront) would be quite pertinent.