I think there are some concepts that need to be refreshed:
- Night elves, Nightborne and Highborne come from Dark Trolls
- Naga and High Elves come from exiled Highborne
- High Elves found another source of arcane power (the sunwell) and established their home there.
- High Elves fought side by side with the Alliance until Warcraft 3.
- Arthas' Scourge invaded Quel'thalas and killed 90% of the Quel'thalas Elves.
- the majority stayed with Kael'thas, but not all.
- Kael'thas group changed name to Blood Elves to honor the dead and they also slightly changed as they became tainted by the fel existing around them, gaining the famous fel eye color.
- During the Burning Crusade, Silvermoon sided with the Horde, especially after the conflicts seen in Warcraft 3.
- After the Burning Crusade events, the Sunwell got purified with holy energy and started radiating both arcane and holy energy.
- A group of High Elves still remained with the Alliance since the events of wacraft 3 and became hostile to all of the horde, including their old brethren. They do not have fel eye taint.
- That group called silver covenant has been active in WoW since Northrend in many events, even in legion (im not going to repeat them for the 100th time...).
- Void Elves appeared as Blizzard's cosmetic choice as the elf allied race to give to the Alliance in BfA.
Now for the comparisons:
- Nightborne, Night elves and highborne came from the same origin, but they all went into different ways.
- In that same way, Silver Covenant high elves, blood elves, void elves, undead elves, San'layn and dark rangers all come from the original highborne exiles that founded Silvermoon and became the original High Elves. However all of them are drifting appart from each other, either ideologically and physically.
- Silver Covenant High Elves are only tainted by arcane.
- Blood Elves are tainted by arcane and holy energies, mutating and getting golden eyes.
- Void Elves are tainted by arcane and holy, but got infused with shadow energies, mutating into void elves.
- San'layn, undead high elves, dark rangers, sylvanas are all Quel'thalas elves that got raised into undeath and infused with necromantic energies.
All come from the original warcraft 1+2+3 (reign of chaos) high elves from silvermoon.
They are all different from each other now.
Blood Elves and silvermoon high elves are different from each other, either physically (blood elves are infused with holy energies and the others aren't and they were also previously slightly tainted by fel) and also ideologically.
Alliance High Elves make sense to become an allied race of their own as much as wildhammer dwarves, jungle trolls, void elves, etc.
Many people are against it because "there are too many elves already" or "they are too similar to blood elves".
It is a fair point, but also subjective. I still think there is space for them and many possibilities to make them stand alone from Blood Elves.
But Silver Covenant High Elves are NOT the same as Blood Elves. They are diverging from each other and will never become the same, unless their is a truce between them and they are welcomed back to Silvermoon, or one side is exterminated.