1. #5501
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    I've not seen Ion back this statement up anywhere and I've seen no one else from Blizzard backing it up either, its a personal comment from an ex employee.
    LOL, you haven't seen anyone "back it up"? Does every official statement need to be corroborated for you to believe it? Utter nonsense. He was speaking in terms of how Blizzard felt, not how himself felt.

    You know what backs it up? The fact that they haven't repeated the mistake again.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    I dont want to join your shitty Horde its uninteresting and just for edgy teens with lust over a dead elf warchief who'se a fucking bitch to everyone.
    Oh wow, what a well put together post that in no way, shape, or form rebuts anything I said to you. Aaaaand, you're wrong. I actually want an Orc Warchief again, and I'm not a teenager. I'm well in control of my emotions and opinions, and I articulate them well. Unlike you. You go around accusing people of being ignorant whilst each of your posts is rife with inaccuracies and mistakes. It's rather unbecoming and sign of typing in a frenzied rage.

    I expected no less.
    Last edited by Enkrypt; 2018-05-15 at 03:13 PM.

  2. #5502
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    1) Blood elves cast off their past to move forward as Blood elves ie no longer reknowned as High elves it was a past tense for them.
    They are still High Elves. The same language, culture, bodies, names, architecture, capital, and souls. The Silver Covenant are the ones stuck in the past.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    2) Blood Elves joined the Horde, High elves remained in the Alliance and are still Alliance to this day.
    The majority of High Elves joined the horde. Again, Blood Elves are High Elves you can't refute that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    3) We gain a race we have requested since Vanilla, The Horde Blood Elves gain a more personal rivalry there are no loses in my eyes because both High Elves and Blood Elves have nothing but hate and disdain for eachother.
    You are taking away players, stories, style, character models, etc. and spreading it across two factions. Do you want High Elves to be the new Pandaren? The new laughing stock of wow?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    4) Lead Dev has not outright said no he said "see what the future brings".
    On 3 separate occasions he has said no, once and most recently and explicitly and outright in no uncertain terms, "no". Additionally he said Blood Elves are High Elves. Are you willing to acknowledge this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    He was not speaking on behalf of Blizzard Entertainment as a whole and there is NO statement clarifying they stand behind what he said.
    Is this how you live your life? Do you walk out of bank after being rejected for a loan saying well "he doesn't speak for the whole bank?" Game studios aren't democracies. The lead developer took time out of his busy schedule to clarify the issue.

    Anyways first you need to acknowledge that Blood Elves are indeed High Elves. Until you can do that you are nothing but a child.

  3. #5503
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    You know what... fine you win Blood elves are high elves im fucking fed up of the bullshit of this shitty forum take your win.
    New signature incoming...

    We took our win during the last Q&A with Ion, btw. I've just been relishing in it.
    Last edited by Enkrypt; 2018-05-15 at 03:20 PM.

  4. #5504
    Seems rather like competitions in mansplayning, than discussion...

  5. #5505
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JdRobespierre View Post
    Seems rather like competitions in mansplayning, than discussion...
    Don't pull the feminist angle. Kaira is wrong because she is wrong and there is nothing else to it beyond that.

  6. #5506
    Quote Originally Posted by JdRobespierre View Post
    Seems rather like competitions in mansplayning, than discussion...
    First you brought up abortion rights in this topic, now you propose we're mansplaining? The fuck? Are you here to bring your PC propaganda and nothing more? You can leave that crap at the door.

  7. #5507
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    You know what... fine you win Blood elves are high elves im fucking fed up of the bullshit of this shitty forum take your win.
    Hey brodda I wish you the best. I'll buy you a drink and bake you a cake if I ever meet you IRL. farewell.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by JdRobespierre View Post
    Seems rather like competitions in mansplayning, than discussion...
    That's essentially what politics are, a lot of complaining.

    The original divide was mostly political as HE didn't transform into some physically different race.

  8. #5508
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    I dont want to join your shitty Horde its uninteresting and just for edgy teens with lust over a dead elf warchief who'se a fucking bitch to everyone.
    That is your choice, but by not playing Horde you make the choice not to play Horde races.

    Just as I made the choice not to play a Draenei. It's a consequence of my faction decision.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    The worst part about it is the Void elves are Blood elves... its attrocious story telling and another pathetic attempt to please the Horde masses, No wonder our faction is dying.
    And Blood Elves are High Elves. So if Void Elf=Blood Elf and Blood Elf=High Elf then there is no problem.

  9. #5509
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Don't pull the feminist angle. Kaira is wrong because she is wrong and there is nothing else to it beyond that.
    You are entitled to believe, that she is wrong. And she as well may be.

    Although the difference in treatment here is visible. None of You would probably as likely address post based only on multiple repetition of same sentence and enforcing simple subordination to man. That in fact is violent. In a specific, well-described way. I don't see You doing it to each other.

    And, I'm sorry if it bothers You, but I'l rather keep that opinion about some of You, after several last pages.
    Last edited by mmoc5cb4a68957; 2018-05-15 at 03:33 PM.

  10. #5510
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JdRobespierre View Post
    You are entitled to believe, that she is wrong. And she as well may be.

    Although the difference in treatment here is visible. None of You would probably address post based only on multiple repetition of same sentence and enforcing simple adherence to man. That in fact is violent. In a specific, well-described way.

    And, I'm sorry if it bothers You, but I'l rather keep that opinion about some of You, after several last pages.
    The difference is you are brand new to this topic. That is why you are getting a different tone of responses. Kaira is not and many of us have been arguing with her for months, well, until she ignores us, then unignores us, then repeats the process.

    You are making a judgement call based solely on the last few pages in an attempt to portray us as misogynistic. I refute that entirely.

    Am I guilty of misandry for my similar attitude to those male posters who behave in the same way?
    Last edited by Obelisk Kai; 2018-05-15 at 03:37 PM.

  11. #5511
    Quote Originally Posted by JdRobespierre View Post
    You are entitled to believe, that she is wrong. And she as well may be.

    Although the difference in treatment here is visible. None of You would probably as likely address post based only on multiple repetition of same sentence and enforcing simple subordination to man. That in fact is violent. In a specific, well-described way. I don't see You doing it to each other.

    And, I'm sorry if it bothers You, but I'l rather keep that opinion about some of You, after several last pages.
    Listen buddy, male, female, xemale...we all came here to fight. But sometimes you have to fight against certain fights because those fights aren't worth fighting to fight but must be fought because we fight fights that aren't worth fighting.


  12. #5512
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    I dont want to join your shitty Horde its uninteresting and just for edgy teens with lust over a dead elf warchief who'se a fucking bitch to everyone.
    I think we're really getting to the roots of the issue here. You know, when people talk about Sylvanas they use words like "evil" and "irredeemable" but the truth is Sylvanas' personality is in line with your average High Elf. Granted she's clearly more ruthless in her methods but in her attitude? She's a High Elf through and through. The attitude, the sass, the condescendance. She's not "Exceptionally Unlikeable", she's just "High-Elf Unlikeable". You don't like Sylvanas? You don't like High Elves.

    You don't want High Elves on the Alliance. You never wanted High Elves in the Alliance. What you want is a bunch of pointy eared human lovers that never existed in the Warcraft lore. The Elves never liked humans. The elves never liked other races. The elves never liked having to make alliances. The majority of Elves deciding to blame their genocide on humans and making the decision to join the Horde just to spite the alliance? That's not trampling the lore, that is the single most High Elven thing to do. The real High Elves are in the Horde.

  13. #5513
    I think there are some concepts that need to be refreshed:

    - Night elves, Nightborne and Highborne come from Dark Trolls

    - Naga and High Elves come from exiled Highborne

    - High Elves found another source of arcane power (the sunwell) and established their home there.

    - High Elves fought side by side with the Alliance until Warcraft 3.

    - Arthas' Scourge invaded Quel'thalas and killed 90% of the Quel'thalas Elves.

    - the majority stayed with Kael'thas, but not all.

    - Kael'thas group changed name to Blood Elves to honor the dead and they also slightly changed as they became tainted by the fel existing around them, gaining the famous fel eye color.

    - During the Burning Crusade, Silvermoon sided with the Horde, especially after the conflicts seen in Warcraft 3.

    - After the Burning Crusade events, the Sunwell got purified with holy energy and started radiating both arcane and holy energy.

    - A group of High Elves still remained with the Alliance since the events of wacraft 3 and became hostile to all of the horde, including their old brethren. They do not have fel eye taint.

    - That group called silver covenant has been active in WoW since Northrend in many events, even in legion (im not going to repeat them for the 100th time...).

    - Void Elves appeared as Blizzard's cosmetic choice as the elf allied race to give to the Alliance in BfA.

    Now for the comparisons:

    - Nightborne, Night elves and highborne came from the same origin, but they all went into different ways.

    - In that same way, Silver Covenant high elves, blood elves, void elves, undead elves, San'layn and dark rangers all come from the original highborne exiles that founded Silvermoon and became the original High Elves. However all of them are drifting appart from each other, either ideologically and physically.

    - Silver Covenant High Elves are only tainted by arcane.
    - Blood Elves are tainted by arcane and holy energies, mutating and getting golden eyes.
    - Void Elves are tainted by arcane and holy, but got infused with shadow energies, mutating into void elves.
    - San'layn, undead high elves, dark rangers, sylvanas are all Quel'thalas elves that got raised into undeath and infused with necromantic energies.

    All come from the original warcraft 1+2+3 (reign of chaos) high elves from silvermoon.
    They are all different from each other now.

    Blood Elves and silvermoon high elves are different from each other, either physically (blood elves are infused with holy energies and the others aren't and they were also previously slightly tainted by fel) and also ideologically.

    Alliance High Elves make sense to become an allied race of their own as much as wildhammer dwarves, jungle trolls, void elves, etc.

    Many people are against it because "there are too many elves already" or "they are too similar to blood elves".
    It is a fair point, but also subjective. I still think there is space for them and many possibilities to make them stand alone from Blood Elves.

    But Silver Covenant High Elves are NOT the same as Blood Elves. They are diverging from each other and will never become the same, unless their is a truce between them and they are welcomed back to Silvermoon, or one side is exterminated.

    Last edited by RangerDaz; 2018-05-15 at 03:47 PM.

  14. #5514
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Not as much, as You think. I just decided to write something few days ago, cause I was tired reading people missing what seem to me be clear points. I have been High Elf fan before WoW was even released.

    But yeah, I judged those last pages, and I would ask You to temper such manner, If You were willing to listen. Cause it's nothing to be proud of.
    Last edited by mmoc5cb4a68957; 2018-05-15 at 04:10 PM.

  15. #5515
    Bloodsail Admiral Nexsa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDaz View Post
    I think there are some concepts that need to be refreshed:

    - Night elves, Nightborne and Highborne come from Dark Trolls

    - Naga and High Elves come from exiled Highborne

    - High Elves found another source of arcane power (the sunwell) and established their home there.

    - High Elves fought side by side with the Alliance until Warcraft 3.

    - Arthas' Scourge invaded Quel'thalas and killed 90% of the Quel'thalas Elves.

    - the majority stayed with Kael'thas, but not all.

    - Kael'thas group changed name to Blood Elves to honor the dead and they also slightly changed as they became tainted by the fel existing around them, gaining the famous fel eye color.

    - During the Burning Crusade, Silvermoon sided with the Horde, especially after the conflicts seen in Warcraft 3.

    - After the Burning Crusade events, the Sunwell got purified with holy energy and started radiating both arcane and holy energy.

    - A group of High Elves still remained with the Alliance since the events of wacraft 3 and became hostile to all of the horde, including their old brethren. They do not have fel eye taint.

    - That group called silver covenant has been active in WoW since Northrend in many events, even in legion (im not going to repeat them for the 100th time...).

    - Void Elves appeared as Blizzard's cosmetic choice as the elf allied race to give to the Alliance in BfA.

    Now for the comparisons:

    - Nightborne, Night elves and highborne came from the same origin, but they all went into different ways.

    - In that same way, Silver Covenant high elves, blood elves, void elves, undead elves, San'layn and dark rangers all come from the original highborne exiles that founded Silvermoon and became the original High Elves. However all of them are drifting appart from each other, either ideologically and physically.

    - Silver Covenant High Elves are only tainted by arcane.
    - Blood Elves are tainted by arcane and holy energies, mutating and getting golden eyes.
    - Void Elves are tainted by arcane and holy, but got infused with shadow energies, mutating into void elves.
    - San'layn, undead high elves, dark rangers, sylvanas are all Quel'thalas elves that got raised into undeath and infused with necromantic energies.

    All come from the original warcraft 1+2+3 (reign of chaos) high elves from silvermoon.
    They are all different from each other now.

    Blood Elves and silvermoon high elves are different from each other, either physically (blood elves are infused with holy energies and the others aren't and they were also previously slightly tainted by fel) and also ideologically.

    Alliance High Elves make sense to become an allied race of their own as much as wildhammer dwarves, jungle trolls, void elves, etc.

    Many people are against it because "there are too many elves already" or "they are too similar to blood elves".
    It is a fair point, but also subjective. I still think there is space for them and many possibilities to make them stand alone from Blood Elves.

    But Silver Covenant High Elves are NOT the same as Blood Elves. They are diverging from each other and will never become the same, unless their is a truce between them and they are welcomed back to Silvermoon, or one side is exterminated.

    I disagree. This is ad nauseam. So nonsensical.

    Am I doing it right?

  16. #5516
    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDaz View Post
    - High Elves fought side by side with the Alliance until Warcraft 3.
    Actually the High Elves left the Alliance shortly after Warcraft 2. They briefly lent military support to the Alliance's effort to recover Lordaron through Garithos during the events of TFT, I believe it's unclear whether they had officially rejoined the Alliance or not during those events but regardless we all know how short lived that would have been.

  17. #5517
    Quote Originally Posted by Corazona View Post
    I think we're really getting to the roots of the issue here. You know, when people talk about Sylvanas they use words like "evil" and "irredeemable" but the truth is Sylvanas' personality is in line with your average High Elf. Granted she's clearly more ruthless in her methods but in her attitude? She's a High Elf through and through. The attitude, the sass, the condescendance. She's not "Exceptionally Unlikeable", she's just "High-Elf Unlikeable". You don't like Sylvanas? You don't like High Elves.

    You don't want High Elves on the Alliance. You never wanted High Elves in the Alliance. What you want is a bunch of pointy eared human lovers that never existed in the Warcraft lore. The Elves never liked humans. The elves never liked other races. The elves never liked having to make alliances. The majority of Elves deciding to blame their genocide on humans and making the decision to join the Horde just to spite the alliance? That's not trampling the lore, that is the single most High Elven thing to do. The real High Elves are in the Horde.
    The funniest part is without the humans the high elves would have died long ago.

    Chronicle Volume I, pp. 120.

    If it hadn't been for humans there would be no elves. And it was the undead from Lordaeron that destroyed most of the blood elf population, those same undead are now allied with the blood elves. Lol. The blood elves are dumb as bricks.
    "Father, is it over? I see only darkness before me."

  18. #5518
    Dreadlord Molvonos's Avatar
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    I think the most entertaining part of this is that you find no high elves in Silvermoon, but you definitely find them in Telegornis (or however the VE area is spelled)
    Personal Preference and Opinions ≠ Facts, Truth, or Logic

  19. #5519
    Gotta love how this tread continues to spin despite being told no yet again. It's p funny.

  20. #5520
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Well I don't quite agree with you.

    I think Pandaren are a fine race, but it is the idea of neutrality itself which failed.

    Sadly this undermines the Pandaren. When I try and play one it alone out of all the races in the game does not feel right. As if it doesn't belong. At first I thought it was because some people had a point, that the Pandaren just aren't really a Horde race.

    But when I tried an Alliance Pandaren I found that the same feeling of rootlessness, of not belonging, followed me.

    Neutrality definitely hurt the Pandaren, and has prevented them developing a strong narrative within the factions. There is no point in compounding that mistake by adding another neutral race.
    HE would not be a neutral race, they aren't neutral as much as BE are neutral.

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