Originally Posted by
Obelisk Kai
Blood Elves are High Elves.
Tushui are Pandaren. Huojin are Pandaren.
Playable Alliance High Elves sole difference from Blood Elves is their political alignment.
The sole difference between Tushui and Huojin Pandaren are their political alignments.
Alliance High Elves therefore de facto turn the Horde's most popular race neutral.
As I said, it is very simple.
Neutrality failed the Pandaren because it crippled any further story potential they can have.
Neutrality failed the Alliance and Horde by blurring the lines between the faction to an unacceptable extent and that was with a race designed and introduced as neutral with a theme of neutrality and a storyline of balance and neutrality.
You are attempting to justify that Pandaren worked when all the evidence we have, including the fact Blizzard has failed to introduce any further neutral races in six years, a dev tweet showing they were unhappy with how it worked and Ion's recent comments indicating that maintaining faction diversity is a top priority shows that the concept of a neutral race failed.
Again, just because you believe the opposite does not make it true. You hold a contrarian opinion because you want playable Alliance High Elves. Because you want playable Alliance High Elves, you are willing to overlook or twist actual facts, or disregard what the devs say, because they are an impediment to your goal.
You argument is hopelessly biased. Of course you will argue I am biased as well, and I admit that, but my biases match what the developers clearly want for the game. This is why I can quote sources, both in game and out, to support my positions.
High Elves do undermine Horde. Again, this is a contrarian position you have adopted based on a personal goal that you have the luxury of taking because you are not a developer. The developers have to take a holistic view of the entire game. If they feel High Elves would damage the lines between the faction, the faction wall, then they are correct and you are wrong. You are wrong because you are biased. You are biased because your goal of playable High Elves means you would be incentivized to minimize or ignore the negative consequences of playable High Elves.
Your final assertion, that HE would improve the faction conflict by giving the Blood Elves a rival, is subjective. While possible, it is not worth the cost to the identity of the Horde and the role of the Blood Elves to allow this thematic intrusion. Void Elves now more than fulfil this role of 'rival' you postulate, given they are traitors that are ideologically opposed to Silvermoon on every level. High Elves offer nothing a Void Elf cannot in terms of rivalry. Void Elves offer the void theme contrast to Blood Elves which High Elves cannot.
High Elves are irrelevant.