That's exactly how it works. Someone who was confident that "High Elves would never be" from Ion's response would typically go: Finally he said it. It's done.
Then continue about their days not wasting time trying to still "convince others" it won't ever happen.
What Obelisk is doing is nothing other than trying to stamp out the discussion/people's hopes. He wants those who still strive for High Elves to be playable to stop wishing it so, he wants them to feel utterly defeated by Ion's statement. Which is why he has to keep trying to rub it in.
This isn't anything new, the moderators of this thread have even come in here and stated so that people who make comments such as this thread shouldn't be alive anymore or the constant berating of others needs to stop.
I'm not going to say the berating doesn't happen on both sides, so try not to focus on that too much.
The people who are still here discussing possibility of High Elves or come to leave comments hoping still that one day they are playable are doing just that, making their request still known EVEN WITH Ion's response.
It's not like the people who wish for High Elves are ignoring Ion's response. Some are saying he's incorrect, to say that means to acknowledge it in the first place.
Yet Obelisk and a few others like to hide behind that the people who are asking for High Elves are in "denial". Denial would be never acknowledging Ion's response in the first place.
But this is just a smokescreen to veil the blatant attempt and trying to end the discussion on High Elves, that's truly what he and a few others wish.
Because why else would people need to be "constantly reminded" about Ion's response when they are making their comments from acknowledging Ion's response.
That's exactly how it works and you know this as well yet try to feign ignorance and strawman me by saying I only want 100% pro HEs. When there are posters here that don't come with the sole purpose of stamping out hope/hating on the thread for existing yet still disagree with the notion of playable Alliance High Elves.
It's not about speaking against thoughts, it's about berating those that have a different opinion which certain anti-helf posters seem to do.
Again the mods of this website and thread have even acknowledged that this is going on in this thread so

nice try.