It isn't possible, that's our counter-point. You cannot make a High Elf that is distinguishable from Blood Elves without them ceasing to be High Elves, as Void Elves proved.
If the pro High Elf community wishes to 'have their fun' as you put it they can do so on the Legacy of Quel'thalas facebook page and discord, communities where they control membership and they can block anyone whom they don't like.
If you post here or on the official forums, you are going to encounter Anti High Elf posters who are going to point out all the flaws with the suggestions put forward in the pro High Elf echo chamber.
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Yes I was directed to that too because I was that target.
As I see it, your response was that I don't deserve cancer because when playable High Elves come I'm going to get 'crippling depression'.
That isn't a whole heck of a lot better than what the first guy was saying. I hate to disappoint you, but I will not be getting crippling depression. Both because a development in a video game isn't going to scar me for the rest of my life, and also because I don't believe I'll ever be in a position to find out.
Given the death threats against Ion and calls for his firing post interview and now individuals on the pro High Elf side wishing their opponents literally suffer a slow and agonising death, it seems there is a dark and rancid underbelly to the pro High Elf position that has formed as a result of the networking performed by that community.
Some of your pals need to take a long hard look at themselves.