DISCLAIMER: This post is meant merely to inform those that come into the thread as Obelisk likes to speak as if everything he says is factual and 100% objectively correct. So this post is meant to inform those to basically see the "other side" of the conversation being had here.
Hoooo boi, never met someone so full of themselves, this is like Blood Elf identify manifested into real life. Responding to Bold portions.
1) Void Elves are literally purple/blue colored Blood Elves with different haircuts.
2) Nightborne are also a group of mana-addicted, pragmatic Elves, a niche that was formerly the sole thematics for Blood Elves. This proves by definition of existing that just because one race has a niche, doesn't mean that niche can't be shared by other races. Another example being Mag'har Orcs, who share the same cultural niches as Green Orcs, only one is uncorrupted and the other is fel-corrupted.
Heck even Void Elves share the same culture, language, and body type (as @
Ielenia pointed out) as Blood Elves. Therefore we can clearly see supported by in-game evidence that a niche existing for an already playable race doesn't exclude Allied Races from sharing that niche outright, or similar ones.
3) The existence of Lightforged Draenei and Highmountain Tauren render this bold moot. Every Draenei can become Lightforged by undergoing a trial. Every Highmountain Tauren, though being blessed by Cenarius, have no added insight/strengths into Druidism or anything else than Mulgore Taurens. Both Taurens are of equal staying power.
And saying a Blood Elf would put twigs and leaves in their hair and muddy themselves up with the Wilds is an abject refusal to acknowledge what Ion said about Blood Elves being the "majestic Elves" that they are. Everything in-game also supports that they consider what the other Horde races (Orcs, Trolls, Tauren) do are barbaric -- they wouldn't suddenly change their entire culture to fit that aesthetic.
We see this through Void Elves, who are the extension of former Blood Elf society, still caring about their looks through chatter and their Heritage armor still being fanciful.
4) Sorry but no one profusely argued for High Elves to look different from Blood Elves before Void Elves were released. It was clear as day that everyone wanted High Elves from those groups such as the Silver Covenant, etc. Players only took to making them look different in the first place was due to lots of anti-HE peeps coming in and saying "you're just wanting Blood Elves!" (which hello, is actually literally what Void Elves are) and so set out like Traycor and others elsewhere to see how can they integrate Alliance High Elves and not step on Blood Elves' toes?
Oh by taking a concept Blood Elves no longer profusely use in their society and blowing it up for the Alliance High Elves. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Because that's exactly what they did with the Nightborne.
Nightborne are the Night Elf Highborne concept (the Highborne which joined the Night Elves in Cata) which was barely used in Night Elf society, blown up and made its own thing for the entire existence of the Nightborne.
Void Elves offer nothing about what an Alliance High Elf is, and neither do the Blood Elves - who btw, don't even refer to themselves as High Elves anymore and would hate to be called that themselves. The whole "Blood Elves are High Elves" thing is just made to downplay the requests for wanting High Elves in the first place since Void Elves just released.
Even all new lore coming out that relates to Blood Elves shows how passionate they are about being BLOOD Elves and not High Elves. Of course, just like the reality of the Horde player population, the Blood Elf players don't care for all that bullshit and just want to play pretty looking flesh-tone elves and want that kept unique to their faction. But yeah they're also totally okay with getting Purple Elves which used to be unique to the Alliance, no REEEing there.
1) Different skin tones, muscle tones, stances? Oh wow, sounds very similar to what the pro-High Elf peeps have been requesting all along.
2) Void Elves ARE Former Blood Elves. To deny this is to deny "Word of God" as Ion himself has stated as well that Void Elves were made to give "something like a Blood Elf to the Alliance" and all new lore since their creation supports the fact that these are former Blood Elves who got cast out from Silvermoon, hence being exiled Blood Elves. To keep denying this is certainly being purposefully obtuse.
Void Elves don't even have their own "culture" as they are so recently separated from the Blood Elves. They've just been doused in Void. It hasn't taken away their narcissistic love for themselves or any finer design wear/clothing. They're literally just cast out, "hobo" Blood Elves doused by Void.
3) Nightborne broke the faction wall by giving a purple elf variant to Horde. It's as simple as Ion saying, "if you want to play a fair-skinned..elf" yada yada "go play Horde." Then the same line of logic (by "Word of God" btw) should apply for Alliance: "If you want to play a purple-skinned..elf" "go play Alli-" oh wait NO YOU CAN PLAY PURPLE ELVES ON HORDE TOO!
4) Ion listed reasons that in no way clashed with any of the theorycrafting that's been happening with High Elves. Even Taliesin, who basically formulated all the pro-HE arguments into one video, made a response video stating that Ion's response didn't change since Blizzcon and thus nothing that was said was any new information that clashes with the post Blizzcon theorycrafting.
Besides, you don't need to look far to know that most of what Ion said is easily refuted by the fact that Red Shirt Guy (who is a stickler for lore reasons to game additions) and even Wowhead themselves (both also groups that have more authority in the wow community than random MMO-C posters) both showed how refutable Ion's response was. Not to mention that other players who aren't as invested in the topic can also see how contradictory Ion's aka "Word of God's" statements were.
5) Maybe Obelisk isn't finding it because he puts people like me who provide the info on ignore (or chooses to ignore me without being on ignore, I still have no idea
) so he can't find it?
6) High Elves also contain skin colors that Blood Elves, to this day, do not have access to. And hairstyle change is a non-argument. Conversely, the Void is not required for Blood Elves to grow better facial hair yet they have it anyway
so the same customization that can easily be differentiated are the ones that Obelisk is making the biggest deal about.
Also ignoring that Void Elves thematically are what Blood Elves used to be before TBC ended: Pragmatic elves that were dealing with a chaotic magic form they couldn't handle.
7) The closest analogue to the Nightborne are the Night Elf Highborne Mages that have been playable since Cataclysm. Who carry on the traditional Highborne themes until they were taken from the Alliance Night Elf Highborne and blown up and made their own thing "For the Horde"
8) This is extremely petty to say and even incorrect at that, every Blood Elf Hunter is made a member of the Farstrider organization just as every Human and Dwarf Paladin is a member of the Silver Hand upon creation. So yeah you in fact can play as a Farstrider. This has nothing to do with making Alliance High Elves (an UNplayable Race) on Alliance actually playable.