1. #6601
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti-Fascist View Post
    Blizzard thinks they can have it both ways: constantly use the Silver Covenant and High Elves as Alliance NPCs and in the Alliance storyline, and claim that they are Blood Elves at the same time. Well, I guess by that logic then Blood Elves are in the wrong faction, huh? Maybe we should just campaign to move the entire Blood Elf population over to the Alliance. I mean, that is their logic, afterall. Might as well keep it consistent.
    They can because it's their story. Regardless, High Elves who rejected the new path for their people still exist and the npc's serve their purpose by reflecting it in game. However, the blood elves and void elves are the legacy and continuation of the Quel'dorie. This is why I believe that inevitably the remaining High Elves will die out while the blood/void elves live on.

    The problem with giving High Elves to alliance players is that it regresses the narrative of Quel'thalas. Blood Elves were High Elves. The attack of the scourge decimated their way of life and were forced to find a new path for survival. The Horde, through Sylvanas, was their Salvation. Sure you had your special snowflakes like vereesa who rejected the new path but they were an extreme minority from a race that already lost a majority of its population.\

    The story of the Quel'dorie needs to continue to evolve. Golden Eyes for Belfs and Void Elves were the next step. Playable High Elves would spit in the face of progress from a lore point of view.

  2. #6602
    Quote Originally Posted by Amnaught View Post
    Can't we just have the Silver Covenant disband? Seriously. Give Blood Elves a blue eye tint, kill Vareesa, have them welcomed back in to Quel'Thalas. Then blow up Dalaran. Problem solved.
    It's always a human city-state that gets blown up or a clan of orcs that gets villainized lol think some other epilogue would be better

  3. #6603
    So, out of curiosity, has all your banter and such caused them to put blue eyes on the Blood Elves yet? I only ask because it's 349 pages in and we already know the High Elves are Horde, so I am greatly confused. I distinctly recall this being brought to light by Ion several months ago, can anyone confirm playable High Elves outside of Horde?
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  4. #6604
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Anax View Post
    So, out of curiosity, has all your banter and such caused them to put blue eyes on the Blood Elves yet?
    Yeah they're called Void Elves those are the Blue Eye Blood Elves since they were Blood Elves and have Blue Eyes now.

  5. #6605
    Quote Originally Posted by Clearcut View Post
    @baskev So you admit that blood elves are high elves then? If you want some more ingame stuff feel free to read the actual official blood elf page on blizzards website: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/game/races/blood-elf
    They where once. And yes its a nice page. But its conflicts with what has been seen ingame. And and funny you side step the whole ingame suramar bit i showed .

    Quote Originally Posted by Clearcut View Post
    Most notably:
    "As a result, Kael’thas desperately searched for a means to help his people—whom he had renamed the blood elves—and thus he set out for the shattered world of Outland. "
    It's been the same dialog since the blood elves were introduced back in TBC, and summarizes the events of warcraft 3, both of which happened long long long before Ion joined blizzard, it is not just his opinion that blood elves are high elves, it is the exact story that blizzard as a whole, back in early 2000's wrote for them.
    His people...the one's that followed him. There have been a lot of high elves ingame. They even have different appearance. And all your bla bla is null and void. INGAME they have been named ( in suramar) to be 3 different elf factions, Night, High and blood elves.

    Quote Originally Posted by Clearcut View Post
    I am not even going to bother with the rest because it's all opinionated nonsense where you think that there is some horde bias simply because you personally dislike some things in the game. The same game that has had an actual raid tier dedicated to raiding the hordes capital city to kill their second warchief, then kill off their third warchief right after being initiated simply to even up the fact that the alliance were going to lose their king as a part of the plot line to appease people like yourself who have it in their heads that 'factions are not allowed to lose something unless the other faction loses something, unless again it is their faction that doesn't lose anything then by all means screw the other faction because i do not play it'.
    They are not dislikes. if 1 person gets 1 gold coin and the other 10....then its unbalanced.
    Yes horde has a warchief problem.
    And yes it shows your mentality towards other players. You just think HAHAHA stupid alliance pundit. While i agree with the warchief changes of power a bit to quick.
    And yes it was in the horde capitol and later raids where horde or horde species at their center ( nighthold). That is my whole point. Positive or negative for the horde, the story was still about them. we Got horde at the end of/half way truh MoP, whole of WoD was horde, Legion with 2 races added to the horde was pretty much completely horde. Only the last patch had some alliance stuff. So story focus is still horde.

    Quote Originally Posted by Clearcut View Post
    This is pretty much the end of the discussion for me because it will be like talking to a brick wall, especially reading your signature where you come across as the stereotype who i genuinely thought was just a meme where people seem to completely forget that the horde and alliance are just factions in a video game, they are not real. This discussion feels like trying to debate with a flat earther or someone who thinks that there is 50+ different genders, no matter what i say will change your mind, but no matter what you say the facts will always be the same, Blood Elves are High Elves.
    Lol i am the flat earther...you are the one who gets facts like a INGAME scene and just thinks...nope not watching or agreeing with it. And i have proven my facts ( horde bias and high elf stuff) you have just talked about your emotions etc. Come with facts. Proof to me that 1 faction getting 3 horse mounts that we already vs 1 faction getting 3 new type if animal mounts is the same. You can not. That is why you are running away .

  6. #6606
    Herald of the Titans Sluvs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sorotia View Post
    Wow...are you so desperately clinging to straws that you think a single line makes real lore? Because that is it...a single line of text can explain the "lore" of the Void Elves...don't even need a full sentence...just a single line.

    Sorry but rather kinda sad.
    You are also ignoring the fact that it is builded upon estabilished lore bringing TONS of potential to current lore. Their origin story is one line. But i can condense close to all races origins to one line:

    Night elves came from trolls mutated by the well of eternity.
    Humans are former vrykul.
    Dwarves are the earthens that were affected by the curse of flesh.
    Blood elves are just night elves that changed their habits.
    Gnomes are mechagnomes affected by the curse of flesh.
    Worgen are humans afflicted by a curse.

    See? All these races have one line origin story. Just because their origin is simple, it does not mean that it has no lore.
    I don't want solutions. I want to be mad. - PoorlyDrawnlines

  7. #6607
    Quote Originally Posted by Sluvs View Post
    Night elves came from trolls mutated by the well of eternity.
    Humans are former vrykul.
    Dwarves are the earthens that were affected by the curse of flesh.
    Blood elves are just night elves that changed their habits.
    Gnomes are mechagnomes affected by the curse of flesh.
    Worgen are humans afflicted by a curse.
    None of those come even close to do justice to the races.
    You can't really understand night elf lore without the Well of Eternity, War of the Ancients, Elune, druids.
    You can't explain human lore without delving into the seven kingdoms, the trolls wars and the wars against the Horde.
    Dwarves have several clans and a major civil war.

    And so on.

    Summarizing the races into a single line does not work. The fact that void elves can be summed like that only shows how lacking the race is.

  8. #6608
    Quote Originally Posted by DeicideUH View Post
    None of those come even close to do justice to the races.
    You can't really understand night elf lore without the Well of Eternity, War of the Ancients, Elune, druids.
    You can't explain human lore without delving into the seven kingdoms, the trolls wars and the wars against the Horde.
    Dwarves have several clans and a major civil war.

    And so on.

    Summarizing the races into a single line does not work. The fact that void elves can be summed like that only shows how lacking the race is.
    What's exactly is the problem with little lore for VE's. They're completely brand new and have the potential to expand the lore of Warcraft as a whole. That is a good thing.

    moP was an asspull expansion and turned out to be solid with the new lore that it brought. Not every new feature has to be recycled from the rts's.

  9. #6609
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    What's exactly is the problem with little lore for VE's. They're completely brand new and have the potential to expand the lore of Warcraft as a whole. That is a good thing.

    moP was an asspull expansion and turned out to be solid with the new lore that it brought. Not every new feature has to be recycled from the rts's.
    The problem with void elves is not that they are brand new. It's that their introduction was done in a lazy manner. We had no time to know the elves that were transformed, either before or after the event. They have no important NPCs beyond Umbric, and even he was poorly developed. A slightly more complex introduction could have done them wonders and make them interesting from the get-go.

    As I said a few days ago:

    Quote Originally Posted by DeicideUH View Post
    IMO, void elves could have been made more tolerable if more thought had been put into their storyline. For one, I'd make a large group of them be a Silver Covenant squad and other high elves (specially some from Allerian Stronghold) that were helping Alleria locate Umbric and were caught in the incident, so they were forcefully transformed without ever dealing with the void. That, from the get-go, would help with a lot of things, like explaining where void elf warriors and hunters come from, why are there so many void elves and immediately making void elves fall into two opposing camps: blood elves that studied the void and high elves that were just victims of an event outside their control.
    That simple suggestion could have done them wonders, by giving them more known NPCs and varied views on the Void and the transformation.

    So far, BfA still hasn't really done much to flesh the race out, but at least Umbric gets some more exposure in the Alliance campaign.

  10. #6610
    My question here is, why are people are trying to dismantle the "high elf case" by saying there is nothing wrong with how Void Elves were introduced?

    They are related issues, sure, but tangentially. Yet when people are starting to imply that Void Elves were successfully integrated it just seems you are using every argument as a anti helf launching point. Do y'all really think VE where successfully implemented? Or are you bringing that up only because you are using it as a anti high elf point?

    Void Elves continue to have the most half assed implementation of any race in game, and what is worst is that they had so much more potential. They are a cool idea, but so hastily put together. And no matter how much their lore gets build up on the future (I sure hope so because I still like them) their implementation would most certainly not be retroactively made better.

    The fact that we went to recruit VE before VE even existed is simply the most notorious example of how badly they were introduced into the world. HM and NB were introduced at the start of Legion, LF Draenei where a swerve, but we have had knowledge of the Army of Light for a while now so at least there was that.

    VE still are just a random group of blood elves that got exiled after delving into the void, which only by sheer coincidence happened during the same time Alleria ate a Naaru and became the first Void Elf. It's just bad writing, why are people defending that?

    It's not even that the VE backstory by itself is unsalvageable; it could have worked far better had Umbric and his followers been introduced earlier -maybe as Priest Hall lore- as a group of BE delving into the void against the wishes of Lor'themar and Silvermoon, maybe even make them Scryer affiliated to show they are more neutral than horde. The problem with VE will always remain that they were not build up as a group on any way, shape or form before they were introduced. -and I really mean as a group, not thematically-

  11. #6611
    Dreadlord Hawkknight97's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    My question here is, why are people are trying to dismantle the "high elf case" by saying there is nothing wrong with how Void Elves were introduced?

    They are related issues, sure, but tangentially. Yet when people are starting to imply that Void Elves were successfully integrated it just seems you are using every argument as a anti helf launching point. Do y'all really think VE where successfully implemented? Or are you bringing that up only because you are using it as a anti high elf point?

    Void Elves continue to have the most half assed implementation of any race in game, and what is worst is that they had so much more potential. They are a cool idea, but so hastily put together. And no matter how much their lore gets build up on the future (I sure hope so because I still like them) their implementation would most certainly not be retroactively made better.

    The fact that we went to recruit VE before VE even existed is simply the most notorious example of how badly they were introduced into the world. HM and NB were introduced at the start of Legion, LF Draenei where a swerve, but we have had knowledge of the Army of Light for a while now so at least there was that.

    VE still are just a random group of blood elves that got exiled after delving into the void, which only by sheer coincidence happened during the same time Alleria ate a Naaru and became the first Void Elf. It's just bad writing, why are people defending that?

    It's not even that the VE backstory by itself is unsalvageable; it could have worked far better had Umbric and his followers been introduced earlier -maybe as Priest Hall lore- as a group of BE delving into the void against the wishes of Lor'themar and Silvermoon, maybe even make them Scryer affiliated to show they are more neutral than horde. The problem with VE will always remain that they were not build up as a group on any way, shape or form before they were introduced. -and I really mean as a group, not thematically-
    To answer your question since no one on this website doesn't even understand anything at all about why people do not like Void Elves nor are they the High Elves wanted in the first place.

    Problem with Void Elves is they don't have a good lore base story like High Elves. Only Backstory we got from them is they are just group of random exiles from Silvermoon who studied the Void only to then get turned into blue/purple elves but with void magic. They are not even the Silver Covenant that we know for so long nor are they the Warcraft 2 High Elves at all. Only High Elf that is Warcraft 2 Quel'dorei High Elf is Alleria. But here's the thing one void powered elf doesn't make up for the rest of the race. In fact it feels very forced and pretty much asspulled.

    Also another thing about Void Elves is they just a Blue/purple elf race that the color scheme has been done to death so many times. Its starting to become very generic and very dull. Also if Void Elves were High Elves then why aren't they like Alleria? Again this is also another reason why people do not like Void Elves.

    The fact is its really hard to even play Void Elves in terms of roleplaying if your just another blueberry elf with no backstory. You may come up with one as a Blood Elf but not a true High Elf. This is problems that we are having with the Void Elves and its gotten worst due to Antis saying that they are great thing to game where clearly they are not. It just goes to show that World of Warcraft is really starting to lose the Warcraft 2 touch already.
    High Elves and Wildhammer Dwarves are finally playable in the Alliance. XD

  12. #6612
    One could argue that draenie were also introduced in a similar manner and now they're one of the alliance's most beloved races.

    In fact, not only did they have 0 back story, they were just added to the game without any unlockable quest. Even worse was that they were a retcon from etablished lore.

  13. #6613
    Dreadlord Hawkknight97's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    One could argue that draenie were also introduced in a similar manner and now they're one of the alliance's most beloved races.

    In fact, not only did they have 0 back story, they were just added to the game without any unlockable quest. Even worse was that they were a retcon from etablished lore.
    You mean Broken Draenei from Warcraft 3. How are Draenei a retcon race again?
    High Elves and Wildhammer Dwarves are finally playable in the Alliance. XD

  14. #6614
    Pit Lord Sigxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Iron Fist View Post
    Obelisk Kai is outright lying about the High Elf discord. Never seen such a discussion or comments in it as he suggests. Maybe in these forums as I haven't followed, but not in the High Elf discord, which I started following after Taliesin and Evitel suggested it and Alurna's thread. How would he even know unless he has a stealth account on there, which in and of itself should show how nuts he's gone over the topic if he's gone to those lengths.


    "Or wished death or unemployment on the developers. All of which has been done by the pro High Elf community."

    Quote Originally Posted by Yzak View Post
    There's screen shots from the Discord in this very thread regarding this, unless they've been removed. It's very real and absolutely true.
    Webbrowser history is great at times~
    Last edited by Sigxy; 2018-06-28 at 07:08 PM.

  15. #6615
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    One could argue that draenie were also introduced in a similar manner and now they're one of the alliance's most beloved races.

    In fact, not only did they have 0 back story, they were just added to the game without any unlockable quest. Even worse was that they were a retcon from etablished lore.
    Draenei weren't one trick ponies. As someone here said, if a big group of High elves also got affected alongside the Void elves, and the High elves would be seeking a cure and not embracing their Voided state, I think that would solve a lot of the issues with Void elves.

    Void elves only have one source atm, and it's people who embraced the void willingly, and that's assuming the High/Blood elves in the rift can become Void elves, otherwise Void elves are uniquely Umbric's little group.

  16. #6616
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    One could argue that draenie were also introduced in a similar manner and now they're one of the alliance's most beloved races.

    In fact, not only did they have 0 back story, they were just added to the game without any unlockable quest. Even worse was that they were a retcon from etablished lore.
    Could one argue that? really?

    Come on dude, we are talking about EXTREMELY different lore and implementation approaches.

    Draenei came with 2 exclusive leveling zones that we had to know them, + all of outland, WHILE also being a retcon which means they were retroactively inserted into the continuty. Whatever personal opinion anyone has on retcon, the whole point of them is to make something a more interwoven part of the lore.

    The "similarities" between the draenei introduction and the VE one is so surface level and unfitting that I wonder you really thought you have a point.

    For real, Allied races work a lot different in terms of introduction as it is, they don't get their 2 leveling zones like the rest, so other means had to be found, Highmountain, Suramar and Argus function as introductory zones for these races, and that's as accurate a comparison gets, they still got a lot less than Draenei got.

    Draenei where far better implemented, yet they still got pushback. Void Elves got a fraction of a fraction of that thought and care. If you wish to compare, be my guest, only shows how utterly mediocre the VE implementation is in comparison, Why would you want to compare them is beyond me.

  17. #6617
    Elemental Lord Darththeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigxy the Lemming View Post


    "Or wished death or unemployment on the developers. All of which has been done by the pro High Elf community."

    Webbrowser history is great at times~
    That's a bit of a stretch to say they "wished ... unemployment on the developers." They are stating their opinion he should be fired, that's not something I would classify as a wish but rather a statement that they would fire a person if they could. Also, just because you are fired doesn't make you unemployed ... it makes you jobless. You have to be out of work and seeking work to be classified as unemployed ... just saying. I know that's like splitting hairs, but it is the definition used by the Department of Labor in the United States.
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  18. #6618
    Pit Lord Sigxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darththeo View Post
    That's a bit of a stretch to say they "wished ... unemployment on the developers." They are stating their opinion he should be fired, that's not something I would classify as a wish but rather a statement that they would fire a person if they could. Also, just because you are fired doesn't make you unemployed ... it makes you jobless. You have to be out of work and seeking work to be classified as unemployed ... just saying. I know that's like splitting hairs, but it is the definition used by the Department of Labor in the United States.
    Yyyes it is because everyone understands that this statement meant him getting fired from the company. Although, given how many people on the discord that wanted him outright fired, wouldn't be surprised if they wanted him to remain unemployed for the rest of his life as well.

    I do wonder, though, how many of the people who said they wouldn't play anymore, are still playing. '.'

    And yes I still have almost all of the links. The only thing I don't have, sadly, was the side-by-side comparision of a post that was threatening, then after Aery had joined, that post was a lot less threatening.

    And let's not forget the couple of times they spoke ill of Kai. >_>

  19. #6619
    Quote Originally Posted by DeicideUH View Post
    None of those come even close to do justice to the races.
    You can't really understand night elf lore without the Well of Eternity, War of the Ancients, Elune, druids.
    You can't explain human lore without delving into the seven kingdoms, the trolls wars and the wars against the Horde.
    Dwarves have several clans and a major civil war.

    And so on.

    Summarizing the races into a single line does not work. The fact that void elves can be summed like that only shows how lacking the race is.
    You cannot write a summary about the first line starting a book. Maybe give Void Elves some time to develop first, before you come here screaming bloody murder?

  20. #6620
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.... No.more.elves.

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