Holy shit... 358th page? Just give them a god damn white elves already, Blizzard! It would lessen their presence in the Horde benefiting us all!
you are the one babbling bullshit, you do not decide if other people get affect by something, even more about a direct addition to the game who will affect people
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like @Strippling you did a very poor comparison, i play the ame as same as you, the addition of race will affect everyone who play it, directly or indirectly
Ladies and gentlemen of the Silver Covenant, of Highvale, of the Alliance expedition, all high elves of the Alliance and of Azeroth. I humbly present to you this symbol of our hardship and our unity. Of how we have survived and stayed true to ourself. How we, as high elves have remained steadfast, tenacious and true. How we have kept our honour through and through. I present to you this symbol of who we are as a people. The Icon of Endurance.
Rather than using a recolour of the blood elves' Icon of Blood, I humbly suggest that we, as a high elf movement, use this as our version of the high elven racial crest.
Yeah big effort you fellas have done. Fought hard by typing at your keys, insulting and personally attacking posters who disagreed with your "vision". A real team effort right there. How is Blizzard not impressed by the stream of tears flowing for over a decade now. It's so wrong that they had one of their lead developers practically take you vision and wipe his behind with it and yet, over that absolute defeat your tears have prevailed and flow ever stronger. It is for this reason that I suggest a tear should be placed on that crest to accurately represent the Helf Alliance of Azeroth.
Learn what irony is, because you people are the only ones worthy of laughter here.
Here's a simple question: who bumped a thread that has been half-dead for almost two weeks for apparently no reason at all? Pro-tip: it wasn't an Anti-High Elfer.
It's perfect irony because you're trying to berate others for "not letting go the topic" but you can't seem to do that either, hence Aldo mentioning why not just refrain from posting in the topic if you don't like it? You don't do anything to "fade away the topic" by adding another bump to it.
Also I highly doubt people are trying to keep this thread on the front page, trying to equate the relevancy of this thread on the front page to somehow equaling High Elf desire is dumb. People still will have the desire, even if the thread falls off.
More sounds like people like you just hate being reminded this desire even exists.
And yes it wasn't an Anti-High Elfer. It was a mod, why not call them out for that? Heck Obelisk was the one moving for it being merged into this thread so yeah you could say it was an Anti-High Elfer.
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Awesome crest btw![]()
Last edited by FlubberPuddy; 2018-07-30 at 05:10 PM.
It baffles me beyond measure that people can't take NO for an answer.
Truly we live in an age of entitlement...
The cons of adding playable high elfs far out way the pros. Name one pro for playable high elfs (apart from alliance having the aesthetic) that couldn't be implemented through NPC high elfs? For example, progressing the high elf story could be implemented via NPC... without the need to make them playable. Same goes for any other pro. So it comes down to the same shallow principle behind the pro-high elf agenda... the aesthetic. To which I say (along with Blizzard), the Horde is waiting for you. And transversely, the Alliance is waiting for me should I want to play a dark dwarf with a majestic fiery beard. It's as simple as that... else we might as well call it World of EqualityCraft where the Alliance are equally hit with the routine villain bat, both factions have exactly the same number of NPC heroes with the exact same skills and personalities, etc etc...
Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen
Um you could've said this a thousand times over with Demon Hunters and Illidan loving fans before they were released as well. Actually people did, just look throughout the years of players asking for Demon Hunters to be playable and you will see responses back then about how "just play a rogue or warlock that's the closest you'll get" and despite always being told that, players still hoped one day to play one.
And then one day, finally, people were able to play out their DH or Illidan fantasy and the world of Warcraft didn't suddenly end or go into chaos as some here seem to be talking about if High Elves were released.
"But High Elves got denied outright" sure, for now they have. I'll give every Anti-High Elfer that, it still doesn't take away the desire to play out a race that exists. And that's the keyword: Play.
Sure they can keep moving forward the story of the Alliance High Elves, it's not going to lessen the desire to play that race because that people's story isn't satisfied by either the Blood Elves nor the Void Elves.
Just like trying to play a Night Elf Rogue or Blood Elf Warlock didn't satisfy being able to Play as an actual Demon Hunter.
The reasoning doesn't matter, it doesn't need to be anything more than "Because I want to" so to try to somehow downplay the desire by reducing it to aesthetic reasons, makes no difference at all.
People want it because they want it. The answer now was no. That doesn't kill the desire/wish and that's not entitlement either. Expecting it to come out is entitlement, and I would really urge you to find anyone who after Ion said what he said actually expects High Elves to come out.
What I find amusing is, how the cons hide behind Ion's statement, yelling "but you can't demand them anymore, because Ion said so!" Fuck yeah we can and will continue to do so. Just because.![]()
It's entitlement when you say you want something (ie. playable high elfs) but are happy to willingly neglect the possible negative side effects to others, or claim that people are silly because they are concerned about said side effects, all because you want to play what you want. That is entitlement.
It moves away from entitlement when people actually look at the bigger picture and are willing to accept compromises. Compromises may not alwaysfully satisfy either party, but they do provide a mutual grounding for both parties. In the case of high elfs, void elfs were introduced. The compromise for the pro-high elfers was the thalassian elf model and animations, the compromise for anti-high elfers was the changing of hair and skin tones to provide some level of distinction in order to maintain faction boundaries. The compromise wasn't perfect, but it fulfilled the desires of both parties as best as possible. When somebody then regards the compromise as 'pathetic' and states that they still want their light skinned pretty high elfs on the blue side...that my friend is entitlement...no ifs no buts... just plain and simple entitlement.
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Entitlement at its finest.
Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen