1. #6761
    Quote Originally Posted by The-Shan View Post
    People ask for something in a video game (That they pay for!) that you don't want in a video game = Entitlement? Grow up.
    You are way out of context. I'm not sure if you are familiar with WoW, but it involves two factions at war with each other. A focal point of WoW is these two factions and the pride and identity behind them. With BfA around the corner, that faction pride is being advertised more than ever... just see the recent ads released by Blizzard.

    With THAT context in mind, people asking for a race practically identical to one on the other faction... in a game where FACTION identity is focal... is plain and simple entitlement. It detracts from a major part of the franchise. This is what baffles me. And what baffles me more is your response. Wow...just wow...
    Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen

  2. #6762
    Banned Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The-Shan View Post

    I could show you plenty more artwork, but you are forgetting one thing, this is a video game. This is a business, people want something, something realistic to the story and setting, and they have realistic reasons to want them, having historical ties to this race with their faction since it's inception in 1996. It's not entitlement to spend money and give the product maker feedback with how you would like it changed. Again, grow up. Having two similar looking races doesn't hurt the Horde anymore than adding void elves to the alliance did.
    did you played that game? warcraft3? cause those elves in the pic left the alliance there, and joined the horde now, crazy how things change no? but some people can't let go, yeah not everything they did please everyone, but they swallow anyway, this selective group of deniers are not special somehow

    people already give feedback, and blizzard said no many times, and having 2 identical races do affect the horde more than something different like void elves

    And sure its rly ironic how you say someone to grow up when you can accept that the pixels you like are not in the faction you want, or when you are mad of how the pixels you get are not in the exact same color of the other faction

  3. #6763
    Quote Originally Posted by The-Shan View Post

    I could show you plenty more artwork, but you are forgetting one thing, this is a video game. This is a business, people want something, something realistic to the story and setting, and they have realistic reasons to want them, having historical ties to this race with their faction since it's inception in 1996. It's not entitlement to spend money and give the product maker feedback with how you would like it changed. Again, grow up. Having two similar looking races doesn't hurt the Horde anymore than adding void elves to the alliance did.

    Quit being a baby and stop thrashing about the prospect of people wanting to share your toys. Chances are the alliance would have to share too if this happened. (Eredar, Nathanos-esque undead, Mok'Nathal using the Kul Tiran Skeleton.)
    Why are you posting pictures of Warcraft III? We are talking about WoW here....

    And by the way, those very high elfs depicted in your picture left the Alliance in WCIII and joined the Horde in WoW... you know... the game we are currently talking about. So grow up, and accept the reality that yes...having two similar looking races can hurt players of the Horde. I suggest you play a different game if you want equality of races across the board.

    Hop of your high horse, quit crying and accept the answer Blizz gave you...on more than one occasion.
    Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen

  4. #6764
    Quote Originally Posted by The-Shan View Post

    I don't know if you heard or not, but World of Warcraft takes place in the World of Azeroth, a world established in Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, a sequel chronologically to the RTS Game, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. Mind blowing, right? Crazy how there are still High Elves in the Alliance too, right?
    What a clever response, such a big boy you are!! Here have a golden star (or a Blood elf with golden eyes LULS). Like I said, the high elfs became blood elfs who then joined the Horde. Any remaining high elfs are few and far between, and have no real establishment hence why Blizz have said what they have.

    But on a serious note, you seem very distressed that some people just don't want what you want. Especially when it could affect them. Crazy how the same people who don't want high elfs also don't go around posting about wanting Alterac Humans, Dark Iron Dwarfs (or other classes who could legitimately be Horde) because we recognize that this is a faction divided franchise with a great emphasis on faction identity.. and asking for things that blur that identity is just plain....selfish.
    Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen

  5. #6765
    Banned Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The-Shan View Post
    I'm not saying anything, I'm just saying stop calling people entitled and throwing a fit over people throwing a fit.
    You tell someone to grow up, when your behavior is more childish than him

    People want something, you don't want them to have it.
    and blizzard already said no, but still keep going, trying to win by scream, acting exactly like my signature

    You are exactly what you show in your signature. You are no different, in fact I'd go as far as to say that it's more you than anyone else, since this is your most active thread
    t my most active threat, i don't think so, i didn't even post him that much, since a lot of people love to report me because of "trolling" so i most of the time stay out, except some posts like yours

    and you even make a point of adding it to your signature. Really gets your blood pumping, doesn't it? People wanting different pixels in a video game.
    not rly, my personal opinion is totally different, here im impartial. blood pumping? not rly, it just funny how people wanting the same pixels on the other factions, because they can't let go and are entitled about, say to others grow up

    I don't know if you heard or not, but World of Warcraft takes place in the World of Azeroth, a world established in Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, a sequel chronologically to the RTS Game, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. Mind blowing, right? Crazy how there are still High Elves in the Alliance too, right?
    Yeah and things change, undeads who were citizens of lordaeron joined horde, night elves joined alliance, and the elves who were alliance left and joined the horde, would be good for everyone if we reset things to war3 again, but it can't be

  6. #6766
    Ah you see, you can keep calling us entitled or crybabies it doesn't matter. Actually just makes me smile and bumps the thread even further. So I guess I thank you for your effort to the cause.

  7. #6767
    Quote Originally Posted by Kwento View Post
    Holy shit... 358th page? Just give them a god damn white elves already, Blizzard! It would lessen their presence in the Horde benefiting us all!
    The time of elf supression is long over in the Horde. The nightborne are the latest proof. The outcry back in TBC wasn't enough to do anything about it and there's sadly nothing to be done about it in the present or the future.

    If Blizzard thought of elves being so important to require to balance and dance around them within both factions, then they should've given them a faction of their own called Elves United or something like that.
    Last edited by Magnagarde; 2018-07-31 at 08:25 AM.

  8. #6768
    Warchief Benomatic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by General Zanjin View Post
    why would you revive this?
    Why would you reply to this without adding to the discussion?

    - - - Updated - - -

    If High elves are ever to join the Alliance, I hope having two windrunner sisters basically in the alliance with the silver covenant would be enough merit.

  9. #6769
    Both factions have high elfs already I don't see the problem.

  10. #6770
    Quote Originally Posted by Azrathel View Post
    Ladies and gentlemen of the Silver Covenant, of Highvale, of the Alliance expedition, all high elves of the Alliance and of Azeroth. I humbly present to you this symbol of our hardship and our unity. Of how we have survived and stayed true to ourself. How we, as high elves have remained steadfast, tenacious and true. How we have kept our honour through and through. I present to you this symbol of who we are as a people. The Icon of Endurance.

    Rather than using a recolour of the blood elves' Icon of Blood, I humbly suggest that we, as a high elf movement, use this as our version of the high elven racial crest.
    Nice crest. Your style reminds of mine.

    I'm glad that we still have creative content in this thread. At the start it was fun to read. Now it's little more than toxic forum discussion. We need more creative work and less insults from both sides.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Windirmere View Post
    Both factions have high elfs already I don't see the problem.
    They want to have "morally white" elves who don't use "evil" magic.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nevcairiel View Post
    If you are suggesting to take my Night Elfs Shadowmeld away, then please find some pike to run yourself through, tyvm.

  11. #6771
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post

    They want to have "morally white" elves who don't use "evil" magic.
    I would have left out the 'morally' to really get to the heart of the matter.

  12. #6772
    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    Nice crest. Your style reminds of mine.

    I'm glad that we still have creative content in this thread. At the start it was fun to read. Now it's little more than toxic forum discussion. We need more creative work and less insults from both sides.

    - - - Updated - - -

    They want to have "morally white" elves who don't use "evil" magic.
    Thank you. Got any examples of your style of art?

    Anyway, as some have pointed out, the design is kind of Silver Covenant heavy (as intended and explained earlier). I just want to point out that that's also why I've edited the sun and placed another symbol inside of it, that I felt could capture some of the Highvale spirit (though who knows; they've never had any official crest of any sort that I've been able to find), and used leaves that are strongly inspired by the leaves on the Crest of the Alliance. The Sun on the Silver Covenant tabards is more centred vertically, with most of the visible rays shining downwards, while the one on the Icon of Endurance is placed on the lower part of the shield (which is a modified Spellbreaker's shield). The flowers are new, hinting towards the days of eternal spring, which is a flavour quite opposite to the blood elven eternal autumn they have now. The crest's dents and cracks are placed there to symbolise the struggles and hardships the high elves have endured, the losses they've suffered, and how they're largely a broken people, making due with what they've got without compromising their honour or integrity.

    The Silver Covenant holds the strongest influence on the crest, as they appear to be the largest united group of high elves, and are the only ones with a distinguishable symbol of their own.

    Let's let the toxic people tox all they want. But let's ignore them and keep on being inspired and creative.
    Last edited by Azrathel; 2018-07-31 at 09:16 AM.

  13. #6773
    Quote Originally Posted by Strippling View Post
    But on a serious note, you seem very distressed that some people just don't want what you want. Especially when it could affect them. Crazy how the same people who don't want high elfs also don't go around posting about wanting Alterac Humans, Dark Iron Dwarfs (or other classes who could legitimately be Horde) because we recognize that this is a faction divided franchise with a great emphasis on faction identity.. and asking for things that blur that identity is just plain....selfish.
    In what way would it affect you personally?

    I assume you’re a horde player. The only real concern I read so far is losing other Horde players who would faction change to Alliance. However these people are already unhappy with the Horde – may it be aesthetically, story wise or whatever. If they had any stronger ties, let it be emotionally to the Horde or the other players, they would stick to their friends, because they can still play the race they like visually the most.

    So chances are you haven’t played with a good portion of these unhappy people or at least didn’t spend a lot of time with them. But they are still unhappy and guess what they will ultimately do: faction changing anyway or quit.

    You are calling those pro highelvers selfish and entitled. While they just want to play the race they love on the faction they like. You don’t have to faction change. You are concerning possibly losing other people to play with and act like that’s more important than happy people, which is actually selfish and entitled yourself.

    While you are again comparing apples with pears simply because the Horde does not have any nonplayable faction of an alliance race. But alright let’s play with the thought. My main is a human. If you are leveling as a human you are already fighting more humans than orc or other Horde races: non organized bandits, Defias Brotherhood, various cultists, Scarlets and the Syndicate / Alterac Humans.

    So if any of these joined the Horde nothing really would change from Alliance PoV. In fact it would be less troublesome for me personally than any of the currently added allied horde races, but that’s just because I’m exalted with all 3 of them.

    You say you Horde don’t demand them for faction identity in respect to the Alliance. But the average alliance player wouldn’t be bothered at all if some humans, they never see, walk through say Orgrimmar. In fact I think the most troubled people with this is the Horde itself. And this is also the reason why you can’t compare it to the highelven situation. We are having multiple highelves spread throughout Stormwind, several highelven alliance friendly camps throughout the world. They are already part of the Alliance, they are already integrated since vanilla and the Horde had several moments of fighting with them. People just demand to play as one of them.

    As for blurring the faction identity in PvP: Not a lot of people are looking slowly at every detail of the face of their enemy in a PvP battle and VE already have the same silhouette. When they are fully covered you can’t even tell the difference. Competitive PvP isn’t AvH since BC and the introduction of arena games.

  14. #6774
    Quote Originally Posted by Strippling View Post
    What a clever response, such a big boy you are!! Here have a golden star (or a Blood elf with golden eyes LULS). Like I said, the high elfs became blood elfs who then joined the Horde. Any remaining high elfs are few and far between, and have no real establishment hence why Blizz have said what they have.
    Void Elves completely throw that argument out of the window. Hell, Darkspear were one tribe - explicitly the smallest of the Jungle Trolls - who've taken it from all sides for a long time. Their numbers should be smaller than even the Helves at the start of Vanilla.

    But on a serious note, you seem very distressed that some people just don't want what you want. Especially when it could affect them. Crazy how the same people who don't want high elfs also don't go around posting about wanting Alterac Humans, Dark Iron Dwarfs (or other classes who could legitimately be Horde) because we recognize that this is a faction divided franchise with a great emphasis on faction identity.. and asking for things that blur that identity is just plain....selfish.
    *Looks at how the Zandalari Paladin threads drowned out even the High Elves for that two weeks until Ion answered*

    Uh, yeah, sure.

  15. #6775
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benomatic View Post
    Why would you reply to this without adding to the discussion?

    - - - Updated - - -

    If High elves are ever to join the Alliance, I hope having two windrunner sisters basically in the alliance with the silver covenant would be enough merit.
    Well hes right... you know. Last maybe 300 pages no one realy added anything, only saying stuff like ion sucks bs.

    Its sad when high elf fanboys are so selfish.. thrir beloved race joined the horde back in 2007... why wdo you want to steal that identity from the horde. The alliance need something new and exciting.. not a reskin from most played race on the horde. I dont think this thread needs to be revived.. it adds nothing to a discussion.. their are only fanarts of crests and other stuff people made.
    Void elves were a mistake and continue this thread as well.

    Just my opinion.

  16. #6776
    Quote Originally Posted by Windirmere View Post
    Both factions have high elfs already I don't see the problem.
    they want blonde white skinned elves for some reason
    Quote Originally Posted by Tennisace View Post
    In other countries like Canada the population has chosen to believe in hope, peace and tolerance. This we can see from the election of the Honourable Justin Trudeau who stood against the politics of hate and divisiveness.

  17. #6777
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Well hes right... you know. Last maybe 300 pages no one realy added anything, only saying stuff like ion sucks bs.

    Its sad when high elf fanboys are so selfish.. thrir beloved race joined the horde back in 2007... why wdo you want to steal that identity from the horde. The alliance need something new and exciting.. not a reskin from most played race on the horde. I dont think this thread needs to be revived.. it adds nothing to a discussion.. their are only fanarts of crests and other stuff people made.
    Void elves were a mistake and continue this thread as well.

    Just my opinion.
    You're not alone, this is my view as well.

    Alliance high elf supporters need to understand that what they are asking for affects other people who play this game.

  18. #6778
    Quote Originally Posted by Vinobianca View Post
    Alliance high elf supporters need to understand that what they are asking for affects other people who play this game.
    No one would be losing anything. It's just "Buh mah feelings!".

  19. #6779
    Quote Originally Posted by D-angeL View Post
    In what way would it affect you personally?

    I assume you’re a horde player. The only real concern I read so far is losing other Horde players who would faction change to Alliance. However these people are already unhappy with the Horde – may it be aesthetically, story wise or whatever. If they had any stronger ties, let it be emotionally to the Horde or the other players, they would stick to their friends, because they can still play the race they like visually the most.

    So chances are you haven’t played with a good portion of these unhappy people or at least didn’t spend a lot of time with them. But they are still unhappy and guess what they will ultimately do: faction changing anyway or quit.

    You are calling those pro highelvers selfish and entitled. While they just want to play the race they love on the faction they like. You don’t have to faction change. You are concerning possibly losing other people to play with and act like that’s more important than happy people, which is actually selfish and entitled yourself.

    While you are again comparing apples with pears simply because the Horde does not have any nonplayable faction of an alliance race. But alright let’s play with the thought. My main is a human. If you are leveling as a human you are already fighting more humans than orc or other Horde races: non organized bandits, Defias Brotherhood, various cultists, Scarlets and the Syndicate / Alterac Humans.

    So if any of these joined the Horde nothing really would change from Alliance PoV. In fact it would be less troublesome for me personally than any of the currently added allied horde races, but that’s just because I’m exalted with all 3 of them.

    You say you Horde don’t demand them for faction identity in respect to the Alliance. But the average alliance player wouldn’t be bothered at all if some humans, they never see, walk through say Orgrimmar. In fact I think the most troubled people with this is the Horde itself. And this is also the reason why you can’t compare it to the highelven situation. We are having multiple highelves spread throughout Stormwind, several highelven alliance friendly camps throughout the world. They are already part of the Alliance, they are already integrated since vanilla and the Horde had several moments of fighting with them. People just demand to play as one of them.

    As for blurring the faction identity in PvP: Not a lot of people are looking slowly at every detail of the face of their enemy in a PvP battle and VE already have the same silhouette. When they are fully covered you can’t even tell the difference. Competitive PvP isn’t AvH since BC and the introduction of arena games.
    There have been multiple human kingdoms in WoW, Humans are already fractured, so this is not an argument. Beside that, I would not want any kind of Humans in the Horde. Nightborne work out well, because they start as antagonists, and because you have a redemption arc for them in Suramar, and because they share the "mana addict" theme with Blood Elves. The only other Alliance race which could be portable into the Horde would be the Draenei, in form of renegade Eredar, which defect the Legion and join the Horde. Preferably with black and red skin tones, and green-glowing eyes to set them apart from the light-worshipping Draenei of the Alliance.

    While High Elves and Void Elves are technically nothing more than exiles of the main body of their people, who are the Blood Elves, Void Elves are much more interesting regarding story and lore. First, Alleria converted to a Void Elf. Second, they create an interesting dichotomy with Blood Elves being Light-worshippers and Void Elves now belonging to the Void. High Elves are just a boring, generic race which you can get in every other fantasy setting as well. Blood Elves and Void Elves have "living lore" from WoW.
    Last edited by mmoceb1073a651; 2018-07-31 at 01:35 PM.

  20. #6780
    Quote Originally Posted by D-angeL View Post
    In what way would it affect you personally?

    I assume you’re a horde player. The only real concern I read so far is losing other Horde players who would faction change to Alliance.

    The real issue is about the identity of WoW as a game: it made up of two very distinct factions. The one race shared between them tells the story of innocence lost and the futility of wishing for peace in a world at war - a war brought on by the inherent differences between those two factions. Every other playable race is a unique group that is tied by its history and its nature to one faction or the other. To add a race that doesn't fit into that paradigm is to add a race that doesn't fit into WoW. The storytelling and roleplay elements that have made WoW popular for so many years are all affected by what races are playable, and as you mentioned, there are also balance implications. All of those issues affect everyone, because they are integral to the nature and health of the game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigby View Post
    Void Elves completely throw that argument out of the window. Hell, Darkspear were one tribe - explicitly the smallest of the Jungle Trolls - who've taken it from all sides for a long time. Their numbers should be smaller than even the Helves at the start of Vanilla.
    The point that the population argument makes is not that they can't be a playable race, but that they don't have to be simply because they exist. The point of saying "there aren't very many of them" has never been to dismiss the idea based on that fact alone. It's perfectly valid, even if it is subjective.

    *Looks at how the Zandalari Paladin threads drowned out even the High Elves for that two weeks until Ion answered*

    Uh, yeah, sure.
    Zandalari paladins have nothing to do with the Silver Hand, and paladins in WoW are not exclusively made up of members of the Silver Hand. The idea of paladins being an Alliance class was retired in the first expansion. They now represent a larger concept than their vanilla representation, and the Zandalari variety is something unique to the Zandalari. In no way is something belonging to the Alliance made less unique by their inclusion. Zandalari paladin requests and Alliance high elf requests are not comparable.

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