1. #7021
    Reforged Gone Wrong The Stormbringer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunderella View Post
    There is no problem with High Elves. They are there, in the Horde.
    What about all those Alliance-aligned High Elves following Vereesa? :thinking:

  2. #7022
    Quote Originally Posted by ausoin View Post
    Hey so were the High elves in Warcraft 2 and 3.
    What? That isn't relevant for so many reasons...
    Firstly - they weren't a "playable race" - they had archers in the human faction.
    Secondly - not the same games...at all.
    Thirdly - They weren't trainable/playable on both orcs and humans at the same time. Which was the initial point.

  3. #7023
    Quote Originally Posted by ausoin View Post
    They are too similar in appearance only, a temporary appearance.

    Is a terminator to similar to human charachters because he has an outlying appearance of a human?

    - - - Updated - - -

    So were the High Elves in Warcraft 2 and 3. Playable units on the Alliance faction
    The high elf units were on the 'human' faction in WC 3 but Quel'thelas was not part of the Alliance in Reign of Chaos, and Kael'thas' alliance with Garithos ended with Garithos trying to get them all killed, and then trying to execute them for allying with naga rather than letting Garithos get them killed.

    Then in BC they joined the horde because Sylvanas offered them genuine aid while the Alliance spied on them.

    Considering Quel'thelas left the Alliance after the second war and only briefly worked with Garithos after the third, they've been with the horde longer than they were ever worth the Alliance. And even their relationship to Dalaran was ruined by Jaina's overreaction to the Sunreaver incident and Dalaran has gone neutral again anyway apparantly.

  4. #7024
    Quote Originally Posted by ausoin View Post

    Void elves that can only transform when out of combat back while still having voices in their heads telling them to kill everything is a pretty big difference.

    I know that it was, but it still didn't stop the annoying demand, and Blizz having to say the same thing over and over and over, it will satisfy both sides.
    Those are priests but seeing how void elves aint just priests they are hunters, warriors etc etc

    Why cant you just accept that the pretty elves belong to both factions just one elve faction drank too much grape drink! haha

  5. #7025
    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    What about all those Alliance-aligned High Elves following Vereesa? :thinking:
    The ones with no identity of their own that only really show up to be salty about blood elves or serve as foils to them? Who really don't even serve that purpose anymore because post BC blood elves lost their edge anyway?

  6. #7026
    Quote Originally Posted by ausoin View Post
    Simply add a ability where a void elf when out of combat can transform back to a regular elf just like Alleria and the worgen, have a small quest chain about a group of High elves from the Silver covenant wanting to join or dont bother even doing that if Blizz is feeling lazy, just add a new ability and bam. They will be diffrient enough then just blood elves with blue eyes and it would finally mark the end of annoying fans demands every single expansion and every time a new elf sub race has been introduced.

    This will satisfy everybody involved.
    They should have given us them in the first place.

    But i think the best solution would have been to make void elves like alleria. Then they do not look to much like blood elves, but still a elf species instead of the smurfs they are now.

  7. #7027

  8. #7028
    Moderator Rozz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sails View Post
    Allow the BE to massacre them and survivors fully join the VE. No HE no problems
    Hopefully they get Vareesa's Hobbit children too.

  9. #7029
    Quote Originally Posted by Sunderella View Post
    There is no problem with High Elves. They are there, in the Horde.
    Nope those are blood elves. Watch the suramar city intro. High elves still excist in the alliance. 3th windrunner sister is among them with her sons :S

    basic lore facts are hard..i know.

  10. #7030
    Reforged Gone Wrong The Stormbringer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florena Emberlin View Post
    The ones with no identity of their own that only really show up to be salty about blood elves or serve as foils to them? Who really don't even serve that purpose anymore because post BC blood elves lost their edge anyway?
    Oh, I wasn't making a big argument as why I think they're needed, I'm just saying there are High Elves in the Alliance, not just the Horde. They just also happen to not be playable.

  11. #7031
    Politics and eye color are not enough to make a separate playable race. High Elves are just NPCs until they look drastically different from Blood Elves.

  12. #7032
    Quote Originally Posted by baskev View Post
    Nope those are blood elves. Watch the suramar city intro. High elves still excist in the alliance. 3th windrunner sister is among them with her sons :S

    basic lore facts are hard..i know.
    Still the same race - as noted by Ion, game director.
    They do not want to give both factions the same playable race. It's that easy. Basic ideas are hard...i know.

  13. #7033
    The only debacle going on is the discussion itself. The lore is all there; Blood Elves ARE High Elves and Blizzard has already stated as much. Alliance now, technically,has Void corrupted High Elves. The options are all there, whiners just aren't happy with the options they have.

  14. #7034
    Epic! Pheraz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ausoin View Post
    Simply add a ability where a void elf when out of combat can transform back to a regular elf just like Alleria and the worgen, have a small quest chain about a group of High elves from the Silver covenant wanting to join or dont bother even doing that if Blizz is feeling lazy, just add a new ability and bam. They will be diffrient enough then just blood elves with blue eyes and it would finally mark the end of annoying fans demands every single expansion and every time a new elf sub race has been introduced.

    This will satisfy everybody involved.

    I like the idea.

    Another option would be to add some more blonde tone option for their void hair. Similar to how the DID have white hair with lava. So basically bleached out blonde with void stuff
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  15. #7035
    Quote Originally Posted by Villager720 View Post
    They do not want to give both factions the same playable race. It's that easy. Basic ideas are hard...i know.

    We DESERVE them!

  16. #7036
    Oh man , I hope they include some war story arc between blood an high elves so that blood elves can wipe them the fuck out once and for all , that's a solution to the debacle .

  17. #7037
    Quote Originally Posted by EbaumsTipster View Post
    High Elves are just NPCs until they look drastically different from Blood Elves.
    Which wouldn't make any sense. Being the same race and all - any customizations that they have (such as the face paint/feathers/tattoos/etc) would also be something blood elves would have available to them culturally. Lor'themar and Sylvanas were rangers with Alleria at the same time - they just didn't choose to paint their faces.
    But hey. One person's preference for finger painting is enough to justify a playable race's identity.

    It's all just absurd. Imagine for a moment if they gave the Horde playable humans with new tattoos, new hair cuts, and literally no other changes physiologically.
    We could call them High Humans! Makes sense!

  18. #7038
    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    Tell you what, give Alliance high elves. It'll shut those whiners up and it'll allow the blood elves to return to their TBC characterization when they weren't boring as sin.
    If the Horde gets red Draenei (=Eredar) instead - deal!

  19. #7039
    Quote Originally Posted by Villager720 View Post
    Which wouldn't make any sense. Being the same race and all - any customizations that they have (such as the face paint/feathers/tattoos/etc) would also be something blood elves would have available to them. Lor'themar and Sylvanas were rangers with Alleria at the same time - they just didn't paint their faces.

    It's all just absurd. Imagine for a moment if they gave the Horde playable humans with new tattoos, new hair cuts, and literally no other changes physiologically.
    We could call them High Humans!
    why not the defias brotherood? they are the human high elves.

  20. #7040
    Quote Originally Posted by Sails View Post
    Allow the BE to massacre them and survivors fully join the VE. No HE no problems
    Or this.

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