Originally Posted by
Obelisk Kai
As confirmed by the developers, High Elves are already available as Blood Elves. Alliance High Elves, because they are almost exactly the same as Horde Blood Elves, have a direct impact on Horde Blood Elves and they can never be discussed in isolation from Horde Blood Elves. Or Alliance Void Elves.
To claim that the High Elves have had more progression than the Blood Elves based upon Veressa or Alleria is myopic. Alleria is the Void Elf racial leader, her story is Void Elf and not High Elf. When she first appeared in 7.3 she had escaped imprisonment, and she had been imprisoned because of her experiments with the void.
The Blood Elf storyline formed a major part of the Burning Crusade expansion, underpinning the Tempest Keep and Sunwell Plateau raids as well as the Isle of Quel'Danas zone.
The Blood Elves played a major role in the mid-point of Mists of Pandaria, where their relations with Garrosh and then their presence on the Isle of Thunder were hugely important. And for the record, Lor'themar's counterpart on the isle of thunder was Jaina Proudmoore.
The Blood Elves played a major role in Legion during the liberation of Suramar, comprising one of the two major armies sent to assist the rebels in taking the city. Later, this would led to the entry of the Nightborne into the Horde.
Across six expansions, the Blood Elves had a major impact in three. Given the multitude of playable races in the game, that is pretty good going.
By contrast, the High Elves have always played small bit parts. Their biggest role to date was on the Isle of Thunder, where they accompanied other Kirin Tor forces.
And I have read all the books. Alleria is spoken about in the Second War novels, which are based off of the games she originally appeared in.
Veressa appears primarily in the terrible Knaak books about her husband and in Tides of War, which is about Jaina.
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I do not believe the city itself will be the warfront. Rather, I think Silvermoon may have been shorthand for the event itself. The warfront would make more sense in the Ghostlands. You see, people believe the technical issues Blizzard has mentioned about updating Quel'thalas are a barrier. I don't. What I believe Blizzard meant was, the technical issues are there, but we would need a reason to justify doing it.
A warfront and a major, end of expansion event would qualify.