Oh god, this thread was revived.
How can anybody expect constructive discussion of a topic that held this forum hostage for like 3 months?
Oh god, this thread was revived.
How can anybody expect constructive discussion of a topic that held this forum hostage for like 3 months?
The one thing I liked about this thread was seeing all the ideas people would come up with for character customizations and fan art that would emphasize them, plus throwing out suggestions as to what possible classes players could choose.
Somewhere along the way it devolved into constant bickering that has gone in so many circles it calls to mind those Looney Tunes cartoons where the characters would run themselves into the dirt. I even wrote a fanfic that specifically called out not only the pro-high elf posters (ironic, since I'm one of them) but also the anti-high elf posters and those in between following the aftermath of the first Allied Race announcements because all the back-and-forth was getting that BAD.
I would love to come back to this thread and attempt some sort of civil discussions on the aforementioned speculations, but I see the past few months since I've bailed out of here haven't changed all that much. As much as I appreciate a mod finally stepping in to tell people to cut the shit (no offense, Zaelsino), I think this should've been done a while back (and if it has, I wasn't present for it).
This true, but have to remember Cata and Legion were specific times that of course should showcase more Gilneans. Cata was their introductory expansion, the same as Draenei and Blood Elves in TBC.
In Legion, Stormwind is pretty broken due to death of Varian, so of course this is where Gilneas steps up, on Broken Shore Varian's 2nd in command was Genn pretty much.
This isn't to discredit any of what you said.
It's more that I don't see how others can use examples where purposely a race is meant to be further showcased as an example of how little High Elves contribute to their portions of the main Alliance stories. Further, Alliance High Elves are known to be a well-known minority in numbers, it wouldn't make sense on the regular to have bunches of them lead battalions or what not. Their representation within the Alliance makes sense, they should be minor appearances.
But they've not only appeared in various expansions, they've also had more story related progression over Gnomes for instance, and yes Worgen were repped in Legion, but if people are equating a few High Elf NPCs in Warfronts/Islands to not be any consequence then the same could be said for the Worgen being smattered all around Legion. The Worgen race's story didn't move forward in Legion, their story development was the same.
Whereas High Elves in TBC fiercely hated their Blood Elf Brethren then in Wrath we learned of a major population of High Elves that hosted the Argent Tournament to train up all races (actually showing they're neutral in this regard). Then MoP brought on the whole Purge storyline, which brought back to the forefront the venom between High Elves and Blood Elves. Legion then showcased during Suramar the differences again between Blood Elves and High Elves per Elisande's comment.
All these examples here are not the same as "oh some NPCs were dropped here and there for representation" that's actually what's been happening to Gnomes for the longest time. They are also major storylines for the Alliance. The only way one could avoid them even if they played Alliance characters would be to ignore the major storylines/quests that is laid out for the Alliance.
And I'll bring up another requested group that doesn't come close to this criteria, but has been just as highly requested on the Horde side: Ogres.
There hasn't been a consistent group of Ogres that continually work with the Horde and give quests or are showcased in major story beats for Horde throughout the multiple expansions that WoW has had so far.
So the High Elf situation is pretty unique, it shouldn't be a surprise really to anyone that has done Alliance storylines/quests unless you are strictly a Horde player who go out of your way to not do the major Alliance stories in each of the expansions. It shouldn't come as a surprise that a race that keeps popping up like this is then even more greatly requested when a feature called "Allied Races" releases. Pretty sure anyone who isn't intentionally trying to be obtuse can deduce this feature is "races who are our allies" for said respective faction. Following that, with all the above noted, it should come as no surprise that High Elves are being requested - they fit the definition of Allied Races perfectly.
Also, if Void Elves are supposed to be the Elves that were/are made for High Elf fans. I would say the continual pop up talks about High Elves being wanted on the Alliance despite Void Elves release shows that Blizzard has failed in this regard.
This is very much equateable to when Holinka asked the Rated PvP community if they would like previous season Elite Glad Armor to be available because of course a lot of other players who had not gotten Glad in those previous seasons wanted a way to get those Elite armor sets. What was Blizzard's official decision on that? They listened to the players who had received multiple elite sets who said "no we don't want this". IE they listened to their intended audience.
If Void Elves were meant to be the shoe-in for the High Elf fans, then Blizzard has failed in listening to their intended audience (High Elf fans). This is also why you will never see Blizzard stating that Void Elves are meant for the High Elf fans. They know it isn't what High Elf fans wanted.
If the Void Elves were meant to just get the Thalassian Elf model onto the Alliance side then of course those who just wanted to play the Blood Elf model on Alliance got their wish.
Of fucking course they are showing as npcs, how else should they show up? Also good to hear, that there was no purging of dalaran, and no high elf was killing blood elves.
God you are annoying, shut the hell up and stop fabricating things to push your agenda. People like you are the worst. You must be mentally ill, if you are frustrated by high elf posters and their discord, and yet you keep stalking them and keep moaning about them.
Last edited by Andromedes; 2018-10-07 at 09:02 PM.
showing up as prominent and meaningful npcs, who do something insted of dummy
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in tbc we had rexxar going on the moknathl village, and they joining the horde
in cata they were retconed
Veress not even get out of dalaran in WtLK
MOP it was about kirint tor and jaina with high elves being sidekick, sme thing in legion now it is high elves
literally not you show is story development and story going forward, all the time they are random and irrelevant npcs who barely make differenceJust that you say that Void Elves got more development shows that you have no idea what you are talking about.
The void elves at lest show up in undercity and save the alliance ass, and have story going foward with the theme of the void lords
World of Warcraft stuff
like i say: they are not meaningful or prominent npcs, they barely matter, if they were there or not the story would go the same, no development, no story going forward, nothing
The minimal thing they had in tbc and wtlk is no way close to claim they "received tons of lore" and are "the most prominent race of the alliance despite humans"
World of Warcraft stuff
last time i check marjory of the playable races have meaningful or prominent npcs and have a story going forward, the only exception was gnomes and they had in bfa
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people still disagree that blood elves re high elves, so i say they are not correct
Considering you're on the discord enough I don't see how you could have missed it. Here is just one of the latest from that place from one of your fellow members:
"Here's my Blizzcon prediction
Vulpera are announced for the Horde
The next slide has a black silhouette with pointy ears
Ion teases about finally revealing the allied race we've all been waiting for
Silhouette fades to reveal the pointy ears were from a horse"
Camera pans sideways to reveal a junker gnome riding the horse
Ion gets shot on stage"
I can understand the sentiment, "oh cmon guys it's not 100% what you want, but close enough. Can't always have everything perfect."
Complete understanding of that. Also I understand that most of the conversation has devolved into whether High Elves are relevant on the Alliance. Which of course is something subjective in its own right.
To the first point: Yes, right now. If you absolutely want to "make believe you're a High Elf" then you have 2 choices (Blood Elf or Void Elf). Some people have to understand though, that at the same time, neither of these choices are acceptable enough to some High Elf fans.
It's just like being told if you wanna play a Mag'har, well the Green Orcs are there, indeed they are some physiologically Mag'har, but still the same Orcs with the same culture, just under 1 banner instead of multiple.
I think people are way too focused on the model. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is okay with waiting for the Alliance High Elves to get more development and changes if that's what it takes to have them become viable as being a playable Allied Race. I'll continue enjoying the game, it has no effect there. But I'll also continue to say I'd like High Elves added if Blizzard continues to have them appear alongside the Alliance (which currently they are doing).
Not gonna make constant threads or w/e, but being able to actually play the race you really want is something I'm sure tons of people appreciate very much.
For instance imagine if Dark Irons never released and people just told you to make that Dwarf that has the one charcoal skin tone and red eyes. "There ya go there's your Dark Iron Dwarf!!" except it has none of the story/culture/beliefs that comes from actually being a Dark Iron.
This is the same situation the High Elf fans are in. Blood Elves may carry the similar looks of a High Elf but aren't one from a cultural standpoint. Void Elves may be on the Alliance, but neither carry the similar looks nor the culture of Alliance High Elves.
So trying to say that people should be okay with the options presented is unfulfilling. Regular Dwarves had the skin/eye color of a Dark Iron, yet they got added as a full-fledged Allied Race and their looks/cuztomization were improved upon.
Threads like this one only aim to do the same thing: Show Blizzard there is still a desire for this Alliance race.
Whether people want to come in here and bash the idea or users, that's on them. The idea and desire itself still stands, and someone like me who really wishes to one day play as a High Elf on Alliance has to wait for more changes/development to occur to them then so be it.
I'd rather wait for Blizzard to get something 100% right than come out with, in my opinion, something shallow like Void Elves as a stand-in for the High Elf requests.
That isn't to say people can't enjoy these races, obviously they're here and players can and good on them. Doesn't dismiss the desire that's been a long time request though as I see it.
You're clearly a man of taste then!
Haha! Cowls and helmets do definitely work wonders! I made a Silver Covenant counterpart to Aethas Sunreaver mog and I think head-covering works pretty well to make my character look like they could be any Thalassian (blood, high or void) and the tabard does the talking in regards to allegiance.
An articulate and fleshed out response. While I personally don't like Alliance-aligned high elves because of their political choices and am fine with them not being in the game, when someone makes a point as clearly as yours, I can sympathise with someone who wants them in the game but that desire is left unfulfilled. I can also see how stand-ins that come close to the mark might make that yearning even worse.
I'd love to have a playable Wildhammer. I've wanted them in game for a long time, but with the addition of Dark Iron dwarves (who I had no interest in), I imagine that will make the addition of playable Wildhammer even less likely. So, I feel your pain to some degree.
I appreciate the middle-ground. And yes for your Wildhammer example it does. That goes for every and all races where Blizzard comes out with something similar that doesn't quite hit the mark for the races that someone wanted. Forest Trolls are another example. Broken Draenei another (due to Lightforged Draenei).
WoW has tons of old fan favorite races, I'm really surprised Blizzard went with a lot of pretty new ones vs the many that have been around. Guess they're trying to balance "Old" vs "New" races. Hopefully, with enough time, people get to the play the ones they truly desire.