I noticed you removed all the context from my answer and literally highlighted a single snippet, taken out of context, as some kind of admission.
It is nothing of the sort. If you want to be so selective about the commentary you accept and use it as some kind of validation, that is on you. But it seems a lot of pro High Elfers tend to do this and then play the martyr when, yet again, High Elves for the Alliance are not coming.
This happened when they got an occasional blue post extended a forum cap, or Muffinus made a joke, or a Blizzard employee in a private capacity supported High Elves. Can't see the forest for the one tree you happen to like.
The Dark Iron Dwarves whom my answer there was about received extra customization in line with a culture established via the lore. The flaming beards for example reflect their association with Fire elementals.
They are SPECIFICALLY not analogous to High Elves.
So high elves to get nathanos style forsaken....fair deal. Would not be against it.
But as they have ressed celia menthil and they redid uther's grave etc...i think we rather be seeing nathaons/ celia style "undead" for the alliance. Witch i find cool, but i think its not fair for the forsaken players in the horde.
Last edited by Andromedes; 2018-10-17 at 03:17 PM.
Ingame left is how most ( NOT ALL) of the time blood elves are shown, right is high elves. Look for instance at the suramar city cinematic there pretty much all of the high elf and blood elf army's have the different style looks like this.
If you look at that they are different skin color, most of the time have different hair color. ( high elves being more white, pale etc. and blood elves being more sun tanned and golden hair). Also because of their source of power blood elves have green ( fel) or yellow ( holy/light) eyes vs high elves blue eyes ( arcana mana magic).
So they already have ingame different eye colors ( very different) and different skin and hair color....
Then they are political different ( high elves still believe in the alliance etc) vs blood elves do not. Hench they chose a new name.
And no i do not want high elves, i accept the fact blizzard wants to keep the white elf look just for the horde.
But i think that void elves could have been a better cross between what they are now and high elves.
And like i said, its not just the not getting high elves. Its every god damm thing the horde has gotten better in the last few expansions.
Well at least we agree that the humans betrayed the High Elves and the Alliance cannot be trusted.
It wasnt even Lordaeron. Nobody betrayed anyone.. Lordaeron was first to fall ffs.
No shit...
So, you have the model. Roleplay some damned High Elf if you must instead of weeping about how Blizzard hates you just cause they won't snatch what's left of Belfs and give it to the Alliance, cause the Alliance is that much entitled to them cause... they whined for a REALLY long time. Thankfully it does not seem to work that way, at least as far races are concerned.
Ion told you to chill and enjoy either a Velf or a Belf. Why the devil are you still complaining when you have so many options?
Isn't it funny that when it comes to revisionist history you seem to be implying that the Blood Elves essentially betrayed themselves and the forsaken were humans, but when it comes to who owns the lands of Lodaeron somehow these same people have no legitimate claim?
When bad things happen they are horde but when good things happen they are Alliance.
When are you going to come to terms with the fact that every single catastrophe that has befallen Azeroth is because of the Alliance? When are you going to accept that the Alliance is Evil.
And the High Elves will never join an evil faction.
The Silver Covenant isn't only about Dalaran Mages. There are also Hunters for example, like Vereesa. And Vereesa has become their leader in the absence of another High Elf figure than hasn't disappeared, killed or gone Horde. Also they haven't been neutral but always pro alliance, and we can clearly see that in Wrath of the Lich King and in Mists of Pandaria. That is why they haven't moved to Silvermoon and pledged loyalty to Lorthemar.
Also about the invasion of Suramar, one thing was the Kirin Tor army, the other thing was the Quel'dorei army following Vereesa, aka the Silver Covenant and the High Elf Dalaran Mages, which also belonged to the Kirin Tor army, but they weren't the ONLY representatives of the Kirin Tor there.
I can agree with you about "The Silver Covenant is a Dalaran based paramilitary force.", but i strongly disagree that the Silver Covenant "is technically neutral"
PS: Do remember Vereesa was Rhonin's wife. Dalaran human mages and the High Elves loyal to Vereesa had a very solid alliance, and Vereesa was always hostile to the Horde (red above her name to horde players) in Northrend's Dalaran. So her high elves from the Silver Covenant are allies with the kirin tor, but first they follow her alliegences and guidance, especially after the bombing of Theramore made by the horde, which killed many allies including Rhonin, which surely garanteed their split from the horde loyal blood elves.
I agree with you in almost everything.
The highly engagement topics = survival of WoW is an interesting point of view, but, just like you say, the developer debates also mirror the debates in fan websites. I can clearly imagine anti-High Elf developers behaving exactly like anti High Elf fans, although they also know engagement = more subs up. But there are some things i bet people like Ion want to die in the forums, and I am sure that High Elves in Alliance is one of them. After what he said in the Q&A sounded like he wanted the topic just to end once and for all, and if it continues it will be a burden for him exclusively, which means that in the future he might be forced to oficially change Blizzard's speech about it. We can see he is quite narcisistic!
But i do have faith in the future that they will be available. After all it is probably one of the best baits to bring back unsubbed players.![]()
Last edited by RangerDaz; 2018-10-17 at 04:57 PM.
But it is you the one that is isolating the aesthetic opinion here, and justifying Ion for doing so as well. Whether it was more vocal is highly up for debate, and to justthat as justification to not address the factional grivances me and other have, and still do to this day, is very dismissive. Like you can't blame me or others like minded for the opinions of those that just want white elves, it irresponsable to generalize like that. And to try to justify that we weren't heard because they were loud enough so tough titties, it's a very shitty thing to do.
And while you call to those VE threads, let's not be disingenuous, those are about the macro-problem with VE as a concept, so really, don't try to just present those whole conversations as just about the skin tone.
But Void Elves cannot be the compromise for HE because they are just not the HE we wanted on the first place, so ALREADY there is no compromise beyond half a aesthetic. So like half a point of 2 major ones is not really a compromise for people that wanted HE on the first place. Like we would have saved us this WHOLE ISSUSE if VE had been made out of HE, so it was a continuation of their lore. So yeah, building any idea on top of the misstep that were VE is already going to be shakey.I would not regard it as a compromise. Given the model is now shared, aesthetic and lore is all that separates a Void Elf and a Blood Elf. At the moment the divide is just a whisker from being too close, from blurring the faction wall. What you have now in the Void Elves is the compromise. Any further step towards the pro High Elf position would be too far. And in case you think I sound unreasonable, I think they have already gone 95% of the way towards your position by granting the Alliance a thalassian elf variant in the first place. It is important to me that the integrity of both the Horde and the Blood Elves is respected. Void Elves do that but only just. In fact it is such a close thing I consider it a deliberate choice, they went as far as they could without breaching the red lines, even tiptoeing up the line as close as they could.
So with that in mind, If VE could look more like HE, that would at least be 1 point of 2. Again, considering what we have as this is by no means ideal, and certainly that does not satisfy you so already doesn't work as a compromise. And again, all of this would simply be a hollow fix, but that might be enough for some HE players, in the way you can envision your Mag'har as an Outland one.
Wouldn't it have been so much better if we had had the lore then?
But TBH our own roleplay is irrelavant to the whole Lore issue. That's up to everyone. The issue is about High Elf lore, IMO it has always been, so regardless if my character drinks the flavor aid, the important bit for HE as a whole is to have that "becoming part of the VE" as a way going forward. That would satisfy me.I too would not mind confirmation that the Void Elves can replicate the process. At the moment it is at best implied. It maybe left unresolved for quiet sometime. If this is a question of roleplaying though, then the best answer would be to imagine your character either fell in with Umbric before the transformation or was transformed after.