1. #7761
    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDaz View Post
    It is flawed. Because blood elves have changed from the original high elves before the scourge invasion. I have explained this lots of times in this thread, but i can do it again.

    Old high elves are the Quel'dorei, infused only with the arcane magic of the original sunwell. They existed like this until arthas and his scourge invaded quelthalas and destroywd everything on their path, killing 90% of the elven population, and raising many in undeath. The remaining, or escaoed and seeked refuge elsewhere (like vereesa and many others thatvwould later form the silver covenant) or stayed in Silvermoon and renamed themselves the blood elves under kaelthas leadership, and renamed themselves Sin'dorei, no longer Quel'dorei. The silvermoon elves gained the fel tainted eyes and later were exposed to the holy and arcane energies of the new sunwell after the burning crusade, while the silver covenant remained untouched from any other magical taint source, besides arcane. Golden eyes on blood elves says everything.

    So the Silver covenant are more untouched that blood elves. Blood elves evolved, while the silver covenant remained arcane only infused. Also in terms of culture and affiliation, silver covenant and Silvermoon are very antagonic as well.

    So, there you go.

    That is why blood elves are high elves as much as void elves or dark rangers, for example. The silver covenant are probably the most pure high elves that exist today. Untouched.
    Except all that didnt cause the belves to evolve how your implying minus blue eye color which once again can be given to belves too and not break lore.

  2. #7762
    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDaz View Post
    It is flawed. Because blood elves have changed from the original high elves before the scourge invasion. I have explained this lots of times in this thread, but i can do it again.
    That's not really true.

    Kael'thas renamed the High Elves to Blood Elves before he found any new source of magic to feed his peoples' hunger. A High Elf could say "I am a blood elf" and it would be completely true. There's no actual physiological distinction to be made, and very little of a cultural one; it's basically just a political distinction.

    High Elves in the current game or in the Silver Covenant are not pre-Third War High Elves. It's a pretty big point in the lore that the absence of the Sunwell changed the High Elves; maybe not to such a degree as the Blood Elves changed, but they absolutely did change.

    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDaz View Post
    That is why blood elves are high elves as much as void elves or dark rangers, for example. The silver covenant are probably the most pure high elves that exist today. Untouched.
    They really aren't, though, Void Elves and Dark Rangers are elementally misaligned with the three other playable elf races, as well as High Elves.
    If you are particularly bold, you could use a Shiny Ditto. Do keep in mind though, this will infuriate your opponents due to Ditto's beauty. Please do not use Shiny Ditto. You have been warned.

  3. #7763
    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDaz View Post
    So the Silver covenant are more untouched that blood elves. Blood elves evolved, while the silver covenant remained arcane only infused. Also in terms of culture and affiliation, silver covenant and Silvermoon are very antagonic as well.

    So, there you go.

    That is why blood elves are high elves as much as void elves or dark rangers, for example. The silver covenant are probably the most pure high elves that exist today. Untouched.
    There's no evolution at play here, and Silver Covenant aren't in this bubble of time remaining "pure" (what's with this blond haired, blue-eyed, purity focus I see so many High Elf fans on, sounds so close to being politically inappropriate).
    The Sunwell was destroyed for a very, very, VERY brief amount of time in lore, especially for such old aged races like that of Elves. Arthas desecrated it in WC3: TFT, Kael destroys it soon after an renames his people Blood Elves. At the moment of the Sunwell's destruction, Thalassian elves across Azeroth start going into arcane withdrawals. However, by the end of the Burning Crusade expansion, not even, what, 10 or less years from the Sunwell's destruction, it is reignited by Velen as a font of both arcane and holy magic.

    At this point (as evidenced in the Quel'delar questline, which takes place during Wrath's timeline, post-TBC) High elves make pilgrimages to the new Sunwell and Lor'themar permits this. No Thalassian elves need to feed or tap other creatures for mana, and even High elves are restored after making pilgrimages.

    In BFA, Lor'themar even permits Alleria to see the Sunwell despite Rommath's protest.

    This idea that there's some insulated spec of "pure" High elves, or that Blood Elves somehow "evolved" in less than 10 years just by tapping demons needs to go away.
    "High Elves....honestly? Spoilers, guys, Blood Elves are pretty much High Elves."
    -Ion, Blizzcon 11/4/17

    "So...basically? Blood Elves kind of are High Elves."
    - Ion, Blizzard Q&A 4/26/18

  4. #7764
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDaz View Post
    Silver Covenant high elves, Sylvanas, dark rangers, Sanlayn, undead elves, felblood elves, void elves , blood elves, dalaran elves, BE Demon hunters, all come from the original Quelthalas High Elves. So that logic doesnt work much, sorry.
    Give them a break, if they didn't have that to spam then the only thing they could say is "You can't have High Elves because I don't want you to have High Elves!"

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Thats bullshit I dont buy that for one second. They're just using that as a last ditch atempt to justify helves.

    I guarantee you if a group of blood elves diffected from the horde and were playable the entire pro helf fanbase would instantly reroll and ANYTHING they say otherwise is a lie.

    Look at how that interview asked of velves would get customization options to fit helves. Void Elves, who are exiled blood elves.
    No I wouldn't...because I don't fucking want Alliance Blood Elves...I want High Elves...I love their blue eyes (And before anyone gives me that BS...no I don't want to fucking play a Belf DK Because it isn't hardly the same) and yes...because the ideology...they aren't the same...if they were the same then High Elves would be members of the Horde...but they aren't.

    No matter how many people copy and paste that dribble reply it doesn't make it true...sure they're the same race but they don't share the same ideology and history...that would be like saying Americans are British and Brits are Scottish and the Scotts are Irish...ect ect...sure they came from the same ancestors but they went their own separate ways and developed different histories and cultures.

    If you want Helves to look more different than Blood Elves there has been multiple suggestions to make them look more unique...if you want something equal in compensation race wise that is possible too...

    But instead we have trolls who just want to spam the same useless dribble over and over again.

  5. #7765
    Quote Originally Posted by Strippling View Post

    The Alliance high elfs are in the past. The future of thalassian society has progressed forward in the Horde. There is no rich lore remaining in the Alliance high elfs... the only thing they would bring if playable is allow a few fanbois to play out their legolas fantasy. High elven culture, society and future is in the Horde. As per Elisande's comments in Legion, the Alliance high elfs are diluting their blood line with humans... their culture and society is becoming that of humans too. So by adding high elfs, all that you would accomplish is 1) duplicating a Horde model AGAIN and 2) add an AR with pretty much the same culture as SW humans and Dalaran.... nothing new would come of this. So at the end of the day, it comes down to Alliance just wanting the Horde BE aesthetic, to which I say in unison with Blizz "the Horde is waiting for you". Just like "the Alliance is waiting for me" if I want to play a gnome
    To be honest, I would much rather get high elves than those weird junker gnomes. Sure, I'd like something actually different most of all, but so far it does not look too good. Kul Tirans are a slight variation to the SW culture, but still very samey. Aside from that, the only other real candidate right now is the cyborg gnomes which are just gnomes again.

  6. #7766
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Afriasiabi was asked directly if High Elf customization options were possible in future and he said yes, it was possible.

    Just as Ion says 'Anything is possible'.

    They could add tuskarr skins to Dwarves if they wanted, that's possible too.

    But the fact remains that if they were OK with granting High Elf aesthetics to the Alliance, they would have given the Alliance High Elves and not Void Elves. Void Elves are different for a reason. And IF at some point in the future they look into a High Elf 'like' customization for the Void Elves, there are a million and one ways it can go without resulting in a blonde, fair skinned, blue eyed Elf. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if it was another monkey paw result.

    In fact, the most solid takeaway we have from the question was Afrisiabi nodding in agreement to the Lost Codex guys saying the Void Elves fill the High Elf niche on the Alliance. As everyone outside the pro High Elf community can see was the goal and intent behind them.
    Afrasiabi's comment was different though, he also emphasized, "don't give up hope" aka keep asking for it.

    While Ion tried to do his best to shut the conversation down.

    Therefore it truly the "it won't happen because of faction blurring" is truly dead. The devs being open to the idea and encouraging more discussion on the topic means they're not as adverse to it as from before.

    Love how context gets left out when it doesn't help your position.

  7. #7767
    Quote Originally Posted by FlubberPuddy View Post
    Afrasiabi's comment was different though, he also emphasized, "don't give up hope" aka keep asking for it.

    While Ion tried to do his best to shut the conversation down.

    Therefore it truly the "it won't happen because of faction blurring" is truly dead. The devs being open to the idea and encouraging more discussion on the topic means they're not as adverse to it as from before.

    Love how context gets left out when it doesn't help your position.
    Most people can read between the lines. High Elf fan-crazies are latching onto the "don't give up hope" line. The rest of us take Alex's telling nod and Ion's previous direct statements on the topic as a "we tried to compromise".

    Alex isn't going to tell people to shut up or stop posting about the things they're passionate about. He wants players involved and talking and playing the game. That doesn't mean he's going to hand out High Elf like some forum post count achievement award either.
    "High Elves....honestly? Spoilers, guys, Blood Elves are pretty much High Elves."
    -Ion, Blizzcon 11/4/17

    "So...basically? Blood Elves kind of are High Elves."
    - Ion, Blizzard Q&A 4/26/18

  8. #7768
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorotia View Post
    Especially since they went out of their way to change player NB from the original model to this...they wanted them to be like Night Elves.
    This is likely why we got different Nightborne models as playable compared to the NPC one. Ion said during an interview around the time or before they released the first 4 Legion ones that Alliance players got upset, and rightfully so(his words) that the Horde got Nightborne.

    So in essence they made a compromise for both factions. One was to give the Blood Elf model to Alliance without it being a 95% copy of the Hordes Blood Elves, while they gave a Night Elf model to Horde, without giving horde-players the Nightborne models both factions wanted.

    Which is a shame, because the Nightborne npc model is the best in game imo. Nothing to complain about Void Elves though personally, I think they look awesome and they have the nicest transmog-set as well ^^
    World of Warcraft stuff

  9. #7769
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    Quote Originally Posted by LowestFormOfWit View Post
    Most people can read between the lines. High Elf fan-crazies are latching onto the "don't give up hope" line. The rest of us take Alex's telling nod and Ion's previous direct statements on the topic as a "we tried to compromise".

    Alex isn't going to tell people to shut up or stop posting about the things they're passionate about. He wants players involved and talking and playing the game. That doesn't mean he's going to hand out High Elf like some forum post count achievement award either.
    Yet Ion is completely allowed to shut down people talking about things they're passionate about? It doesn't work both ways, the company members can agree or disagree how things get added or are designed internally but when it comes to public statements that gets plastered on every fansite worth its salt then those statements must be okay'ed by the company beforehand.

    You're probably someone that also thinks all those interview questions weren't screened by Blizzard beforehand.

    Fact is the most recent message on this topic now is: Yes it's possible for some High Elf fantasy on Alliance (through Void Elves). Don't give up hope aka keep talking about it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by LowestFormOfWit View Post
    At this point (as evidenced in the Quel'delar questline, which takes place during Wrath's timeline, post-TBC) High elves make pilgrimages to the new Sunwell and Lor'themar permits this. No Thalassian elves need to feed or tap other creatures for mana, and even High elves are restored after making pilgrimages.
    Allowing pilgrimages =/= every High Elf is buddy buddy with Blood Elves and a vast majority of them go to Quel'thalas. It basically means he keeps the door open, doesn't mean the High Elves go.

    It's like a person you hate keeping an open invitation to their house's fountain, are you truly going to go if you hate the person? Would most?

    If what you're implying here was true then High Elves should also have Golden Eyes but dont, and the Purge of Dalaran wouldn't have occurred either.

    People need to realize, regardless of where you on this debate, that the biggest difference between High Elves and Blood Elves is that High Elves are not so reliant/revering of the Sunwell as Blood Elves are.

  10. #7770
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Except all that didnt cause the belves to evolve how your implying minus blue eye color which once again can be given to belves too and not break lore.
    Quote Originally Posted by LilSaihah View Post
    That's not really true.

    Kael'thas renamed the High Elves to Blood Elves before he found any new source of magic to feed his peoples' hunger. A High Elf could say "I am a blood elf" and it would be completely true. There's no actual physiological distinction to be made, and very little of a cultural one; it's basically just a political distinction.

    High Elves in the current game or in the Silver Covenant are not pre-Third War High Elves. It's a pretty big point in the lore that the absence of the Sunwell changed the High Elves; maybe not to such a degree as the Blood Elves changed, but they absolutely did change.

    They really aren't, though, Void Elves and Dark Rangers are elementally misaligned with the three other playable elf races, as well as High Elves.
    I really don't know what to answer you both, because in my point of view, your arguments aren't enough to contradict my previous reply.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by LowestFormOfWit View Post
    There's no evolution at play here, and Silver Covenant aren't in this bubble of time remaining "pure" (what's with this blond haired, blue-eyed, purity focus I see so many High Elf fans on, sounds so close to being politically inappropriate).
    The Sunwell was destroyed for a very, very, VERY brief amount of time in lore, especially for such old aged races like that of Elves. Arthas desecrated it in WC3: TFT, Kael destroys it soon after an renames his people Blood Elves. At the moment of the Sunwell's destruction, Thalassian elves across Azeroth start going into arcane withdrawals. However, by the end of the Burning Crusade expansion, not even, what, 10 or less years from the Sunwell's destruction, it is reignited by Velen as a font of both arcane and holy magic.

    At this point (as evidenced in the Quel'delar questline, which takes place during Wrath's timeline, post-TBC) High elves make pilgrimages to the new Sunwell and Lor'themar permits this. No Thalassian elves need to feed or tap other creatures for mana, and even High elves are restored after making pilgrimages.

    In BFA, Lor'themar even permits Alleria to see the Sunwell despite Rommath's protest.

    This idea that there's some insulated spec of "pure" High elves, or that Blood Elves somehow "evolved" in less than 10 years just by tapping demons needs to go away.
    I don't understand why this idea needs to go away, bwcause clearly it is what Blizzard is aiming to. Golden eye'd holy elves vs. void elves, that is clearly the direction blizzard wants for now. And the original High Elves never were Holy infused.

    Besides, Alleria was faction neutral when she returned to Azeroth after her 1000 year war against the legion, and because she disappeared in warcraft 2 time, she was allowed by lorthemar to visit the sunwell. Im not sure what this has to do with silver covenant not being infused with holy energy while silvermoon elves are, and that silvermoon elves have evolved from the original arcane infused high elves.

  11. #7771
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiri View Post
    To be honest, I would much rather get high elves than those weird junker gnomes. Sure, I'd like something actually different most of all, but so far it does not look too good. Kul Tirans are a slight variation to the SW culture, but still very samey. Aside from that, the only other real candidate right now is the cyborg gnomes which are just gnomes again.
    High elfs are also a slight variation to the SW culture. Their culture has been diluted due to mingling with humans. The point of my post was to highlight this issue.. the thalassian culture exists in the blood elfs whereas the high elfs are a dwindling group of exiles with no real association or culture of their own.

    And personally I think mechagnomes are awesome. I'm primarily a Horde player but I do have Alliance characters too (human male paladin lol, and worgen hunter), and I'd make a mechagnome for sure if they became playable.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Sorotia View Post
    No matter how many people copy and paste that dribble reply it doesn't make it true...sure they're the same race but they don't share the same ideology and history...that would be like saying Americans are British and Brits are Scottish and the Scotts are Irish...ect ect...sure they came from the same ancestors but they went their own separate ways and developed different histories and cultures.

    If you want Helves to look more different than Blood Elves there has been multiple suggestions to make them look more unique...if you want something equal in compensation race wise that is possible too...
    Firstly, high elfs and blood elfs have the same history. Literally.... Just because one group changed their name doesn't mean their pasts aren't the same.

    Secondly, please explain to me what the high elf "ideology" is?? To me, we're talking about a small group of elfs who chose to abandon family. Some abandoned their families to remain with humans, others were exiled from Quel'thalas. So, what is the defining ideology of the high elfs? The high elf groups remaining are splintered themselves... they have differing views and ideologies. Which is the defining view? The reality is, is that these small groups likely wouldn't get along with each other.. hence they live in separate regions and have chosen to stay that way rather than live under a single unified banner.

    So, what factor would cause these splintered groups to unite? The Horde being their enemies??? Well that'd be pathetic cause then basically they're uniting to effectively try and kill their families. Plus the blood elfs weren't members of the Horde at the time that these remaining high elfs abandoned their families. So they don't really have a strong reason to war against the Horde other than "for the alliance hur dur". Or is the factor that they choose to unite just to be an actual society again?? To that I would ask "why haven't they already done that?" Clearly their views are differing and will always likely be that way, so I can't see them grouping under the same banner. We know this too, as Blizz have stated this themselves and acknowledge that the high elfs are different groups that are splintered for a reason.

    Despite everything I've just said, at the end of the day the high elven story has progressed through the blood elfs and now the void elfs. Alliance high elfs are a dwindling group who are being diluted bit by bit with humans. They aren't a people anymore, only a group defined by regret from the past. Sounds like a miserable group of people to base an AR on... of coarse unless its the aesthetic you want (light skinned blue eyed blood elfs on the Alliance)... to which I reply in unison with Blizz "the Horde is waiting for you"

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by FlubberPuddy View Post
    Love how context gets left out when it doesn't help your position.
    Like how Ion's comments were disregarded cause they didn't help the high elf position? With that same attitude, the high elven community should disregard Alex's comment too. I mean, he did acknowledge that the high elf community in general is toxic and should keep their posts respectful... or are you going to disregard that part and only focus on the "don't give up" part cause it suits your agenda better?
    Last edited by Strippling; 2018-11-12 at 04:11 AM.
    Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen

  12. #7772
    Quote Originally Posted by dontrelleroosevelt View Post
    High Elves are NOT happening. The end. If you want a High Elf, you have two choices. Move along...
    Blizzard has budged. Random players and forum posters words carry no weight vs the fact Blizzard has thrown a bone.

  13. #7773
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strippling View Post
    Like how Ion's comments were disregarded cause they didn't help the high elf position? With that same attitude, the high elven community should disregard Alex's comment too. I mean, he did acknowledge that the high elf community in general is toxic and should keep their posts respectful... or are you going to disregard that part and only focus on the "don't give up" part cause it suits your agenda better?
    Nice dude, keep trying to bait and instigate.

    Ion's comments were considered and discussed, his whole spiel didn't even address any of the suggestions brought up by the High Elf community (like those suggestions in the OP of this thread, or the High Elf Discussion Megathreads).

    If you want to see that discussion feel free to dive on in.

    And you can't say to disregard one part of Alex's comment (to not give up hope and keep requesting about High Elves) and then try and regard his later one (to continue making posts in a respectful manner).

    This thread has already shown there's toxicities on both sides so try not to make it seem like it's only coming from one side. You seem to not understand context which is a huge issue with you, and Alex's ending comment on that was because of the previous question asked before the High Elf one where they were asked how for players to go about giving feedback to Blizzard.

    Btw what this guy said. vvvvvvvv

    Quote Originally Posted by Redzonetode View Post
    Blizzard has budged. Random players and forum posters words carry no weight vs the fact Blizzard has thrown a bone.

  14. #7774
    Quote Originally Posted by dontrelleroosevelt View Post
    What bone? They did budge; strategically, they created Void Elves, and they want players to get used to their aesthetic, but as Blood Elves got golden eyes, so too will Void Elves likely get more High Elf-like skin/hair/etc options, as recently posted by Blizzard.

    I just don't think there's a need or big desire for SIX elven races. I mean, c'mon. We have four already!
    Except that they'll still be void elves and many have made it clear that they want pure untainted high elves. They want the ideology. Lol so no, highelfers wont be happy for that.

    And blizzard wont make another modified elf like they did with velves because then Wtf was the point of making velves then.
    Last edited by Varx; 2018-11-12 at 03:13 PM.

  15. #7775
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    And blizzard wont make another modified elf like they did with velves because then Wtf was the point of making velves then.
    This is no one else's issues but Blizzard's. It's already known they could've just added High Elves in the first place and avoided all of this.

    It's their mess they made and it's theirs to clean up if they wish to. Even if they didn't want to clean it up, even if they don't see it as a mess (I'd find that surprising), Void Elves are still regarded as the most ass-pull race ever to exist among the community at large.

    Even among those that don't want High Elves to become playable. That's saying something powerful if even the opposition to the High Elf community can at least agree that Void Elves were such an unnecessary ass-pull.

    Especially as Blizzard continues to place Alliance High Elf NPCs among Alliance troops and citizenry, they know what is meant when someone is asking for a High Elf. The whole incredulous, "What do you mean High Elves? The Blood Elves are High Elves right there, go play em!" is just a red herring to not own up to the mess created from adding Void Elves (who using the BE is HE logic can also be used on VE is BE is HE too then - which sounds incredibly stupid and reaching). Nightborne are Night Elves too btw.

    Appearance is the "easiest thing" to change, look at Highmountain Tauren. Slap on Antlers and some Tattoos instead of Horns and no tattoos and boom "new playable race."

    The lore of the Alliance High Elves already is different from Horde Blood Elves. When they diverged as a group (even in name) they also diverged story-wise as a people.

    High Elves have worked among Alliance troops since TBC, showing vile hate for Blood Elves. In Wrath there were High Elf mages among the 7th Legion troops and of course we were introduced to the magical city of Dalaran ran by Human-High Elf relations. The Silver Covenant was born in Wrath to oppose the Sunreavers, continuing to show that High Elf vs Blood Elf animosity.

    They briefly acted together in Cataclysm because Halduron was desperate for help.

    Silvermoon Messenger says: I bring word from the Regent Lord of Silvermoon.
    Silvermoon Messenger says: Lord Lor'themar demands an explanation for the presence of this... exile in our lands.
    Vereesa Windrunner says: Quel'Thalas is as much my home as it is yours and I would not see it fall to our ancient enemy. Now, you tell your cowardly regent --
    Halduron Brightwing says: Vereesa, please!
    Halduron Brightwing says: She is here at my invitation, courier. Most of my Farstriders are away and cannot be recalled easily. Vereesa's rangers know the land and they are experienced combatants.
    Silvermoon Messenger says: Lord Lor'themar does not concur with your reasoning, ranger-general. You have no authority to invite this --
    Halduron Brightwing says: I am the commander of Silvermoon's defenses and I will seek assistance as I deem necessary!

    You can still see the spite between High Elves and Blood Elves here in the brief team-up. Then in MoP of course all hell breaks loose between the High Elves and Blood Elves in the Purge of Dalaran.

    In Legion the High Elves assisted with the Nightfallen Rebellion, yet again still it's shown there was animosity between the High Elves and Blood Elves (and heck even the Night Elves vs Blood Elves).

    To aid the growing rebellion within Suramar, Archmage Khadgar issued a call to any who could spare forces to help. Two groups ultimately responded, the kaldorei and quel'dorei, and the sin'dorei, led by High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind, Ranger-General Vereesa Windrunner, and Lady Liadrin respectively.[22] Each faction sent an expeditionary force to siege the main entrance to Suramar City and although they now faced a common enemy, they remained bitterly divided over historical, racial, and cultural differences.

    Btw look at that, "historical, racial, and cultural differences."

    And now in BFA we have as before the High Elves among Alliance troops and citizenry, especially within the 7th Legion (these High Elves are also factioned with the Silver Covenant too btw).


    TL;DR: The majority of those that want to High Elves to become playable want to play these Alliance Elves that have consistently been shown to work with the Alliance and loyal to their causes and have had different story progression than the Blood Elves.

    Most of the High Elf fans don't want to play Blood Elves or twice-traitorous Blood Elves (Void Elves). This is the biggest showing of cognitive dissonance Blizzard has had on the topic of High Elves.

  16. #7776
    Quote Originally Posted by FlubberPuddy View Post
    Most of the High Elf fans don't want to play Blood Elves or twice-traitorous Blood Elves (Void Elves). This is the biggest showing of cognitive dissonance Blizzard has had on the topic of High Elves.[/B]
    How are Blood Elves traitorous? Silver Covenant are traitors to Sunstrider Dynasty and their own people.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nevcairiel View Post
    If you are suggesting to take my Night Elfs Shadowmeld away, then please find some pike to run yourself through, tyvm.

  17. #7777
    Quote Originally Posted by FlubberPuddy View Post
    Btw look at that, "historical, racial, and cultural differences."]
    This is dishonest of you. Not only are you citing an uncited, player-written wiki as canon lore, you're ignoring the context entirely (the several quests in Suramar highlighting the racial conflict and cultural rivalry between the night elves and blood elves) and trying to pretend any of that was relevant to the high elves. It was not.

    On topic, I agree that expanding/diversifying void elf customization is indeed the way to go. I've mained a Velf since their introduction and I've always felt they should have options to resemble their leader Alleria. I neither want nor expect a second blood elf reskin on the Alliance. What we have should be improved.
    Last edited by mmoca98142c293; 2018-11-12 at 05:55 PM.

  18. #7778
    Quote Originally Posted by Evilfish View Post
    And the Alliance have belfs. What's the problem again?
    Indeed, everyone knows nightborne are horde night elves, and void elves are alliance blood elves, I guess Kaira is not as smart as she thinks, failing to realise the point of the statement you made was not that nightborne aren't horde night elves, or void elves not alliance blood elves, but he missed the "as much as" which defines the whole comparison, and indeed you are right, cos while they're a night elven, nightborne are more varied to night elves than void elves are to blood elves, they're skinnier, ear tips turn upwards, and a different stance in addition to the other things void elves vary like hair styles and skin colour (yes, its very minor, but that's not the point, it is still a difference) - Nightborne have 3 extra degrees of distinction, adding the HElf/Belf skin tone to void elves would reduce the degrees of separation when you want them to increase, so at least the sub-race feels a bit more distinctive.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by FlubberPuddy View Post
    This is no one else's issues but Blizzard's. It's already known they could've just added High Elves in the first place and avoided all of this.

    It's their mess they made and it's theirs to clean up if they wish to. Even if they didn't want to clean it up, even if they don't see it as a mess (I'd find that surprising), Void Elves are still regarded as the most ass-pull race ever to exist among the community at large.

    Even among those that don't want High Elves to become playable. That's saying something powerful if even the opposition to the High Elf community can at least agree that Void Elves were such an unnecessary ass-pull.

    Especially as Blizzard continues to place Alliance High Elf NPCs among Alliance troops and citizenry, they know what is meant when someone is asking for a High Elf. The whole incredulous, "What do you mean High Elves? The Blood Elves are High Elves right there, go play em!" is just a red herring to not own up to the mess created from adding Void Elves (who using the BE is HE logic can also be used on VE is BE is HE too then - which sounds incredibly stupid and reaching). Nightborne are Night Elves too btw.

    Appearance is the "easiest thing" to change, look at Highmountain Tauren. Slap on Antlers and some Tattoos instead of Horns and no tattoos and boom "new playable race."

    The lore of the Alliance High Elves already is different from Horde Blood Elves. When they diverged as a group (even in name) they also diverged story-wise as a people.

    High Elves have worked among Alliance troops since TBC, showing vile hate for Blood Elves. In Wrath there were High Elf mages among the 7th Legion troops and of course we were introduced to the magical city of Dalaran ran by Human-High Elf relations. The Silver Covenant was born in Wrath to oppose the Sunreavers, continuing to show that High Elf vs Blood Elf animosity.

    They briefly acted together in Cataclysm because Halduron was desperate for help.


    You can still see the spite between High Elves and Blood Elves here in the brief team-up. Then in MoP of course all hell breaks loose between the High Elves and Blood Elves in the Purge of Dalaran.

    In Legion the High Elves assisted with the Nightfallen Rebellion, yet again still it's shown there was animosity between the High Elves and Blood Elves (and heck even the Night Elves vs Blood Elves).


    Btw look at that, "historical, racial, and cultural differences."

    And now in BFA we have as before the High Elves among Alliance troops and citizenry, especially within the 7th Legion (these High Elves are also factioned with the Silver Covenant too btw).


    TL;DR: The majority of those that want to High Elves to become playable want to play these Alliance Elves that have consistently been shown to work with the Alliance and loyal to their causes and have had different story progression than the Blood Elves.

    Most of the High Elf fans don't want to play Blood Elves or twice-traitorous Blood Elves (Void Elves). This is the biggest showing of cognitive dissonance Blizzard has had on the topic of High Elves.
    You may not want to play void elves, but a lot of fans seem to be liking their them and their steadfastness. check this post out in the EU forums for example in this topic.

    They don't seem to bothered by them being twice traitorous, and they seem to actually like their loyalty to the alliance. You just seem to be hating on a group blizzard is writing well with, just to push for high elves.

    I have no beef with you, and could care less if you get em or not, but can't you for once be happy with what you have and try enjoying it? You may find out it isn't that bad.

  19. #7779
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elari View Post
    This is dishonest of you. Not only are you citing an uncited, player-written wiki as canon lore, you're ignoring the context entirely (the several quests in Suramar highlighting the racial conflict and cultural rivalry between the night elves and blood elves) and trying to pretend any of that was relevant to the high elves. It was not.

    On topic, I agree that expanding/diversifying void elf customization is indeed the way to go. I've mained a Velf since their introduction and I've always felt they should have options to resemble their leader Alleria. I neither want nor expect a second blood elf reskin on the Alliance. What we have should be improved.
    Just as there is no evidence of High Elves turning into Void Elves other than player-written wiki speculating about it, yet many High Elf dissidents have been keeping the position of "High Elves are also turning into Void Elves because look they're standing there!"

    Not anymore dishonest than that.

    But yes let's focus on a very small comment I made over arguing the majority of examples that show the divide between High Elves and Blood Elves and their different experiences that has continued throughout WoW's existence.

    It's the only thing those opposed to High Elves being playable on Alliance can really do in the presence of overwhelming evidence of Alliance Elves that didn't require an extra out-of-nowhere (Void Elves) addition.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by EnigmAddict View Post
    You may not want to play void elves, but a lot of fans seem to be liking their them and their steadfastness. check this post out in the EU forums for example in this topic.

    They don't seem to bothered by them being twice traitorous, and they seem to actually like their loyalty to the alliance. You just seem to be hating on a group blizzard is writing well with, just to push for high elves.

    I have no beef with you, and could care less if you get em or not, but can't you for once be happy with what you have and try enjoying it? You may find out it isn't that bad.
    I have no qualms over those that enjoy Void Elves, literally have never said or brought that up as an issue. In general though there are always going to be fans of whatever gets added into the game, this is why some people are okay with how BfA has been going and those that are vehemently against it (or those that absolutely love it).

    The issue is when people try to say that Void Elves are the compromise for High Elves and that High Elf fans should be happy with Void Elves. That's really absurd honestly. "Hey this isn't what you wanted at all, but you should still be grateful". Why? What issue is there in showing to Blizzard that it's not what fans of High Elves wanted?

    Enjoying Void Elves for what they are is a completely separate issue compared to them being the replacement for High Elves.

    I can be someone that enjoys Void Elves for what they are and still want High Elves. There are also people who have expressed this sentiment. It's not as if everyone who wants High Elves doesn't like Void Elves.

    Void Elves were poorly introduced though, this isn't an uncommon sentiment among even fans opposed to High Elves.

    Just as we've seen that there are fans that enjoy Dwarves and still clamor for Wildhammer ones, which is another "almost similar" race that Blizzard has recently acknowledged.
    Last edited by FlubberPuddy; 2018-11-12 at 07:00 PM.

  20. #7780
    Quote Originally Posted by FlubberPuddy View Post
    Enjoying Void Elves for what they are is a completely separate issue compared to them being the replacement for High Elves.

    I can be someone that enjoys Void Elves for what they are and still want High Elves. There are also people who have expressed this sentiment. It's not as if everyone who wants High Elves doesn't like Void Elves.
    You should meet my housemate, that's exactly him. Love void elves, and still wants high elves. He's a bit greedy, don't you think that's a bit greedy though? Another person i know, void elves killed his desire for high elves, and he doesn't think he'd roll a high elf if they came out, it's actually caused him to appreciate blood elves more, because of the contrast of skin and faction. High elves won't make him change from any of his blood elf toons or void elf toons.
    Last edited by Beloren; 2018-11-12 at 07:06 PM.

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