When we looked at the relics of the precursors, we saw the height civilization can attain.
When we looked at their ruins, we marked the danger of that height.
- Keeper Annals
People don't have to wait to discuss anything. This is what I don't get, there's this narrative going around by High Elf dissenters that for some reason High Elf fans should shut up and stop discussing them until Blizzard adds them (or don't). People can make discussions on whatever they want, it's not any different than class speculation threads or spec speculation threads, or future story speculation etc. I don't see why the High Elf topic needs to be exempt from this.
Except you're bringing up races that get fleshed out as their own faction, whereas when people are talking about the story development of High Elves it's always in relation to what the Alliance are doing, so nice try but that was a really dumb example.
Oh thanks for letting me know that we've seen all this expansion has to offer, GG pack it up boys I guess we wait for 9.0 to see High Elves. /s Again, no one who is reasonably asking for High Elves is wanting them right at this moment, most of the folks who want them know that they'd have to wait some time before they become available as a choice again.
Thanks for not even being able to admit that those groups aren't part of the Horde which is the much bigger point. If race mattered then Void Elves wouldn't even exist so that's a very moot point. The game now has 2 neutral races: Pandaren and Blood Elves. And what else would be the reason behind any change? Oh Idk why don't you look at the Dark Irons currently in-game and the Dark Irons that are being an Allied Race. Blizzard would obviously whip up something more for the model if they decided to add High Elves, models don't get updated unless it's the focus for Blizzard atm, they literally said this same message during the most recent Q/A.
I'm wrong for saying SC and those other groups I listed aren't part of the Horde? Lol ok, thanks for not being able to admit even that, it's funny how many High Elf dissenters don't want to acknowledge the amount of involvement High Elves have had on the Alliance.
Here we go again with another example of people trying to shut down the High Elf conversation, are people not free to speculate? Do you guys try to go shut down future class/story threads as well? If people only were able to talk about what actually existed well....we'd still be able to talk about High Elves because they do in fact exist, as part of the Alliance, since Vanilla, and have had involvements in all expansions except WoD.
Your headcanon is not reality. There are a group of elves loyal to the Alliance, that's who the Alliance are asking for.
The fact that you're admitting some Blood Elf players would immediately change to it shows that they (High Elves) would be a very popular choice to have as an Allied Race for Alliance.
Thank you for admitting that High Elves would be different from Void Elves, you've basically admitted they're different enough to be their own thing. And regardless, Void Elves are here and here to stay, so now when Alliance peeps are asking for High Elves it would be for a similar but different race related to our Void Elves.
We already know definitively that High Elves would be a very popular race choice, regardless of what all the High Elf dissenters say. Even MMO-C when polled about Void Elves vs High Elves had the High Elves come out on top, regardless of the narrative in the posts themselves of that thread making it seem like most of MMO-C is against High Elves.
In effect it doesn't really matter what people post, the information is all out there on here, and elsewhere, that High Elves are still very much a wanted race for Alliance. People have the right to speculate about them if they so wish, saying that they shouldn't is pretty futile. If you're (general) somehow offended by the topic then why not just avoid such threads?
Fact is not many care to debate, they just want what they want. And as long as Blizzard continues to involve High Elves in Alliance affairs, well it's only naturally for Alliance to continue asking about them.
EDIT: I also wanted to add that the reason for these types of threads to be popping up, and asking for changes or what not, is because of the fact many High Elf dissenters are saying "they look too similar!!" so people go and make threads and speculate on how they can be differentiated then the same High Elf dissenters come in and say, "they can't be changed!!" like wtf is that logic? Lol If you're (general) somebody against High Elves as in flat out just do not want Alliance to get them. Then put on your big boy pants and say it, don't try to hide behind bleak visual arguments or what not.
Because it's either one or the other, either they look too similar so here we are differentiating them or they can't be changed. Or you (general) can just flat out say "I don't want Alliance getting High Elves because I just don't want it to be a thing." Because otherwise saying both of the above is contradictory in itself and shows you're (general) not trying to compromise at all. And if that is the case then what more can people discuss with you? That was a rhetorical question, they can't.
Last edited by FlubberPuddy; 2018-03-27 at 04:44 PM.
No, you are wrong for asking for a core Horde race. High Elf is just a name, their political affiliation is irrelevant. They are still the same race as the Horde race. That the high elves have appeared occasionally in the story is irrelevant, they have never appeared as their own thing but as an adjunt to someone else's. The Blood Elves, Jaina, Dalaran, even Vol'Jin at one point.
People are free to speculate. I am also free to point out that it is a colossal waste of time and energy. The race is already playable, just not on your preferred faction.
Who happen to be identical to a core race of the Horde. Political affiliation is meaningless. Or is their allied race quirk supposed to be just that? Every allied race has a quirk. HM Tauren have the horns and unique tattoos. Void Elves have the purple skin colour and the tentacles. Are High Elves going to have a t-shirt saying 'Hi please don't shoot me I'm with you guys?'.
/Groan. Re-read what I wrote. You are proposing giving High Elves a brand new model of some description. As Blizzard didn't even do this for the Void Elves, why they would do so for a group that is entirely identical to an existing race would be a mystery. But what I acutally said was, IF you gave these Alliance High Elves their own unique model, Horde players would immediately seek to have access to it (similar to the Orc posture toggle) on the grounds that Blood Elves and High Elves are the exact same race. But this is a hypothetical scenario as Blizzard clearly isn't going to waste the time on such a suggestion.
I have to assume you aren't paying attention. IF I say Void Elves are different from High Elves, and if I also say High Elves and Blood Elves are identical, then it follows that while Void Elves are different from High Elves, High Elves are not different enough from Blood Elves to be their own thing. Because they aren't. Because they are exact same race. For proof, look at literally everything Blizzard has said on this matter.
Ion Hazzikostas was asked point blank if they were a possibility and he said no on the grounds that Blood Elves are High Elves. What you are engaged in is not debate, it is denial.
Blizzard knew High Elves were a popular choice before they invented Void Elves. The fact they went out of their way to invent Void Elves should be another hint.
We don't want to end up with a Pandaren situation where Blizzard assumes that everyone is for them, because nobody was bothering to post against.
Which is why we are all hopeful they meet a very unpleasant end somehow. Fingers crossed.
No, they don't look similar. Void Elves look similar. High Elves are identical.
The High Elf consists of two parts, the model and the fantasy. The Void Elves have a modified model, but are drained of the High Elf fantasy for the creepy void mutant one. The fantasy, the theme of being a High Elf is the most important part. If you want to play a proper High Elf, you have to play Horde to do so.
Void Elves were the compromise. It was a compromise that couldn't please everyone, so just because some were unhappy about it can't be helped.
In case you haven't noticed, every decision Blizzard makes upsets someone. So they are used to angry protests.
Please stop this shit-show. H elves=B elves and you will never get them, you should be glad you get edgy elves cuz is the closest thing Alliance will get.
You know, that comment of yours isn't very constructive.
Blizzard clearly opened a Pandora Box the moment they announced Allied Races. After 13 years of WoW and with millions of players worldwide, it is natural that people get attached to the game and to many of the races with whom they have interacted with. With the announcement of Allied Races, everyone is crossing their fingers so that their favorite non playable wow races become allied races. This is kind of complicated, because i doubt they will add 20 allied races on each side, so the devs need to make choices, and once they announce an allied race, they can't go back.
I believe the maximum number they will add on each faction will probably be 10 to 12 allied races, being 4 of each already official. So there is a reduced number of slots for the future playable races. Will they add other elven races as allied races in the future? I believe they might, if they keep adding other allied races all the time. With 12 allied races on each side, it wouldn't matter to have 4 elven races (nightborne + void elves + high elves + san'layn), two troll races (zandalari + raventusk/forest troll), two dwarf races (dark iron + wildhammer), and so on, and still have unique races like ogres and kul tiras humans for example.
I believe the warcraft 2 ranger theme is really cool. It might actually be too cool, because it can even overshadow the original blood elves (who wants to play blood elves, when you can get high elves with identical bodies but with extra ranger body paintings?). Being so, there should be a bigger difference so that playing high elves, void elves and blood elves would feel different from each other, by making each race unique and interesting.
High Elves and Undead Elves exist in warcraft lore even before WoW went live. See for example warcraft I priests, warcraft II rangers, warcraft III elves and elven heroes like Kael'thas and Sylvanas in both states: Alive = High Elf and Undead = Forsaken Elf.
If Blizzard keeps adding more and more different allied races, I think sooner or later they won't mind repeating reskins of already existent allied races (aka high elves, san'layn, wildhammer, raventusk, dragonmaw, etc).
If they ever add High Elves, I believe it won't be soon (after all they just added void elves and nightborne). Maybe next year or so.
Last edited by RangerDaz; 2018-03-27 at 06:39 PM.
True. They thought it would satisfy their costumers by bringing the high elf and ethereal themes in one allied race slot, just like they are doing with Kul Tiras Humans using the Vrykul body and new human race and merging both into the Kul Tiras model. I believe they are trying to bring diversity and new choices to the game, but at the same time they also want to have some nostalgic elements from the past in the new races.
However if people keep asking over and over for the same races, again and again, they might reconsider and add them in the future. After all they did add flying after much feedback from the player communities.
It's clear you just don't want Alliance to get High Elves so there's no debate to be had at all with you. I will just leave it on this: Faction is super relevant, it's a pillar of foundation from which the game was built on, is why they (Blizzard) continue to keep A vs H important. High Elf fans would like to play their Alliance-aligned Elves, because they are on Alliance, that's it.
Just because you'd be okay with up and leaving any friends/family you had on Alliance to make characters on Horde doesn't mean other players would do the same. I hazard to guess that most when playing with friends/family pick the side their friends and family are on and I doubt this to be a minority of the playerbase.
Firstly, I've never been Alliance.
Secondly, why should you be special? Why should High Elf fans get to play the Horde's most popular race while not going Horde? Why not people who like the Horde or like Human models?
Why can't they have that?
Or Gnomes, or Draenei, or Worgen on the Horde.
Why can't they have that too?
The answer is in your own post.
Faction is super relevant, it's a pillar of foundation from which the game was built on, is why they (Blizzard) continue to keep A vs H important.
This is why the Alliance got void elves. This is why you will never get the High Elves.
High Elves are Blood Elves. Blood Elves are a core part of the Horde and our most popular race. If you REALLY want to play an elf so badly, the Horde will welcome you.
If you can't stomach the Horde, High Elf fans have been granted a privilege in playing another sect of High Elves that are just a tad different from the standard. As concessions and compromises go, that was a mighty one.
But the idea that you along must have access to what happens to be the most popular race in the Horde without going Horde, while every other race remains faction locked, while have the audacity to cite the importance of the faction conflict in your plea for that race...is a stupendous fusion of hypocrisy, narrow mindedness and entitlement.
I'm not saying it's 100% impossible but I think it highly unlikely that the alliance is getting TWO thalnassian elf spinoffs as allied races. I think we were lucky getting vlid elves and only got them because blizz wants nightborne on the horde. Time could prove me wrong but to me void elves was a clear sign blizz doesn't want to go that route.
Which is why Blizzard didn't just go with subraces.
Did we arrive at the point where a new race not being a member of the playable faction is an argument? It's been the case for literally every single race added to the game so far. Forest Trolls are part of the Horde. They sky isn't falling because they aren't playable.
It'd be a moot point if I talked about the race in this specific context.
And? How does that translate to having 3 playable varieties of a single race?
But the Dark Irons that are added are just dark skinned Dwarves with red eyes. Which is a change not even remotely comparable to the differences between Night Elves and Nightborne or Zandalari. Because that's what they are in lore. The same applies to High Elves. You know, except even the skin color difference.
Because a poll of at best few hundreds on only partially related topic is totally representative of the playerbase's desire for High Elves.
Alternatively, if people obsessing over High Elves can't handle a position contrary to theirs, perhaps they should start a website titled highelfsafespace.com.
And continue to be disappointed. Oh, well, masochism is a thing.
This is a pile of illogical nonsense. Those two are not even remotely mutually exclusive with each other. They'd be if the premise was that High Elves have to be playable, because then there would be an actual problem that needs solving somehow (even if the only "somehow" here is retcons on top of retcons). Which isn't exactly a stance you're criticizing here, is it now?
They look too similar, because that's what they are in the game and in the story. They can't be changed because that's what they are in the game and in the story. And they will continue to be just that without retcons to change it. Those stances aren't the gotcha you thought it to be. They stem from the same premise, support one another and are inherently linked. There's literally no contradiction here whatsoever.
Of course you're free to argue for retcons, but if the Alliance whinefest requires retcons to be implemented into the game first in order to justify it, mayhaps it's not of the highest quality or value to said game. Also, the premise that every idea deserves a compromise is fallacious. So is the idea that there can be no discussion without compromise.
Everything is true what you said. That was what they had in mind, when they created void elves.
As I said, the more allied races they add, the higher probability they will reconsider their original plan for allied races.
Ideas usually evolve, they don't stagnate. Devs change their minds all the time, don't they?
But for all High Elf non-lovers, they will be reassured this won't happen anytime soon. And, as you and others said, it might not happen at all.
But what if they're just creating even more hype for the imminent arrival of HIGH ELVES led by REAL QUEEN CALIA (with the one from Priest CHO being an imposter)? Marketing masterminds at work here. Mere mortals can't comprehend their brilliance.
Especially since there are humans in the Horde! And I'm not talking about Forsaken (well, sort of, but not really). Because in TBC the Forsaken recruited the ghosts of Alliance Expedition. Now, of course they can't remain translucent, because Shadow Form would look weird on them. So Blizz should make them opaque. After all, races can be changed at a whim even if it makes no sense. Gimme my opaque human ghosts Blizzard.
Oohhh, I like that one Fruitbat. I like it quite a bit indeed!![]()
And yet people are still asking for Forest Trolls as well. No ones talking about the sky falling, you're the one bringing it up. Game will go on as usual, it's the norm to request things not available.
Good enough that you don't disagree.
Dark Iron being added look a whole lot more unique than the Dark Irons currently in-game - even getting tattoos which they never had before, point is it can be done with High Elves as well should they become available.
I'll give you the benefit of doubt since I don't know how involved you've been with the High Elf topics and I don't think you're stupid. But that was merely one poll, there have been many others as well that continue having High Elves as the top request, many of them being made after the reveal of Void Elves as an Allied Race. I think 1 poll in particular had over 1k of unique votes - Actually I just found the bunch of polls:
Obvious trend that High Elves are highly wanted for Alliance, and I hazard a guess that it's not only Alliance players voting yes for High Elves on each of these polls. All were made post Blizzcon reveal of Void Elves.
There's a difference between disagreeing with a topic and trying to shut it down, that's obviously what I was speaking about. If anyone needed a safe space they definitely wouldn't post on MMO-C for it.
Insinuating it causes fans of races to be in pain when their fav race isn't playabe? lol please, disappointing is one thing, masochism is another. I mean maybe for some, but nice trying to umbrella everyone who wants High Elves. It's not just Alliance players who ask for em, some Horde players want em for Alliance as well. Likewise, it's not just Horde players against them, some Alliance are too. See how that works?
Not illogical at all, most players that want High Elves wouldn't care how they looked, as evidenced by the fact there are some High elf fans saying they could've placated the request by making the group of High Elves become Void Elves, but Blizzard didn't. They kept High Elves separate and in doing so, fans are continuing to ask for a race whose lore and story they enjoy and have seen continually - be playable. See, some people may want it for the model strictly, but many more are coming out and speaking from lore views or advocating for a differentiated model. If the model was all it was about then Void Elves would've satisfied that. Since aside from Pandaren, Void Elves and Blood Elves are the closest looking races to each other on the opposite factions. Clearly the model isn't the focal point for wanting Alliance High Elves.
Sure it's a 'whinefest' when players are just making threads for brainstorming ideas about their favorite race, sure some are more demanding than others, but just like in real life - there's a right and wrong way to ask for something. I'd hardly call this thread in particular a 'whinefest.' And to your last point, what discussion can there be without compromise? "I want them" vs "I don't want them" how do you discuss that? You just get into circular back and forth that never ends nor is conducive to anything really, unless you just want to gloat about having the last word or something?
- - - Updated - - -
Love this!! High Elf Paladin in Alliance would be my go-to race/class combo![]()
*yawn* you don't undestand the point that there nothing drasticaly happened for High elves and blood elves to be unique one from other (they separated after then sunwell fall, because the new source of magic). The concept of WC2 elves - this elves still alive (at least part of them) in both silvermoon, dalaran and outland. Just depends on who lived where. Blood elves still have farstriders who use any color they want. AS i said already - what every elf who gone blood elf magicaly purged himself from tattoo and outfit for the sake of something? nope my dear. They don't have tattooes because when there were implemented as playable race - no race had such customization. Lorewise they still can actually use this body paints and any outfit they see cool.
The main difference between this 2 factions is that one agreed to drain magic from ANY source to live, and other tried to play matyrs when they drained magic the same way just in more... intimate ways (i won't stop trolling veresa and rhonin because of that). And AFTER sunwell has been restored your so called "High elves" felt much better.
https://wow.gamepedia.com/In_the_Shadow_of_the_SunIn the Shadow of the Sun. Aurora: "I had wondered why the pangs of the addiction felt so eased lately. I have not needed... help... to cope."
Last edited by Zorish; 2018-03-27 at 09:10 PM.
you people are trying to hard for a dead race.
there is no stable population of high elves to pull from anyway.
Anemo: traveler, Sucrose
Pyro: Yanfei, Amber, diluc, xiangling, thoma, Xinyan, Bennett
Geo: Noelle, Ningguang, Yun Jin, Gorou
Hydro: Barbara, Zingqiu, Ayato
Cyro: Shenhe, Kaeya, Chongyun, Diona, Ayaka, Rosaria
Electro: Fischl, Lisa, Miko, Kujou, Raiden, Razor
My threads make you sleepy? Its ok, i'm not offended.
First of all, I understand the point. I have been playing the wacraft franchise since warcraft 1, so I remember the lore. There are always details we forget, but that happens to all of us.
Yes, there was a split between Blood Elves and High Elves more or less at the time of Warcraft III. I believe the third Chronicles Book will retcon this split and explain it the way Blizzard wants it to be now. I haven't received the book, but will so in April.
Yes, they are supposed to look more or less the same. The blood name was simply to honor the dead elves that Arthas killed in Wacraft III reign of chaos. No need to explain to me why the Devs already told in a few interviews that High Elves are Blood Elves with blue eyes (and non-fel green it seems, from the warcraft 2 game).
Zorish, we are talking the obvious here. Blizzard owns the Warcraft franchise. They do what they want, and they will retcon anything they want. They can even say now that elves never had ranger themed body paint. Or even more drastically, they could remove orcs from the game if they wanted to. ITs their story, they can built it or butcher it the way they want to.
Lore and Gameplay decisions don't coexist in a peaceful way. In order for Blizzard to deliver a playable expansion, many Lore consistencies need to be sacrificed or retconed. For example, to have playable races, blizzard needs to make them different from each other to make them interesting. Why should they make two identical playable races where only the hair color changes? It really doesn't make much sense. That is why High Elves will never be released as playable if they look exactly like Blood Elves. If they give something that makes them different from each other (see Void Elves: different skin, different hair styles, tentacles, etc), that makes both races appealing, similar but different at the same time.
If they brought High Elves, they would have to introduce especific cosmetic differences to make them different from Blood Elves. The suggestion that came from this thread is to introduce the forgotten elven ranger body paint as one of the main differences between High and Blood Elves.
This change isn't about LORE itself, it's about GAMEPLAY, making the two races different from each other, recycling old lore ideas.
Of course the ranger theme should theoretically be used by all races that come from High Elves (void elves included). But the idea is to make each race different from each other.
Also Blizzard said that their main priority isn't to update and give extra cosmetic changes to old races, or else they would give tattoos to dwarves, for example, allowing them to look like wildhammers as well.
Last edited by RangerDaz; 2018-03-27 at 10:19 PM.