Super simple. Because people are shallow and like pretty things, and the Thalassian model is unsurprisingly the most lauded as a great looking model. Blizzard could instead have green-tinted Shrub Elves using the Thalassian model and they'd be just as popular.
Look at the people calling for San'layn elves, what model are they hoping is utilized for the base? That's right the Thalassian one, because to fans to love playing elves it's very easy to see that's a well-done model, if not Blizzard's best elf model in-game.
Same developer also said, "don't give up hope!" after saying "it's possible" and before pivoting to forum behavior. But yes, leave it out as if that's not pertinent when it actually is, since it shows an encouragement to continue to the request rather than a fortright shut down to the request.
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People should just caution against expecting them anytime soon (if ever), and definitely not in BFA. There's still 2 more Allied Races to be added to Alliance side and the "elf slot" has already been used up for this round. I don't imagine even in the next expansion it happening, since it will probably focus more on a new class or something related to classes.
My hope is somewhere down the line, in a time where Wildhammer who have been teased of being added potentially can also be the time where High Elves become playable to the Alliance. Having started playing D&D, I think a lot of people underscore the freedom that is allowed to play a character how you want (within a reasonable ruleset), but with free reign over its race, class, faction, personality etc.
Actually the fact that we have the Allied Races feature today is because of the long-lauded calls for more character customization.
Since the first negative response to playable High Elves was given in September 2005, Blizzard have been holding that tune for thirteen and a half years minimum. Longer if we count the actual development of classic itself. I am interested to see if anything is covered in the Warcraft Development Diary by John Staats on this particular topic but I am waiting for the work to become widely available before I get a copy.
The problem with 'High Elves will bring players back to the game' is of course the presumption that they actually would. If you REALLY want playable High Elves on the Alliance, then of course it becomes the solution to all the game's woes despite the fact there is no evidence for that beyond the desire of the pro High Elf community. A community I hasten to add, that isn't very large but is very vocal.
I reference the number of people who have signed the High Elf petition and the number on the High Elf discord, those for whom this is THE issue, seems to number in the hundreds. By comparison, the classic community had a petition of a quarter of a million at one point. I bring this up because 'they caved for classic, they will cave for us' seems to be something of an article of faith for some people.
Why? What evidence is there they will do so? Yes, they changed their mind on classic, but the classic issue was one that vastly more people were interested in achieving and came on the back of a movement within the MMO market to offer older server experiences. More importantly, Classic had no negative drawbacks for the live game that the Alliance High Elf request does have and which Blizzard spelled out last year.
And yes, I know the pro High Elf community has discounted all these negatives. Funnily enough, deciding amongst yourselves that the barriers and arguments in front of your goal don't matter doesn't make the issue go away. Preaching to the choir achieves nothing.
This is the echo chamber you are in. You have no evidence that they will drive an upward trend in WoW subs beyond your own desire for them. I could claim that giving Mages a one shot one kill ability would drive subs upwards as well, and yet the fact I main a Mage might just slightly be warping my perception of such a request (as well as blinding me to some serious downsides).
No, Warcraft subs will do fine this year. There will be an upswing in the summer with the launch of 8.2 and classic. Probably a decline before the end of the year but enough should stay, and then be excited by the announcement of a new expansion at blizzcon and the release of 8.3, that this year will be a relative success.
And nary an Alliance High Elf will be needed to achieve that.
Well, it's too late to change the past. I also made a very similar suggestion when void elves were about to be released. Essentially, it would be the same recruitment scenario, but enhanced:
- When you arrive at Ghostlands with Alleria to search for Umbric, the Silver Covenant has secured Windrunner village. Beyond Vereesa and her troops, there's a group named "Allerian Elite", comprised of: Auric Sunchaser, Taela Everstride, Theloria Shadecloak and other high elves from Allerian Stronghold, who flocked to their former captain once she returned.
- The search through Ghostlands goes almost like before. Maybe an encounter with some enemy blood elves to show how the relationship between high and blood elves is sour.
- When Alleria enter Telogrus, Vereesa offers a squad of Covenant rangers to go with her sister. Summoner Nolric of the Silver Covenant is also interested. The Allerian Elite goes with Alleria as well. (Vereesa herself does not go).
- When you meet Umbric and Durzaam attacks, Umbric would not be immediately captured. The scenario would show his passion in trying to save his followers. As the scenario goes, every elf, including the high elves that went to Telogrus, are captured and transformed.
- By the end of the scenario, you have a mix of transformed elves, both high and blood. You also end up with several void elf NPCs ready to be used to flesh out the void elves and give them different outlooks on the Void: Umbric, Auric, Theloria, Taela and Nolric. Also, the Silver Covenant squad that went with Alleria is transformed as well.
This alone would have made the void elves a hundred times better, and open more possibilities for them. They'd also have a stronger link to the Silver Covenant and the high elves, having several former high elf heroes among them.
But we can't go back and change the past. As the void elves are right now, I don't see any incentive for high elves to join them in large numbers. The only way it could be done is if it's against their will.
Last edited by DeicideUH; 2019-02-24 at 08:40 PM.
When compared to biological similarities and differences in allegiances/philosophies, blood/high elves are just like houjin/tushui Pandaren.
As long as the Alliance has high elves the Thalasian Elves as a whole are a "neutral" race. By neutral i mean from a mechanical perspective. Blizzard just needs to reflect this in a gameplay manner by giving them the Panda treatment a d replacing blood elves with another race like ogres or vrykul.
AR is not a solution for reasons that have been beaten down.
Thalasian elves are just like pandas so reflect it for players by making them neutral and giving the Horde a brand new race to compensate.
Haha you're right I have but if everyone will continue to beat down their ponies to ground meat I might as well too.
I am super against high elves being their own race/AR. But as long as they exist in the lore that technically makes them just like pandas minus the fact you cant play the Alliance ones.
So either high elfers can just live with the fact that either go red or go home, or pray that Blizzard listens to the genius that is I.
Either way idc as long as they're not their own race.
Hopefully all remaining high elves will die out or be absorbed into silvermoon or the velves.
Last edited by Varx; 2019-02-24 at 10:49 PM.
The only importance Vareesa has at this stage is that she is Sylvanus' sister. Any story for her at this point completely revolves around her undead sister.
Once Sylvanus' story is over, Vareesa's will be over too.
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Personally I don't think added 'high elf' like customization would be appropriate for the void elfs. Firstly, it'll be treading on blood elf aethestics (given that void elfs are blood elf model with blue/purple skin). Secondly, void elfs are 'voidy' for a reason... taking that away takes away from what void elfs are, all for the sake of the small group of fanatical high elf fans. Thirdly, high elf fans will then start saying things like "make void elf paladins" to fulfill their high elf needs (even though high elfs shouldn't be paladins)
Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen
OR Join both factions. Being night elves they would have lean towards joining their kin ofc, i mean the night eles cure their addiction, teh city is really the city of both groups , and they have people who saved them twice before. While the blood elves did help ofc, the natural choice would be either night elves or both factions, the insane choice was all horde. ANd it was un-necessary.
The problem with this is that the physical changes within Void Elves are an unavoidable consequence of becoming a Void Elf. You can't be a Void Elf without being bombarded with void energy, and that exacts a price. Alleria achieved her unique powers because of how she became a Void Elf, consuming a dark naaru. Anyone else who wishes to become a Void Elf has to be brute forced into it, via being bombarded with void energy.
Remember, the Void Elf aesthetic was deliberately chosen to contrast with the Blood/High Elf one. If they had wanted to give the Alliance a High Elf aesthetic, they'd have just given the Allianc High Elves. Undermining that aesthetic undermines the Void Elves as a distinctive group. Particularly as, Human nature being what is, most Void Elf players gravitate towards the High Elf customization option.
As for your lore rationale, Void Elves are almost certainly already cut off from the Sunwell (but their addiction is now sated by their connection to the void) because the light based sunwell would cause issues with their void based physiology. Cutting off Alliance High Elves would do nothing about the Void thread, but would be a way of dealing with the traitors.
The high elves once refused to use darker magics to sate their addiction and learned to cope with it. They've been living away from Quel'thalas for over a decade now, and wouldn't feel the loss of the Sunwell as heavily as before (elves that lived away from Silvermoon, like the Farstriders, were already less affected the first time). It makes no sense that they'd now accept to all go void and potentially doom themselves as a race. The void is a dangerous power that can make you mad, and we don't even know if void elves can reproduce or how healthy their children could be.
Sure, Blizzard can throw a story like that, but it's a very forced one.
Yet Blood Elves are High Elves, so if they are purple Blood Elves they are also purple High Elves, and the Alliance has their High Elves except they happen to be purple.
Basically, people cannot argue that Void Elves = Blood Elves but don't equal High Elves because it is confirmed that Blood Elves = High Elves.
Now, I don't believe that Void Elves = High Elves. But that is because I don't believe Void Elves = Blood Elves. That is to diminish the transformation they have been through that has left them a race a part. Void Elves ARE their own thing now.
It's meant to convey the sameness as when there are those who say "High Elves are just blue eyed Blood Elves". Nothing more, nothing less. If someone believes the aforementioned phrase then it should be easy to see where "Void Elves are just purple Blood Elves" is coming from as well.
Void elves are just Alliance blood elves.
Void elves are the laziest race ever, coupled with no lore to back it up. They are the very definition of an asspull trope. They are so lore-lacking that they've been made playable one year ago and still there's no storyline centered on them, nor more than a single NPC that has any role in the story.
It's preposterous that people defend it instead of a well-established race that has been covered in-game for over a decade just so the Horde can keep their "exclusivity" on pink-skinned elves. I don't see those same people complaining about the Horde getting dark-skinned elves.
Last edited by DeicideUH; 2019-02-26 at 03:53 AM.