I'm confused at the fact that pro high elfers are so fixated on having "the real high elfs on the alliance" becoming playable, and dismissing the fact that blood elfs (who are high elfs) are already playable, yet in the same breath the pro high elfers seem to be okay with void elfs having lighter customization options... which goes against what they've been trying to "claim" this whole time. Most pro high elfers claim void elfs were a fail as an attempt to be a compromise, and commonly state "we want high elfs, nothing less". Wouldn't lighter skinned void elfs still be void elfs in your eyes? I thought you wanted "high elfs"? I thought RP'ing as one wasn't enough and you wanted to actually BE one? Well guess what, you'd still have to RP as an "alliance high elf" if you played a light skinned "void elf". Hence why I am confused. Do you want the lore or do you want the looks?
In the words of typical pro high elfers claiming it's all about the lore, I would have thought the response to possible lighter customization's would have been negative from you folk. But alas, it is not, which verifies the claims many anti's made that the only reason people want high elfs is for the aesthetics.. and that is why I refer to the still valid comments made by Ion... the Horde is waiting for you.
I understand anything is possible. High elfs are possible, but extremely unlikely. Lighter skin options for void elfs is also possibly, though again highly unlikely. I don't need to come to terms with these facts. But I can't help but sit here confused at the pro community who wanted high elfs for the lore but then now want the customization options (which (A) isn't the lore you wanted and attacked anti's for, and (B) would actually detract from what the void elfs ARE). Shallow requests (such as wanting the opposing factions aesthetics) will always receive shallow responses.
One question I do have for you, how do you think Horde and Blood Elf players should feel if the lighter customization options are given to the void elfs? Given that the pro community profusely state that void elfs are purple blood elfs, not purple high elfs. Or do you not care about this? In which case don't act baffled when people dispute your "innocent" requests.