How? How are you going to do that? How are you going to make a High Elf different from a Blood Elf?
This goes back to the previous question. How. Right now you are taking a Blood Elf, changing the eye color and saying welcome to the Alliance. That has been dismissed out of hand by Blizzard and that is what the entire issue at hand is.Simple: have Anduin formally induct the Silver Covenant into the Alliance. Like he did with the Dark Irons when you completed their introduction quest chain. This is one possible solution out of many.
Ok. Even distending the belief that Blood Elves are High Elves and thus Void Elf Lore IS High Elf Lore, you still have High Elves learning the void. Lets pretend in patch 8.3.5 Blizzard adds a questline where a group of High Elves take up the ritual to become void elves and in the process are able to retain some of their High Elven features, but retain Void Elven racials, etc. What then? Would that be enough? I realize you don't speak for an entire community, but for you personnally, would that be enough, to play a Void Elf, that had been a member of the Silver Covenant, you watch them take on the ritual to become a Void Elf, and you play a Void Elf, with fair skin. Would that be enough?The point is lore, and the void elves are not high elf lore, they're blood elf lore. They're Horde elves, elves that accepted Kael'Thas teachings to drain mana from living beings, etc, etc.