1. #1041
    Mechagnome Kemsa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    not rly, the elves had not much tht problem with orcs, they problem was always with the amani, the horde don't have the amani, so why not?

    the faction of monsters was less monsters than the other faction whot ried to genocide then in the past, despite the appearance, thats the point of blood elves in the horde, show this, and run away from the tolkien cliche, even if i hate it, personally i hate elves in general, but im not blind to the truth, it was a master plan in wow lore that made then unique in the genre of fantasy

    but it is pretty simple, the elves had problems with the remnants of the scourge, with no soruce of power, in danger and in ruins, thy need help and allies, the alliance was distrusted and resented about them for what happened, and sent saboteurs as an answer

    The thrall's horde reached out, it was just an alliance of convenience and strategy, but then the ties between them were forged, culminating in the apice that was in MOP, where the elves actually claimed that they were the Horde as the other races
    this is why i love lurking in these forums, just to see the post of that person that did all the questlines for that race in particular, that he/she knows whats the plot, and not just random "guy" that say "but well high Elves were always allied of humans blah blah blah"

  2. #1042
    I just actually read the original post, didn’t before. But basically this thread wants aryan Night Elves..ya, no thanks.

  3. #1043
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    im saying he was right about people keep forgetting things, the fel and addictions are exemples of it
    Oh, please, don't pretend that fel and addiction is what usually he posts about and that he doesn't post the same over-discussed thing over and over again. Don't pretend that he didn't post 1000 exact same explanations about how Void Elves are a compromise that High Elf fans have to like as if he doesn't get that High Elf fans don't care about Void Elves. And what's the deal with fel and addiction anyway? That most Blood Elves didn't actually consume fel but were tainted by it due to its presence? Oh no, that changes everything.

  4. #1044
    Quote Originally Posted by Lebanese Dude View Post
    That leaves development options for High Elves, which could VERY easily take a sort of spellbreaker / ranger theme that Blood Elves have NEVER expanded since Burning Crusade. Blood Elves will always be about the Fel and the Sunwell.
    SPELLBREAKER! Always loved that class and it never was expanded beyond the look of a few motionless guards in Silvermoon.
    Now I know the next concept I'd like to try. We'll see if we can come up with anything fun from that.

  5. #1045
    i'll just leave it there

    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    SPELLBREAKER! Always loved that class and it never was expanded beyond the look of a few motionless guards in Silvermoon.
    Now I know the next concept I'd like to try. We'll see if we can come up with anything fun from that.
    now ask yourself. Why they are called "SPELLbreaker"? maybe because they are skilled casters? and after kael's teachings they get even better in this? because they can actually break spells by siphoning magic from caster?

    Their entire nation can be called "spellbreakers". Because everyone know one or two magic tricks, and on top of it skill to drain mana from everything. Only thing to finish this theme is to give them set of armor like spellbreakers have. (maybe with shields, not with weapons)
    Last edited by Zorish; 2018-04-01 at 01:42 AM.

  6. #1046
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ddi View Post
    Oh, please, don't pretend that fel and addiction is what usually he posts about
    again, is just a exemple to illustrate how people "forget" things, im not saying is what he talk about

    Quote Originally Posted by Kemsa View Post
    this is why i love lurking in these forums, just to see the post of that person that did all the questlines for that race in particular, that he/she knows whats the plot, and not just random "guy" that say "but well high Elves were always allied of humans blah blah blah"
    the funny thing is i hate elves in general, any kind of fantasy game/book/movie, but i grow to like the blood elves in wow, exactly because of they unique lore and how they changed trough time, the frozen throne campaign in the war3 was one of the best, and the MOP development with Lorhemar staying in the horde, and even against Garrosh to stick with Vol'jin, a troll, was priceless

  7. #1047
    Quote Originally Posted by The-Shan View Post
    It'd be cool if another class could use glaives!
    while glaves can be "cool" i don't see them as practical weapon. ESPECIALY with shields and armor of spellbreakers.
    yeah i am not fan of this weapon.

    or if you mean adding this as new class... well another class exclusive for elves? pleeeeease. stop it. no more elves! please.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    the funny thing is i hate elves in general, any kind of fantasy game/book/movie, but i grow to like the blood elves in wow, exactly because of they unique lore and how they changed trough time, the frozen throne campaign in the war3 was one of the best, and the MOP development with Lorhemar staying in the horde, and even against Garrosh to stick with Vol'jin, a troll, was priceless
    my 5 cents: have to agree there. I am not elf fan. I don't like them in general. Only NB caught my eye, but not enough to create one. But i am still love lore of warcraft. Elven one too. And hate when people try to rape it for their own gains.

    i'll accept if blizzard chose to add this so called traitors of elven race to the Aliance. But only with proper lore explanation. And by proper i mean "why the f*ck this bastards left their home and banged with humans and not returned when they were mostly needed by their own race". with bit letters. that every so called "High elf" are traitor of their own race and must be killed on sight.
    Last edited by Zorish; 2018-04-01 at 01:54 AM.

  8. #1048
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    again, is just a exemple to illustrate how people "forget" things, im not saying is what he talk about

    the funny thing is i hate elves in general, any kind of fantasy game/book/movie, but i grow to like the blood elves in wow, exactly because of they unique lore and how they changed trough time, the frozen throne campaign in the war3 was one of the best, and the MOP development with Lorhemar staying in the horde, and even against Garrosh to stick with Vol'jin, a troll, was priceless
    Is your sole purpose of playing WoW to bash Elves? You were just trolling a WoW Dev earlier today who is in support of High Elves being playable. I can't imagine being so miserable.


  9. #1049
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keihndeth View Post
    Is your sole purpose of playing WoW to bash Elves? You were just trolling a WoW Dev earlier today who is in support of High Elves being playable. I can't imagine being so miserable.

    now say the truth is trolling now? how cute

    in the very quote i talked how i like the blood elves, why i would bash then?

    and i can imagine be more miserable, whine about pixels in the wrong faction more than a decade is more miserable

    if you have problem with me call me on private and lets discuss
    Last edited by Syegfryed; 2018-04-01 at 02:09 AM.

  10. #1050
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    now say the truth is trolling now? how cute

    in the very quote i talked how i like the blood elves, why i would bash then?

    and i can imagine be more miserable, whine about pixels in the wrong faction more than a decade is more miserable
    What's cute is how you admit your bias and then try to claim facts. That's whats cute. You whine in MMO Champion, the official WoW forums and Twitter about Elves, particularly of the High Elf variety. I do call that miserable because it is. That's a lot of time complaining when you could just be playing a game or enjoying your life.

  11. #1051
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    again, is just a exemple to illustrate how people "forget" things, im not saying is what he talk about

    the funny thing is i hate elves in general, any kind of fantasy game/book/movie, but i grow to like the blood elves in wow, exactly because of they unique lore and how they changed trough time, the frozen throne campaign in the war3 was one of the best, and the MOP development with Lorhemar staying in the horde, and even against Garrosh to stick with Vol'jin, a troll, was priceless
    Hah, I kinda went through the same process.

  12. #1052
    The Unstoppable Force Friendlyimmolation's Avatar
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    The Dreadfort, or Korriban. You never know.
    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    SPELLBREAKER! Always loved that class and it never was expanded beyond the look of a few motionless guards in Silvermoon.
    Now I know the next concept I'd like to try. We'll see if we can come up with anything fun from that.
    Once again, I'll mention that spellbreakers were created by Blood elves, not by the high elves.
    Quote Originally Posted by WoWKnight65 View Post
    That's same excuse from you and so many others on this website and your right some of threads do bully high elf fans to a point where they might end up losing their minds to a point of a mass shooting.
    Holy shit lol

  13. #1053
    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    SPELLBREAKER! Always loved that class and it never was expanded beyond the look of a few motionless guards in Silvermoon.
    Now I know the next concept I'd like to try. We'll see if we can come up with anything fun from that.
    Wait i'm pretty sure spellbreakers are only Blood elves, or to put it in other words of the elves that survived the scourge invasion and stayed in silvermoon.

  14. #1054
    Quote Originally Posted by Zorish View Post
    i'll accept if blizzard chose to add this so called traitors of elven race to the Aliance. But only with proper lore explanation. And by proper i mean "why the f*ck this bastards left their home and banged with humans and not returned when they were mostly needed by their own race". with bit letters. that every so called "High elf" are traitor of their own race and must be killed on sight.
    But that already happened. High Elves are already in the Alliance with the established lore that you may like or not. Them becoming playable has absolutely nothing to do with lore, it's only a matter of an Alliance race being playable or not.

  15. #1055
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keihndeth View Post
    What's cute is how you admit your bias and then try to claim facts.
    prove then wrong pal, your arguments are "troling REEE" "beeing mean REEE"

    You whine in MMO Champion, the official WoW forums and Twitter about Elves, particularly of the High Elf variety. I do call that miserable because it is.
    I my free time i can do the fuck i want, and i discuss wow lore is one of then, if people are talking about elves i will talk too, like with orcs, trolls and the horde in generall

    99% of time i talk about elves is to correct when some shit wrong come up, or 1% to make a little gag like my signature

    yeah i not hide myself in each wow plataform, im me everywhere, hellscream's eyes are upon you

    you call whine, you call trolling, just decide what im doing man
    That's a lot of time complaining when you could just be playing a game or enjoying your life.
    i mean, why you complain and whine so much about elves too? what about you play the game and enjoy your life instead of crying about how you cant be legolas in wow so much all the time?

    im not saying is what you do or what you should do, but see how this can work for both ways?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Friendlyimmolation View Post
    Once again, I'll mention that spellbreakers were created by Blood elves, not by the high elves.
    you missed the memo, the "silver covenant allied race concept" is not about "silver covenant allied race concept", is about anything they imagine to validate the allied race, even blue dragonflight silver covenant druids come up here

  16. #1056
    Mechagnome Kemsa's Avatar
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    you guys are missing a crucial point.... Spell Breakers could even be the Fourth Spec for Mages, because you know "druid have 4 specs because they split feral into something with more sense than before" so regarding about the 4th specs for every class (wich i can say i am preparing a big post with ideas) Mages could become Spell breakers, using the ONE HANDED SWORD that they can use and a magic shield for the class, and it could work as a one handed ret paladin. Done.

  17. #1057
    Eh, if Spellbreakers would be implemented as a class, I expect them to be available to many races, not just elves. They might have started as Blood/High/Whatever Elf only but if they come out, they'll probably be like Monks - a Pandaren only class that other races learnt for the expansion. So arguing about Spellbreakers seems pointless to me.

  18. #1058
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    not rly, the elves had not much tht problem with orcs, they problem was always with the amani, the horde don't have the amani, so why not?
    But Vereesa's extended family was killed by Orcs during the Second War. It's why she's so stuck up against the Horde all the time. Surely other Elves have gone through the same thing. Alleria is stuck up against the Horde too. Many of the Alliance leaders are fighting a different Horde than the ones that caused the early wars. Clearly they have trouble distinguishing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    the faction of monsters was less monsters than the other faction who tried to genocide then in the past, despite the appearance, thats the point of blood elves in the horde, to show this, and run away from the tolkien cliche, even if i hate it, personally i hate elves in general, but im not blind to the truth, it was a master plan in wow lore that made then unique in the genre of fantasy

    but it is pretty simple, the elves had problems with the remnants of the scourge, with no source of power, in danger and in ruins, they need help and allies, the alliance was distrusted and resented about them for what happened, and sent saboteurs as an answer

    The thrall's horde reached out, it was just an alliance of convenience and strategy, but then the ties between them were forged, culminating in the apice that was in MOP, where the elves actually claimed that they were the Horde as the other races
    Yes, I understand that the Blood Elves forged their pact with the Horde out of self preservation and that eventually morphed into loyalty, but if Blizzard is actively trying to go against the Tolkien Elf isolationist cliche, then they shouldn't have the High Elves so militant against the new Horde because it doesn't make sense by comparison.

    Vereesa and Alleria aren't the only Elves with their familes killed. If they can't get over it, I don't see how others could either.

  19. #1059
    Quote Originally Posted by Friendlyimmolation View Post
    Once again, I'll mention that spellbreakers were created by Blood elves, not by the high elves.
    True, but nothing was ever done with them. It's been totally left on the table, so why not have some fun with it?

  20. #1060
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goldielocks View Post
    But Vereesa's extended family was killed by Orcs during the Second War.
    yeah but veressa don't represent the elves, marjory had no problems with orcs in general ( the biggest "crime" the orcs did was set the forest aflame)

    the elves didn't even want to ally the alliance against the orcs back in then, only when Lothar bring up an old oath and the amani joined the horde

    It's why she's so stuck up against the Horde all the time.
    she was exiled before the horde thing, as far as i know

    Surely other Elves have gone through the same thing. Alleria is stuck up against the Horde too. Many of the Alliance leaders are fighting a different Horde than the ones that caused the early wars. Clearly they have trouble distinguishing.
    no "major elves" had problems, Alleria is against because what she know about Horde is about second war horde, and she don't know or don't care of how the Horde save/help the elves now

    Yes, I understand that the Blood Elves forged their pact with the Horde out of self preservation and that eventually morphed into loyalty, but if Blizzard is actively trying to go against the Tolkien Elf isolationist cliche, then they shouldn't have the High Elves so militant against the new Horde because it doesn't make sense by comparison.
    its a mistake they are doing just to bring up the tolkien cliche, the great mistake was retcon the HE existence after war 3. You know when you don't finish, something because some people liked it is the HE thing?

    But now they have a chance to finish this arc, with void elves they do not need high elves, since the VE will occupy the place of blood elf antagonists, now even more with the light and shadow shenanigans

    Vereesa and Alleria aren't the only Elves with their familes killed. If they can't get over it, I don't see how others could either.
    and veressa left not because of the horde

    yes maybe some of then were killed by the horde( not many, since Quel'thalas barely joined the alliance and send few trops) but it was another horde, this horde help and save then, when you are desperte for help it can come from anywhere, if the alliance push then way, and the horde welcomed then, why they should deny?

    And again, it was just a alliance of convenience, like the forsakens, but with time the horde help then a lot, like in the zandlari/amani invasion, they have no reason to doubt then

    the point of the "fallen empire" of elves is all about how they swallow their pride so they could survive, doing anything they could
    Last edited by Syegfryed; 2018-04-01 at 06:08 AM.

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