1. #1061
    Quote Originally Posted by Tak View Post
    Wait i'm pretty sure spellbreakers are only Blood elves, or to put it in other words of the elves that survived the scourge invasion and stayed in silvermoon.
    No doubt they were introduced as a Blood Elf thing in WCIII. But it's an abandoned, unused idea, so it's fertile ground to play around with. I'm thinking a design like this might need to lose the helmet to showcase the warpaint and hair. Or maybe the helmet could cover the sides of the face primarily so it's not so tight on the face.

    Silver Covenant Spellbreaker

    After spending several years combating the Sun Reavers, the Silver Covenant has developed Spellbreakers of their own to counteract the Blood Elf Mages. A new Silver Covenant faction leader could emerge with these powers, prompting the Alliance to try and strengthen their ties to the Silver Covenant to gain access to these new troops.

    This would not require a new class. It could be done with a racial or two that has the flavor, but it would need to be different from the Blood Elf silence racial. High Elf possibilities include Spell Steal and Remove Curse.

    As an alternative, the Spellbreakers could be an organization that any class can join. It would be flavor/lore with no actual mechanics to back it. Both ideas leave the door open to a future class that any race could potentially join.
    Last edited by Traycor; 2018-04-01 at 06:43 AM.

  2. #1062
    I think Ask CDev killed off spellbreakers as a class or spec a long time ago.

    What has become of the blood elf Spellbreakers?
    While they were already few in number to begin with, the ranks of this formidable fighting force were thinned drastically when their headquarters on the Isle of Quel'Danas was overwhelmed by Kael'thas and his Burning Legion forces. The lone squad that remains now exists as a relic of a bygone era, as the Spellbreakers have refrained from training any new recruits since Kael'thas's betrayal

  3. #1063
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    I wonder if Blizzard is taking the piss out of the pro High Elf stuff or the fact we have so many elven races now with their April Fools.

    I reckon it's more of the later but a bit of the former too.
    Last edited by Obelisk Kai; 2018-04-01 at 12:32 PM.

  4. #1064
    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    This would not require a new class. It could be done with a racial or two that has the flavor, but it would need to be different from the Blood Elf silence racial. High Elf possibilities include Spell Steal and Remove Curse.
    it's already in blood elves mana tap. silence and mana drain (lorewise)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ddi View Post
    But that already happened. High Elves are already in the Alliance with the established lore that you may like or not. Them becoming playable has absolutely nothing to do with lore, it's only a matter of an Alliance race being playable or not.
    m? where? i don't see it. or you mean their sole existence? okay veressa cause her husband (and to note - during northrend he wasn't against the horde), but from what a** come the whole "silver covenant"? and what the reason of it's existence?

  5. #1065
    Veressa and the Silver Covenant aren't in Chronicles much because their impact on the story doesn't really hit until MoP. That is when the feuding elves starts to really flair up. It was suppose to flair up earlier in the Crystalsong Forest, but Lagaron prevented most of that zone's content from existing. But in MoP? High Elves vs Blood Elves becomes a regular appearance.

    Chronicles goes up to the end of CATA.

  6. #1066
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    I wonder if Blizzard is taking the piss out of the pro High Elf stuff or the fact we have so many elven races now with their April Fools.

    I reckon it's more of the later but a bit of the former too.
    You surely wonder, because you are addicted and desperate to mock high elf fans.

  7. #1067
    High Orcs and Boring Humans this year.

  8. #1068
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    yeah but veressa don't represent the elves, marjory had no problems with orcs in general ( the biggest "crime" the orcs did was set the forest aflame)

    the elves didn't even want to ally the alliance against the orcs back in then, only when Lothar bring up an old oath and the amani joined the horde

    she was exiled before the horde thing, as far as i know

    no "major elves" had problems, Alleria is against because what she know about Horde is about second war horde, and she don't know or don't care of how the Horde save/help the elves now

    its a mistake they are doing just to bring up the tolkien cliche, the great mistake was retcon the HE existence after war 3. You know when you don't finish, something because some people liked it is the HE thing?

    But now they have a chance to finish this arc, with void elves they do not need high elves, since the VE will occupy the place of blood elf antagonists, now even more with the light and shadow shenanigans

    and veressa left not because of the horde

    yes maybe some of then were killed by the horde( not many, since Quel'thalas barely joined the alliance and send few trops) but it was another horde, this horde help and save then, when you are desperte for help it can come from anywhere, if the alliance push then way, and the horde welcomed then, why they should deny?

    And again, it was just a alliance of convenience, like the forsakens, but with time the horde help then a lot, like in the zandlari/amani invasion, they have no reason to doubt then

    the point of the "fallen empire" of elves is all about how they swallow their pride so they could survive, doing anything they could
    I get what you’re saying, but it doesn’t feel like natural Warcraft story progression. As many have said, the High Elves were historically Alliance and then suddenly the vast majority were Horde. Some High Elves are still conveniently anti Horde to satisfy Ally players. The quarrel between High and Blood makes no sense to me. That’s what I mean by contrived.

    I don’t want High Elves. They don’t make sense for the game, and I feel like Blizzard should have went all in, with the SC never existing.

  9. #1069
    This artwork looks awesome dude

  10. #1070
    Spellbreakers were introduced to the Alliance in Warcraft III TFT after Silvermoon was destroyed but there's nothing to say that they were created AFTER the Blood Elf split. It could have easily been a general High Elf concept much like Rangers, as the only elven units in the Human faction at the time were the casters (Sorceress/Priest). What did all other units not exist?

    Although arguing that point is ultimately irrelevant. Even if you think it's thematic theft, not only do the Allied Races also accomplish this (hello Lightforged/Nightborne?) but Blood Elves appropriated the Human Paladin themes. Where was the outrage about that?

    One can easily make a case that the presence of increased uncontrollable magic in the world (Azerite), the rise of strong magic users on the Horde (Nightborne), and the presence of Voided-out Elves would drive the Silver Covenant to turn to "lost" spellbreaker arts from some locker in Dalaran.
    Last edited by Lebanese Dude; 2018-04-01 at 04:38 PM.

  11. #1071
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromedes View Post
    You surely wonder, because you are addicted and desperate to mock high elf fans.
    Mocking some High Elf fans is fun at this point I don't deny it. It's the point blank refusal to offer evidence or face facts I guess. It's like arguing with flat earthers.

  12. #1072
    Quote Originally Posted by Zorish View Post
    m? where? i don't see it. or you mean their sole existence? okay veressa cause her husband (and to note - during northrend he wasn't against the horde), but from what a** come the whole "silver covenant"? and what the reason of it's existence?
    Silver Covenant came to existence because they hated Sunreavers and were opposed to them being in Dalaran. I guess that's they way it is for now.

    Anyway, my point was that Blizzard doesn't have to invent any justification for High Elves to be in the Alliance in order for them to be playable because they already are there. And if you have problems with why and how they would be in the Alliance then you should already have them now and not only if they become playable.

  13. #1073
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    I wonder if Blizzard is taking the piss out of the pro High Elf stuff or the fact we have so many elven races now with their April Fools.

    I reckon it's more of the later but a bit of the former too.
    Pandaren and Goblin Tinkerer started as an April Fool's joke so you better prepare for Hoof & Woof elves

  14. #1074
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garfurion View Post
    Pandaren and Goblin Tinkerer started as an April Fool's joke so you better prepare for Hoof & Woof elves
    Yeah I'm going to bet that's not happening.

  15. #1075
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromedes View Post
    You surely wonder, because you are addicted and desperate to mock high elf fans.
    Honestly seems more like a jab toward all the "TOO MANY ELVES!" folks

  16. #1076
    The Patient Tatzi's Avatar
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    While I like this idea of how the High Elves could have gone if they remained with the Alliance, it is not realistic anymore.

    Change all the blue to red on every model here and they are indistinguishable from Blood Elves.

    Just different hair styles, tattoos and colour eyes. And even that last one is being changed by Blizz with the addition of golden eyes to Blood Elves.

    High Elven history and Blood Elf history are also indistinguishable. They have the same heroes, family, cities, culture. What's so different other than the desire to roleplay Tolkien-esque adventures? Which don't make sense since the Orcs/villains are not even close to the type of orcs/villains you'd find in those stories.

  17. #1077
    Banned Highwhale's Avatar
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    Someone datamined skin texture named hgelv:

    Skip to 2.14

  18. #1078
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlubberPuddy View Post
    Honestly seems more like a jab toward all the "TOO MANY ELVES!" folks
    You mean everyone else who isn't invested in this debate?

    There is a great mass of people who don't care about High Elves either way and are unaware of this question but might throw a fit if faced with yet another Elf you know.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Highwhale View Post
    Someone datamined skin texture named hgelv:

    Skip to 2.14
    Fair enough, you got me.

  19. #1079
    Quote Originally Posted by Tatzi View Post
    High Elven history and Blood Elf history are also indistinguishable. They have the same heroes, family, cities, culture. What's so different other than the desire to roleplay Tolkien-esque adventures? Which don't make sense since the Orcs/villains are not even close to the type of orcs/villains you'd find in those stories.
    nothing stop people who want to be "pretty, beautifull, ageless, appealing to both sexes, all skilled, pure and innocente" elves. But when this *everything before* elves not in "good guy" faction this hurt brains of this people too much, so they starting to look any way to have them on the "right side" of the conflict.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ddi View Post
    Silver Covenant came to existence because they hated Sunreavers and were opposed to them being in Dalaran. I guess that's they way it is for now.

    Anyway, my point was that Blizzard doesn't have to invent any justification for High Elves to be in the Alliance in order for them to be playable because they already are there. And if you have problems with why and how they would be in the Alliance then you should already have them now and not only if they become playable.
    oh poor boy. but you know... i still don't get the answer WHY this elves left silvermoon after the disaster and named them "High elves" again. for now i see them as traitors of their own kind. even if current leader of blood elves allow them visit sunwell, and they still connected to this font of magic. but naaah. "WE ARE WITH ALIANCE!"

  20. #1080
    Bloodsail Admiral Leodric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ddi View Post
    Silver Covenant came to existence because they hated Sunreavers and were opposed to them being in Dalaran. I guess that's they way it is for now.

    Anyway, my point was that Blizzard doesn't have to invent any justification for High Elves to be in the Alliance in order for them to be playable because they already are there. And if you have problems with why and how they would be in the Alliance then you should already have them now and not only if they become playable.
    That's what I also thought when I saw them chilling around in the Hunter order class. I don't see a reason why they should not be added at one time as a playable sub-race. I imagine Blizzards plan is to add many sub-races in the future (maybe even after BFA? Considering it can't be that much work for them, relatively speaking). I would definitly enjoy to play a Silver covenant Hunter.

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