1. #11061
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    'I know you are, but what am I?'

    Most of what you post resumes in that. It's sad and pathetic.

    Can you not be like this?
    can you like, do something instead of "buah buah troll,"

    if you can't come with a proper response, don't respond anymore, there is the ignore feature for that

  2. #11062
    Quote Originally Posted by Strippling View Post
    Your question makes no sense, so I'm not sure exactly what you want me to answer? Maybe reword it so I can understand what point you're trying to get across?

    Also, I edited the pic for you. It's more accurate now.

    - - - Updated - - -

    High elves are not fundamental to the Alliance. High elves as a society (as a governing group) seceded the Alliance. Any remaining high elves aligned with the alliance are nothing but a minor feature with very little relevance to the overall story progression of the alliance. If alliance high elves were to suddenly disappear (as in we saw no more NPCs) it would not change the dynamics of the alliance whatsoever. High elves have become a core race to the Horde. Like I said, any elves who chose to remain with the alliance are not core to the faction, they're a rarity.. a minor feature who will likely over time be replaced with void elf NPCs more n more.

    You need to hop off your high horse. Nothing's being denied to you. The race is already playable, it's available on the Horde. Faction distinction is a core aspect of this game, so subsequently the playable races on each faction will naturally be distinct from one another. Given that the high elven race is playable on the Horde (as has been pointed out on numerous occasions yet you seem to deny this) then making them playable on the alliance would do nothing but damage the faction lines... which like I said is a core aspect of this game.

    Ok you're really grasping at straws. That's the Silver Covenant aligned with the Alliance, NOT the Kirin Tor who is neutral.
    The High elf FACTION is in the Alliance. The High elf RACE is divided among the two factions.

  3. #11063
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    You are the only one saying they are fundamental. I'm only saying that they are members of the Alliance which is correct.
    This is what you said: I can't believe there's people denying something so fundamental about the Alliance and allied races...

    You're the one deeming them fundamental. I'm saying they're not, the story tells us this, the game tells us this... everything points to them being a minor feature, a dwindling group. They are far from being 'fundamental' to the Alliance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    The exact same thing can be said about Goblins, Night elves, Goblins, Undead, Blood elves, Draenei, Pandaren...

    Snap them out of existence and the factions will continue no problem.
    Take away any of those races and a notable hole would be left.

    Take away high elves there'd be no difference at all. Don't kid yourself in thinking that alliance aligned high elves are even a fraction of the relevance as those races (or other core races) you listed.

    I wouldn't be surprised if we start to see void elf NPCs replacing high elf NPCs from now on and into the future.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    However, i'm not denying it and you are the one saying that they are a different race, not me.
    Again, do you misread things or??? When have I said they're a different race? This whole time I've stipulated that they're the same race.
    Last edited by Strippling; 2019-06-28 at 03:15 AM.
    Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen

  4. #11064
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    The pro high elf community want white-blond-blue-eyes elves,
    Congratulations on sharing Ion's disconnect with the pro-high elf community.

    being "part of the faction" =/= officially joining and being playable, its new
    Point being: and none of your examples of "rules" disqualify the high elves.

    nice to see that you drop of the other examples to stand with this one alone
    Because your own examples are not worth discussing. "Fat" is a race now, according to you. The worgen "race" is not a race, because the child of two cursed humans (worgen) is an uncursed human.

    once again, high elves aren't new, they are playable since TBC.
    Once again:
    • They are, by your own rules, since by "new" you explained as it "not officially joined and playable", which fits the high elves perfectly.
    • They are not. Blood elves are playable since TBC. Otherwise, by that reasoning, Kul'Tirans and Zandalari have been playable since vanilla day one.

    by my rules they would not be playable because, HE are already playable.
    No, your rules make them playable. The problem here is that you keep confusing high elves with blood elves. If you did that mistake within Azeroth, you'd be quickly corrected with a dagger to the throat, considering that's a huge insult to both sides.

    Repeat after me: "blood elves are playable, high elves are not."

    why they could have? why those would have different hair than blood elves since you know, they are physically identical? its just another fanfic creating differences from thin air.
    Just as "fanfic-y" as the difference between Stormwind humans and Kul'Tiras humans being just a bigger layer of fat tissue.

    void elves are already HE
    False. They are not. They're blood elves, not high elves. I honestly wonder if you and others are intentionally obtuse regarding this, or you just simply can't comprehend that, in the game, high elves are not blood elves. Considering the amount of times that has been explained, I'm leaning toward the former.

    now proof that blood elves aren't high elves, cause its canon fact, said by devs, and canon lore.
    I have the developer's own words: "blood elves basically kind of are high elves". Saying "basically kind of" means there are differences. Also, even if they are the same:
    "They (Kul'Tiras humans) are not biologically different from other humans."

    blood elves are high elves,
    But not all high elves are high elves. Remember this fact, please.

    therefore they are playable,
    That is objectively false. There is no "high elf" race option in the character creation screen, on the blue banner.

    thats is an indisputable fact
    It's very "disputable", and not a fact.

    until blizzard said they are two different races.
    Why does it matter, considering Blizzard went on record to say that Stormwind humans and Kul'Tiras humans are the exact same race?

    your argument don't hold water because unlike BE and HE who are indisputable the same race, with no physical difference, Zandalari and kul'tirans are totally different from their counterparts
    This is the point you should look in the mirror to notice the egg on your face. "Kul'tirans are totally different from their counterparts." Yeah. Right. Differences that did not exist whatsoever until BfA came along. Kul'Tiras NPC existed since the Cataclysm expansion and they all looked like normal humans.

    gladly im not an elf fan, actually a hater, so i can say the truth regardless.
    And yet you opt to misrepresent and spout falsehoods. A pity.
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
    "You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  5. #11065
    Quote Originally Posted by Gurluas View Post
    Ok you're really grasping at straws. That's the Silver Covenant aligned with the Alliance, NOT the Kirin Tor who is neutral.
    The High elf FACTION is in the Alliance. The High elf RACE is divided among the two factions.
    High elfers accusing others of grasping at straws? That's rich.

    The Silver Covenant were there on behalf of the Kirin Tor, just as their presence in the past has nearly always been. They're a militant faction of the Kirin Tor and they reside in Dalaran... the home of the Kirin Tor. They are alliance aligned, yes. But they beckon to the Kirin Tor above the Alliance, as has been evident in this expansion where the Alliance are at war and the Silver Covenant are no where to be seen (funny how the Kirin Tor want no part in this faction war, and subsequently them or the SC are no where to be seen).

    The high elf race has been playable on the Horde since TBC. Allowing that race, which is available on the Horde, to now be playable on the Alliance (all because of a very small group of alliance aligned elfs) would blur the faction lines that form a very big part of this game.
    Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen

  6. #11066
    Impressive post. Though, if high elves get added into the game, a second race would need to be added to balance it out for both factions. Unless high elves go the panda route, which would be odd.

  7. #11067
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    Congratulations on sharing Ion's disconnect with the pro-high elf community.
    you mean the truth? 100% of the artwork about HE "options" is always fair skin, blonde and with blue-eyes, they even want the same skin colors for HE

    i don't see anyone asking for HE to become HE, so, obviously,is not about lore at all.

    Point being: and none of your examples of "rules" disqualify the high elves.
    because you don't think it do, don't mean it don't

    Because your own examples are not worth discussing.
    sure, only the things you want or believe are worth discussing
    "Fat" is a race now, according to you.
    by the devs, the kul'tiran is a different breed of humans, if the relation with the drust is true, then yeah they are far ahead of differentiation than BE and HE
    The worgen "race" is not a race, because the child of two cursed humans (worgen) is an uncursed human.
    "its not a race technically" sure, neither undead, but they are different enough to count as race and new, because again, they are not jut humans with another hair, but a werewolf they are not just humans dead, but rotting zombies

    Once again:
    • They are, by your own rules, since by "new" you explained as it "not officially joined and playable", which fits the high elves perfectly.
    it don't because once again: High elves already joined a faction and are already playable on the horde, there is no new, there is no place to fit then perfectly in other faction
    • They are not. Blood elves are playable since TBC

    blood elves are high elves
    Otherwise, by that reasoning, Kul'Tirans and Zandalari have been playable since vanilla day one.
    Darkspear trolls are not Zandalari and Kul'tirans are a different breed of human therefore not the same as stormwind humans

    unlike BE and HE who are exactly the same.

    You are just using the fallacy of False analogy here.

    No, your rules make them playable
    they exactly do the opposite, again, HE aren't new, they are already playable, with other name.
    The problem here is that you keep confusing high elves with blood elves.
    the real problem here is you are refusing to accept the canon fact that blood elves are high elves.
    If you did that mistake within Azeroth, you'd be quickly corrected with a dagger to the throat, considering that's a huge insult to both sides.
    gladly we are not roleplaying

    Repeat after me: "blood elves are playable, high elves are not."
    then we would both be wrong

    Cause you know, blood elves are High elves, therefore, high elves are playable.

    Just as "fanfic-y" as the difference between Stormwind humans and Kul'Tiras humans being just a bigger layer of fat tissue.
    their physiognomy and their racials is far differene than jut "fat"

    in any specie, if you have that kind of difference it would be considered a different race/specie, thus more than hundred of years to have enough difference between, something who didn't happen with be and he (only in the fanfictions) they are exactly the same.

    False. They are not. They're blood elves, not high elves. I honestly wonder if you and others are intentionally obtuse regarding this, or you just simply can't comprehend that, in the game, high elves are not blood elves. Considering the amount of times that has been explained, I'm leaning toward the former.
    im still waiting a single prove about this, repeat again and again the wrong is not "explain" crap

    I have the developer's own words: "blood elves basically kind of are high elves". Saying "basically kind of" means there are differences.
    that literally say what they are high elves, you twisting and trying to find a hole and a spark of hope in his statement don't change that

    here more facts for you:

    The blood elves (or sin'dorei, "children of the blood" in Thalassian — pronounced [ˈsiːndɔraɪ], [siːnˈdɔraɪ] or [siːndɔreɪ]) are high elves who changed their name after the Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas

    Blood elves are, biologically and physiologically, high elves

    Ion Hazzikostas stated that high elves are essentially already playable as the blood elves on the Horde, and that the void elves are also another flavor of high elves that are playable on the Alliance

    Blood elf is the name of the high elves, they didn't magically became another race or another organism with another name, its not how biology works
    The term "blood elf" itself is a cultural identity: a show of respect and honor for the fall of the high elves, the destruction of the Sunwell

    except that is factually wrong, i look in both sources and nowhere is said they are not biologically different from other humans, he even said they were VARIANTS
    [they’re] just variants on Kul Tirans.

    A proud, sea faring race of humans

    they sai they WERE NOT INTENDED, to be a different race, seeing by the way of the events, they ended up being one.

    again, years of isolation, specialization, their features, already show they not being exactly the same as stormwind humans, therefore they are new.

    But not all high elves are high elves. Remember this fact, please.
    That is objectively false. There is no "high elf" race option in the character creation screen, on the blue banner.
    it don'st matter on what banner, the race is already playable, just because its not the group you want, in the faction you want don't make it false.

    It's very "disputable", and not a fact.
    there is no disputal except for poor attempts of delusion.

    Why does it matter, considering Blizzard went on record to say that Stormwind humans and Kul'Tiras humans are the exact same race?
    except they didn't, but i will bite, it matter because they are in the same faction, not the other one.

    you know, just like highmountain taurens are taurens, but they end up in the same faction.

    This is the point you should look in the mirror to notice the egg on your face. "Kul'tirans are totally different from their counterparts." Yeah. Right

    its a fact, they are tottaly different, with reason to be, UNLIKE HE, who the only reasons are "i want it to be" or "my fanfiction said so"
    Differences that did not exist whatsoever until BfA came along. Kul'Tiras NPC existed since the Cataclysm expansion and they all looked like normal humans.
    those normal kul'tiras still exist, they are there, they just created a new breed of humans adapted to the region, totally well explained that make actual sense

    Years of isolation, genetic changes, mutation, something who didn't happen with HE (of course just in the fanfictions) maybe with a hundred of years, os some sort of magic to change then enough, oh wait, they already did, its VE, like ion said, another HE but on the ally side.

    And yet you opt to misrepresent and spout falsehoods. A pity.
    however you say

  8. #11068
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shizune View Post
    Impressive post. Though, if high elves get added into the game, a second race would need to be added to balance it out for both factions. Unless high elves go the panda route, which would be odd.
    Yes, as every faction specific race has been.

  9. #11069
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    you mean the truth?
    No, I mean disconnect. Do you suffer from reading problems as well?

    100% of the artwork about HE "options" is always fair skin, blonde and with blue-eyes, they even want the same skin colors for HE
    Shocker that, when presenting their ideas, people don't want to stray too far from what is being currently presented to us in-game.

    i don't see anyone asking for HE to become HE, so, obviously,is not about lore at all.
    I think you got lost in your head, somewhere, because that doesn't make sense.

    because you don't think it do, don't mean it don't
    I'll bite: point me, exactly, at the passages that exclude high elves from being playable.

    by the devs, the kul'tiran is a different breed of humans,
    They're the exact same "breed" of humans.

    "its not a race technically" sure, neither undead, but they are different enough to count as race and new, because again, they are not jut humans with another hair, but a werewolf they are not just humans dead, but rotting zombies
    And it's the whole "basically kind of" that tells that high elves are not blood elves, that their differences are noticeable.

    it don't because once again: High elves already joined a faction and are already playable on the horde, there is no new, there is no place to fit then perfectly in other faction
    That is objectively false. Blood elves joined a faction, and are playable on the Horde. The high elves are not yet playable. It would do wonders to this conversation if you understood that fact.

    blood elves are high elves
    But not all high elves are blood elves. The elves of the Allerian Stronghold are not blood elves. The elves of the Silver Covenant are not blood elves. It would do wonders to this conversation if you understood that fact.

    Darkspear trolls are not Zandalari and Kul'tirans are a different breed of human therefore not the same as stormwind humans
    Kul'Tiras humans are the same breed as humans.

    they exactly do the opposite, again, HE aren't new, they are already playable, with other name.
    No, they are not. Those thalassian elves with a different name are not high elves. High elves are Alliance-aligned. High elves despise those that changed their name.

    the real problem here is you are refusing to accept the canon fact that blood elves are high elves.
    Oh, no. I accept that fact. The real problem is you not accepting that not all high elves are blood elves.

    then we would both be wrong

    Cause you know, blood elves are High elves, therefore, high elves are playable.
    So then you admit Zandalari and Kul'Tiran humans were playable since WoW day one. High elves, in the game, are not blood elves. High elves despise blood elves.

    their physiognomy and their racials is far differene than jut "fat"
    Using racials. Are you really going to resort to racials? For one, the high elves would not have the "arcane torrent" racial the blood elves have, since it's a leftover from Kael'Thas teachings, for one. Likey won't have the 1% crit and enchanting bonuses. And going into hypothetical musings here, one thing they could have is a racial that reduces mana cost of spells by 1%, on the reasoning they endured the lack of Sunwell on their own without resorting to stealing magic from living beings, so they learned how to better conserve their own mana. For example.

    im still waiting a single prove about this, repeat again and again the wrong is not "explain" crap
    The fact there is not a single blood elf that calls themselves "high elf", except when they're talking about their distant past? The fact high elves despise the blood elves? The fact that high elf NPCs exist?

    that literally say what they are high elves, you twisting and trying to find a hole and a spark of hope in his statement don't change that
    No, I'm not. Granny Smiths are not "basically kind of" an apple. They're apples. You don't say "basically kind of" when two things are the exact same.

    You got close to self-awareness, there. Read, carefully, what is written on that quote of yours after the part you bolded.

    So are Kul'Tiras humans and Stormwind humans.

    Blood elf is the name of the high elves,
    The game disagrees with you.

    except that is factually wrong, i look in both sources and nowhere is said they are not biologically different from other humans, he even said they were VARIANTS

    Which is why they are humans. Varians mean variances in height, hair color, build, etc. They are still the exact same race. Or do you think my brother that towers a head over me and weights over twice my weight... is a different race? No, you don't. Or at least I hope you don't.


    they sai they WERE NOT INTENDED, to be a different race, seeing by the way of the events, they ended up being one.
    If you actually bothered to read the article, and the linked articles, you'd realize that they're using the word "race" simply as a way to differentiate the kingdoms, unless you're willing to accept that the humans of Dalaran are a different race considering the link to this other article says "originally one of the seven human races" and cite Dalaran as one of those "races". And Gilneas too, mind you.

    again, years of isolation, specialization, their features, already show they not being exactly the same as stormwind humans, therefore they are new.
    A few years of isolation is not enough to make a new race. Otherwise you're admitting the high elves are an actual separate race from the blood elves since they've been separate for just as long and went through different tribulations that affected both in different ways.

    the race is already playable,
    Objectively false, as already explained.

    its a fact, they are tottaly different, with reason to be, UNLIKE HE, who the only reasons are "i want it to be" or "my fanfiction said so"
    Kul'Tirans had no reasons at all to be different. Hell, as I've shown to you, Kul'Tiras humans were never different from Stormwind humans. That differentiation only came about solely to make them playable. Otherwise, if Blizzard didn't decide to add Kul'Tiras as a playable race, and opted for a different one, I'd bet every single human NPC in Kul'Tiras would look exactly like the Stormwind humans. Like they have since the beginning of the game until BfA came along.

    those normal kul'tiras still exist, they are there, they just created a new breed of humans adapted to the region, totally well explained that make actual sense
    Wow, the mental gymnastics. "Those Kul'Tiras soldiers look like normal humans because they're not on Kul'Tiras." That is Olympic gold medal levels of mental gymnastics and rationalization.

    Years of isolation, genetic changes, mutation,
    Shut up, and educate yourself on genetic before spouting nonsense. First off: they were never isolated. They had constant trade through Boralus. People came and went. At best you can say they "isolated" themselves after they left the Alliance, but twenty years is nowhere near time enough for "genetic changes and mutations" to happen. That's barely one generation.
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
    "You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  10. #11070
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    No, I mean disconnect. Do you suffer from reading problems as well?
    as well? because you do?
    Shocker that, when presenting their ideas, people don't want to stray too far from what is being currently presented to us in-game.
    if its about LORE, then their skin color should not be the main point in the "ideas", cause its ZERO, literally zero ideas who could be far away from the "normal one"

    i would at least expect one
    I think you got lost in your head, somewhere, because that doesn't make sense.
    of course it does make sense,if people care about lore they would be asking for blizzard to make the "alliance HE" void elves as well, but they don't want it.
    I'll bite: point me, exactly, at the passages that exclude high elves from being playable.

    They're the exact same "breed" of humans.
    their size, stature, physiognomy and the interview saying they are a variant show that you are wrong.

    And it's the whole "basically kind of" that tells that high elves are not blood elves, that their differences are noticeable.
    no, basically kind of mean they are high elvs but with other name,again, you are just misinterpreting his quote to find a hole.

    That is objectively false.
    again, its objectiely and factual true,because you know, blood elves ARE high elves, already proved, your "yadda yadda no no" don't change that.

    Those thalassian elves with a different name are not high elves. High elves are Alliance-aligned. High elves despise those that changed their name.
    again wrong, and become even more laughable when there are high elves who ARE NOT alliance-alligned but neutral.

    High elf is a race, it don't represent just the ones elves that i think they should represent because my fanfic, it represents all, alliance and horde aligned and neutral as well

    changing the name don't change the race.

    Oh, no. I accept that fact. The real problem is you not accepting that not all high elves are blood elves.
    Just tomake clear, you arerefusing canon facts from:
    1- the blizzard oficial site of playable races
    2- the encyclopedia manual
    3- dev answers
    4- and other sources because you are nitpicking two words in one of the Ion statements.

    And im refusing to believe in your misinterpreting his words? is that alright? lmao

    So then you admit Zandalari and Kul'Tiran humans were playable since WoW day one. .
    again,with the pharmacy of false analogy, drop it, its becoming ugly, i already corrected you.

    High elves, in the game, are not blood elves. High elves despise blood elves
    you mean the specific high elves that you want, that are in your faction that you desire are not playable, cause the race high elf is already playable with another name.

    Using racials. Are you really going to resort to racials?
    why not? its a valid thing that show their differences in the environment of a seafaring race,then again, its just ONE of the things, don't nitpick and forget everything else.

    For one, the high elves would not have the "arcane torrent" racial the blood elves have, since it's a leftover from Kael'Thas teachings, for one
    and why not? all of then learned, the high elves in dalaran used the teaching to suck from mana crystals.

    The fact there is not a single blood elf that calls themselves "high elf", except when they're talking about their distant past? The fact high elves despise the blood elves? The fact that high elf NPCs exist?
    this is not a proof of race change but name change, try again a bit harder. your race don't change because you call yourself something and don't want be called that way anymore.
    The fact that high elf NPCs exist?
    and how this invalidate that blood elves are high elves with other name again?

    this is the dumb level of saying the maghar are no longer orcs but maghar, and even the maghar have more difference than HE and BE

    No, I'm not. Granny Smiths are not "basically kind of" an apple. They're apples. You don't say "basically kind of" when two things are the exact same.
    except you do,he even said, if you want to play HE go horde.

    again,you are nitpicking an colloquial conversation in a Q&A over 2 words.

    You got close to self-awareness, there. Read, carefully, what is written on that quote of yours after the part you bolded.
    im not reading the part where is said they change their race because they change their name, quote that please;

    So are Kul'Tiras humans and Stormwind humans.
    already proved false.

    The game disagrees with you.
    this have literally no disagreement here, you are reaching on the moon

    Which is why they are humans. Varians mean variances in height, hair color, build, etc. They are still the exact same race.
    if its a variance then they are not exactly the same, again, pure logic and biology.

    Or do you think my brother that towers a head over me and weights over twice my weight... is a different race? No, you don't. Or at least I hope you don't.
    again,false analogy, you are comparing two individuals over 2 different groups with a pattern, even under the same race there is variations/subrace/subespecies/breeds, like some dogs are totally different from the other, a pug and a pitbull are both dogs, but they aren't the same

    this whoever don't happen with BE and HE since, again, they are the same race, biological and physically the same.

    unless you're willing to accept that the humans of Dalaran are a different race considering the link to this other article says "originally one of the seven human races" and cite Dalaran as one of those "races". And Gilneas too, mind you.
    there is nothing implying they are, no physical changes, no isolation, no mutation, they can be, but there is nothing leading to that.
    A few years of isolation is not enough to make a new race.
    EXACTLY, you jsut refute yourself!

    thats why blood elves and high elves are the same race because they had to make then a different race despite you misinterpreting ion statement.

    however, kul'tiras had hundred of years of isolation, and its enough.

    Objectively false, as already explained.
    you mean factually true, with a failed attempt to say otherwise.

    Kul'Tirans had no reasons at all to be different.
    totally irrelevant.

    Wow, the mental gymnastics. "Those Kul'Tiras soldiers look like normal humans because they're not on Kul'Tiras." That is Olympic gold medal levels of mental gymnastics and rationalization.
    you are the one making that up, i never said nothing any close to that.

    Shut up, and educate yourself on genetic before spouting nonsense.
    please, I AM a biologist son, YOU need educate yourself and know when you are wrong and making shit up.

    First off: they were never isolated.
    you need understand what isolation mean in genetic, that mean the kultiras had little or no genetic exchange at all with humans of other kingdoms, no one is saying they are isolated from the world like an Indian tribe, constant trade of itens hardly mean they fuck with each other doing tons of sons across the seas.

    Again,their different breed, even made by thin air with no reason(like you claim) made sense.

    , but twenty years is nowhere near time enough for "genetic changes and mutations" to happen. That's barely one generation.
    first, just to stop you rom nitpicking, im not saying the kul'tirans did, but it is possible for one generation had genetic changes and mutations, small ones, but it can happen.

    And please,if you gonna come again with headcanon with a misinterpreted Ion quote save your time, im not gonna replay to that again, you are wrong, they are the same race, therefore HE are already playable with other name, no matter if there are other who didn't change the name, its basic logic, you can scream all you want will not change it.

  11. #11071
    Quote Originally Posted by Shizune View Post
    Impressive post. Though, if high elves get added into the game, a second race would need to be added to balance it out for both factions. Unless high elves go the panda route, which would be odd.
    If the Alliance would be getting High Elves as a playable race, which is ridiculous because they already got Void Elves, then the Horde would need to get a race to compensate. High Elves cannot got the Pandaren route, because they are already in the Horde. If Blizzard turns one of the core Horde races into a neutral one by allowing playable High Elves on the Alliance (=Blood Elves sans Void modifications), then the Horde should get at least a similar Alliance core race as a variant. Which would be renegade Eredar.

    This is the only logical trade-off in this regard.

    Anyway, High Elves are a playable race on the Horde. This is supported by lore since TBC. People who are not able to grasp that are free to go play Classic, and make pretend that their Human or Night Elf character is in fact a High Elf in disguise. I don't care about headcanons. And I don't want Blizzard to change their minds on this specific thing. Alliance High Elves should all become Void Elves or go extinct. This is the only thing which progresses the story.
    Last edited by scubi666stacy; 2019-06-28 at 01:35 PM.

  12. #11072
    Well, the major divide between the two sides is more on ideology. The High Elves side is more standing with pre-existing faction (Although Loraeron Alliance isn’t 1:1 with the Grand Alliance) but High Elves have shed blood with humans and dwarves far longer than the orcs and trolls for example. Such thoughts can be seen in Silvermoon by the crowd arguing who they should join in TBC (which should still be there present day if any care to look.)

    Secondly and this the more important part was the decision over fel magic. High Elves used meditation and great discipline to stave off addiction and even then plenty fell to it. Since then High Elves have fought plenty of campaigns so the population numbers is kinda meh. Besides it was never stated actual numbers pre-scourge just 10% survived. Most them being blood elves. But 10% of 100 isn’t much when 10% of say 1 million can be quite a lot. Then after so many wars, there shouldn’t many orcs, humans, nelfs etc etc.

    All that aside, the end of the factions or some kind of ESO hybrid of allowing players to chose faction then race solves the argument for High Elves. Give more customization to all races but for blood elves have a blue one and the people who want them will have them and can play Alliance without any serious dev time dedicated just to them. At which point that should please everyone. In truth I would love to come up with RP reason why I have say a worgen char deciding to go Horde and vise versa.

    I think that’s ultimately what the whole “chose to inform Sylvie or support Saurfang. A testing of player choice in who they will side with. Something I had hoped Legion’s class halls would do but in this way I prefer this version. Have the faction war end with said factions and fight under more personal banners. Like how both Tyrande and Genn went against Anduin etc. Have players choose their allegiance and MoP class design 2.0 (at the very least) and I’ll resub till the end.

  13. #11073
    The new mount really makes me think of Silver Covenant High Elves. I'd love to see Alliance high elves with a themed flying mount like this over something like the hippogriff.

  14. #11074
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    if its about LORE, then their skin color should not be the main point in the "ideas", cause its ZERO, literally zero ideas who could be far away from the "normal one"

    i would at least expect one
    You do realize the overwhelming majority are not artists and 3D-modelers, so they just work to the best of their ability with what the game shows us?

    I'm sorry, but as I explained to you, that is false. There is no "high elf" option in the character creation screen on the blue banner for the Alliance.

    Unless you're admitting Kul'Tiran humans and Zandalari trolls have been playable since day one, since trolls and humans have been playable since day one.

    again, its objectiely and factual true,because you know, blood elves ARE high elves, already proved, your "yadda yadda no no" don't change that.
    And Kul'Tiras humans are humans. Blood elves were high elves, though. Now they're blood elves. High elves are not blood elves, and the game has constantly shown us that.

    High elf is a race, it don't represent just the ones elves that i think they should represent because my fanfic, it represents all, alliance and horde aligned and neutral as well
    It does in the game. Every blood elf is named "blood elf" and referred to as such. Every high elf in the game is named "high elf" and referred to as such.

    Just tomake clear, you arerefusing canon facts from:
    1- the blizzard oficial site of playable races
    2- the encyclopedia manual
    3- dev answers
    4- and other sources because you are nitpicking two words in one of the Ion statements.
    1. I'm not, because the only mentions of high elves in the blood elf section are about their past, and even explain the re-branding they went through. High elves today are those that did not go through with the rebranding.
    2. See above.
    3. "If you want to play a light-skinned elf" is such a laughable answer that only shows how wrong they are about what one of their communities is asking for.
    4. My source is the game itself.

    And im refusing to believe in your misinterpreting his words? is that alright? lmao
    So you're saying that the thalassian elves of the Silver Covenant are blood elves? The elves in the Allerian Stronghold are blood elves? That every single NPC named "High Elf" in the game is a blood elf?

    again,with the pharmacy of false analogy, drop it, its becoming ugly, i already corrected you.
    Honestly, though, you really didn't. Kul'Tiras humans are humans. Plain and simple. So if "high elves are playable", then so were Kul'Tiras humans since day one.

    you mean the specific high elves that you want, that are in your faction that you desire are not playable, cause the race high elf is already playable with another name.
    The undesired thalassian elf race that is playable are the blood elves. To say "high elves are playable" is to say Kul'Tiran humans were playable since day one.

    and why not? all of then learned, the high elves in dalaran used the teaching to suck from mana crystals.
    Re-read the reason and history of that specific racial. Arcane torrent was a "finisher" move after you sucked mana from mana-using mobs with the Mana Tap racial ability. High elves would not have Arcane Torrent because they never sucked mana from living creatures, and since magical items are unlikely to be as common as, say, keeping mana wyrms corralled to have a constant supply of mana, high elves would be forced to conserve as much mana as possible, hence the reason for my idea of them having a "-1% mana cost" racial.

    this is not a proof of race change but name change,
    It is "proof" enough in game terms, because the game separates the two.

    and how this invalidate that blood elves are high elves with other name again?
    Because they're no longer called high elves. They're blood elves now. High elves, today, are not blood elves. The fact they used to be caleled high elves is irrelevant, because they'er now a separate group. You would have a point here if every single Thalassian elf went through with the rebranding, and no "high elf" character remained in the entire world of Azeroth, and the pro-high elf community were asking for the return of a race that did not exist anymore. But that is not what's going on here.

    this is the dumb level of saying the maghar are no longer orcs but maghar, and even the maghar have more difference than HE and BE
    The other thing around, dude. Mag'har orcs did not change. The originally playable orcs did. Are the originally playable orcs "mag'har"?

    he even said, if you want to play HE go horde.
    Because it's the closest thing to playing a high elf. "Closest thing", but not the same thing. Also notice that no point Ion said "If you want to play as a high elf, play Horde." All he did was give a physical description of the blood elves and say "go play Horde".

    im not reading the part where is said they change their race because they change their name, quote that please;
    Says they changed their name. They're no longer high elves.

    already proved false.
    Except it haven't. They're the same race. It's biologically impossible for them to be different races.

    this have literally no disagreement here, you are reaching on the moon
    Check the link. Many characters named "high elf". If high elves are blood elves, those NPCs should not exist.

    if its a variance then they are not exactly the same, again, pure logic and biology.
    No, it doesn't. My brother is not a "different race than me just because he's a head taller and weights over twice as much.

    this whoever don't happen with BE and HE since, again, they are the same race, biological and physically the same.
    The exact same thing was the situation between Kul'Tiras humans and Stormwind humans. Up until the moment they became playable.

    there is nothing implying they are, no physical changes, no isolation, no mutation, they can be, but there is nothing leading to that.
    Go read the article again. The one you pulled saying that the kul'tiran humans are a different race of humans, also call all seven human kingdoms "different races", including Dalaran.

    EXACTLY, you jsut refute yourself!
    Except I never claimed they are a biologically different race, like you're claiming humans from Stormwind and Kul'Tiras are. I simply say they are distinct according to what the game deems a "race".

    however, kul'tiras had hundred of years of isolation, and its enough.
    No, they did not. This is objectively false.

    totally irrelevant.
    Very relevant, considering they're humans and nothing about their history warrants any sort of change for their biology to be a "different breed".

    you are the one making that up, i never said nothing any close to that.
    You said:
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    those normal kul'tiras still exist, they are there, they just created a new breed of humans adapted to the region, totally well explained that make actual sense
    The point is that the Kul'Tiras humans did not look different at all from the Stormwind humans (a.k.a. "base humans") for the longest time... until the moment they became playable. And they existed for the longest time. Since day one of WoW, in fact. So the precedent for high elves to be playable, and look physically different from blood elves exists, even if it's not necessary, thanks to the "Allied Race" feature of BfA.

    please, I AM a biologist son,
    Then you should contact the website that sold you that diploma because absolutely no biologist worth their salt would say that a single generation is enough for "isolation and genetic mutation" to create a new "biologically distinct" race.

    you need understand what isolation mean in genetic, that mean the kultiras had little or no genetic exchange at all with humans of other kingdoms,
    Which is false considering Kul'Tiras was a bustling center of sea trade which meant constant coming and going of people, meaning often people would come and stay, and people would leave.

    first, just to stop you rom nitpicking, im not saying the kul'tirans did, but it is possible for one generation had genetic changes and mutations, small ones, but it can happen.
    Not enough to make them a "distinct breed" of humans. What you're implying is biologically impossible. For them to become a different "breed" in a single generation, the "genetic changes and mutations" need to both be huge ones, and the same changes happen at the same time for a huge percentage of the population. (at least)

    they are the same race,
    In-game they are not. Unless you're admitting kul'tiran humans have been playable since vanilla day one since they are "the same race".
    therefore HE are already playable with other name,
    No, they're not. Blood elves are playable. Not high elves. Those "different named" are no longer high elves in terms of what the game shows us.
    no matter if there are other who didn't change the name,
    Ignore it if you wish, doesn't make it irrelevant, considering the two groups hate each other enough to draw blood.
    Last edited by Ielenia; 2019-06-28 at 03:22 PM.
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
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  15. #11075
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiyran Ravensong View Post
    All that aside, the end of the factions or some kind of ESO hybrid of allowing players to chose faction then race solves the argument for High Elves. Give more customization to all races but for blood elves have a blue one and the people who want them will have them and can play Alliance without any serious dev time dedicated just to them. At which point that should please everyone. In truth I would love to come up with RP reason why I have say a worgen char deciding to go Horde and vise versa.

    I think that’s ultimately what the whole “chose to inform Sylvie or support Saurfang. A testing of player choice in who they will side with. Something I had hoped Legion’s class halls would do but in this way I prefer this version. Have the faction war end with said factions and fight under more personal banners. Like how both Tyrande and Genn went against Anduin etc. Have players choose their allegiance and MoP class design 2.0 (at the very least) and I’ll resub till the end.
    A lot of people speculating this just due to the Crossroads Cinematic we recently had. I'm not entirely too sure.

    @Obelisk Kai what are your thoughts on this recent discussion surrounding the "faction unification" of sorts?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    The new mount really makes me think of Silver Covenant High Elves. I'd love to see Alliance high elves with a themed flying mount like this over something like the hippogriff.

    Perfect opportunity to come up with a group of High Elves that were sent on an Alliance expedition to discover new lands etc and they come back to aid their other High Elven brothers and sisters in the Alliance.

    Call them "Sylverian Elves" to boot!

  16. #11076
    Quote Originally Posted by FlubberPuddy View Post
    Perfect opportunity to come up with a group of High Elves that were sent on an Alliance expedition to discover new lands etc and they come back to aid their other High Elven brothers and sisters in the Alliance.

    Call them "Sylverian Elves" to boot!
    I would totally go for a "Sylverian Elves" name. Fits the "Silver" theme that often goes with high elves, such as the Silver Covenant.

  17. #11077
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    I would totally go for a "Sylverian Elves" name. Fits the "Silver" theme that often goes with high elves, such as the Silver Covenant.
    Exactly, and the blue/white color scheme of the mount matches that of the Silver Covenant, and Unicorn mount (the one from Wrath, not the new one tho both work).

  18. #11078
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlubberPuddy View Post
    A lot of people speculating this just due to the Crossroads Cinematic we recently had. I'm not entirely too sure.

    @Obelisk Kai what are your thoughts on this recent discussion surrounding the "faction unification" of sorts?
    It seems at odds with the recent Forbes article in April


    Newman: Something that y'all have tried on the battleground side is to have the mercenary system. Is there the possibility that something like that might apply for PvE play as well? That you could decide as a member of the Horde that you're going to raid Crucible of Storms as an Alliance player for the evening?

    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    Hazzikostas: Honestly I think that's extremely unlikely for a few reasons. The Alliance-Horde divide is something that's integral to Warcraft. It's integral to the franchise, to the world, integral to World of Warcraft. The mercenary mode, it's very fourth-wall breaking, there's an artifice to it. But the premise is, you are disguising yourself. You're transforming into a member of the Alliance. And it's for random match activity only.

    The Alliance player doesn't know this dwarf next to them is actually secretly a Horde player. As far as they can tell they're doing the Alliance battleground, fighting against the other team. And it was an extreme solution to a problem that warranted one, because queue times and matchmaking are a direct function of how many Horde players and how many Alliance players are queueing.

    The people you can get switching over are actually 200% beneficial: You're not just adding an Alliance player to the pool. You're removing a Horde player from the pool and having them go over to the Alliance side. So you doubly decrease wait times.

    For dungeons or raids, matchmaking isn't a faction challenge. There's no direct component there. And the challenges aren't the random match-made PvP groups, they're with organized groups.

    Mercenary mode, even on the PvP side, is not designed to create social connections. This is not letting you make friends on the Horde, if you were Alliance or vice versa, who you're going to PvP with. It's just getting you a random battleground faster. Whereas the barriers for things like Mythic Plus groups or Mythic raiding guilds, those require that sustained ongoing social connection that's incompatible with the Horde-Alliance division that is so integral to World of Warcraft.
    So on the one hand, we have events in game that suggest some kind of faction unification could be on the cards.

    On the other hand, we have Ion very firmly shutting down what a faction unification would mean in gameplay terms...being able to group up with each other in PVE content. Until this interview appeared, I was of the opinion that a lowering of the faction walls was a possible outcome for BFA, particularly given the struggle in the raiding scene for the Alliance yet not two months ago Ion Hazzikostas was defending the faction divide and quite passionately.
    He knows how BFA will end and whether it will involve faction unification or not, so why provide a hostage to fortune through this interview if that is the intended outcome? If it does end with a faction unification, then he is engaging in some epic misdirection. If a faction unification was on the cards, why go to such lengths to defend the faction division?

    It would also make the Void Elf-Nightborne decision puzzling to say the least. As you are aware, I believe that Void Elves were a compromise option for the Alliance in lieu of Alliance High Elves, as Blood Elves ARE High Elves therefore making Alliance High Elves both redundant and an infringement on the integrity of the Horde and the identity of the Blood Elves. Nightborne were given to the Horde as part of that quid pro quo. If a faction unification was planned as the outcome, why do Void Elves exist? Blizzard could just have waited until faction unification was announced and told those on the Alliance seeking Alliance High Elves that as factions don't matter anymore they can roll a Blood Elf and that's the issue sorted.

    Something just doesn't add up.

    So what I think is happening is that parts of the community are running ahead of themselves again. There has been a visceral dislike of the faction divide by some players for as long as I can remember and those individuals have been eager to predict it's demise. Some because they find it limiting, others because they find it bad storytelling, yet as with many causes those who push the notion overlook the fact that there could be a majority of those who play the game now who are quite happy with the faction divide. I personally consider it one of the cores of the franchise.

    The Alliance and the Horde are defined by each other as much as they are defined by the races that constitute them. Losing our opposition to each other, something that has been fundamental to the franchise for decades, I don't think those pushing for this quite understand just what they maybe asking the rest of us to sacrifice as a result and that they won't know what has been lost until it's gone.

    So I am personally opposed. I also think it is unlikely. But it IS possible. This is a feasible, realistic outcome of the current plot. I think it would be a tragic mistake however and one they would be unable to undo.

    We will know in four months.

  19. #11079
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    It seems at odds with the recent Forbes article in April


    Newman: Something that y'all have tried on the battleground side is to have the mercenary system. Is there the possibility that something like that might apply for PvE play as well? That you could decide as a member of the Horde that you're going to raid Crucible of Storms as an Alliance player for the evening?

    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    Hazzikostas: Honestly I think that's extremely unlikely for a few reasons. The Alliance-Horde divide is something that's integral to Warcraft. It's integral to the franchise, to the world, integral to World of Warcraft. The mercenary mode, it's very fourth-wall breaking, there's an artifice to it. But the premise is, you are disguising yourself. You're transforming into a member of the Alliance. And it's for random match activity only.

    The Alliance player doesn't know this dwarf next to them is actually secretly a Horde player. As far as they can tell they're doing the Alliance battleground, fighting against the other team. And it was an extreme solution to a problem that warranted one, because queue times and matchmaking are a direct function of how many Horde players and how many Alliance players are queueing.

    The people you can get switching over are actually 200% beneficial: You're not just adding an Alliance player to the pool. You're removing a Horde player from the pool and having them go over to the Alliance side. So you doubly decrease wait times.

    For dungeons or raids, matchmaking isn't a faction challenge. There's no direct component there. And the challenges aren't the random match-made PvP groups, they're with organized groups.

    Mercenary mode, even on the PvP side, is not designed to create social connections. This is not letting you make friends on the Horde, if you were Alliance or vice versa, who you're going to PvP with. It's just getting you a random battleground faster. Whereas the barriers for things like Mythic Plus groups or Mythic raiding guilds, those require that sustained ongoing social connection that's incompatible with the Horde-Alliance division that is so integral to World of Warcraft.
    So on the one hand, we have events in game that suggest some kind of faction unification could be on the cards.

    On the other hand, we have Ion very firmly shutting down what a faction unification would mean in gameplay terms...being able to group up with each other in PVE content. Until this interview appeared, I was of the opinion that a lowering of the faction walls was a possible outcome for BFA, particularly given the struggle in the raiding scene for the Alliance yet not two months ago Ion Hazzikostas was defending the faction divide and quite passionately.
    He knows how BFA will end and whether it will involve faction unification or not, so why provide a hostage to fortune through this interview if that is the intended outcome? If it does end with a faction unification, then he is engaging in some epic misdirection. If a faction unification was on the cards, why go to such lengths to defend the faction division?

    It would also make the Void Elf-Nightborne decision puzzling to say the least. As you are aware, I believe that Void Elves were a compromise option for the Alliance in lieu of Alliance High Elves, as Blood Elves ARE High Elves therefore making Alliance High Elves both redundant and an infringement on the integrity of the Horde and the identity of the Blood Elves. Nightborne were given to the Horde as part of that quid pro quo. If a faction unification was planned as the outcome, why do Void Elves exist? Blizzard could just have waited until faction unification was announced and told those on the Alliance seeking Alliance High Elves that as factions don't matter anymore they can roll a Blood Elf and that's the issue sorted.

    Something just doesn't add up.

    So what I think is happening is that parts of the community are running ahead of themselves again. There has been a visceral dislike of the faction divide by some players for as long as I can remember and those individuals have been eager to predict it's demise. Some because they find it limiting, others because they find it bad storytelling, yet as with many causes those who push the notion overlook the fact that there could be a majority of those who play the game now who are quite happy with the faction divide. I personally consider it one of the cores of the franchise.

    The Alliance and the Horde are defined by each other as much as they are defined by the races that constitute them. Losing our opposition to each other, something that has been fundamental to the franchise for decades, I don't think those pushing for this quite understand just what they maybe asking the rest of us to sacrifice as a result and that they won't know what has been lost until it's gone.

    So I am personally opposed. I also think it is unlikely. But it IS possible. This is a feasible, realistic outcome of the current plot. I think it would be a tragic mistake however and one they would be unable to undo.

    We will know in four months.
    Just have to say having that ss your sig is pathetic. It's crowing in victory because of others being deprived of something that wouldn't effect you and could help game health as a whole. Basically you're an antiflyer.

  20. #11080
    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    Um... no. Not at all.

    Blood elves won't leave the Horde if high elves become playable in the Alliance. Blood elves won't change at all if high elves become playable in the Alliance. To imply anything would happen to blood elves if high elves become playable in the Alliance is nonsensical.
    Good thing I didn't imply anything nonsensical, unlike cherry-picking part of a post in reply to another forum member just to make a nonsensical accusation. Perhaps try to read the entire post and understand the context in which something is being said first. Also, can you clarify for me where I even remotely suggested Blood Elves would leave the Horde? Did you imagine it? I'm being serious.

    So much for a thread without people being intentionally antagonistic, right?
    Last edited by Black Goat; 2019-07-01 at 03:46 PM.

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