1. #1121
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goldielocks View Post
    You know I really hate pulling the racism card, but it might make sense in this case. People want to play/RP as High Elves so badly on the Alliance and when Blizzard gives them the chance through compromise, they still need the Tolkien skin tone.
    Hey I wish it weren't the case either, but despite all the complaints about how Void Elves have no lore and were just an ass-pull, the number of people who think some normal skin tones would magically fix them is disheartening.

  2. #1122
    basically you want blood elves but blue..............OH WAIT :thinking:

  3. #1123
    Quote Originally Posted by masteryuri View Post
    basically you want blood elves but blue..............OH WAIT :thinking:
    No that's void elves

  4. #1124
    Honestly, if one guy wants to imagine that high elves are already happening, we should just let him. If he can't accept reality, no one can force him, and he really can't contribute in a meaningful way to this discussion. It's his own problem, though.

    I think it's worth talking about what might fill the void for high elf fans (pardon the pun), but given that the only shared point of reference for all high elf fans is something that you can never really have, the number of people asking for high elves is misleading. They all want high elves, and many are willing to compromise, but even those willing to compromise won't all accept the same compromise. So by all means, be creative about what you personally want, and I'd suggest considering what parts of the fantasy are really important vs where there is room for compromise. Perhaps even an entirely new race can give you what you want. I think a discussion of what parts of that fantasy are really compelling for people is a more constructive direction to take this.

  5. #1125
    Quote Originally Posted by Goldielocks View Post
    You know I really hate pulling the racism card, but it might make sense in this case. People want to play/RP as High Elves so badly on the Alliance and when Blizzard gives them the chance through compromise, they still need the Tolkien skin tone.
    Racist against blue people? The only way someone would even consider this notion is if you've been preconditioned to see racism in everything.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by protip View Post
    Honestly, if one guy wants to imagine that high elves are already happening, we should just let him. If he can't accept reality, no one can force him, and he really can't contribute in a meaningful way to this discussion. It's his own problem, though.

    I think it's worth talking about what might fill the void for high elf fans (pardon the pun), but given that the only shared point of reference for all high elf fans is something that you can never really have, the number of people asking for high elves is misleading. They all want high elves, and many are willing to compromise, but even those willing to compromise won't all accept the same compromise. So by all means, be creative about what you personally want, and I'd suggest considering what parts of the fantasy are really important vs where there is room for compromise. Perhaps even an entirely new race can give you what you want. I think a discussion of what parts of that fantasy are really compelling for people is a more constructive direction to take this.
    So what part do think is compelling for players? This is an excellent question to ask.

  6. #1126
    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    So what part do think is compelling for players? This is an excellent question to ask.
    I'm not personally all that interested in high elves, just curious to see what can reasonably be done for those who are.

  7. #1127
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post

    So what part do think is compelling for players? This is an excellent question to ask.
    Given the number of threads about how to 'improve' Void Elves I am going to say lovely white skin.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by protip View Post
    I'm not personally all that interested in high elves, just curious to see what can reasonably be done for those who are.
    Aren't Void Elves enough? They got the model, they got their own aesthetic and they have a future. Void Elves are the compromise.

  8. #1128
    To all those bitching about the pro high elf crowd.....can you really blame people for wanting them? Blizzard is constantly, literally, trolling them by having high elves show up in every expansion. It's at the point where they show up more than current playable races for gods sake! If Blizzard truly wanted this to end, they would stop having them show up everywhere. To go off of their age old argument "there is maybe 10 now" or whatever the hell they use as an excuse now. Yet they are EVERYWHERE.

    This is one of the better concepts I've seen and is definitely more different and believable than blue eyes, purple hair, gold tattoos or moose horns; which is literally all 3 of the allied races have going for them. Nightfallen are the only ones blizz didn't just pull out of their ass, lets be honest lightforged and highmountain could have been a barber shop visit. Void elves were just a big, middle, trolling finger to players that want to be fucking Legolas in FANTASY GAME which one would think they would just give in on that already since the original concept of the game is so heavily influenced by LotR.

    The only argument I've ever seen that actually holds some merit, and have used it myself several times, is that the minute they give alliance high elves is the minute the horde ceases to exist because alliance helfs would be so overwhelmingly popular. I wish they would just flat out say that and make high elf npc's stop showing up everywhere already or just give us the damn things and be done with it.

  9. #1129
    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    Racist against blue people? The only way someone would even consider this notion is if you've been preconditioned to see racism in everything.
    Then explain it to me. Many people would be fine with Void Elves if they looked more like High Elves. Why?

  10. #1130
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Aren't Void Elves enough? They got the model, they got their own aesthetic and they have a future. Void Elves are the compromise.
    I definitely agree that void elves are the compromise, but since people are still unhappy, I'd like to see if something of value can be drawn from the discussion that might provide some inspiration going forward. What I'd really like to see is for that discussion to go in a non-elf direction, but that's probably wishful thinking. My concern is that most people basically want blood elves without the flaws that make them interesting. I want a reason to believe that I'm wrong about that.

  11. #1131
    Quote Originally Posted by Goldielocks View Post
    Then explain it to me. Many people would be fine with Void Elves if they looked more like High Elves. Why?
    They look like mutated tentacle monsters that do not resemble High Elves. Much earlier in the thread, I (and others) suggested that darker/more tanned skin tones could be introduced for High Elves. It's not about them being white, it's about them having natural skin tones of some shade so they still look like High Elves and not some other type of being.

    So far I've been too lazy to make bodies with new skin tones that are not in the game, but I think it would be helpful to build some examples. Blonde was also the easy hair color to pick because it's High Elf iconic, but different hair colors might help combat this perception as well.
    Last edited by Traycor; 2018-04-02 at 07:44 PM.

  12. #1132
    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    They look like mutated tentacle monsters that do not resemble High Elves. Much earlier in the thread, I (and others) suggested that darker/more tanned skin tones could be introduced for High Elves. It's not about them being white, it's about them having natural skin tones of some shade so they still look like High Elves and not some other type of being.

    So far I've been too lazy to make bodies with new skin tones that are not in the game, but I think it would be helpful to build some examples. Blonde was also the easy hair color to pick because it's High Elf iconic, but different hair colors might help combat this perception as well.
    I don’t think they look like tentacle monsters at all. They look like Blood Elves with purpley shit on them. You’re over exaggerating.

  13. #1133
    Quote Originally Posted by Goldielocks View Post
    I don’t think they look like tentacle monsters at all. They look like Blood Elves with purpley **** on them. You’re over exaggerating.
    They have glowing tentacles growing out of their heads. One of the hair styles even has a large glowing tentacle pointing straight out at the player when the character runs.

  14. #1134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    They have glowing tentacles growing out of their heads. One of the hair styles even has a large glowing tentacle pointing straight out at the player when the character runs.
    And many do not. You are, as Goldielocks said, exaggerating.

    Void Elves are in fact what you have claimed you are attempting to do. A reimaging of a High Elf, thematically different enough to justify being an Allied race.

    This is what that means in practice.

    Your 'it's not a Blood Elf, it just looks exactly like one' approach is not good enough.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by protip View Post
    I definitely agree that void elves are the compromise, but since people are still unhappy, I'd like to see if something of value can be drawn from the discussion that might provide some inspiration going forward. What I'd really like to see is for that discussion to go in a non-elf direction, but that's probably wishful thinking. My concern is that most people basically want blood elves without the flaws that make them interesting. I want a reason to believe that I'm wrong about that.
    Even Blood Elves are losing the flaws at this point.

    This is not about the Blood Elves. It has always been about the company they keep. What these players want is the ability to play the Horde's most popular race without being Horde.

    That by itself is a monstrously unfair proposition.

    And when they get a 90% match, declare it isn't good enough and campaign for a 100% match? That's infuriating.

  15. #1135
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    SNIP SNIP No High Elves ever SNIP SNIP
    There's definitely High Elf haters, not calling you specifically, but on the official forums and some here there are definitely people who leave troll/spiteful responses. Some are of the like, "I just want them to kill all High Elves to end these requests!" or "Stop effing talking about High Elves, they're never happening! These threads should be deleted!" that's purely spite/troll Not that it really matters.

    Anyways, here's the main thing, if they wanted to definitively shut the debate down and rule out High Elves, then why did Blood Elves only get access to Gold Eyes? When it's been said in previous statement that the Fel would wear off, and some people like to state the Sunwell is a mix of Arcane and Holy energy (this part is true). Hmmmmm, something to think about for the High Elf opposers.

  16. #1136
    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    They have glowing tentacles growing out of their heads. One of the hair styles even has a large glowing tentacle pointing straight out at the player when the character runs.
    It’s the same thing as Demon Hunters. You have the choice of not having horns. It’s very easy to make normal looking Void Elves.

    I think they look great, tentacles or not. I can’t understand why they need to have a fairer skin tone. Their lore I find lazy but I like everything else.

  17. #1137
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    They look like mutated tentacle monsters that do not resemble High Elves. Much earlier in the thread, I (and others) suggested that darker/more tanned skin tones could be introduced for High Elves. It's not about them being white, it's about them having natural skin tones of some shade so they still look like High Elves and not some other type of being.

    So far I've been too lazy to make bodies with new skin tones that are not in the game, but I think it would be helpful to build some examples. Blonde was also the easy hair color to pick because it's High Elf iconic, but different hair colors might help combat this perception as well.
    All good Traycor, I think it was said that Chronicles Vol 3 also retconned the Thalassian Elves as having to be pale/light skinned too? I'm not entirely sure, but I have seen some artwork with tanner/browner skinned High Elves, where they have black hair as well. You could even do some designs with light blue/silver-y hair color, those hair options definitely aren't on regular Blood Elves. Keep up the great theorycrafting on their ideas!

  18. #1138
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlubberPuddy View Post
    There's definitely High Elf haters, not calling you specifically, but on the official forums and some here there are definitely people who leave troll/spiteful responses. Some are of the like, "I just want them to kill all High Elves to end these requests!" or "Stop effing talking about High Elves, they're never happening! These threads should be deleted!" that's purely spite/troll Not that it really matters.

    Anyways, here's the main thing, if they wanted to definitively shut the debate down and rule out High Elves, then why did Blood Elves only get access to Gold Eyes? When it's been said in previous statement that the Fel would wear off, and some people like to state the Sunwell is a mix of Arcane and Holy energy (this part is true). Hmmmmm, something to think about for the High Elf opposers.
    Well a wild stab in the dark here, but maybe because only Blood Elves are playable? In theory alliance high elves should be able to get Golden eyes too.

    So beyond that I genuinely have no idea what you are on about in the last paragraph. I am not sure what you want me to think about.

  19. #1139
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by protip View Post
    I definitely agree that void elves are the compromise, but since people are still unhappy, I'd like to see if something of value can be drawn from the discussion that might provide some inspiration going forward. What I'd really like to see is for that discussion to go in a non-elf direction, but that's probably wishful thinking. My concern is that most people basically want blood elves without the flaws that make them interesting. I want a reason to believe that I'm wrong about that.
    You want people who are interested in Elves to go in a non-elf direction? Sounds more like you'd like the passion of discussion/brainstorming that High Elf fans have for something more suited to your tastes. Which it's not a bad thing to want, but I've oft seen it brought up in the official threads as well, "Why don't you guys take this level of talk about other things that I personally would like"

    Some have already claimed in some High Elf-to-Half-elf compromises. Where their build is slightly more muscular, they have a height difference, have a different idle stance. Is that not what people have been discussing already? You haven't seen those discussions or you don't find those interesting enough for you?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Well a wild stab in the dark here, but maybe because only Blood Elves are playable? In theory alliance high elves should be able to get Golden eyes too.

    So beyond that I genuinely have no idea what you are on about in the last paragraph. I am not sure what you want me to think about.
    But "Blood Elves are High Elves" right? That means when they were cleansed they should've got BOTH Blue and Gold Eye options wouldn't that "make more sense" since they're "pretty much" the same?

    So here we see the Devs, despite Ion's comment, have continued to make the difference between High Elves and Blood Elves. Because honestly if everything the High Elf opposition said was true, and their was a Developer comment before saying their eyes would go back to natural after the fel wore off, AND the Sunwell is both Holy and Arcane, then they should've got the Blue too yeah? But they didn't.

  20. #1140
    Quote Originally Posted by Utigarde View Post
    Holy hell, I just saw the full post. These are some fantastic edits, and some fantastic armor too.

    As long as they also get some normal hairstyles, the windswept and streaks look amazing.

    One suggestion I'd have is darker skin tones. In the newer Chronicles canon, the skin tone scale was changed from just peach tones to simply the skin tones of humans, meaning high elves could likely have dark skin tones. Would also make sense if they're more farstrider based elves, years of living in the woods and in lodges likely got them a lot more tan/darker. Plus, dark skin + blue tattoos would be fantastic.
    Here is a quick example of darker skin tones. I'll try to do a better one later that has different hair colors, both genders, and various war paint colors/patterns.

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