1. #11461
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Because, as described above, the real litmus test of differentiation is for Alliance High Elves specifically is 'can they be differentiated from Blood Elves in a way that should not be available to Blood Elf players?'.
    Answer to this would be yes, because a lot of High Elven identification is the OPPOSITE of what Blood Elven identification is. Again, one of the words used to describe Blood Elves was "majestic". From continued participation in this discussion there is nothing "majestic" about High Elves. They have no lands, they're a minority, they assimilate with other cultures. Even their NPC Speech isn't the same as Blood Elves to equate how different in personality they are.

    They dress themselves up in Silver/Blue/Brown colors very much antagonistic to the Gold/Red/Greens of Quel'thalas and Blood Elves. Blood Elves themselves think to be above most races, the High Elves on Alliance do not by virtue of assimilating to many different cultures like Humans, Draenei, and Dwarves.

    I mean heck, even in BFA one of the High Elf representatives (Frostfencer Seraphi) doesn't wear a shirt for goodness sake and the rest of his clothing is mere rabble. Unlike the very fancily robed/armored Blood Elven Team. Even the Void Elf team themselves are very elaborate compared to Seraphi.

    You talk about what can't be available to Blood Elven players, that's as easy as how only Moose Antlers aren't available to Mulgore Tauren but nothing stops a Mulgore Tauren from having the same furs, tattoos, faces, etc. What this means is that per precedent there need only be ONE differentiating factor and by example of Highmountain Tauren and Mulgore Tauren, and Lightforged Draenei and Draenei it need not be skin color (as both Allied Races here have skin tones available to their Parent races in some fashion).

    Then for High Elves the only differentiating factor need only be one of the following: Tattoos, Feathery hairstyles/adornments, Their non-glowy eyes, a beefier build.
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Hypothetically, we could encounter a lost tribe of thalssian elves whose isolation has caused them to become considerably taller and much more muscular than a standard thalassian elf. As they would not be encumbered by our prior knowledge of them, such a thing would be acceptable using the Kul Tiran precedent. But we know where Alliance High Elves come from, they are political exiles from Silvermoon. As they come from Silvermoon, it is highly implausible to argue that there was a one to one correlation between the political/philosophical opinion that led to their exile and this hypothetical physical differentiation that could retroactively be applied to all Alliance High Elves and not be available to Blood Elves.
    Just because High Elves originated from Silvermoon doesn't mean we can't find High Elves from elsewhere that have differentiated due to the environment they're in. This is how Mag'har came to be, we first are exposed to them on Outland aka Broken Draenor, that doesn't mean we must receive the Mag'har from that moment (we in fact received Mag'har from before that moment even occurs).

    The issue with a lot of your arguments is that you attempt to apply "rules" to why High Elves as if they are rules that must be applied to Allied Races and when we attempt to employ those "rules" to existing Allied Races it very easy to see how those "rules don't apply.
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    This is the same rationale I used when some suggested that Alliance High Elves could be differentiated by giving them darker skin colours than the Blood Elves in that I argued that such skin colours would also need to be available to Blood Elves...and that there were extremly troubling connotations of the suggestion that the fair skinned Blood Elves happened to exile everyone with darker skins from Silvermoon for being 'troublesome'.
    I would actually say it is a more troubling connotation that it appears "the white skin elves" must be the ONLY white skin elves in the game and that we apparently aren't allowed to have others with similar skin tones as the reasoning seems to imply "it will make the white skin elves feel less special" yet the same concern doesn't appear to hold with non-white skin tone elves (aka blue/purple elves).

  2. #11462
    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    I never claimed that, and it is possible (albeit unlikely) that the High Elven exiles could even join the Horde as an Allied Race like their Blood Elven kin depending on the type of story the developers would wish to tell. This would obviously incense some people and make others quite happy..
    Wanna bet if the factions are being merged or disbanding like one of the leaks suggests might happen, that the high elves becoming a faction dwelling with the blood elves wouldn't upset anyone.

    It is only a problem because of the horde/alliance divide. It is the same with the nightborne and all the night elf posts on identity, without the horde/alliance divide, you could easily see the night/nightborne elf interactions and collaborations that dominated 7.0 grow again. Not to mention a whole host of other race interactions.

    The most welcomed would be high and blood elf possibilities, as well as night and nightborne elf possibilities imo.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Doffen View Post
    I am still wondering about this, why they changed accent. The Void turn you into brits or what?:P I find no logical explanation to this, other than maybe another thing to differentiate them a tad bit more from Blood Elves, but that's kind of far out there as far as reasons go. Though mystical, also kind of hilarious. My all american Blood Elf dipped herself into the Void, then went to Great Britain to study English and took up an accent.

    Found an old post of mine:

    This has happened with the elves. All of them. Void elves and Nightborne sound very similar, many new night elf voices are british sounding, some new ones are not. this does make sense as the elves themeselves have very many sub-regions and enough itme for accennts tto change or be influenced (from a lore perspective.)

  3. #11463
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Except Kul Tirans and High Elves are not equivalent. As established, there are several rationales as to why Kul Tirans could look different from the Human standard. It COULD be Drust blood or it could be a feature brought about their relative isolation. Neither of this explanations applies to the High Elves.
    High elves were never around the Drust nor isolated themselves, so I don't know how those would apply either. However, there are a myriad of other possible, lore-friendly explanations to give high elves a different build. A handful of them were already offered to you.
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
    "You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  4. #11464
    Just checking in, has anyone flipped sides yet?

  5. #11465
    Pandaren Monk Melsiren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Directionalk9 View Post
    Just checking in, has anyone flipped sides yet?
    You're funny.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrashi View Post
    High elf fans are basically flat-earth society of warcraft lore.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Alleria Windrunner View Post
    I AM the victim.

  6. #11466
    Moderator Aucald's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doffen View Post
    I am still wondering about this, why they changed accent. The Void turn you into brits or what?:P I find no logical explanation to this, other than maybe another thing to differentiate them a tad bit more from Blood Elves, but that's kind of far out there as far as reasons go. Though mystical, also kind of hilarious. My all american Blood Elf dipped herself into the Void, then went to Great Britain to study English and took up an accent.
    I assume it's mostly just because they wanted further differentiation, although it is admittedly humorous. I suppose a lore-related reasoning could be that Umbric's followers all hail from a given Highborne house who share in that accent - or perhaps the Void-induced insanity included a change of accent for reasons known only to the Void?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by EnigmAddict View Post
    Wanna bet if the factions are being merged or disbanding like one of the leaks suggests might happen, that the high elves becoming a faction dwelling with the blood elves wouldn't upset anyone.

    It is only a problem because of the horde/alliance divide. It is the same with the nightborne and all the night elf posts on identity, without the horde/alliance divide, you could easily see the night/nightborne elf interactions and collaborations that dominated 7.0 grow again. Not to mention a whole host of other race interactions.

    The most welcomed would be high and blood elf possibilities, as well as night and nightborne elf possibilities imo.
    I imagine for some people it might cease to be an issue - likely Horde or Alliance partisans opposed to it for whatever reason. Though for some who hold racial identity in WoW as paramount it might still be an issue. I'm not a huge proponent of faction merging myself, despite my issues with the faction conflict as a whole I think the Alliance/Horde dichotomy is rather central to Warcraft as a universe and that without it something intrinsic to the story is lost. How to navigate around that, though, is anyone's guess.
    "We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see." ― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

  7. #11467
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlubberPuddy View Post
    You talk about what can't be available to Blood Elven players, that's as easy as how only Moose Antlers aren't available to Mulgore Tauren but nothing stops a Mulgore Tauren from having the same furs, tattoos, faces, etc. What this means is that per precedent there need only be ONE differentiating factor and by example of Highmountain Tauren and Mulgore Tauren, and Lightforged Draenei and Draenei it need not be skin color (as both Allied Races here have skin tones available to their Parent races in some fashion).
    If we were cursed into sticking with the seemingly logical path of Kai a Mulgore Tauren should never receive any kind of blessing from Cenarius, as that would be a cruel way of creating a personality disorder or something...

    Highmountain Tauren are just Tauren that got their antlers as heritage from their common ancestor, Huln Highmountain. A Tauren from Mulgore can also be blessed by Cenarius and get that physical change. Is that going to make them change their roots as Tauren from Mulgore to Tauren from Highmountain?

    Of course not, Highmountain Tauren are just another kind of Tauren, not that far away from their cousins from Kalimdor even in culture if you ask me, they just had a different environment and different actors in their story, however it's a pretty much classical Tauren story. The Warhorn tribe would have been much more different, and they also align very well with a Mulgore counterpart, the Grimtotem.

    Now THAT is enough for an Allied race, a -comparatively- small aesthetic feature that could or could not be replicated, but not necessarily being something an already playable race would necessarily go after, as face painting, like Highmountain Tauren have while Mulgore Tauren don't (would be nice for them to also have in my opinion).

    We have the High elves, not affected by Fel which just by that fact could totally be physically modified in any sort of way through a retroactive revision. And we also have the fact that they are not connected to the Sunwell in the same way, given they have never harmonized with the essence of M'uru, resulting on not being able to use the light energies of the Sunwell. That can also be another retroactive revision on their aesthetic. And whatnot, they can also have different physical appearance due to their different relationship with magic and the Sunwell unlike Blood elves. And in a final example, aesthetic differences pushed through a necessity of differentiating from the Blood elves.

    As for story goes, they have already differentiated themselves from the Blood elves by living different lives in different places and doing different things with these lives.

    Simply put, the only thing that is left for High elves is being revisited to develop on their own concept and/or becoming playable, as they have proven to be more than a valid candidate and if there is a concern about aesthetics, there are ways to go around that without transforming High elves into something that is not a High elf, as Void elves are (And yes, Void elves are a form of High elf, that simply doesn't make them the High elves we are talking about, even if they come from transformed High elves).

    Also, food for thought, if the question "Are High elves more plausible than (race you personally don't like and/or is lore unfriendly) for an allied race?" Starts any series of thoughts to still go against the High elves, you should simply quit the discussion as the bias and antagonizing behavior is simply too strong to discuss anything in good faith and/or with any kind of respect to logic and/or the intelligence of others.

    Also... Half-Elves a plausible Allied race? Is this some kind of a joke? Is -anyone- aware that Half-Elves are effectively applied to the population argument? Can anyone please cite me all the Half-Elves that existed? And I mean all because they are so few that someone with previous knowledge about sources could bring them in less than two minutes of searching. And I'm asking for ALL OF THEM, EVEN THE DEAD ONES, EVEN THE NON-CANONICAL ONES.

    Dammit, this thread has been on hold by anti High elf bias for too long, too damn long, of fucking course it has become cyclical, it's always retorting the same non-ground and inconsequential points against High elves instead of actually -talking- about them and developing new ideas together.

    I have to necessarily give my gratitude to @Aucald for putting the time on responding to Kai. However, it's the exact same points me and others have been defending for almost a year, not any point is new, and everyone can take a look and see the results of that. That, as I said in the previous paragraph and many times during the thread's lifetime up to a point, is a downward spiral of inconsequential and non-grounded arguments.

    May this could change? I don't know, it would be fantastical, however Kai doesn't seem to follow the philosophy of "Live and let live", which would be very handy because as Doffen pointed out, he is using the thread as some sort of personal blog, capitalizing the discussion in a way that not even much different people on the other side of the argument come anymore, and that's a shame in my book.

    Well, at least this thread helped me to polish my English, just go back and look at my earlier posts, damn it's pretty good for someone who didn't had English teachers and didn't learn from regulated education. Goddamn I'm gonna put a pizza in the oven to celebrate.

    I don't even know if I want to continue engaging in this thread, I don't even want High elves to play them myself, I'm super happy with my Blood elves, but the simple fact that something so straightforward and asked out of pure love for the game and it's lore is getting such kind of opposition just drags me back in... Though that is enough for me to stay LoL.
    Last edited by Aldo Hawk; 2019-07-31 at 03:18 AM. Reason: minor typos

  8. #11468
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    Also unsubstantiated by any form of canon lore. Elisande could've just been referring to their closeness to Humanity, or specifically to Alleria's relationship with Rhonin specifically (as she is the only known High Elven exile to have given birth to Half-elven children).
    I think you have two couples mixed up, here. Alleria had a son with Turalyon: Arator the Redeemer. Meanwhile, Veressa had children with Rhonin. So it's two instances of high elves having children with humans.
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
    "You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  9. #11469
    Moderator Aucald's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    I think you have two couples mixed up, here. Alleria had a son with Turalyon: Arator the Redeemer. Meanwhile, Veressa had children with Rhonin. So it's two instances of high elves having children with humans.
    Actually I swapped Vereesa's name with Alleria's by accident, as Vereesa was the High Elf leader who was actually present at Suramar. I was referring to Vereesa's Half-elven twins (Giramar and Galadin) that she had with Rhonin.
    "We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see." ― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

  10. #11470
    Quote Originally Posted by Ogren View Post
    It's honestly just the females that have a British accent. Some female Night Elf characters like Delaryn had it as well, I think it's just a new actress they hired to do some voices for them.

    Kind of annoys me that they don't get genuine Brits for Gilnean and Worgen characters though. IIRC Genn's voice actor actually is British but he hides his accent when voicing the character and I don't get that either.
    Yeah noticed that males doesn't have the same transformation :P Makes it even weirder. And yes, it's probably as simple as that, new voice actor.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    I assume it's mostly just because they wanted further differentiation, although it is admittedly humorous. I suppose a lore-related reasoning could be that Umbric's followers all hail from a given Highborne house who share in that accent - or perhaps the Void-induced insanity included a change of accent for reasons known only to the Void?
    Yeah, and as ogren pointed out, only female Void Elves have this change. Maybe the Void do have some good reasons for this. Or not!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by EnigmAddict View Post
    Wanna bet if the factions are being merged or disbanding like one of the leaks suggests might happen, that the high elves becoming a faction dwelling with the blood elves wouldn't upset anyone.

    It is only a problem because of the horde/alliance divide. It is the same with the nightborne and all the night elf posts on identity, without the horde/alliance divide, you could easily see the night/nightborne elf interactions and collaborations that dominated 7.0 grow again. Not to mention a whole host of other race interactions.

    The most welcomed would be high and blood elf possibilities, as well as night and nightborne elf possibilities imo.

    - - - Updated - - -

    This has happened with the elves. All of them. Void elves and Nightborne sound very similar, many new night elf voices are british sounding, some new ones are not. this does make sense as the elves themeselves have very many sub-regions and enough itme for accennts tto change or be influenced (from a lore perspective.)
    Tyrande as well, she got like 4 different accent, depending on location/expansion etc. It can definitely be that it's because of what you say, that's how it is in real life too, though in some situations it's probably as simple as different voice actors. Nothing biggie though, but funny anyway.
    World of Warcraft stuff

  11. #11471
    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    I assume it's mostly just because they wanted further differentiation, although it is admittedly humorous. I suppose a lore-related reasoning could be that Umbric's followers all hail from a given Highborne house who share in that accent - or perhaps the Void-induced insanity included a change of accent for reasons known only to the Void?

    - - - Updated - - -

    I imagine for some people it might cease to be an issue - likely Horde or Alliance partisans opposed to it for whatever reason. Though for some who hold racial identity in WoW as paramount it might still be an issue. I'm not a huge proponent of faction merging myself, despite my issues with the faction conflict as a whole I think the Alliance/Horde dichotomy is rather central to Warcraft as a universe and that without it something intrinsic to the story is lost. How to navigate around that, though, is anyone's guess.
    Races become their own factions is how. The dichotomy turned into a quadchotomy in WC3, with night elves and forsaken being a faction too, then came the Illidari faction too in TFT, and it still felt very Warcraft.

    The problem is the horde/alliance divide - everyone has been ram-shodded into it where certain races don't make sense and flow much better with more complexities.

    If they got rid of the horde and alliance in its current form, stripped them back down to their original races only, then made factions of the other races where appropriate. Then that could work.

    You manage players but making these factions lore based only, and players have the choice to move around them or even be part of a thematic faction instead like a Light faction (Lightforged or Argent Dawn) or void faction (Locus Walkers) , nature faction (Cenarion Circle) or arcane faction (Kirin'tor). and most races being their own factions. Battleground switch to being the particular races involved, and players can choose what race to side with (side with the night elves in WSG or the orcs - rather than Alliance or horde).

    Players now idenrtitfy with their race and it's faction, but now are opened up to group, guild or run with anyone in-game regardless of their race. You maintain the strong identity by writing up the races. Introduce riace campaigns, let players of a race build their race's capital and zone up, give the race more purpose, and regular updates in new racial campaigns with every patch and expansion - just like how you use to have the horde/alliance and how they did the class order halls.

    This way the identity won't e lost but rather enhanced, because it's no longer fitting tall the races to one cloth, but it's given each race it's own main thing. And main storylines can appropriately involve races that are relevant to the main story, but racial campaigns allows every race to also get more lore, stories, updates and insert into the involvement. For example if it was Legion, and the main story racially involved Night elves and Draenei, the gnomish campaign not only shows you how the gnomes have been doing, and how they react to the legion, but how they pressing in with it, excelling in your campaign would now show gnomish soldiers added to the night elf and draenei ones in Suramar and Argus, because your race is having an effect - this would take the place of the many human alliance osldier in places like the broken shore scenario too, where they'd be swapped for gnomish soldiers because you are the champion, and you affect things more than just being a random person, you bring more of your race to bear.

    This stronger identity fits in well with the warcraft factions which were initially always race based.

    Practically speaking, writing for 18 races is unrealistic, so you combine them. Orcs/mag'har, Tuaren/highmountain/Taunka can be one faction. Just because they are doesn't mean darkspears/zandalari/gurubashi/drakkari/Amani/farraki (also another faction) don't have close ties with them, and some races like Orcs and darkspears remain close friends even though they have other factions.

    Void elves, high elves, blood elves, san'layn, fel elves (incl blood elf illidari) are large enough to be their own faction - doesn't mean that high elves/void elves won't still be good friends with the humans, while blood elves won't, San'layn would be closer to races in the undead faction, like the dark fallen.

    Nightborne, night elves, Highborne, Farondis, redeemed naga/satyr (if they ever become a thing), Cenarians, Emerald dream Nelf worgen, Ankoan etc are all one faction, doesn't mean nightborne aren't still very friendly with blood elves, and highborne with high elves, while night elves remain mostly reclusive, nelf worgen get on well with gilnean worgen - they are these sub-interactions even though they are now written as one group.

    Draenei could be it's own faction or instead spread about, with draenei with the night elf group and lightforged with the humans, another faction with the Thalassians etc, Broken with the orcs - they have options

    There have been a lot of threads about racial based faction system instead of super factions which are killing the unique flair of racial identity with thier strict dichotomy. So instead, maintain strict identity but rather than 2 super factions, make it 13 based on each race, and give them race campaigns. (allied races are part of their core races now). This is the identity.

  12. #11472
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EnigmAddict View Post
    There have been a lot of threads about racial based faction system instead of super factions which are killing the unique flair of racial identity with thier strict dichotomy. So instead, maintain strict identity but rather than 2 super factions, make it 13 based on each race, and give them race campaigns. (allied races are part of their core races now). This is the identity.
    I like your overall idea and feel it would make for more compelling story as well. It is apparent how much friction their is with basing all the playable races within two faction ideals (especially with say Forsaken with the Honorable Horde ideals of Saurfang and Co.) that breaking the mold into "racial groups/factions" would now become more appropriate from a lore point of view. Then for gameplay wise the groupings are relaxed as that would resolve any grouping issues.

    The issue or pushback that I see happening is just pretty much the "status quo" peeps that would want to maintain how the factions are currently and don't consider anything more beyond "I'm Blue they're Red it's dead" or "I'm Red they're Blue they're dead". There's a fair amount that probably enjoy that simplicity and want to maintain it.

    I am pretty much just curious to see what happens toward the end of this expansion with the "loyalist vs rebellious Horde character" situation. If WoW maintains its status quo, only one can be correct going forward, but regardless it's already created a huge divide within the Horde faction itself. I wouldn't be surprised though if the repercussions turn out to be hand-waved away and nothing significant comes from it, that's happened a lot with the WoW stories (not much goes anywhere).

  13. #11473
    Quote Originally Posted by FlubberPuddy View Post
    I like your overall idea and feel it would make for more compelling story as well. It is apparent how much friction their is with basing all the playable races within two faction ideals (especially with say Forsaken with the Honorable Horde ideals of Saurfang and Co.) that breaking the mold into "racial groups/factions" would now become more appropriate from a lore point of view. Then for gameplay wise the groupings are relaxed as that would resolve any grouping issues.

    The issue or pushback that I see happening is just pretty much the "status quo" peeps that would want to maintain how the factions are currently and don't consider anything more beyond "I'm Blue they're Red it's dead" or "I'm Red they're Blue they're dead". There's a fair amount that probably enjoy that simplicity and want to maintain it.

    I am pretty much just curious to see what happens toward the end of this expansion with the "loyalist vs rebellious Horde character" situation. If WoW maintains its status quo, only one can be correct going forward, but regardless it's already created a huge divide within the Horde faction itself. I wouldn't be surprised though if the repercussions turn out to be hand-waved away and nothing significant comes from it, that's happened a lot with the WoW stories (not much goes anywhere).
    Indeed, and just super diminshed the authenticity of the story, trivialising every experience, because you just know nothing significant is going to happen. They didn't even have the guts to stick to driving the night elves out of kalimdor, despite creating a perfect island set of zones for them in the broken isles. I don't htink the nightborne were originally designed to join the blood elves at all, like some of the night elf fans have been saying, I think the broken isles was meant to be the night elves' new home, the nightborne their new allied/sub race and Kalimdor former night elf areas a warzone in some areas where horde and alliance clash, with the night elves trying to overthrow us and the horde trying to secure - same with the Forsaken, I think dustswallow marsh and ruins of Theramore was going to be their new home, while war continued.

    But they backed out of it, thing is, they would not have been in this problem at all if they didn't try to create super factions for wow. It just doesn't work.

    Legion Worgen vs Forsaken was so much better focused because it was 2 races against each other, while the rest of the world worked together. This is how pvp should go down the line. One race has an issue with another for a patch or an expansion or a couple of expansions, and then deveopments happen, races switch, but players are adventuerers, they join the side they are most convicted in. And yes, you can fight against your own people. Not all the orcs have to support every orc leader etc.

    They really don't have the balls to stick to their vision, and what's annoying is how they do all that work to set things up one way, then back out of it, making it all seem meaningless because nothing comes of it. And whiles in some cases it turns out great, like the horde getting nightborne was, the flip side is half the playerbase (the alliance side) felt kicked in the teeth and it sucked. No such problems without factions - but then, that problem would not have existed if they split the nightborne properly sending the proper nightborne to the horde and the nightfallen ones to the alliance (or turn them into night elves like that other guy keeps saying).

    Sadly with blizzard, there is no follow up, once they leave an area or piece of the story they leave it, which is fine if you did a good job, but if you messed it up (faction war), or didn't tie it up properly for both sides (nightborne), and just leave it unresolved or in that state - it makes their story stink, and while the new story might engage people a bit, they innevitablly repeat hte same thing, and those who've been around a while notice and call em out on it.
    Last edited by Beloren; 2019-07-31 at 04:46 PM.

  14. #11474
    Pit Lord shade3891's Avatar
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    What if Blizzard adds high elves, but since they are so rare you are only allowed to have one per account.

  15. #11475
    Quote Originally Posted by shade3891 View Post
    What if Blizzard adds high elves, but since they are so rare you are only allowed to have one per account.
    No point, just add them already, as a blood elf fan, I really don't care, if some people like them, let them knock themselves out. Blizzard can do what they want, if they have such a dedicated following na da huge wish list, they should just make it so.

    My flatmate said something interesting, now he has void elves and blood elves, he doesn't care for playing high elves, it makes no difference for him, and he was a huge high elf fan. So i asked him why not. He said now that he got void elves, he feels overlaoded and the need for high elves is gone. He keeps confusing his void elf for a blood elf too, often going to horde places, despite the colour change.

    We came to the same conclusion, it's only the horde alliance rivalry that is making this such an issue. It is the same with ngihtborne/night elves. If the elves are the biggest source of dissatisfaction - then blizzard should just change how the elves operate within the factions. Don't make them exclusively horde/alliance - make them their own faction/group, that has individuals from all their sub-races availble on both factions.

  16. #11476
    Quote Originally Posted by shade3891 View Post
    What if Blizzard adds high elves, but since they are so rare you are only allowed to have one per account.
    Would they be like the original Jedi in Galaxies that were super powerful and could pvp whole groups of players?

  17. #11477
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Well, any new idea on how High elves could get more aesthetically differentiated from Blood elves?

    This is some of them I pointed out earlier that are also lore friendly:

    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    We have the High elves, not affected by Fel which just by that fact could totally be physically modified in any sort of way through a retroactive revision. And we also have the fact that they are not connected to the Sunwell in the same way, given they have never harmonized with the essence of M'uru, resulting on not being able to use the light energies of the Sunwell. That can also be another retroactive revision on their aesthetic. And whatnot, they can also have different physical appearance due to their different relationship with magic and the Sunwell unlike Blood elves. And in a final example, aesthetic differences pushed through a necessity of differentiating from the Blood elves.
    Any new idea?

  18. #11478
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    Well, any new idea on how High elves could get more aesthetically differentiated from Blood elves?

    This is some of them I pointed out earlier that are also lore friendly:
    These are interesting concepts, but I don't see any actual aesthetic differences you call out.
    How would you represent these differences in an aesthetic way?

  19. #11479
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    These are interesting concepts, but I don't see any actual aesthetic differences you call out.
    How would you represent these differences in an aesthetic way?
    Yeah I didn't explained any aesthetic idea, just ways in which it makes sense.

    For example, due to Blood elves being affected by Fel and later some of them by exposure of the light energies of the Sunwell, High elves would simply be what they always were, or at least don't show the physical differences Blood elves went through. Maybe just having very pale skin palette and hair colors that Fel would have changed on Blood elves. Maybe also a slightly different body build representing what every Quel'dorei looked like before the scourge invasion.

    On the other hand, if they were going to cut the addiction feeding that would also be another way to show differences in the body, there are a handful of possibilities.

    Also, of course, the differences in wearing in a way that show their differentiation from the society of Quel'thalas.

    Less majestic, less magical. I don't know I just want to see new ideas for it, but lore friendly please.

    Edit: I know that what I said is not a perfect description, I can't do that, at the end, it could be the art designers' work, not mine.
    Last edited by Aldo Hawk; 2019-07-31 at 07:17 PM.

  20. #11480
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    Yeah I didn't explained any aesthetic idea, just ways in which it makes sense.

    For example, due to Blood elves being affected by Fel and later some of them by exposure of the light energies of the Sunwell, High elves would simply be what they always were, or at least don't show the physical differences Blood elves went through. Maybe just having very pale skin palette and hair colors that Fel would have changed on Blood elves. Maybe also a slightly different body build representing what every Quel'dorei looked like before the scourge invasion.

    On the other hand, if they were going to cut the addiction feeding that would also be another way to show differences in the body, there are a handful of possibilities.

    Also, of course, the differences in wearing in a way that show their differentiation from the society of Quel'thalas.

    Less majestic, less magical. I don't know I just want to see new ideas for it, but lore friendly please.

    Edit: I know that what I said is not a perfect description, I can't do that, at the end, it could be the art designers' work, not mine.
    So far, the most popular ideas seem to be the ranger aesthetic and warpaint from WCII, especially since it is lore friendly and not currently used in WoW except on one character.

    Ideas have been thrown out for beefier High Elves and darker skin tones. Personally I like the idea of the more slender models like the Blood Elves had before the model revamp in Cataclysm. Ultimately, any new model would be a good choice, as long as it still looks like a High Elf and not some other creature.

    Many more ideas were thrown about in the thread, but these were less popular. They included Wardstone/Aepexis crystal designs, the High Elf WCII sailor/fleet designs, Blue Dragonflight affiliation designs, and Night Elf models reskinned as High Elves (which is really what High Elves had in Vanilla).

    I'm all for new ideas, which is why I made the thread. This is basically a big brainstorming exercise on new and cool ideas for High Elves!

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