1. #12061
    Herald of the Titans Chain Chungus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    Of course it will not have substance unless it goes in your favor, as anything else properly.

    You are just interested in finding people that says: Yes, yes.

    All you have done has been basically fighting others through repeating: 'No, what I say is the truth, you are simply wrong, no, hear me I know more than anyone else'.

    The fact of the matter is that you didn't lasted too long until clinging a puny medal on your chest the moment I pointed you brought something that was factual, it's just like that.

    I still suggest everyone else to not engage with this anymore, as per the record, the only responses contains cut quotes and responses that demonstrate a lack of willing to understand.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I can't wait to see how much time it will last until you use this commentary to make appear as if the 'new delusion of the helfers' is this, when it is just one guy saying something that is not even clear. It's gonna be entertaining.

    Demagogy is a double edged attitude. In the end, it just appeal to those who mindlessly agree and does nothing to understand the other sides of the argument.
    The irony here is regardless of the status of this banner, there was still High Elven siege equipment. You don't get that without a siegeworks, which also means a settlement. He has simply picked the low hanging fruit to attack while ignoring the more substantial evidence provided in-game, that being a contingent of siege equipment led by Vereesa Windrunner, a High Elf of the Silver Covenant.

  2. #12062
    Quote Originally Posted by Benedict Donald View Post
    The irony here is regardless of the status of this banner, there was still High Elven siege equipment. You don't get that without a siegeworks, which also means a settlement. He has simply picked the low hanging fruit to attack while ignoring the more substantial evidence provided in-game, that being a contingent of siege equipment led by Vereesa Windrunner, a High Elf of the Silver Covenant.
    I mean, that's a nice theory and all, but why were they not present throughout all of BFA until the Horde was on the verge of another civil war?
    Furthermore, why couldn't they just use the ballistas they could have had since WC2?
    Or used the siegeworks provided in Dalaran?
    Just saying.

  3. #12063
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broflake View Post
    I mean, that's a nice theory and all, but why were they not present throughout all of BFA until the Horde was on the verge of another civil war?
    Furthermore, why couldn't they just use the ballistas they could have had since WC2?
    Or used the siegeworks provided in Dalaran?
    Just saying.
    This has been explained exactly 8 times recently before you asked for it again.

    They are not playable, that is the reason why they are not more present than they are.

    The same happens with Taunka, Revantusk and Stonemaul.

    This is the 9º time this has been explained.

    But you simply don't like it, this is the problem, you are not debating anything, you are just confronting others in an attempt of making them shy away.

    Also... You gladly stopped saying that all that is going against you is emotional, but to repeat my name as a way to call my attention is pretty emotional from your part if you ask me.


  4. #12064
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    This has been explained exactly 8 times recently before you asked for it again.

    They are not playable, that is the reason why they are not more present than they are.
    Bad argument. Not only is it unsupported, their race is playable through the blood elves. We have seen numerous races being prevalent in the game despite not being playable.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    The same happens with Taunka,
    Who are barely ever around.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    Whose playable race is the trolls.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    and Stonemaul.
    Who are prevalent across multiple expansions.
    The hozen have been prevalent across multiple areas since their appearance in MoP and they are not playable including the Jinyu, and the Ankoan. There are multiple races who are not playable despite being repeatedly present including mur'locs. The argument of "they aren't prevalent because they aren't playable" is an argument with no basis.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    This is the 9º time this has been explained.
    Cease the hyperbole, it does not favor your argument.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    But you simply don't like it, this is the problem, you are not debating anything, you are just confronting others in an attempt of making them shy away.
    Address my argument above Aldo. The argument of them not being playable and therefore, not being present does not work given many races such as goblins and worgens were not playable but were very prevalent before being playable.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    Also... You gladly stopped saying that all that is going against you is emotional, but to repeat my name as a way to call my attention is pretty emotional from your part if you ask me.
    What would you like me to call you Aldo? That is the name you chose, so I am not sure why this annoys you so much.

  5. #12065
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broflake View Post
    Bad argument. Not only is it unsupported, their race is playable through the blood elves. We have seen numerous races being prevalent in the game despite not being playable.

    Who are barely ever around.

    Whose playable race is the trolls.

    Who are prevalent across multiple expansions.
    The hozen have been prevalent across multiple areas since their appearance in MoP and they are not playable including the Jinyu, and the Ankoan. There are multiple races who are not playable despite being repeatedly present including mur'locs. The argument of "they aren't prevalent because they aren't playable" is an argument with no basis.

    Cease the hyperbole, it does not favor your argument.

    Address my argument above Aldo. The argument of them not being playable and therefore, not being present does not work given many races such as goblins and worgens were not playable but were very prevalent before being playable.

    What would you like me to call you Aldo? That is the name you chose, so I am not sure why this annoys you so much.
    Revantusk trolls are forest trolls, not jungle trolls like the Darkspear.


    The Stonemaul Ogres appear on Feralas and Dustwallow Marsh. Doesn't seem like a lot of places, all comprised on Cataclysm so I don't understand where the 'multiple expansions' statement comes from. Oh yeah, they sent one of their mages to support in Pandaria, 3/8 expansions if Vanilla is also counted alongside Cataclysm.


    Taunka are Horde members. We actually had quests where they very explicitly pledged their allegiance to the Horde.


    As you can see, these horde members are not playable, and also not very present.

    One big example of this are the Dark Iron Dwarves, who had little appearances until they became playable, time where they not only started appearing out the in the world, but also appeared as a boss fight that the Horde had to fight against.

    High elves appeared on the world more than some playable races, alongside the Alliance, that tells a lot.

    So... About the name part... That perception of me getting 'upset' by you calling me repeatedly by my name is pretty wrong. It's more than a bother and a sense of 'uneasyness' if you wish, because you very recently tried to attack me through saying that every thing I said made no sense because I was all emotional about everything. And you doing that strikes me as being very hypocritical, since you are just trying to get this to personal field again and again.

    Well, this has been entertaining, I addressed everything that was forcibly put in doubt. I am kinda faulting to my own words, since you are keeping that troubling attitude again and again and I keep responding. But this is also kind of a trap for me, since I actually care of what is being talked about and to let commentary as that run wild goes against what is being defended.

  6. #12066
    Field Marshal bdlovelace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlubberPuddy View Post
    Nowhere does he say anything about "the lore and potential for blue eyes simply requires a strong devotion to the arcane, same as golden eyes with priests and paladins".
    i never claimed thats what moorgard said. as the sunwell is a mixture of holy/arcane now, i was implying that the potential for blue eyes is there for mages who have a strong connection to the arcane. just like how he explained golden eyes work for priests and paladins

    Quote Originally Posted by FlubberPuddy View Post
    You understand that neither of his responses equate to "the senior narrative designer, literally less then a month ago, stating these blue eyed blood elf NPCs arent a bug, havent been changed despite numerous bug tickets from the pro side, and there is a story for them."
    you can interpret it any way you want like the pro side always do. with that tweet he confirmed blue eyed blood elves already exist and that there is a story for them. therefore whats more likely in the future blue eyed blood elves as a face/eye color customization(which ion has already teased) or the high elf race made neutral because the alliance have a couple decorative 'high' elf portal keepers
    Last edited by bdlovelace; 2019-10-03 at 01:37 AM.

  7. #12067
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    Revantusk trolls are forest trolls, not jungle trolls like the Darkspear.
    They are still trolls dude.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    The Stonemaul Ogres appear on Feralas and Dustwallow Marsh. Doesn't seem like a lot of places, all comprised on Cataclysm so I don't understand where the 'multiple expansions' statement comes from. Oh yeah, they sent one of their mages to support in Pandaria, 3/8 expansions if Vanilla is also counted alongside Cataclysm.
    The fact we are counting ogres as a whole and not speaking of singular groups for the sake of serving a pedantic argument?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post

    Taunka are Horde members. We actually had quests where they very explicitly pledged their allegiance to the Horde.
    Cool, and their relevance in comparison to other races has been very small to say the least.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    As you can see, these horde members are not playable, and also not very present.
    Except that their races have been present in one form or another, that has nothing to do with them being playable.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    One big example of this are the Dark Iron Dwarves, who had little appearances until they became playable, time where they not only started appearing out the in the world, but also appeared as a boss fight that the Horde had to fight against.
    They had a 9 boss dungeon dedicated to them and are amongst the most well known in the game. This is not a case where they were exactly not prolific either.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    High elves appeared on the world more than some playable races, alongside the Alliance, that tells a lot.
    You do realize this also contradicts your argument as well yes?
    If they don't appear often, they are not palyable.
    Now you are stating high elves appear more often than others, but they are not playable as well.
    Clearly, this is simply a matter of it being based on the story we are seeing in the expansion with playability having nothing to do with prominence.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    So... About the name part... That perception of me getting 'upset' by you calling me repeatedly by my name is pretty wrong. It's more than a bother and a sense of 'uneasyness' if you wish,
    So it upsets you when I called you by your name because you perceived I was somehow seeking to upset you...even though it is the name you chose. I believe you are reading far too much into the matter.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    Well, this has been entertaining, I addressed everything that was forcibly put in doubt. I am kinda faulting to my own words, since you are keeping that troubling attitude again and again and I keep responding. But this is also kind of a trap for me, since I actually care of what is being talked about and to let commentary as that run wild goes against what is being defended.
    So...earlier when you said "don't engage in circular arguments", it had nothing to do with a principle you believed in and mostly was an attempt to try and rally a group to ignore me.

  8. #12068
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdlovelace View Post
    i never claimed thats what moorgard said. as the sunwell is a mixture of holy/arcane now, i was implying that the potential for blue eyes is there for mages who have a strong connection to the arcane. just like how he explained golden eyes work for priests and paladins
    You changed the word 'light' with 'arcane'.

    That is not what was said, that was your interpretation of it and it had not any basis for it than trying to fit a square in a circle.

    you can interpret it any way you want like the pro side always do. with that tweet he confirmed blue eyed blood elves already exist and that there is a story for them. therefore whats more likely in the future blue eyed blood elves as a face/eye color customization(which ion has already teased) or the high elf race made neutral because the alliance have a couple decorative 'high' elf portal keepers
    There are more things with 'eye customization' than the Blood elves, and these are just conjectures.

    In fact, what there is, are some -apparently- Blood elves that have blue eyes. Does that mean they got them? Or that they never changed it? This is a rhetorical question since the answer is clear. They always had them.

    You see, this attempt of diminishing everything on: 'It's just because there are a pair of 'decorative' High elf portal keepers' is too dishonest.

    I don't know what you try to accomplish but to simply get out of the way and start over again with things that were already talked about (and you know they were talked about because you seem to be involved) is not arguing, it is the antithesis of having a conversation. If you truly want to oppose at least do so with some respect for the topic that is being held.


    I would like to share an image that someone posted on discord, I think these glowing tattoos work very well to make the eyes more visible, I like the concept.

    Last edited by Aldo Hawk; 2019-10-03 at 03:19 AM.

  9. #12069
    Edit: Doesn't look too different from my DK blood elf set
    Last edited by Broflake; 2019-10-03 at 03:30 AM.

  10. #12070
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    I would like to share an image that someone posted on discord, I think these glowing tattoos work very well to make the eyes more visible, I like the concept.

    Now that's what a High Elf should look like! Damn, she looks nothing like a Blood Elf! So much for that argument lol. Only subtle changes are needed to differentiate them, just like they did with Night Elves->Nightborne.

  11. #12071
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anti-fascist View Post
    Now that's what a High Elf should look like! Damn, she looks nothing like a Blood Elf! So much for that argument lol. Only subtle changes are needed to differentiate them, just like they did with Night Elves->Nightborne.
    It is the way it is, not a lot can be made without changing the base appearance, but I consider this a nice touch to mark what differentiates them physically from Blood elves.

    This could be interpreted as them making clear that they are not Blood elves through makeup that show their physical differences better.

    Also, I would make them extra pale, or something like that, with the explanation that fel didn't gave them these more tanned colors that Blood elves have, as a way to show how the Blood elves looked like before the installment of fel crystals.

    Do you have any suggestion? I would be glad to hear them!

    Edit: Also... Look at this image:

    See the aura around the maw and the tip of the tail? This could be interesting to show on them on parts where they put these 'magical tattoos' or something. This way it could be seen from a certain distance.
    Last edited by Aldo Hawk; 2019-10-03 at 03:57 AM.

  12. #12072
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    It is the way it is, not a lot can be made without changing the base appearance, but I consider this a nice touch to mark what differentiates them physically from Blood elves.

    This could be interpreted as them making clear that they are not Blood elves through makeup that show their physical differences better.

    Also, I would make them extra pale, or something like that, with the explanation that fel didn't gave them these more tanned colors that Blood elves have, as a way to show how the Blood elves looked like before the installment of fel crystals.

    Do you have any suggestion? I would be glad to hear them!

    Edit: Also... Look at this image:

    See the aura around the maw and the tip of the tail? This could be interesting to show on them on parts where they put these 'magical tattoos' or something. This way it could be seen from a certain distance.
    Yes, that's a good idea! The tattoos having an edge glow would really set them off visually. I also like the idea of the tattoos being mana batteries to store energy without the Sunwell, and this effect would make that apparent.

  13. #12073
    Field Marshal bdlovelace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    I would like to share an image that someone posted on discord, I think these glowing tattoos work very well to make the eyes more visible, I like the concept.
    the problem is its still identical to blood elves, the same race which is already playable. its a blue eyed blood elf and we have already been told eye color "is not quite the same"(obviously). otherwise golden eyed blood elves would have been an AR

    oh and the head is really small and out of proportion. intentional?
    Last edited by bdlovelace; 2019-10-03 at 04:40 AM.

  14. #12074
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdlovelace View Post
    the problem is its still identical to blood elves(the same race). its a blue eyed blood elf and we have already been told eye color "is not quite the same"(obviously). otherwise golden eyed blood elves would have been an AR
    Golden eyed Blood elves are the same Blood elves as we always knew about, because they get those by worshiping the light through the Sunwell and nothing else, they are the same people as those with green eyes. So the argument of them having to be their own Allied race because of the eye color is not quite strong.

    It is what it is, anyone can simply not like it, but to say that it is just a blue eyed Blood elf misses the point entirely.

    oh and the head is really small and out of proportion. intentional?
    I don't know, didn't noticed, just took the image to show it off. Surely kind of a bad polishing of the model. Don't know exactly why you say it has to be intentional either but I may have an idea of why.

  15. #12075
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    I would like to share an image that someone posted on discord, I think these glowing tattoos work very well to make the eyes more visible, I like the concept.
    I love how passionate people are about high elves and all the fanart they come up with. This is a very accurate depiction of what a high elf allied race might look like. I see them having fair to tanned skin, non-glowing blue eyes, and war paint or tattoos. Hairstyles can be changed up so they are slightly different than blood elf and void elf hairstyles, maybe give them more human-inspired hair colors.

  16. #12076
    Give them the option for glowing hands like Thalyssra has. Its a cool visual effect like the new fire beards the Dark Irons have. And the Nightborne arent using it. All Im saying is that I want a High Elf that looks like Wrathion, and can be a druid.

    Also, we need elves and elf cities. All of our elf cities are burnt down, with a handful of void elves literally living on a rock. It's time to take Dalaran back. The Horde already has Silvermoon and Suramar. They owe us a new elf city.

  17. #12077
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    That high elf with facial marks is really awesome. Hope we get some high elf costumizations soon.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  18. #12078
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    Golden eyed Blood elves are the same Blood elves as we always knew about, because they get those by worshiping the light through the Sunwell and nothing else,
    Correction, you don't need to be worshipping the light to get golden eyes per Blizzard devs. I do wish people would correct themselves on this matter.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    they are the same people as those with green eyes. So the argument of them having to be their own Allied race because of the eye color is not quite strong.
    Yes, it really is.
    The difference between a blood elf and a high elf is non-existent because they are the same people. So, if you are suggesting this concept is xfor high elves then

    1. Gold eye blood elves should be a separate AR because of eye color difference alone which until MoP, was the only difference between a blood elf and a high elf, and your concept is literally just an eye color change.

    2. It supports the argument about the requests being purely about pale skinned elves.

    Play horde if this is what you desire.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    It is what it is, anyone can simply not like it, but to say that it is just a blue eyed Blood elf misses the point entirely.
    She's a brunette version of Lanesh steelweaver, a blood elf with blue eyes who is blonde.

  19. #12079
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdlovelace View Post

    you can interpret it any way you want like the pro side always do. with that tweet he confirmed blue eyed blood elves already exist and that there is a story for them. therefore whats more likely in the future blue eyed blood elves as a face/eye color customization(which ion has already teased) or the high elf race made neutral because the alliance have a couple decorative 'high' elf portal keepers
    The Alliance starting zone has friendly blood elves in it. The blood elf costumization is totally coming for the void elves guys !
    ... No. If you want to play alongside Blue-eyed blood elves, the Alliance is waiting for you
    And the Alliance has more than some "decorative" high elf portal keepers. You know... We have rangers, a ranger-general, a former ranger-captain of Silvermoon, some battle mages, mages & archmages, farstriders, high elf paladins, some civilians ...

    You have Lanesh Streeweaver. Okai.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  20. #12080
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    I would like to share an image that someone posted on discord, I think these glowing tattoos work very well to make the eyes more visible, I like the concept.

    I love this. Doesn’t have that uppity/stuck up face of Blood Elves.

    Looks like a nice blending of High Elf personality and looks (aka their loyalty to Alliance/Humans) with the face and hairstyle.

    Also love the tattoo idea, making themselves with arcane tattoos to cover their magical withdrawal would be DOPE.

    Could even say lore wise they do this so they do not have to be reliant on the Sunwell anymore.

    I agree with others that it’s nice to see High Elves adopt more human esque hairstyles and colors. Like the one shown here.

    Tell the artist they did a wonderful job.

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