I like how you tend to speak a lot on stuff as if you know what's going on, but really don't. I participated in those original "Unofficial Void Elf Discussion" threads, alongside @
DeicideUH and they were created before Void Elves were released, while they were still in development. The basic premise of such threads was this:
These ideas are just examples of how Blizzard could fulfill the desire for high elves while also making them different from their blood elf cousins. Again, I do not expect Blizzard to change their plans. If anything, they'll probably allow a few "somewhat normal" skin and hair colors for the void elves, but I'd like to start a discussion anyway."
If you read the OP you can see how from the get-go it criticizes Void Elves after they were announced. Because, don't be silly as you were doing it too, when everyone saw the race files datamining where it showed 'Void_elf' everyone thought it would be about High Elves who look like Alleria and can go void like her. Obviously we only got 1/2 that.
Once it was clear throughout development, and upon release that Void Elves were not going to be our High Elves. We ceased making Void Elf threads because we don't give a fuck about them anymore and began asking for what we truly wanted, High Elves as an Allied Race.
It was believed through the Unofficial VE threads that we were not being clear enough. So we pivoted from VEs and made those actual High Elf Discussion threads from then on.
Thus very soon after, all those "Void Elf Discussions" died out because all the major proponents of those threads didn't care about Void Elves in the first place, we wanted to be able to play the High Elves we see like Vereesa/Silver Covenant/Highvale/7th Legion etc etc.
And this is why you don't see anymore threads on "Void Elf Discussions" because every major player in those threads, along with its basic premise, was always to get playable High Elves.
It started there because when things are in development, people hope that it can change, it doesn't mean everyone who made those threads appreciates Void Elves, again look at the threads. It starts on how controversial they are and criticizes many things about Void Elves.
Just because it's a "Void Elf Discussion" doesn't mean people were saying they liked Void Elves, the community that made those threads never cared for Void Elves in the first place. Being a former participant of those threads, I definitely have the authority to say this and @
DeicideUH can come in and confirm if he wants what the main purpose of those threads were, if you don't believe me.