Thank you for proving my point. Mechagnomes have the best racials in the game currently. Alliance has the best racials actually and still people don't flock to their best races. Furthermore, Helfers =/= representative of the alliance. You already have void elves, and complaining you don't get two bite out of the Horde's apple is silly. Considering you're complaining about population, where were you back when Vanilla was a thing and the alliance outnumbered the Horde 7 to 3? Were you out there shouting that the Horde needed help?
Let alone a 10% difference is incredibly minor
Not really, you said it yourself, they have the whole set up of a starting area, and then two hubs in the world.
VE's have nothing compared to this
I seriously thought that by now we would have an explanation how Void Elves can be a RACE.
But no.
Let's hope that with all the N'zoth thing happening they get some development.
I don't like the race, overall because of the reasons they came to be lorewise, but I like this game, so I want them to be the better they can be, so...
Btw, anyone excited about Vulpera? Nice thing we finally got them, my friend deleted his Goblin rogue in awaits of the Vulpera rogue he initially thought about, nice news!
That's the frightening part, in all the datamining done for 8.3 there's nothing on Void Elves so far. Like fingers crossed it's not just yet in, but it's a bad omen that at best is not a priority. So far VE's and Alleria are only part of the horrific visions, so all we know is that yep, VE's are likely to betray us, as we have known since the beginning.
Also SO excited about Vulpera!! I have saved a spot for a hunter since launch AHHHHH!
I hope they don't end up being the 'Forsaken' of the Alliance (AKA just problematic faction members), since that would go against their very premise: To dominate and control the Void. And so far I have seen them getting crazy and some of them joining up with N'zoth...
I'm happy to see people getting excited for the new Allied Races, even more if it was awaited like Vulpera did. And on the Horde!
And by the way, what are your opinions on Mecagnomes? I think they could have just mixed them with the ones we already had and they seem kinda odd...
"I guess only blood elves feel like the odd man out for the Horde. I hope that we've engineered that into it as deftly as we could, but you know, it's the equivalent of a bunch of white chicks hanging out with goblin or tauren. It's weird." -- Chris Metzen
Horrific visions don't bother me. They are meant to be bad futures.
But the total lack of importance for void elves (and also lightforged draenei) in the freaking Ultimate Void Patch that is unlikely to be topped in many many years just proves what I feared since the beginning: there was never a plan for void elves, they were a last-minute decision created to fill a slot, and Blizzard does not care to give them any meaningful role.
I hoped there was more to them than that, that there would be a big plan to push them forward and develop them into a real race. But there's nothing, at least so far.
- - - Updated - - -
I don't care about them. For those who like them, congrats, but I'd wish something else. It's just another niche race, and the Alliance has gotten 3 niche races, one complete asspull (or monkey paw wish) and only one long-requested race.
Honestly even making the VE's the Forsaken of the alliance feels like more effort they are willing to put in. Like it really just seems like "oh these will work nice on the horrific visions that's neat"
As for Mecha-Gnomes: I am a completionist on terms of unlocking races, I have them all so far, with Maghar, Highmountain, Dark Iron and Kul tiran yet to reach 120. And yet I am in no rush of unlocking mechagnomes, I will make one if I have a spot left.
Oh no I'm not worried about the horrific visions in terms of development, is just that they offer nothing new even on a What If capacity, it's just like a "Oh yeh I guess it would make sense for VE's to betray us" cause that what we were told. Like, not even on the vision there's a sense of subversion.
I'm not as vexed with the lack of LFD participation because on broad strokes, it just doesn't seem any playable race is gonna play a mayor featuring role this patch.
But the issue is that the race that NEEDED the TLC related to the Void, isn't getting it. If it's not now, then when?
They were just poorly conceptualized; made to fit such a niche thematic that is not even been explored.
Oh, now got it! Yeah, you are right.
It was already bizarre that void elves skipped every single void storyline in this expansion.I'm not as vexed with the lack of LFD participation because on broad strokes, it just doesn't seem any playable race is gonna play a mayor featuring role this patch.
But the issue is that the race that NEEDED the TLC related to the Void, isn't getting it. If it's not now, then when?
They were just poorly conceptualized; made to fit such a niche thematic that is not even been explored.
Uldir? No sign of them.
Alliance quests in Vol'dun and Nazmir? Alliance has no involvement with the void presences there (Umbric coincidentaly is recruited in Vol'dun, but all he does is complain about the heat).
Stormsong? No sign of void elves.
K'thir presence in Tiragarde? No void elves.
Nazmir may not be Void, but there's dark magic afoot. No void elves there.
Freaking Nazjatar? Void elves do nothing (there's a named one perpetually reading a scroll in our base and some random nameless guards, that's it).
The BIG Void Patch That is unlikely to be topped any time soon? Sorry, no void elves doing anything of importance.
The race was pointless, aimless and loreless from the start. They never planned anything for them. And Blizzard expects us to like it?
Makes this interview so pointless:
"When I ask if we can expect the Nightborne to play a role in Patch 8.2, where the former monarch of their people Queen Azshara returns, both writers pause. “We’re going to be careful with that answer,” says Burke. “Yes, they will be [...] present with the events we have planned for 8.2.”"
"Danuser elaborates, “The Night Elves and the Nightborne have such a deep history with Queen Azshara. These characters were alive and have history and grudges against Azshara.” While both writers remained coy as to the role of the Nightborne, Danuser mentioned we will see the reactions of both Night Elves and Nightborne to “what Azshara is up to right now,” which is equally vague but very ominous."
Ah yes, Shandris and Thalyssra remember their past...that's not new development for Night Elves or Nightborne. Just shows the disconnect between the question asked and the overall answer. They remained "coy" cuz NB actually had no role. There was no new story development for them. We just learn more about the individuals Shandris and Thalyssra. Not even the reactions of NE and NB.
And the Void Elf portion
"The Void Elves, while controversial, also had some fantastic moments in the War Campaign ... and as the Void becomes more important to the story, we’ll likely need their help. Both races also round out the factions nicely. The Nightborne bring more gravitas to the Horde, making the Blood Elves feel more natural in the faction and providing an important counterweight to the Forsaken or Orcs. Meanwhile, the Void Elves give the Alliance a potential dark side that could be explored in future content. As the upcoming war plays out, we’ll likely see both of them come back to the forefront at some point."
The bolded is what a lot of "VoId ElVeS r UhMaZiN" people say - "just wait! They'll be used when the Void is the big deal duh".
We're at Vizions of N'zoth, last big content update for the BfA expansion with heavy Void/Old God work going on and nothing extra to put Void Elves at the forefront.
"I guess only blood elves feel like the odd man out for the Horde. I hope that we've engineered that into it as deftly as we could, but you know, it's the equivalent of a bunch of white chicks hanging out with goblin or tauren. It's weird." -- Chris Metzen