Well said. But High Elves are Alliance tho, they were exiled after the war of ancients and they turned into High elves when they were highborne. They were Quel'dorei and Kaldorei and they were always more alliance than anytime they would be horde. Blood elves were only on horde after not being accepted, i will repeat this many times. But High Elves were not welcome in Night Elf lands anymore.
This is the timeline:
Dark trolls evolved into Kaldorei in origin, and gave origin to 3 elf races and overtime we got 7 Elf races and then even more elf races:
Kaldorei (Meaning: Children of the
Stars) (Night elves) [Alliance]
Quel'dorei (Meaning: Children of the
Noble Birth) (Highborne/High Elven - Pure highborne left are not much of those left now, they gave up everything that made them night elves, including moonwells) [Once Alliance, still supporting alliance, they have a bad reception at Alliance, commonly mistaken by blood elves, high elves are now almost extinct.]
Shal'dorei (Meaning: Children of the
Night)(Nightborne) [Now Horde because refused by Tyrande]
Sin'dorei (Meaning: Children of the
Blood) (Corrupted High elves - Blood elves) [Faction: Horde]
Ren'dorei (Meaning: Children of the
Void) (Void Elves) [Faction: Alliance]
Darkfallen (San'layn (Vampyr Blood elves - Used to be with Kael'thas before being raised to undeath by Arthas) [Faction: San'layn]
Felblood elf (Blood elf corrupted with fel) [Faction: Burning Legion]
Pure Highbornes = High Elves = There is not much left. Blood Elves are the majority.
Night elves and Blood elves are on opposite factions, so why would they make that minority almost extincted pure Highborne be part of the Alliance? The pure Highborne left ain't enough to make a race playable. They are likely just meant to be now NPCs. There's other more elf races to be added, and High elves are not one of them. That's why they added void elves instead. This thread is basically closed since void elves were introduced, and makes zero sense to blood elves to gain blue eyes too.