You could play a red colored Blood Elf Spellbreaker with most of these items. The robe would need to replaced with a red themed one and the Tabard could either be replaced with a Silvermoon one or dropped entirely. It was built using the Mogit addon in game, so I don't have a link to the specific items.
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It would be an RP thing only unless you can find a red melee robe mog that you like. Even then, the Fury/shield thing would be a problem.
If you want it outside RP, a one-hander could be easily substituted.
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And that belt clips very badly with robes, from what I saw. Had to photoshop it to make the draping part of the belt show. It may work differently in the actual game though.
helm -
sword -
shield - or
shoulders -
hands -
waist -
for other colors look "same model as" tab. But you won't be abble to use sword and shield. because it's 2handed sword.
Plus autor let his fantasy fly there and he recolored most of it to blue "Aliance" color.
I define plenty as in "numerous enough to be playable". Blizzard doesn't give any numbers and they don't do it on purpose, so that no one would actually count if the numbers they would have given make sense. So these "generalizations" is the only way to quantify any race in the game, and, as someone has already pointed out, you yourself speak only with generalizations because that's the only thing you can do.
You ask to prove in numbers that there are enough High Elves to be playable. Well, I can ask you to do the same thing - prove in numbers that there aren't enough High Elves to be playable. But I won't, because unlike you I understand that it's a pointless argument, there are no number that either you or me can operate to justify our points. The only thing we can do is assume the population by representation both in game and lore by using common sense. For example, if we take Silver Covenant, then they are powerful enough to single-handedly oppose Sunreavers that is one of the major Blood Elven organisations and participate in Alliance missions as a legitimate force. Also, not every single High Elf from Dalaran is in Silver Covenant, as their are also simple civilians. Then, Silver Covenant isn't the only place where are High Elves. There are also Quel'Danil and Allerian Stronghold, as well as High Elves here and there, like in Stormwind and Theramore survivors. This all is enough to assume that their population is higher than that of Void Elves, which is just Umbric and friends and hence enough to be playable.
Dark Iron Dwarves
Moira and Anduin
Wow look at that! It's the same Dark Irons who have always been part of the Alliance since Cata. So much for those speculating that it was "some different group of Dark Irons who will have diff culture"Queen Regent Thaurissan, it is good to see you again.
Same to ye, King Wrynn.
You have represented your people admirably in the Council of Three Hammers.
The Dark Iron have proven loyal to our cause for years, instrumental in many battles.
It is my great honor to formally invite you to the Alliance, and to apologize for taking so long to make it official.
Eh, just a formality, King! No harm done.
The Dark Iron accept the invitation. For the Alliance!
Those bolded lines show it's literally the Dark Irons who have joined since Cata and are now only officially being formalized as an Alliance race. And bam they're playable.
To me that means it makes it even easier for High Elves, who have had a large presence in Alliance, to be officially playable as well. Looks like the "if they wanted High Elves they would've immediately made them playable" argument is weaker.
Dark Irons are only now becoming an Allied Race and it has nothing to do with timing, they've been in the Alliance since Cata. This broadcast text backs that up.![]()
Well I mean look:What other Alliance group has, "proven loyal to our cause for years, instrumental in many battles." High Elves sure have.The Dark Iron have proven loyal to our cause for years, instrumental in many battles.
And it shows just how easy it is for a race on Alliance, to "join the Alliance."
People were speculating it was seem entirely different group of Dark Iron, that text proves it's literally the ones who have been with us since Cata. Blizzard didn't have to explaining anything. Literally just, "you've been here, now you're playable." sets the low side of the bar for ARs if you ask me.
You're implying two things:
1) The "timing" argument. Dark Iron reasons for joining now negate this, they basically could've been added in Cata.
- Devs have on point been saying these first 4 AR were chosen to tie up Legion stuff.
2) Implying no more elves will be added. When no proof of that![]()
youa re implyng 3 things:
1) just because dark iron receive a treatment, you think HE will get the same
2) you are thinking they are in the same situation and have the same circumstances
not likely since allied race was not thing therethey basically could've been added in Cata.
void elves only had something to do with the legion because they want it, they could do it with HE if they want it- Devs have on point been saying these first 4 AR were chosen to tie up Legion stuff.
3) implying more elves will be added. when there is no proof of that2) Implying no more elves will be added. When no proof of that![]()
They are using modified models, and were already a compromise added when we had only two races of elves. Those circumstances have only gotten worse, because high elf fans want a model that more closely resembles an existing race in a game with twice as many elf races.
My point is that blood elves were designed to be high elves with green eyes. You may as well add an entirely new race of blonde haired blue eyed elves, because the story of the blood elves has no room for the culture you want. All high elves come from Quel’thalas originally, unless there’s an exception or two that I missed; it’s insignificant . They are all a part of the culture of Silvermoon, which is blood elf culture bar siphoning living creatures, which is also not important. The reason for the holdup isn’t the design of the race, because they already did that when they made blood elves. That story already has an ending.
Blizzard clearly isn’t interested in 1) retconning the blood elf storyline 2) releasing a race that simply reinterprets an existing race 3) adding more elves 4) diluting faction and racial identities 5) trying to please high elf fans who are unwilling to compromise, and don’t all even agree. All of those problems are inevitable with high elves, and completely avoidable with purely new races. Why bother? The game is doing fine without them. A few people miss out on one single thing that they want, but they still play the game, so it can’t be that bad.
High elves that all dye their hair in a shade of blue in memory of something or other, and to counter the Red of the Horde allied Blood Elves?
Not so much crawling back, but at first assuming everyone died in Silvermoon when Arthas sacked the place and corrupted the Sunwell. They stayed where it was safe, far to the south (for the most part), or on the outer reaches of Elven territories, holding out. Others were in Dalaran, and they had to fight or flee when the Scourge came from Silvermoon to summon Archimonde. Some regrouped with Kael following the fall of Dalaran. Some of these (possibly all) survivors went to Outland. Others returned to Silvermoon later and are still there. But there were possibly also some that stayed to rebuild Dalaran, that didn't go with Kael. These (aside from the ones that encountered Kael at Dalaran) likely didn't get the memo about the race change (name change to Blood Elf) until much later. Some way down south in Stormwind, may not have gotten the world about the name change until Silvermoon joined the Horde, and which point they would consider their homeland to be traitors to their old allies (the orcs, trolls, and undead had up to that point only ever caused the elves grief and death.) They probably didn't get word about what happened outside that the Scourge invaded the place and supposedly killed everyone. They likely didn't hear about what happened to Kael aside from maybe hearing about him siding with Naga at Dalaran than fleeing prison.
It is even worse off for the High Elves in Outland. (This group seems to never be counted with the rest of the population, since all the numbers refer for those in Silvermoon's area during the Third War, and not those away from Silvermoon at all). They were cut off from Azeroth for over 20 years. They may or may not have encountered Kael's forces in the aftermath of the Third War, along with Illidan's forces, but by the time the reinforcements show up, the now Blood Elves are with the Horde? The Horde's the whole reason the Sons of Lothar are even stuck on this rock of a dying planet. Screw the Horde.