1. #13021
    Quote Originally Posted by Ignaz View Post
    No such stupid sacrifice was necessary. That type of resource is used to immolate characters, and thus give a better development to the central characters (Gandalf, Obi Wan, Varian Wrynn!). If Blizzard had wanted to make an important sacrifice with the VE, they would all have died, not just a group. That is a real sacrifice.
    The group of VE that died left nothing behind. They were a group of VE who died doing what any other mage could have done and nothing else.
    It was a stupid decisión (by Blizzard and also by VE) knowing that they were so few.
    It wasn't stupid and it was necessary, since without that sacrifice the Alliance would have never been able to win a crushing victory at the Battle of Dazar'alor.

    Also really there were several Night elves and Worgen there too, two other races which are very low population-wise and were already stretched thin (since they were also fighting at the Battle of Darkshore -- Furthermore, the Kaldorei were also recently brought on the brink of extinction). But apparently only Void elves are the problem.

  2. #13022
    Quote Originally Posted by Manariel View Post

    There is two flavors of Blood Elves playable. None of High Elves.

    And VE doesn't fit the story more than the HE would have. Apart from one quest with void rift (and mages would have worked as well) and the incursion (which would have been different, obviously), everything done with them could have been done with the Silver Covenant.

    I like VE but they are a mess and won't ever matter much. And WoS was certainly not development for the Draenei. It ended being some for orcs, by virtue of the Mag'hars becoming Allied Race but, just like Argus, none of WoD was used to develop our draenei. We saw their past, and as my favorite race, I was thrilled and I still think that the draenei zone here are the more beautiful in the game.

    But the playable draenei did not grow thanks to it. We still don't know how they are organized, how they feel about the Horde, the LF, their life on Azeroth, rediscovering Argus. Or how the younger among them felt when they saw a world they never lived on !

    - - - Updated - - -

    I wouldn't sever all magical classes from HE. Priests and Mages could stay, but warlocks would be replaced by shamans (wildhammers influence) or druids (kaldorei influence). Still, classes would only be : warrior, hunters, rogues, mages, priests, shaman/druid.

    Of course, in reverse of VE/NB, the Horde would receive Druids of the Flame as an allied race

    Also, I don't find the Nightfallen ugly. They are gaunt, yes, but a tweaked Nightfallen skeleton for High Elves could have prettier faces while retaining this emaciated appearance. Kind of like fashion models IRL.
    I think removing Mages and replacing them with Shamans/Druids would underscore that the High elves are completely cut off from Arcane magic in that scenario.

    On an unrelated note, I think we should introduce the term: "Thalassian Elves"

    Cause that is a good overarching term for the species as a whole.

    Blood elves, Void elves, High elves, Felblood elves, etc. are all Thalassian Elves.

    But they're not all High elves, they originate from High elves but they have given up the name and changed both physically and culturally.
    Only the ones using the High elf name should be called High elves.

    However, the modern High elves have also shifted culturally from the Pre-Scourge High elves.
    Last edited by Gurluas; 2019-11-12 at 09:02 PM.

  3. #13023
    Quote Originally Posted by Gurluas View Post
    I think removing Mages and replacing them with Shamans/Druids would underscore that the High elves are completely cut off from Arcane magic in that scenario.

    On an unrelated note, I think we should introduce the term: "Thalassian Elves"

    Cause that is a good overarching term for the species as a whole.

    Blood elves, Void elves, High elves, Felblood elves, etc. are all Thalassian Elves.

    But they're not all High elves, they originate from High elves but they have given up the name and changed both physically and culturally.
    Only the ones using the High elf name should be called High elves.

    However, the modern High elves have also shifted culturally from the Pre-Scourge High elves.
    It could work also, to remove Mages and Warlocks. i'm not against it at all ^^

    As for the Thalassian Elves, I think it's absically something like this :

    Old High Elves

    Main inheritors of the Old High Elves society and culture
    Mostly accultured inheritors of the Old High Elves society and culture

    Blood Elves
    New High Elves

    Wretched Felblood Void Elves

  4. #13024
    Quote Originally Posted by Ignaz View Post
    They are not the same race anymore. They are the same species but different races

    Nothing we've seen so far suggests they're so different that they're completely different races. Every living adult Blood Elf used to be a High Elf, the change in name didn't happen ages ago, it happened like 15 years ago, if that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    I'm not being disingenuous. It's explained pretty well in the very next line in my post you seem to have skipped over:

    It doesn't matter that Horde has playable blood elves. Because people asking for Alliance high elves do not want Horde blood elves. People who want to play as Alliance high elves want to play the group of Thalassian elves not represented by the Horde blood elves. It's such a simple concept, really.
    What I said doesn't contradict what you wrote. I'm saying the race itself is already playable. I understand the argument that people want Alliance aligned High Elves and that specifically is what people want to play, I'm just reiterating the fact that the High Elf race is already an in-game playable race. The Alliance aligned faction is not playable and that's what people want.

    I've already acknowledged that it's plausible lore wise for them to be playable and there's no lore reason for them NOT to be playable on the Alliance. At this point it's not about lore though, apparently, otherwise they'd already be there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post
    This is a dishonest argument regardless because of Allied Races. If we were only ever expected to have one species (1 dwarf, 1 human, 1 troll, 1 orc) then we wouldn't have received extra copies of those races anyway and the Allied Races system would not exist.

    Trying to say that "High elf as a race is available, go make a blood elf" is just as meaningless as saying "Dark Iron as a race is available, go make a dwarf" before they actually released the Dark Iron Allied Race.
    1) I never said High Elf is available, go play a Blood Elf
    2) Your analogy is not accurate as Dark Iron dwarves were never represented in the line up of dwarven cosmetic options. They have a completely different aesthetic from normal dwarves. The only meaningful difference, aesthetically, between a Horde Blood Elf and an Alliance High Elf are blue eyes. A different eye color is hardly enough reason to make a completely different playable race.

  5. #13025
    Quote Originally Posted by Katchii View Post

    Nothing we've seen so far suggests they're so different that they're completely different races. Every living adult Blood Elf used to be a High Elf, the change in name didn't happen ages ago, it happened like 15 years ago, if that.

    What I said doesn't contradict what you wrote. I'm saying the race itself is already playable. I understand the argument that people want Alliance aligned High Elves and that specifically is what people want to play, I'm just reiterating the fact that the High Elf race is already an in-game playable race. The Alliance aligned faction is not playable and that's what people want.

    I've already acknowledged that it's plausible lore wise for them to be playable and there's no lore reason for them NOT to be playable on the Alliance. At this point it's not about lore though, apparently, otherwise they'd already be there.

    1) I never said High Elf is available, go play a Blood Elf
    2) Your analogy is not accurate as Dark Iron dwarves were never represented in the line up of dwarven cosmetic options. They have a completely different aesthetic from normal dwarves. The only meaningful difference, aesthetically, between a Horde Blood Elf and an Alliance High Elf are blue eyes. A different eye color is hardly enough reason to make a completely different playable race.
    Plus Blood elves will most likely receive blue eyes anyway (indeed, lorewise it's stated that the taint of the Fel will fate in time).

    Also technically we already have one of the two Alliance-aligned High elves playable.

  6. #13026
    Quote Originally Posted by Tenebra View Post
    It wasn't stupid and it was necessary, since without that sacrifice the Alliance would have never been able to win a crushing victory at the Battle of Dazar'alor.

    Also really there were several Night elves and Worgen there too, two other races which are very low population-wise and were already stretched thin (since they were also fighting at the Battle of Darkshore -- Furthermore, the Kaldorei were also recently brought on the brink of extinction). But apparently only Void elves are the problem.
    Dude, the problem is not just the void elves, is their narrative. The essence of that sacrifice was null. They were just NPCs who died. No names, no friends, no empathize.
    And the worse things is that there are more of them, so we don't have to cry for nothing

    Varina was a great character: he did the same sacrifice and we cry for him. Why? Because he was well developed and we get in love with this character. We can't say the same for void elves.
    That's the difference between something well done and something stinky.

  7. #13027
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tenebra View Post
    It wasn't stupid and it was necessary, since without that sacrifice the Alliance would have never been able to win a crushing victory at the Battle of Dazar'alor.
    It is stupid if your people's numbers are those resembling a classroom or an investigation team. Or... A crack squad. It is simply nonsensical.

    Also really there were several Night elves and Worgen there too, two other races which are very low population-wise and were already stretched thin (since they were also fighting at the Battle of Darkshore -- Furthermore, the Kaldorei were also recently brought on the brink of extinction). But apparently only Void elves are the problem.
    Leftovers from a nation tend to be way bigger than a big classroom, being generous.

  8. #13028
    Void elf lore is a contradiction in itself.

    Void elf lore: "We study the Void to defend Quel'thalas." Proceed to join the Alliance.
    Void elf lore: Small band of scholars studying the void. But we see warriors, hunters and seemly big numbers of them despite no explanation.
    Void elf lore: "What? Did you think my people use the void as a toy"? And yet they put void in wine, jewelry and any other cosmetic or daily applications.
    Void elf lore: "We learned to control the void and resist its whispers". And yet no role against all void threats in the whole expansion that introduced them.
    Last edited by DeicideUH; 2019-11-12 at 11:01 PM.

  9. #13029
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katchii View Post
    Your analogy is not accurate as Dark Iron dwarves were never represented in the line up of dwarven cosmetic options. They have a completely different aesthetic from normal dwarves. The only meaningful difference, aesthetically, between a Horde Blood Elf and an Alliance High Elf are blue eyes. A different eye color is hardly enough reason to make a completely different playable race.
    Yes they were lol. I believe I showed a screenshot before how they have dark skin and red eyes which is obviously supposed to be the "Dark Iron" option.

    And if you look on Classic it's even more obvious that was put there for people that wanted to be "Dark Iron Dwarves".

    That's a Classic DID. And your character dwarf could look like that
    Last edited by FlubberPuddy; 2019-11-12 at 11:38 PM.

  10. #13030
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serenity River View Post
    But if High elves then become Void Elves won't that make them hypocrites?
    They will have to become Void elves in the first place.

    Let's remember that we don't know if they can convert more, or if they want to do it, or if they are actually researching it, or what are the reasons for anyone to willingly become such abomination that indulges the individual into a magical schizophrenia.

    Oh yeah, and the risk of becoming dust, or something worst, oh yeah, so desirable.

    Oh yeah yeah

  11. #13031
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serenity River View Post
    This is where I don't understand where Void elves are getting all their numbers from as from what I've read there were no survivors in Nazmir and a lot of them were Void elves.
    Me neither, and this also happens with the Death Knights and the Demon Hunters, we know there is a limited number of them, but there are NPCs here and there, and with Demon Hunters it was actually ok, but as soon as 7.0 hit we saw more Death Knights than ever, and soon the big number of them will make more sense given the new situation. But until then, the only Death Knights of the Ebon Blade that existed were from the third generation of Death Knights, years ago and loosing members again and again.

    Oh, and Lightforged Draenei are also not very numerous, and they also participated in the suicide mission, but they at least are more 'normal' than the Void elves, and have been fighting for millenia on starships, so even them, being not so great in numbers, are more reasonable to throw in such missions than Void elves.

    But with Void elves? Yeah, Demon Hunters and Death Knights at least were implied to have started with some sort of a population, like actual armies, but these guys were an actual team of researchers, such a thing, and even being secret, could have been composed of 100 members, or even 200 being generous, and these aren't numbers that anybody should be able to dispatch.

    The only reason why Void elf population is pointed out at all is because it just throws to the trashcan the argument that there aren't enough High elves left to be playable, but even then this was possible to be pointed out as bullshit by simply pointing at all these 'near the brink of extinction' races, such as Mulgore Tauren or Darkspear Trolls, which were almost decimated by the Centaurs and Murlocs (Commanded by a sea witch) respectively.

    The sad thing is that the population argument has to be repeated time and time again when it has been demonstrated to mean absolutely zero.

    Hell, just look how the small numbers of Void elves are defended when pointed out, using excuses, some more flimsy than others, and they are available to players! It is just a big nonsense, but here we are, discussing again and again with the same dishonest people who just want to take a dump on the High elf request through lots and lots of meaningless arguments, for what may I ask, but the response might be so stupid I can't have the guts to try to guess it.

    At the end of the day, the only important thing is that the request is about something that exist and is settled in the folklore of Warcraft. While that stands up, everything else can simply go to hell, sincerely.
    Last edited by Aldo Hawk; 2019-11-13 at 12:19 AM.

  12. #13032
    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post
    Yes they were lol. I believe I showed a screenshot before how they have dark skin and red eyes which is obviously supposed to be the "Dark Iron" option.


    And if you look on Classic it's even more obvious that was put there for people that wanted to be "Dark Iron Dwarves".


    That's a Classic DID. And your character dwarf could look like that
    That's interesting. It seems odd though that they'd add Dark Iron Dwarves specifically if they technically already existed as an option.

  13. #13033
    Quote Originally Posted by Serenity River View Post
    But if High elves then become Void Elves won't that make them hypocrites?
    No, if it's not a choice.

  14. #13034
    Quote Originally Posted by Katchii View Post

    Nothing we've seen so far suggests they're so different that they're completely different races. Every living adult Blood Elf used to be a High Elf, the change in name didn't happen ages ago, it happened like 15 years ago, if that.

    What I said doesn't contradict what you wrote. I'm saying the race itself is already playable. I understand the argument that people want Alliance aligned High Elves and that specifically is what people want to play, I'm just reiterating the fact that the High Elf race is already an in-game playable race. The Alliance aligned faction is not playable and that's what people want.

    I've already acknowledged that it's plausible lore wise for them to be playable and there's no lore reason for them NOT to be playable on the Alliance. At this point it's not about lore though, apparently, otherwise they'd already be there.

    1) I never said High Elf is available, go play a Blood Elf
    2) Your analogy is not accurate as Dark Iron dwarves were never represented in the line up of dwarven cosmetic options. They have a completely different aesthetic from normal dwarves. The only meaningful difference, aesthetically, between a Horde Blood Elf and an Alliance High Elf are blue eyes. A different eye color is hardly enough reason to make a completely different playable race.

    If you are a 26y.old latinamerican guy what make you different from a European 26y.old guy?
    Can you say that you are the same race.?

    I think you are confusing race with species.

  15. #13035
    You high elf fans and/or detractors want to go check the frontpage, see the elf eye change, and then go direct your vitriol at blizzard?
    Cheerful lack of self-preservation

  16. #13036
    Quote Originally Posted by Ignaz View Post
    If you are a 26y.old latinamerican guy what make you different from a European 26y.old guy?
    Can you say that you are the same race.?

    I think you are confusing race with species.
    You realize that every living adult Blood Elf literally used to be called a High Elf right? That the difference is in name only? That Lorthemar, Lady Liadrin, and Rommath all used to call themselves High Elves? Or are you insinuating that they all used to be European and are now Latin American (or vice versa)?

    The analogy you're looking for is a 26 year old Caucasian Brit who left Britain to live in America and now calls himself an American vs a 26 year old Caucasian Brit who still lives in Britain and calls himself British. Because that's the difference between High Elves and Blood Elves.

  17. #13037
    Quote Originally Posted by Katchii View Post
    You realize that every living adult Blood Elf literally used to be called a High Elf right? That the difference is in name only? That Lorthemar, Lady Liadrin, and Rommath all used to call themselves High Elves? Or are you insinuating that they all used to be European and are now Latin American (or vice versa)?

    The analogy you're looking for is a 26 year old Caucasian Brit who left Britain to live in America and now calls himself an American vs a 26 year old Caucasian Brit who still lives in Britain and calls himself British. Because that's the difference between High Elves and Blood Elves.
    Ok what happen if you use/consum/interact with fel magic?

    What happen with VE when they get infuse with void energy? Why that change makes VE a different race from BE?

    What makes orcs turn their skin to green? Why just green skin makes orcs a different race from Mag'har?

    Why can't that apply with HE and BE?

  18. #13038
    Quote Originally Posted by Ignaz View Post
    Ok what happen if you use/consum/interact with fel magic?

    What happen with VE when they get infuse with void energy? Why that change makes VE a different race from BE?

    What makes orcs turn their skin to green? Why just green skin makes orcs a different race from Mag'har?

    Why can't that apply with HE and BE?
    Green eyes vs Blue eyes = different race? Someone smoking pot and getting bloodshot eyes means they're a different race? Because that's all that happened to Blood Elves for the green eyes, they simply used Fel magic to sate their addiction in the absence of the Sunwell, and many are getting golden eyes back.

    Green Orcs are still orcs. Mag'har literally just means untainted, they're not a completely different race. Them being a different playable race, for game play reasons, doesn't mean they're actually completely different races.

    Void Elves are completely suffused with Void Magic to the point it changed their bodies.

    What happened to Void Elves is not at all the same thing that happened to Blood Elves, equating the two is setting a false equivalence.

  19. #13039
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    there is nothing wrong in the fact that they are the same race, therefore, already playable
    The Horde blood elves are playable. Alliance high elves are not playable, and any claim otherwise is either ignorant, or dishonest.
    don't realize or acknowledge that both groups you cited here are the same race is being ignorant or dishonest.

    So which one are you? Are you being ignorant, or dishonest? Considering the amount of times you've posted in this thread, I doubt your issue here is "lack of knowledge".
    you know this can be applied to yourself as well,right??

    "Playable race" does not equal "actual race". In fact, "playable race" only equals "a specific group within said race".
    nope, it is both, if it was, it would be perfectly specified, and it should not be "playable race "and instead "playable group/faction/organization"

    As a human, you're a Stormwind human, not "all humans", for example.
    that matters zero, you would not get a "guilneas human" or an "alterac human" as playable race, because the race human is already playable and make little no no-sense, introduce the same race again as playable, when its already playable

    In the creation screen there is "human" not "stormwind human,

    Which is why saying "the race is already playable in the Horde" is not only wrong, but very disingenuous to this conversation.
    disingenuous is how you are trying to manipulate things here, saying "its not the same race because they don't use race but a group, then its not the same race" the race is already playable, it don't matter what group you are talking about

    yeah, i know they are different groups, not all high elves are blood elves, but they are th same race regardless.

    And this will fall even more underground since they are making the wildhammer dwarves, who are(or should be) way more different than normal dwarves as a mere customization for normal dwarves. Lets say that to me is delusion to think they will make the exactly same race with blue eyes in the other faction. People should preach way more for half-elves

    Considering the position of many anti-high-elf in this thread basically boils down to "you just want our fair-skinned elves in your Alliance", I was simply curious if you approved of "having our purple-skinned elves in your Horde".
    Considering how many of the high elf fans desires only boil down to "i only want a fair-skinned elf" i would not blame the "antis"

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ignaz View Post
    Ok what happen if you use/consum/interact with fel magic?
    nothing, or too much, depending on the quantity.
    What happen with VE when they get infuse with void energy? Why that change makes VE a different race from BE?
    void mutation?
    What makes orcs turn their skin to green? Why just green skin makes orcs a different race from Mag'har?
    not just the green skin, but coming from another dimension and timeline, the blood curse from manoroth enhanced the orcs bloodfury, thats why maghar don't have like that.

    Why can't that apply with HE and BE?
    because nothing like that happened, the blood elves only get a bit of exposure of fel magic, and they are exactly the same, unlike void elves and maghar, who at least, have different skin colors.

  20. #13040
    that matters zero, you would not get a "guilneas human" or an "alterac human" as playable race, because the race human is already playable and make little no no-sense, introduce the same race again as playable, when its already playable
    Hello? Kul'Tiran Human?

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