1. #13061
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    I remember the developers said the pandaren are the only neutral race in the game
    What is to prove with this statement?

    Yes, the Pandaren are the only neutral race in the game, because that is what is available. Before, then the statement would have been: 'There are not neutral races in the game'.

    And even going past that, this just misses the point. When mentioning Pandaren, the idea is not for High elves to be presented as neutral, if not for simply pointing out that we have an exact 1:1 carbon copy on both factions already, including background, racials, classes, voicelines, etc... And that High elves are over such concept of being a carbon copy when facing statements saying they look exactly the same.

  2. #13062
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeicideUH View Post
    ANd it's not even the final look.
    I wanna see what it looks like on Void Elves.

    Also, still wishing for Night Elven Paladins too. Lol

    I really just want an elven Paladin on Alliance side.

    Or something other than a human, dwarf, Draenei, or gnome.

    The Kyrian would be dope!

  3. #13063
    Field Marshal Rivex's Avatar
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    New Blood Elf DK eyes on PTR have answered your prayers.

  4. #13064
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rivex View Post
    New Blood Elf DK eyes on PTR have answered your prayers.

    First, that is a WIP.

    Second, you are missing the point.

    Third, you know how much bullshit your post is

    What a shame.

  5. #13065
    Quote Originally Posted by Saradain View Post
    They say Void elves are the High elves we will ever have. High elves have paladins in their ranks. Void elves cannot be paladins. That is my problem, as a paladin main since 2007.
    You know High elves wouldn't have paladins either because the only Thalassian paladins ever mentioned in the lore are the Blood Knights, right?

  6. #13066
    Quote Originally Posted by Tenebra View Post
    You know High elves wouldn't have paladins either because the only Thalassian paladins ever mentioned in the lore are the Blood Knights, right?
    I hope you're trolling. Argent Tournament has loads of High Elf paladins, there are paladins in The Silver Covenant, too. You can find this with a quick google.

  7. #13067
    Quote Originally Posted by Teldrien View Post
    I hope you're trolling. Argent Tournament has loads of High Elf paladins, there are paladins in The Silver Covenant, too. You can find this with a quick google.
    A "quick google" told me that there are only two known High Elf paladins in the game, one of which is a trainer in Dalaran, and the other is a NPC in the Argent Tournament grounds.

  8. #13068
    Quote Originally Posted by scubi666stacy View Post
    Well I am intrigued and fascinated by the Etherials since TBC. I would love to play at least one characters. They would have been a perfect neutral race to add to both factions, with some modifications to their models so they can use armour / weapons available for player characters. But this will probably never happen, and I can live with that race being just NPC.

    And I don't care how many High Elf NPCs are out there. They are just tools, plot devices. And they seem not to be important to Blizzard, because Blood Elves and Void Elves seem to contribute more to the story of WoW, thus they have the status of being a playable race.

    Honestly, I don't get this race demand mentality. It's Blizzard's game, their world and their story. For everything else, there is pen & paper RPG and fanfiction. Just wait and see.
    That's your opinion or whatever, but people have been asking for ethereals as a playable race since TBC, so you're probably in the minority amongst fellow ethereal enthusiasts as well (we don't have the numbers of people asking for ethereals as a playable race, thus the "probably"). So my point still stands.

    You may not care for high elves NPC's, but obviously I do. And I'd wager some other people do too. Again, that's your prerogative, and it's fine. But it's not really stronger or more definitive than mine. I've been playing since vanilla and have wanted high elves on Alliance since vanilla, blood elves on Horde are not what I asked for, as are void elves. And concerning the mentality -- Blizzard have obviously the final say since it's their game, but your mentality is basically "people who play this game shouldn't ask for anything because they're not making it", which is... strange, to say the least. The game is first and foremost made for us to play, and there at least must be a middle ground between what a developer wants and what the players want. We have the right to ask for something that would make the game better in our opinion, Blizzard has the right to deny it, and we in turn have the right to be angry about that, as any unsatisfied customer would have.
    Last edited by romskee1; 2019-11-13 at 02:15 PM. Reason: Didn't quote to whom I was replying

  9. #13069
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tenebra View Post
    You know High elves wouldn't have paladins either because the only Thalassian paladins ever mentioned in the lore are the Blood Knights, right?

    Just please stop, you are making it hard for everyone, including yourself.

  10. #13070
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post

    Just please stop, you are making it hard for everyone, including yourself.
    I'm not trying to start anything here, but I looked through that article and the only mention of high elves in the Church of the Holy Light is from the Alliance Player's Guide, for the WoW RPG. Do you have a canon source for that?

  11. #13071
    Quote Originally Posted by Tenebra View Post
    A "quick google" told me that there are only two known High Elf paladins in the game, one of which is a trainer in Dalaran, and the other is a NPC in the Argent Tournament grounds.
    So not only did you just debunk your own previous statement in that that High Elf paladins don't exist at all, but that you also didn't understand what you just googled. It said that that NPCs you are referring two are two such NPCs, indicating that they are just examples.

  12. #13072
    Quote Originally Posted by Teldrien View Post
    So not only did you just debunk your own previous statement in that that High Elf paladins don't exist at all, but that you also didn't understand what you just googled. It said that that NPCs you are referring two are two such NPCs, indicating that they are just examples.
    I didn't debunk anything (well, except your "argument"). If two people were enough to have a playable class then we would have Night Elf Paladins or Tauren Warlocks already. Also, you told me I could find with a quick google that there are loads of paladins in the Silver Covenant, which is not the case at all.

    Also, the usual tact and eloquence of Helfers, ladies and gentlemen...
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2019-11-13 at 02:32 PM.

  13. #13073
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    there is nothing wrong in the fact that they are the same race, therefore, already playable
    Playable race =/= actual race.

    A little fact you keep ignoring.

    don't realize or acknowledge that both groups you cited here are the same race is being ignorant or dishonest.
    Read above.

    nope, it is both,
    Then you openly admit to dishonesty. Ok.

  14. #13074
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    A void elf is a corrupted blood elf saved by Alleria. If there was a high elf skin option, we would just play a high elf using the void.

    Also, a daily reminder blood elves are corrupted high elves, and no longer consider themselves as high elves.
    Don't want to burst your bubble, but the "corruption" thing is not a thing anymore since the end of TBC, when the Sunwell was restored. If you want to see some corrupted High Elves, then look up "fel elves" or something. These are as corrupted as Eredar compared to the Draenei. Green eyes are nothing.

  15. #13075
    Quote Originally Posted by scubi666stacy View Post
    Don't want to burst your bubble, but the "corruption" thing is not a thing anymore since the end of TBC, when the Sunwell was restored. If you want to see some corrupted High Elves, then look up "fel elves" or something. These are as corrupted as Eredar compared to the Draenei. Green eyes are nothing.
    Well really even with the green eyes they were still biologically High elves, as Blizzard stated. Now that the Sunwell is restored, the Fel taint will fade in time and their eyes will return to their original blue colour (I suppose a similar process happened with the Void elves in which the Void simply removed the Fel in their eyes -- Except in Alleria's case, of course).

  16. #13076
    Quote Originally Posted by Tenebra View Post
    I didn't debunk anything. If two people were enough to have a playable class then we would have Night Elf Paladins or Tauren Warlocks already. Also, you told me I could find with a quick google that there are loads of paladins in the Silver Covenant, which is not the case at all.

    Also, the usual tact and eloquence of Helfers, ladies and gentlemen...
    You said that they don't exist, when they clearly do. Especially if one of those NPCs is a paladin trainer then clearly there are more. Good Lord. High Elf Paladins were crucial in the Third War, why in the world would they stop being Paladins when they defect? They didn't only start becoming Paladins when they became Blood Elves.

  17. #13077
    Quote Originally Posted by Teldrien View Post
    You said that they don't exist, when they clearly do. Especially if one of those NPCs is a paladin trainer then clearly there are more. Good Lord. High Elf Paladins were crucial in the Third War, why in the world would they stop being Paladins when they defect? They didn't only start becoming Paladins when they became Blood Elves.
    There's also a Warlock trainer in Dalaran yet the very same Helfers who made that race concept believe there shouldn't be High Elf Warlocks. Looks like Helfers can't even agree with each other LOL.

    Yes, High Elf PRIESTS were crucial in the Third War, because the QUEL'DOREI, the vast majority of which would then rename themselves SIN'DOREI, supported the Alliance during the Scourge invasion of Lordaeron.
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2019-11-13 at 02:43 PM.

  18. #13078
    Quote Originally Posted by Tenebra View Post
    There's also a Warlock trainer in Dalaran yet the very same Helfers who made that character concept believe there shouldn't be High Elf Warlocks. Looks like Helfers can't even agree with each other LOL.

    Yes, High Elf PRIESTS were crucial in the Third War, because the QUEL'DOREI, the vast majority of which would then rename themselves SIN'DOREI, supported the Alliance during the Scourge invasion of Lordaeron.
    Not only were the High Elf priests crucial in the Third War, but also their paladins. After the Third War they didn't suddenly go "you know what mates let's be paladins".

    Not all people that support the High Elf idea share the exact same views. Lobbing petty remarks also doesn't really help your argument. Again, all this can be found with a google.

  19. #13079
    Quote Originally Posted by Teldrien View Post
    So not only did you just debunk your own previous statement in that that High Elf paladins don't exist at all, but that you also didn't understand what you just googled. It said that that NPCs you are referring two are two such NPCs, indicating that they are just examples.
    Dalaran did come back into existence after the events of TBC. The changes to the sunwell would enable the high elves to have a paladin class if they so desired to be one. Of course, they would also have warlocks. Of course, none of this will occur since blood elves give everything a high elf would.

  20. #13080
    Quote Originally Posted by Teldrien View Post
    Not only were the High Elf priests crucial in the Third War, but also their paladins. After the Third War they didn't suddenly go "you know what mates let's be paladins".

    Not all people that support the High Elf idea share the exact same views. Lobbing petty remarks also doesn't really help your argument. Again, all this can be found with a google.
    Never heard of any High Elf paladin in the Third War, never saw one in Warcraft III, never read about one on Wowpedia. You'll have to be more specific.

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