I see what you're saying, and am glad their design ideas aren't static...that would be pretty dumb in a living game like this.
The statement of the race existing already is really only to reiterate that High Elves and Blood Elves are the same race, and that honestly, the "High Elf" culture is now the Blood Elf culture as they are the racial group that stayed in their homeland, are growing as a people and progressing their culture. High Elves aren't really doing that since they don't really have a centralized home city/ country anymore since they left Silvermoon, and lorewise, don't have a big enough population to ever thrive again (game play wise that argument is out the window with Void Elves starting with a small group yet there are thousands of them now...). They're integrating with the cultures of the people's they live with, not growing and propagating their own.
I completely understand the fantasy of wanting to play an Alliance aligned High Elf and wasn't trying to belittle or downplay that fantasy, the only point is literally to point out that if the race is what you care about, and not necessarily the faction, the race already exists since Blood Elves ARE High Elves in all but political affiliations.
I'm not sure if the new picture of the blue eyed Blood Elf on the front page is a Death Knight or not, it doesn't look like it, though. If it's not, that pretty much confirms that Blood Elves are getting a blue eye option.So Blood Elf players can stop asking for Blue Eyes option then yeah? It's in now, just make a Belf DK?Let's see if they do.
The reaction of the public. When you cry the loss of an imaginary character is because it was well developed (Varian died, everyone cry).
I didn't see anyone cry for VE NPCs. No YouTube videos about that. 0 controversy.
We all hope to see Varian in Shadowlands vs Nobody expects to see stupid VE NPCs in Shadowlands
I personally thought his "sacrifice" was absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary and almost laughed out loud at how forced it was....1 human dude vs the fucking Legion and he thinks he's going to do anything meaningful when you have a giant airship, mages and mechanical creations all available to help out?
And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one, but still, me alone means that not everyone cried at his death and I DO expect to see Void Elves in Shadowlands since they've given just as much to the cause as any other Alliance troops, and I expect to see Alliance troops in Shadowlands.
There goes your argument.
"Blood elves were once high elves allied with the humans like the dwarves. Like the two others, high elves also believed in the Holy Light. A few were members of the Silver Hand, such as Mehlar Dawnblade, while others belonged to the high elven Royal Guard. The high elves began to distance themselves from Light worship after the Third War, during which Quel'Thalas came under the brutal attack of the undead Scourge. The survivors, now calling themselves blood elves, came to view the Light (which many believed had abandoned their homeland in its hour of greatest need) with contempt. "
There have always been High Elf paladins because they worshiped the Light and were taught by The Church of the Holy Light and The Silver Hand. It didn't change after the Third War.
It's almost like people don't do reaction videos for a MMORPG quest, but they do for a CGI cinematic...
And yet there were a total amount of 0 High Elf paladins in the reformed Silver Hand in Legion (well, aside from the Blood Knights of course). Also, let's see who's mentioned...
Mehlar Dawnblade: Blood Elf
Royal Guard (Quel'thalas): The only one I could find is reformed under the Sin'dorei and its members became Blood Knights.
Also, there's no proof that that passage you quoted referred to Highvale/Silver Covenant High elves and not to High elves who then became Blood Knights (which is very likely, as I proved just now).
i don't see how this can have a remotely sense, when you play human you play human, sure the ones you play come from stormwind, but they don't stop being human, the race on the screen is "human" only, and it make no sense to add the same race again just because its comes from another kingdom.
they are the same race regardless, you saying "they are not the same playable race" because technicality and twisting is the dishonesty to meRead above.
And if you have to reach that far and hard trying to make this possible, like a lawyer trying to find a hole in the law, just show how this will not/should not, be a thing.
you play human, regardless of where comes, you play orc, regardless for where it come, same with dwarves, and so on, don't know how its dishonesty saying a fact.Then you openly admit to dishonesty. Ok.
and like i said with dwarves, they are even giving options of other groups to the actual race, so this arguments falls again when they could( and prob will) give blue eyes to blood elves.
You asked for proof of High Elf paladins before the Third War, and I've provided them. You asked for current High Elf paladin NPCs, and I've provided them as well. Putting the two together means that Alliance High Elves did not stop worshiping the Light post Third War. At least not all, clearly. As not all High Elves turned into Blood Elves which, again, is clearly the case because we have High Elf paladin NPCs.
And no, there are no High Elf paladins in the Paladin Order Hall, but that also doesn't mean they don't exist. There are no High Elf Priests in the Netherlight Temple, does that mean there are no High Elf Priests? The same logic then applies to the other Order Halls, even if there are ones that do have High Elves like the Mage Order Hall.
The passage doesn't have to apply to The Silver Covenant or Highvale because it applies to all High Elves. There were and are a good number of High Elves that worship the Light. The aftermath of the Third War might have shook their faith a little just like their Blood Elf brothers, but there hasn't been any mention or proof of the High Elves opting out of their faith because, again, there are High Elf paladins and priests.
I would argue that she is still not a void elf, she is a high elf with a void form, akin to a shadow priest. Void really didn't affect her physically as much as it did other void elves, if affected at all, considering how she constantly walks around in her high elven form.