1. #13261
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Why are you quoting me, if you say we need a differnt model.. meaning you didnt read.
    There is no reason why that model needs to be changed..
    why couldn't i? You have your idea, good for you. I have mine.
    It's an open discussion, not a private one

    Also: stop with the nozdormu model bullshit, they are no night elves my god.
    I will continue asking for any model that I want, you cannot force me to not ask for something you don't want.

    Also: if you don't want to be quoted, then you have to open a private post where you can't be quoted.
    And also: Nozdormu is personified with the form of a HE not a NE. He has the old NE model, that's another thing.

  2. #13262
    Banned Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    So, I'll repeat again to get into your thick skull: Kul'Tirans were already planned as an allied race before the game even went live.
    because the playerbase asked for, they would not be one, and thats why they did other 3 races for the launch instead of then obviously

    Quote Originally Posted by Ignaz View Post
    prove it wrong, im waiting.
    dude, What world do you live in?
    in the real world, where a person don't grow 2ft tall because a lifestyle, i will ignore everything else you said in this part cause you have no idea what you are talking about.

    do that research by yourself, I won't make things easier like that.
    You made the claim, you are the one to proof those kinds of things, not me, until that its bullshit and it will not happen with elves.

    not headcanon, just logic. And Again, it is one thing to say that you are no longer addicted and another is to prove it.
    and one thing is to say you still are and how you didn't prove that.

    mmm... wow principles say otherwise.
    what wow principles? the ones in your head? cause the encyclopedia make pretty clear.
    man, I will not explain it again. if you don't want to understand it, fine; I do not care. Anyway, numbers are no longer an excuse to make a race non-playable
    how can you explin something you are wrong about it? i didn't make the number claim, you did and you were still wrong about it.

    Not in this case
    it always have to do with, its the population dynamics.

    There are differences, you just don't want to see them
    fanfic and headcanon differences are out of question, and eys i don't see those.

    High elves and blood elves are physiologically the same race, and the difference between high and blood elves is only political

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Astranea View Post
    Seriously dude, the NE already have pink skins.
    a ton of pink skin yes not "white" human skin like blood elves, they don't have human/blood elf color;

    If by your own words all the totally new colors of the darkspear trolls can be dismissed as genetic variations due to common heritage, there is no way one or two extra pink skins would break the elven lore. They also used o be the the same people... which is why they do not only have blue skins.
    the problem is those already existed ingame and have lore reasons of why they exist.
    Yet I am still waiting for the part where you explain me why hair dyes used by barber shops would be against the lore if they were unlocked for all races.
    i don't remember saying they can't get hair color tough

    Except that night elves in game ALREADY have several pink skins. But maybe you never played alliance and do not know. Should I make a screenshot?
    sure, again pink, not human skin color, the ones blood elves have

    Argument invalid. People complain that they wanted high elf COLORS, not the blood elf model specifically. They would be very happy with another original model, in fact.
    like i said, most people on this threads are clearly adamant and only want "alliance high elves" they don't care much about a compromise, and anything else it would be considered a defeat, so they can do that, they can invent some nonsense lore reason of why they are white now, but i bet my left nut it will not be enough and people would still want "alliance high elves"

  3. #13263
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    because the playerbase asked for, they would not be one, and thats why they did other 3 races for the launch instead of then obviously
    You have to be baiting, by now. You not only have absolutely zero evidence that Kul'Tirans were added "due to player demand" and "were done in one patch" other than your delusions, but we have developer commentary AND a post from the MMO-Champion's front page posted in the same day as your "Holy Article" saying that Kul'Tirans were already planned as allied race before BfA even went live!

    There's a few names for what you're doing: being delusional, denying reality, and other less friendly terms that could get me infracted.
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
    "You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  4. #13264
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    because the playerbase asked for, they would not be one, and thats why they did other 3 races for the launch instead of then obviously
    If this were the case then it would be another incentive to keep asking for HE

    prove it wrong, im waiting.
    You just have to see them, it's easy.

    in the real world, where a person don't grow 2ft tall because a lifestyle, i will ignore everything else you said in this part cause you have no idea what you are talking about.
    Read again...or not. I don't care about your lack of knowledge anymore.

    You made the claim, you are the one to proof those kinds of things, not me, until that its bullshit and it will not happen with elves.
    you just have to look for before / after photos of people who have lost or gained a lot of weight and see the difference in their faces. I will not do it for you.

    and one thing is to say you still are and how you didn't prove that.
    I don't know if you think that if you say you got over your addiction but still smoking, youy stop being addicted
    You have to study a little more that case.

    what wow principles? the ones in your head? cause the encyclopedia make pretty clear.
    Principles that are well established since the franchise begins; like the consequence of interacting with fel energy.

    how can you explin something you are wrong about it? i didn't make the number claim, you did and you were still wrong about it.
    You have to work a little more with that logic of yours

    it always have to do with, its the population dynamics.
    Not in this case, we are talking about an imaginary long-lived population of beings that can live up to 500 years or more. Simple

    fanfic and headcanon differences are out of question, and eys i don't see those.
    Of course you don't. That's why you have to open your eyes and see that are not fanfic and headcanon. It's easy.
    Last edited by Ignaz; 2019-11-17 at 03:11 PM.

  5. #13265
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    It would be better if, when the Void Elf customization pass comes (and right now it is years away), that Blizzard leans into the void aspect of the Void Elves and fully expresses that fantasy rather than attempting to pretend to be something they can't be.
    They're not doing this with current upcoming race customization. And nothing they've said indicates this. You'd be absurd to think that the amount of variety the original races are getting won't be something desired by those that consider an Allied Race their favorite race to play.

    Also here: "Want some of my jungle love?" - Male Troll flirt. Specific to the jungle. https://wow.gamepedia.com/Flirt

    Again, not that it even has to go that deep because a 1 population race (Dark Troll) is becoming a customization option.

    Everything about the upcoming customizations just screams "variety" "diversity" and I think you're at a fault trying to lean in and think that people who unlocked Allied Races would like to be treated 2nd-handed in terms of the increased customization options.

    These are also races that are considered "prestige races" that you unlock aka more effort put into getting to play them than any of the current original races. Why would people who put more effort into a race unlock be alright with lesser diversity in their race options when their time comes?
    Last edited by FlubberPuddy; 2019-11-17 at 06:29 PM.

  6. #13266
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post
    They're not doing this with current upcoming race customization. And nothing they've said indicates this. You'd be absurd to think that the amount of variety the original races are getting won't be something desired by those that consider an Allied Race their favorite race to play.

    Also here: "Want some of my jungle love?" - Male Troll flirt. Specific to the jungle. https://wow.gamepedia.com/Flirt

    Again, not that it even has to go that deep because a 1 population race (Dark Troll) is becoming a customization option.

    Everything about the upcoming customizations just screams "variety" "diversity" and I think you're at a fault trying to lean in and think that people who unlocked Allied Races would like to be treated 2nd-handed in terms of the increased customization options.

    These are also races that are considered "prestige races" that you unlock aka more effort put into getting to play them than any of the current original races. Why would people who put more effort into a race unlock be alright with lesser diversity in their race options when their time comes?
    Page 700. How depressing.

    In regards to your response, the original response still stands. The original races have a lot more leeway in terms of customization of carrying forth the fantasy of other sub-groups who share the species. Void Elves and Lightforged Draenei are the ones least able to partake of this approach given the extremely specific circumstances of their differentiation from their parent races.

    Nor am I saying that those who pick these races should expect to be treated as second class when it comes to future customization options. Should the Allied races get a customization pass, they will undoubtedly get a plethora of extra options. Where I question your logic is your expectation that they will actually get high elf like customizations at all, and whether that will actually be enough even if they did.

    In regards to the first point, the expectation that Void Elves will get high elf like skins. This is possible, as Afrasiabi did say it was possible. However, possible does not mean guaranteed or even probable. It means possible. I regard the outcome as unlikely for several reasons. Firstly, they knew what they were doing when they create Void Elves in the first place rather than give the Alliance High Elf exiles, allowing high elf like customization would go counter to what they deliberately intended in the first place. Given the importance they placed on faction differentiation, it would seem a counter-intuitive approach.
    Secondly, it would make more sense to lean into the Void fantasy represented by the void elves as they are the only race in the game with whom such a fantasy can be expressed. There is already a traditional high elf race in the game which will have long received it's customization path by the time Void Elves get a look, and I doubt they will waste the opportunity to simply do a retread on Void Elves.

    But, it is possible. Of course, as I have explained at length, even should it happen, and even if it meets your own personal expectations, the unique circumstances of Void Elves means you cannot pretend your Void Elf is a traditional high elf. It will always be a Void Elf.

  7. #13267
    Banned Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    You have to be baiting, by now. You not only have absolutely zero evidence that Kul'Tirans were added "due to player demand" and "were done in one patch" other than your delusions, but we have developer commentary AND a post from the MMO-Champion's front page posted in the same day as your "Holy Article" saying that Kul'Tirans were already planned as allied race before BfA even went live!

    There's a few names for what you're doing: being delusional, denying reality, and other less friendly terms that could get me infracted.
    Like i said, they didn't plan they do be allied race, thats why they didn't show then on blizzcon, instead, they have showed other 3. and yes im firmly believe they just became because the playerbase ask for it.

    If they did, why not put then with Zandalari from the beginning? they showed dark iron, then they replaces zandalari to go together with Kul'tirans. By 8.0 they didn't even had enough customization, to justify they would end up being an allied race like vulpera had after the playerbase reaction.

    Again, im not saying its a fact, you don't have to put your guns out and act like this is a fight and you have to destroy "your enemy", its my opinion
    Quote Originally Posted by Ignaz View Post
    You just have to see them, it's easy.
    no proofs all right.
    Read again...or not. I don't care about your lack of knowledge anymore
    says the guy who said a person can increase 2ft by their llifestyle.

    You just have to look for before / after photos of people who have lost or gained a lot of weight and see the difference in their faces. I will not do it for you.
    I don't know if you think that if you say you got over your addiction but still smoking, youy stop being addicted
    You have to study a little more that case.
    this is not a proof;

    Principles that are well established since the franchise begins; like the consequence of interacting with fel energy.
    proved false by wow encyclopedia.
    You have to work a little more with that logic of yours
    Not in this case
    p-r-o-f then

    we are talking about an imaginary long-lived population of beings that can live up to 500 years or more. Simple
    who don't have children often, therefore, their population cannot grow exponetially like other races and they will always stay behind

    its the fate of every "immortal" or long lived race, take the night elves by example, more than 10.000 years and Malfurion and tyrande don't have any children, this is common for elves, so no, their population would not grow that fast.

    Of course you don't. That's why you have to open your eyes and see that are not fanfic and headcanon. It's easy.
    there are blood elves with blue eyes, and i show you a canon proof that the only difference elves have are political, not eyes, not skin not, but political.

  8. #13268
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    no proofs all right.
    I already indicated them, you just don't want to accept them. And even if it was only a political difference, it would work just as well, just look at high mountain tauren.

    says the guy who said a person can increase 2ft by their llifestyle.
    If you do it since childhood, and if you have a good genetic inheritance, yes, it can happen. Obviously following good habits

    hahaha… Sure

    this is not a proof;
    it is. Pure logic.
    What is happening is that you don't want to accept that I'm right

    proved false by wow encyclopedia.
    Of course. Corruption by fel magic is only a lie


    p-r-o-f then
    use the forcé... of logic

    there are blood elves with blue eyes, and i show you a canon proof that the only difference elves have are political, not eyes, not skin not, but political.
    It's not just about blue eyes, and if the difference were merely political, it would still work.
    Last edited by Ignaz; 2019-11-17 at 08:38 PM.

  9. #13269
    Quote Originally Posted by Ignaz View Post

    I would prefer the nozdormu model, but it could work.
    I just saw this guy. Put a new face model and all and it would be perfect.

    Also i feel blizzard doesn't make males faces the best, that's why i see so much more female chars even with guys playing females, not just because they are sexy, but because males are not that amazing looking, i wanted this more manly faces, more thin and badass like this, i would like elves to have more this face structure/expressions:

    Or even like exactly Nozdormu's face.

    Last edited by Shakana; 2019-11-17 at 08:45 PM.

  10. #13270
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Like i said, they didn't plan they do be allied race, thats why they didn't show then on blizzcon
    Alright. If you're going to insist with your delusion, then explain this:
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
    "You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  11. #13271
    Quote Originally Posted by Shakana View Post
    I just saw this guy. Put a new face model and all and it would be perfect.

    I never liked the blood elf pose. if that one was completely upright it would be perfect

    Also i feel blizzard doesn't make males faces the best, that's why i see so much more female chars even with guys playing females, not just because they are sexy, but because males are not that amazing looking, i wanted this more manly faces, more thin and badass like this, i would like elves to have more this face structure/expressions:
    totally agree. If they put a little more effort into those details, especially in races like NE (males) would have a greater population in the game.
    on the other hand. Always in the mmo 80% of female characters are from male players O.O''

    something like this should be the VE would look great

    Or even like exactly Nozdormu's face.

    For me, it would be ideal

  12. #13272
    Quote Originally Posted by Ignaz View Post
    I never liked the blood elf pose. if that one was completely upright it would be perfect
    That's so true, they look weird as well on their postures. Male should have option on posture too. Stand straight like humans, even being elves.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ignaz View Post
    something like this should be the VE would look great
    It would look insanely amazing!

  13. #13273
    Quote Originally Posted by Shakana View Post
    That's so true, they look weird as well on their postures. Male should have option on posture too. Stand straight like humans, even being elves.
    maybe we'll see that option in future BE customizations. it would be a great addition.

    It would look insanely amazing!
    If they looked that way. I would do 1000 VE without hesitation

    If in the future they update the customization for the Allied races, they should put more options of this type. so they don't look just like purple blood elves.

  14. #13274

    maybe we'll see that option in future BE customizations. it would be a great addition.
    I'm waiting for stuff like this and many other options on belves to come true.

    If they looked that way. I would do 1000 VE without hesitation

    If in the future they update the customization for the Allied races, they should put more options of this type. so they don't look just like purple blood elves.
    They will end up giving more, because they are now focusing on the old ones.

    Old ones were miles behind with the allied races new looks. Including belves feeling so old when adding void elves.

    They are ok for now.

    But look how great and badass that design looks. It's really amazing, i'm even going to keep looking at it, so i get in love with it, so it will never be added. Lol!
    I like to dream and be masochist.

  15. #13275
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Page 700. How depressing.
    NOW? And not 699 pages ago? You've probably been here batting this around a majority of those 700 pages. Regardless of one's stance, this debate needs to die. That's why I want Blizzard to do something one way or another to end it, be it give Void Elves fair skin and hair options, or just come outright and say "you're not getting those options, High Elf fans, EVER." But they're scared to potentially alienate either side, so this debate drags on like a dying mule. Doesn't even matter what I want anymore. This thread has reached critical mass of ridiculousness some 599 pages ago.
    Last edited by Kyphael; 2019-11-18 at 01:23 AM.

  16. #13276
    Quote Originally Posted by Shakana View Post
    I'm waiting for stuff like this and many other options on belves to come true.
    Another thing I want for BE are scars like lor'themar. Totally Badass.

    They will end up giving more, because they are now focusing on the old ones.

    Old ones were miles behind with the allied races new looks. Including belves feeling so old when adding void elves.
    That's true. Well... 40 new customizations, baby. Let's see what the future holds for us

    But look how great and badass that design looks. It's really amazing, i'm even going to keep looking at it, so i get in love with it, so it will never be added. Lol!

    I like to dream and be masochist.
    Almost everyone here is. My friend

  17. #13277
    Another thing I want for BE are scars like lor'themar. Totally Badass.
    Oh boi. Don't get me started how much i thought it was badass when i saw his new updated model.

    I feel sorry for us players not being able to get models like the NPCs. They should just do it with this updates. Cmon we suffered too long.

    Me as a blood elf, would love to have a body like Windrunners. Instead of a little tiny boobies with a nice thin body. I want to look like a proper lady with some curves and round tits. - Not being dirty, just speaking normal as i can.

    When i saw Valeera's eyes, the hair not clipping through the hood, how everything is so well done... REEEEEEE!

    Even her glowing eyes. I think they are working on glowing eyes like her. They said they took off the color of blood elves female of dk to work better on the glowing. And that's just amazing. They will look much better.

    Take a look at it again, looks more realistic. And her face is so pretty! I want this face! I'm a player but i want to be an NPC because i get so jealous! Those 2 looks absolutely amazing. And even Alleria. My heart, Blizzard. Don't do this to me. I can't keep drooling over my screen, and not being able to make a character like that myself.

    Sylvanas i still prefer the old model- Sylvanas progression updated looks. She was a normal blood elf, with pale skin and red eyes. They can just copy NPCs elves customizations to characters of the players. Imagine. I can't (here comes my masochism again)

    From a Night elf, to a normal blood elf, to a NPC elves update. I can only say anything can happen on wow.
    Even high elves can have a change of heart and forgive the blood elves and join them again, or just be a neutral race, just as pandas.

    That's true. Well... 40 new customizations, baby. Let's see what the future holds for us

    Almost everyone here is. My friend
    I guess! I mean this thread is proof of that. We keep dreaming about additions.
    Last edited by Shakana; 2019-11-18 at 01:30 AM.

  18. #13278
    Quote Originally Posted by Shakana View Post
    Oh boi. Don't get me started how much i thought it was badass when i saw his new updated model.

    I feel sorry for us players not being able to get models like the NPCs. They should just do it with this updates. Cmon we suffered too long.
    I think we will end up having many NPC-like customizations. but what I think is that they will not be completely equal. I guess to leave immaculate the appearance of the protagonists of the story.

    Me as a blood elf, would love to have a body like Windrunners. Instead of a little tiny boobies with a nice thin body. I want to look like a proper lady with some curves and round tits. - Not being dirty, just speaking normal as i can.
    maybe one of those 40 customizations is body composure, like GW2

    When i saw Valeera's eyes, the hair not clipping through the hood, how everything is so well done... REEEEEEE!
    I fell in love with this model too. I always wondered why they didn't make her a model more similar to what she had in the comics or like the heroes of the storm model.

    Even her glowing eyes. I think they are working on glowing eyes like her. They said they took off the color of blood elves female of dk to work better on the glowing. And that's just amazing. They will look much better.
    yeah… I never liked those flashlight eyes. Valeera's eyes model are better.

    Take a look at it again, looks more realistic. And her face is so pretty! I want this face! I'm a player but i want to be an NPC because i get so jealous! Those 2 looks absolutely amazing. And even Alleria. My heart, Blizzard. Don't do this to me. I can't keep drooling over my screen, and not being able to make a character like that myself.
    Just one more year. we will see those new eyes.

    Sylvanas i still prefer the old model- Sylvanas progression updated looks. She was a normal blood elf, with pale skin and red eyes. They can just copy NPCs elves customizations to characters of the players. Imagine. I can't (here comes my masochism again)

    From a Night elf, to a normal blood elf, to a NPC elves update. I can only say anything can happen on wow.
    Sylvanas is Blizz's spoiled daughter. it will surely revive more visual updates in the next expansión

    Even high elves can have a change of heart and forgive the blood elves and join them again, or just be a neutral race, just as pandas.
    I don't think they make BE or HE a neutral race. I believed that in the next expansion we would see a change in the faction system, opening the opportunity for some races to become neutral (BE being the most obvious). But Blizz didn't want it that way.

    I see many ways to integrate HE as a playable race, also emphasizing the conflict between HE and BE (alliance vs horde). But most likely Blizz integrates them as a customization. for an existing race (whether or not backed by lore)
    but, hey ... it's worth dreaming


    I guess! I mean this thread is proof of that. We keep dreaming about additions.
    And asking for them

  19. #13279
    Banned Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignaz View Post
    I already indicated them, you just don't want to accept them. And even if it was only a political difference, it would work just as well, just look at high mountain tauren.
    i don't want your "indication" with no reference or canon quotes.

    Highmountain taurens and normal taurens are not different by politcs since they are in the same faction, they are different by their own characteristics that they got after thousand of years in insolation and with the bless of cenarius.

    If you do it since childhood, and if you have a good genetic inheritance, yes, it can happen. Obviously following good habits
    Sadly, elves are aleady adult, and with 2 eyars with the destruction and recover the sunwell they can do that, sadly, something its possible with kul'tians because they have generations to do so. i have to give you my congratulations cause you debunked your own argument with elves

    Of course. Corruption by fel magic is only a lie
    yes it is, the elves didn't got corrupted, they got tainted, its just a side effect, like we going to argus and we didn't get corrupted because we were around fel energies.

    use the forcé... of logic
    you can't, again

    It's not just about blue eyes, and if the difference were merely political, it would still work.
    the difference is merely political, and no that alone don't work, and thats why you have void elves

  20. #13280
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Sadly, elves are aleady adult, and with 2 eyars with the destruction and recover the sunwell they can do that, sadly, something its possible with kul'tians because they have generations to do so. i have to give you my congratulations cause you debunked your own argument with elves
    why 2 years?...2 years since?
    emmm i wasn't talking about elves.

    yes it is, the elves didn't got corrupted, they got tainted, its just a side effect, like we going to argus and we didn't get corrupted because we were around fel energies.
    well... i can't debate against blindness. Let's leave it that way, i am getting tired

    you can't, again
    I can not what?

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