1. #13281
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyphael View Post
    NOW? And not 699 pages ago? You've probably been here batting this around a majority of those 700 pages. Regardless of one's stance, this debate needs to die. That's why I want Blizzard to do something one way or another to end it, be it give Void Elves fair skin and hair options, or just come outright and say "you're not getting those options, High Elf fans, EVER." But they're scared to potentially alienate either side, so this debate drags on like a dying mule. Doesn't even matter what I want anymore. This thread has reached critical mass of ridiculousness some 599 pages ago.
    Like people who want playable high elves would accept them saying no. They finally caved after 13 years and gave us the thalassian model. It's only a matter of time before they cave even more. Even if they copied void elf eye color and gave it to blood elves, the demand would still be there. And yeah, customization may not please everyone but at least then they could be high elves who can tap into the void without the physical change.
    Last edited by delus; 2019-11-18 at 04:27 AM.

  2. #13282
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Page 700. How depressing.
    Is it? What about being the #2 contributor that's led to this point.
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    But, it is possible. Of course, as I have explained at length, even should it happen, and even if it meets your own personal expectations, the unique circumstances of Void Elves means you cannot pretend your Void Elf is a traditional high elf. It will always be a Void Elf.
    The bold is all that matters. This is all that matters for those who are excited to finally get Wildhammer Dwarves, or pick w/e human ethnicity, or be w/e kind of troll, or a non-bony undead.

    No one's gonna care that they have stoneform and are experts in archaeology, or that Stormwind was originally based on europeans, or that darkspears are jungle trolls, or that they're not decomposing.

    And if the rumor about dark skin Blood Elves is true too, not going to care what the reason was for having fair skin in the first place.

  3. #13283
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shakana View Post
    When i saw Valeera's eyes, the hair not clipping through the hood, how everything is so well done... REEEEEEE!
    I believe the reason Valeera's hair doesn't clip through her hood is because her hair and her hood (as well as her head) is one single 'entity', unlike it is for us, players, where 'head', 'hair' and 'helm' are three separate 'entities' on their own, which is what causes all the clipping.
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  4. #13284
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Secondly, it would make more sense to lean into the Void fantasy represented by the void elves as they are the only race in the game with whom such a fantasy can be expressed. There is already a traditional high elf race in the game which will have long received it's customization path by the time Void Elves get a look, and I doubt they will waste the opportunity to simply do a retread on Void Elves.
    I believe what we see with these increased customizations is a huge basis of options coming from player feedback.

    Now you can make a human that looks just like you, it goes without saying people of different ethnicities always wished to be represented.
    Now you can make a Wildhammer Dwarf, something always requested.
    Now you can have non-bone Undead, another major request.
    Now you can be various different kinds of troll tribes, another frequent request.

    All of what was shown, was based on the large majority of player feedback.

    We know without a doubt that the Void Elf model is popular not because of "Void" thematic, because we've already had that convo and others have come in here to say they've made one because it's the closest to a High Elf on Alliance or that they don't like bulky males on Alliance or they finally get to be an Elf Warlock -> basically more reasons for being a Void Elf other than "cuz I absolutely love the Void theme". Lots play Void Elves because it's the Thalassian model come to Alliance, simply painted blue/purple.

    And we also know that the most frequent request concerning Void Elves customization options has been to bring some High Elf skins onto them or make them look more like Alleria. Some even going as far as to suggest being like a regular high elf out of combat and going void in combat akin to Worgen.

    Taking all this in, and seeing that the new customization options are bringing in player based feedback of diversity, this is why it's logical to expect the same for the Allied Races. Or else yes indeed you will have people feeling like second class, why?

    Because the increased diversity of options coming to original races are not sticking to their status quo, it is in fact doing the opposite and shaking it up.

  5. #13285
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    First, I'm quoting my own post here, to remind you that this is something that challenges your delusion:
    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    Alright. If you're going to insist with your delusion, then explain this:
    But now I've also found another little gem that further destroys your claims. You can click on either image, above or below, to see the originals:

    On top of that, watch this Battle for Azeroth Q&A video. The question starts at 4:20, asking about Allied Races. Ion mentions the Dark Iron dwarves, then mentions the Mag'har orcs, and explains how 'mag'har' simply means 'uncorrupted' in orcish, and not the pox survivors from Outland... and then, at almost the 5:00 mark, Ion mentions two more allied races: the Zandalari, and the Kul'Tirans. In the next few days, the Kul'Tiran druid forms were datamined.

    Are you ready to admit you are wrong?
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
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    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  6. #13286
    Mechagnomes are the ancestor to gnomes from before the curse of flesh. You can see them running around in Ulduar, along with mecha-earthen and mecha-vrykul.

    Junker gnomes are more recent gnomes that have began to use mechanical enhancements.

    They actually have a distinct appearance and lore, which High/Blood elves do not. And the fel green eyes of the blood elves is not cannon.

  7. #13287
    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    I believe the reason Valeera's hair doesn't clip through her hood is because her hair and her hood (as well as her head) is one single 'entity', unlike it is for us, players, where 'head', 'hair' and 'helm' are three separate 'entities' on their own, which is what causes all the clipping.
    Exactly. While us players have many mogs that don't fit good even when we enjoy some. Those NPC's are worked in detail.

  8. #13288
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lafante87 View Post
    Mechagnomes are the ancestor to gnomes from before the curse of flesh. You can see them running around in Ulduar, along with mecha-earthen and mecha-vrykul.

    Junker gnomes are more recent gnomes that have began to use mechanical enhancements.

    They actually have a distinct appearance and lore, which High/Blood elves do not. And the fel green eyes of the blood elves is not cannon.
    Um... excuse me? Do you have a source for that claim?
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
    "You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  9. #13289
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post
    Is it? What about being the #2 contributor that's led to this point.
    Meaningless, as this argument primarily exists as those who want this refuse to accept they've been answered. As shown by the number one contributor being a pro High Elfer, yourself. The moment it is accepted you've been answered and this topic is let go is the moment it will end. So far High Elves have been ruled out on several occasions and on several other occasions they've affirmed the importance of diverse, exclusive factions. They did that three or four times two weeks ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post
    The bold is all that matters. This is all that matters for those who are excited to finally get Wildhammer Dwarves, or pick w/e human ethnicity, or be w/e kind of troll, or a non-bony undead.

    No one's gonna care that they have stoneform and are experts in archaeology, or that Stormwind was originally based on europeans, or that darkspears are jungle trolls, or that they're not decomposing.

    And if the rumor about dark skin Blood Elves is true too, not going to care what the reason was for having fair skin in the first place.
    Leaving aside the debate over whether Void Elves will actually get high elf like customizations, this idea that it exists within the mind of the individual is patently flawed.

    After all, why not do it now? What is stopping you from pretending, right now, that the Void Elf you play is a Silver Covenant High Elf? According to you, the lore origin of the Void Elves doesn't matter, the void based racials (including one that turns on void form entirely randomly), the void based voice, the void themed flirts and emotes don't matter and they are going to be same no matter what customizations Void Elves receive in future. So something IS stopping you now and it is something you believe matters, and it's the skin tone. For a group determined to argue that this is about lore it always for some reason seems to keep coming back to those fair skin tones for some reason.

    Besides, I said before and I will say it again, the core reasons have a lot more latitude when it comes to representing sub-groups. All someone has to say for me to buy it is that they've a Wildhammer mother and a Bronzebeard father, and the apparent contradiction between the racials and the aesthetic is instantly resolved. Same for the Trolls, any Troll RP'er can write a tale of forbidden love between their darkspear parent and that forest or jungle troll paramour...or talk about the time they were stuck in Nazmir for years and had to blend in with the Blood Trolls to survive, and adopted the markings afterward. There is so much narrative room for these guys to explain why they are the way that they are. These even helps the vast majority of players, those who don't care, as there is a believable narrative underpinning these new options.

    Void Elves CANNOT do that. Like Lightforged Draenei, they are the product of a discrete event that changed them. We know exactly where they came from. They cannot pretend to be anything other than a Void Elf. Sure, you might think that it is the perogative of the individual to decide what their character is, but each individual set the bounds on their character on the character creation screen. No Void Elf can ever pretend to be anything other than what they are, a Void Elf and anyone who tries, likely to be some of the more lore-invested people in the game, are going to have their 'fantasy' continually ruined by the constant reminder that they are in fact a Void Elf.

    What you propose isn't going to work.

  10. #13290
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignaz View Post
    well... i can't debate against blindness. Let's leave it that way, i am getting tired
    you can't debate against lore fact, thats it. Because its stated their only difference is politcal

    I can not what?
    prove anything you said

  11. #13291
    Lmao "I've been posting here non-stop daily that I don't like playable high elves for 2 years because I want to prove you wrong"

    Dear lord someone get him some help.

    High elves are already alliance, I welcome them as a playable race =)
    Last edited by Grythletubs; 2019-11-18 at 07:02 PM.

  12. #13292
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    you can't debate against lore fact, thats it. Because its stated their only difference is politcal

    prove anything you said
    whatever you say, dude

  13. #13293
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Meaningless, as this argument primarily exists as those who want this refuse to accept they've been answered. As shown by the number one contributor being a pro High Elfer, yourself. The moment it is accepted you've been answered and this topic is let go is the moment it will end. So far High Elves have been ruled out on several occasions and on several other occasions they've affirmed the importance of diverse, exclusive factions. They did that three or four times two weeks ago.
    There's a difference between someone contributing to make something be added to the game vs someone who constantly just looks for new ways to say "no" yet can't stay away from the conversation because what they actually want is a thread like this to die out.

    See the thing is, whatever you're referring to as "refuse to accept what has been answered" isn't true at all. Otherwise mods would close this thread, just like if someone made a thread with any more shadowlands leaks it would get shut down because we know what entails the shadowlands and it's not anything like Sylvanas taking over Stormwind.

    There's a difference between the two, and the developers haven't outright denied High Elves in some form happening on Alliance the way they deny those flying enthusiasts that wish to fly at the beginning of expansions and don't want Pathfinder.
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Leaving aside the debate over whether Void Elves will actually get high elf like customizations, this idea that it exists within the mind of the individual is patently flawed.

    After all, why not do it now? What is stopping you from pretending, right now, that the Void Elf you play is a Silver Covenant High Elf? According to you, the lore origin of the Void Elves doesn't matter, the void based racials (including one that turns on void form entirely randomly), the void based voice, the void themed flirts and emotes don't matter and they are going to be same no matter what customizations Void Elves receive in future. So something IS stopping you now and it is something you believe matters, and it's the skin tone. For a group determined to argue that this is about lore it always for some reason seems to keep coming back to those fair skin tones for some reason.

    SNIPPED lengthy example

    What you propose isn't going to work.
    As I said, because more people care about the aesthetics being there. As evidenced by the reveal of the new customizations coming to races and people aren't in an uproar over "omg we're not getting Wildhammer as an Allied Race " nor are people complaining that their desert looking troll comes from the jungle and will almost assuredly always be referenced as "we Darkspear" whenever their troll overlords speak to them. Almost no one (because I know there's always 1 person who will do anything possible) is going on a forum tirade that these new troll tribes aren't going to have specific racials or jokes or voice sounds because those things are vastly more minor than the aesthetic the model itself carries.

    This is why I said before that we didn't have a huge uproar over Mag'har being from WoD vs Outland. Did it have some complainers? Yes, but nothing like how much shit Void Elves get nor how much people complain about Nightborne not looking like their NPC models for the playable model.

    See everyone makes a little make-believe whenever they play their character, but there are certain features that are obviously more in your face than others. A Blood Elf getting blue eyes/hair will probably have people assuming it's a DK (just as current status quo), but a Blood Elf with dark brown skin is going to shatter any illusion about being a "fair-skinned elf" despite being described as such by Ion.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And with that new look of dark brown skin for a Blood Elf, it will enable people to RP however they wish to explain the new look, that is my point of differentiation.

    The look enables the broader RP, the other way around as you’re trying to claim isn’t broad. Your way serves to explain the current status quo.

    But all the new looks coming are serving to shake up the status quo, this has been my point the entire time and why I find your reasoning faulty.

    As the overall customizations coming shake up the status quo (no more having undead that will have armor broken at certain parts to expose bones, having different ethnicities of humans, having different troll tribes rather than just a specific kind of jungle troll tribe, having different dwarf clans rather than just one).

    Now you can always hearken back to believing “they will only do this with original races and not Allied Races” but it would just have me repeat my ‘being treated as second class’ commentary.

    Not just that, but they haven’t mentioned any inkling of not shaking up the status quo for Allied Races. Ironically the only statement we’ve had regarding customization for an Allied Race was that it is possible they could get customization shaking up their status quo (Afrasiabi’s comment on possibility of High Elf skins coming to Void Elves). No mention though of your argument, “they will bring customization to these Allied Races that will reinforce their status quo looks.”
    Last edited by FlubberPuddy; 2019-11-19 at 08:24 AM.

  14. #13294
    I do believe that Allied races will get additional customization, but uncorrupted skin options for Void Elves come with these faction issues they keep bringing up. There may be a few high elves on the Alliance, but as long as Blizzard maintains the positions that playable races should be exclusive to their respective factions and that Blood Elves are not corrupted significantly by definition, I don't see why they would make that exception. High elves may have been requested for a very long time, but they're also the Horde's most popular race. If there is one race that would threaten faction balance, it is surely the most popular one. After all, that was why the Horde got high elves in the first place.

    I don't mind ideas like half elf customizations for humans, or some options for night elf highborne who never left Kalimdor, for some examples. Those options would be supported by a unique position in the story to make them appear visually more similar to a high elf, without being identical to a Blood Elves. Uncorrupted Void Elves, however, are literally just Blood Elves on the Alliance that can't be paladins or demon hunters. In my opinion, we already have an uncorrupted high elf race, and I don't think the factions should be used as an excuse for duplicating races or for splitting the customization options a race has available into multiple otherwise identical races. Highmountain tauren and lightforged draenei are both unreasonably shallow as races, and I don't think that's the right direction for the game. Antlers or shiny tattoos should not cost $25 for a race change, let alone putting them on the opposite faction, like some suggest as a way to make high elves different from Blood Elves.

    It's not even an issue of "Why should the Horde share?" it's an issue of "Why should the game have fewer overall options and factions that are less distinct?" I'd like to see people get some options that they feel comfortable rping high elves with, but copying Blood Elves over to the Alliance is not a good option, and neither is re-imagining the high elf model or customization options to arbitrarily make them physically different from Blood Elves. However, I know that many people in this thread are not willing to accept anything other than an "Alliance high elf," so I don't know how Blizzard could give those people what they want without sacrificing something that they consider more important.

    TLDR: faction balance and exclusivity are important to WoW, at least for the devs' vision of the game, and it is more interesting to have distinct races with greater depth and breadth of customization options than a higher number of very similar races with fewer options for customization.

  15. #13295
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    With the way they’re implementing the new increased diversity of customization options I don’t see how they’re not “having distinct races with greater depth and breadth of customization options.”

    The way they’re actually implementing these customizations that it’s likely we will get more unique races added in the future whereas the existing races will become more unique through their added extra customizations.

    Faction identity is important and that means also honoring the identity of the races that are in each faction. This includes the High Elves which are still part of the Alliance since WoW Vanilla.

    As somebody likes to remind everyone here, Void Elves even with High Elf customization would still have Void facials/voices/jokes etc and no access to a couple or so classes exclusive to Blood Elves (Paladins/Demonhunters).

    Also I think it’s weird to talk about having unique options when the game itself have 3 different kinds of blue/purple Elves yet seemingly adding another fair skinned option of a related Thalassian seems to be the straw that breaks the camels back, that doesn’t make sense.

    It seems like people are arguing that simply a fair skin thalassian should not be on Alliance despite the differences it would have akin to how Night Elves and Nightborne are both purple elves yet with different looks and animations and classes and racials.

    Let’s recap:

    1) The way they’re introducing new customizations is actually saving them from “taking up race slots” so someone saying High Elves would get in the way of another unique race has a defunct argument.

    Ex: Wildhammer dwarves being added to Bronzebeards saves the race slot of having a Wildhammer on Alliance.

    2) A Void Elf with High Elf customization doesn’t suddenly become a Blood Elf who can cast Arcane Torrent, be a Paladin, and ride around on Kodos and shit and go “FOR THE HORDE!”.

    3) High Elves exist on the Alliance. Even Ion didn’t try to argue that they do not. Whether one considers them minor or major is a different issue. Chances are an Alliance player will always run into a High Elf on their faction at some point. Doubly so with the revamped portal room showcasing 3 High Elves there.

    High Elves are unique in the sense that no other unplayable race is utilized to the degree that High Elves are for the Alliance. They tend to pop up with almost every expansion save for WoD with newer NPCs added here and there.

    For a race that’s supposed to be in severe decline that’s not being represented as such.


    But yeah that’s my spiel on it. And trying to say “if they look like Blood Elves they’ve become Blood Elves!” is frankly stupid as I point out that they would not carry the racials and class options of Blood Elves. It is not “making a duplicate race” in any sense.

    Just like people are not going around saying, “omg so Blizzard added tattoos to dwarves this makes them just like the Dark Iron with tattoos I can’t believe we lost getting a unique race for this!?” Get your head into the game and be realistic and not hyperbolic.
    Last edited by FlubberPuddy; 2019-11-19 at 01:42 PM.

  16. #13296
    Quote Originally Posted by protip View Post
    I do believe that Allied races will get additional customization, but uncorrupted skin options for Void Elves come with these faction issues they keep bringing up.
    There will probably be some elements (like darker eyelines) which still remind others that you are playing a Void elf. Besides their racial proc basically gives them Shadowform so in combat it'd be very difficult to mistake them for Blood elves.

  17. #13297
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post
    2) A Void Elf with High Elf customization doesn’t suddenly become a Blood Elf who can cast Arcane Torrent, be a Paladin, and ride around on Kodos and shit and go “FOR THE HORDE!”.
    If high elf skins come to the void elves, I can only wish that we also get some voice lines that reflect their high elf culture (jokes, flirt, etc), but that's me, and I know it'd likely never happen.
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  18. #13298
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    If high elf skins come to the void elves, I can only wish that we also get some voice lines that reflect their high elf culture (jokes, flirt, etc), but that's me, and I know it'd likely never happen.
    And I prefer a fully-fledged High Elf Allied Race, but yeah. What we have currently is clearly not enough (as this request exploded once VE released - as in playable), so hoping to get more High Elf fantasy on Alliance than what's currently there.

  19. #13299
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post
    And I prefer a fully-fledged High Elf Allied Race, but yeah.
    Same here. I would have much preferred to have an actual high elf race. I'd have been willing to accept Void Elves as the 'compromise' if Umbric and his group were high elf magisters from Dalaran, though, and not blood elves.

    What we have currently is clearly not enough (as this request exploded once VE released - as in playable), so hoping to get more High Elf fantasy on Alliance than what's currently there.
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
    "You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  20. #13300
    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post
    With the way they’re implementing the new increased diversity of customization options I don’t see how they’re not “having distinct races with greater depth and breadth of customization options.”

    The way they’re actually implementing these customizations that it’s likely we will get more unique races added in the future whereas the existing races will become more unique through their added extra customizations.

    Faction identity is important and that means also honoring the identity of the races that are in each faction. This includes the High Elves which are still part of the Alliance since WoW Vanilla.

    As somebody likes to remind everyone here, Void Elves even with High Elf customization would still have Void facials/voices/jokes etc and no access to a couple or so classes exclusive to Blood Elves (Paladins/Demonhunters).

    Also I think it’s weird to talk about having unique options when the game itself have 3 different kinds of blue/purple Elves yet seemingly adding another fair skinned option of a related Thalassian seems to be the straw that breaks the camels back, that doesn’t make sense.

    It seems like people are arguing that simply a fair skin thalassian should not be on Alliance despite the differences it would have akin to how Night Elves and Nightborne are both purple elves yet with different looks and animations and classes and racials.

    Let’s recap:

    1) The way they’re introducing new customizations is actually saving them from “taking up race slots” so someone saying High Elves would get in the way of another unique race has a defunct argument.

    Ex: Wildhammer dwarves being added to Bronzebeards saves the race slot of having a Wildhammer on Alliance.

    2) A Void Elf with High Elf customization doesn’t suddenly become a Blood Elf who can cast Arcane Torrent, be a Paladin, and ride around on Kodos and shit and go “FOR THE HORDE!”.

    3) High Elves exist on the Alliance. Even Ion didn’t try to argue that they do not. Whether one considers them minor or major is a different issue. Chances are an Alliance player will always run into a High Elf on their faction at some point. Doubly so with the revamped portal room showcasing 3 High Elves there.

    High Elves are unique in the sense that no other unplayable race is utilized to the degree that High Elves are for the Alliance. They tend to pop up with almost every expansion save for WoD with newer NPCs added here and there.

    For a race that’s supposed to be in severe decline that’s not being represented as such.


    But yeah that’s my spiel on it. And trying to say “if they look like Blood Elves they’ve become Blood Elves!” is frankly stupid as I point out that they would not carry the racials and class options of Blood Elves. It is not “making a duplicate race” in any sense.

    Just like people are not going around saying, “omg so Blizzard added tattoos to dwarves this makes them just like the Dark Iron with tattoos I can’t believe we lost getting a unique race for this!?” Get your head into the game and be realistic and not hyperbolic.
    I don't think I'm being hyperbolic, and I haven't tried to make any of the arguments that you present. I simply view the issue as a situation where the faction system has taken priority over one specific request from a certain group of players. There are compromises that are possible by offering similar but ultimately different sources for blonde haired and pale skinned elves that have a longer or more exclusive history to base a distinct model on, and I would hope that would allow people to rp whatever they want to rp. I just don't think that reconceptualizing Blood Elves and Alliance high elves into visually distinct models does justice to their story, and I don't believe that Blizzard has any intention of introducing new races that are visually identical to existing ones.

    The idea that Void Elves were the straw that broke the camel's back just doesn't make sense to me. Blizzard just reiterated that they view the faction system as a pillar of the Warcraft franchise. I don't even necessarily agree that that's the best direction for the game, but they've been pretty clear about their intentions on the topic. To be honest, I'd rather see cross faction play possible in some capacity, reasonably allowing blue eyed Blood Elves to be playable as Alliance characters and a scaling back of the faction system. To me, that is much better than having slightly different flavors of the same race separated by expensive race change fees. My concern is not for limiting what is available to the Alliance or the Horde, it is for increasing the total number of options, particularly those available to each race option through the barber shop. Since Blizzard also shot down the cross faction idea at this year's Blizzcon, so I maintain that the best option for both high elf fans and the game as a whole would be something like half elves or night elf highborne, to allow for similar features with a model that is not based on a Blood Elf.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tenebra the War Criminal View Post
    There will probably be some elements (like darker eyelines) which still remind others that you are playing a Void elf. Besides their racial proc basically gives them Shadowform so in combat it'd be very difficult to mistake them for Blood elves.
    Yeah, I agree that that's a possibility. I'm not sure how far they'd go in that direction, but anything showing some sign of corruption is probably on the table. That said, I think any developments in that direction will be limited on the basis that it will make them appear more like Blood Elves, rather than pushing the fantasy in the direction that makes Void Elves unlike any other race.

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